Somewhere in the Kithacor forest, after dusk, between the Barrows and Brighthaven with Villager Bob, Abraxes, and three orc
prisoners (and a partridge in a pear tree......)
Toryn: Toryn motions to Aikira to come with him out of the orcs and Abraxes hearing
Kenny (Ro): cry baby orc still depressed?
Aikira follows toryn
Evil GM: Starting to wear off..
Evil GM: Still have about an hour left on the spell
Kenny (Ro): is he reacting violently?
Evil GM: Not yet.
Toryn: " Let's do the same thing we did before with the captives - the " good knight , bad knight " interrogation
technique... That is you scare the living hell out of the captives (without actually killing them) ... I try to be the captive's
friend, warning the captive that you're going to kill the captive if he doesn't cooperate - you play the role of the bad guy,
I play the role of the good guy ... "
Ro sits down next to the crying orc comforting him while listening to stories of his mom
Toryn: (Toryn tells Aikira)
-> ro: make sure the conversation goes through whispers unless you're actively trying to speak common to him
Aikira: I can always try to play the bad guy, let's give it a shot
Rand starts some meditation, but keeps an eye on the captives
Toryn: " Good ! Let's start then - perhaps you can terrify one of the orcs that Ro isn't talking to? "
Aikira: I'm on it
Aikira walks over to the nearest orc
erus (Aikira): do they speak common?
Evil GM shrugs
Evil GM: have you asked them??
Aikira stands next to the orc and kicks him (not too hard) against his legs
An Orc grunts
Aikira: do you speak common?!
Evil GM: Give me an Int roll
An Orc starts grunting in a harsh, barking sounding language
Ro: do ihear what he says?
-> ro: listen roll
Aikira: TORYN, this isn't going to work
-> ro: Yup. He's prattling on about how dark elves are all horse asses.
Ro bursts out in loud laughter
Aikira: or maybe, I'll just have to kick some common language into them
Ro stands up and walks over to aikira
Aikira looks angry at the orcs
-> ro: he looks over at you and calls you a useless traitor, your mother should have killed and eaten such an ugly
creature at birth
An Orc looks directly at ro and shouts something at her.
Ro stops walking over and glares at the orc
Ro: can i reply in orcish?
-> ro: of course
An Orc spits at Ro
Ro answers the orc with a soft voice
Ro: atleast i will see the sun rise again fool
Aikira walks over the the orc that spit at ro
Rand looks up and glares at the spitting orc
Aikira: maybe we should set another example what happens when they not cooperate
Ro: izz ok
Tala raises her bow at the orc, but does nothing else
Rand readies some of his feeling the energy flow through him, ready to cast "Strike" at any moment.
Ro tries to make clear to everyone that everything is ok
Aikira smacks the orc in the face with the flat of his hand
Rand readies some of his magical energy, feeling the energy flow through him, ready to cast "Strike" at any
Vincent (Rand): had to redo, half was missing
An Orc grunts and spits at Aikira
Ro: hee no ewil!
Ro: he juzz orc!
Ro tries to push Aikira away
Rand doesn't let go of the magical energy, eventhough Ro says all is fine
Toryn (Toryn): Toryn detects evil, evil GM
Petra (An Orc): on the orc?
Aikira turns on red, he pushes ro aside and kicks the orc in the stomach with all he's got
Ro: can i kick Aikira's feet from under him?
Evil GM: Give me a strength roll aikira
-> ro: you can try
Aikira shouts
Evil GM: Give me 1d4 damage
Aikira: they're animals, not worthy of our time, we should kill them right now
An Orc passes out
Toryn (Toryn): while all this is going on evil GM what results does Toryn get on Detect Evil?
-> ro: if you want to trip him give me a melee attack..d20 and your base attack bonus + str bonus
Aikira turns to ro and shouts, you'll beter get them talking or I'll slay them all!
Ro glares threatheningly at Aikira yelling at him ,' ME ORC TOO!'
Petra (An Orc): you detect evil, there are many evil auras, they're abraxes and the orcs
Kenny (Ro): only on the useless moments... only then ...
Rand: "Aikira, you may want to tone your "bad knight" thing a bit down... the Orcs are going to the town
for trial
Toryn: Toryn lays a hand on Ro's arm and says softly pointing at the orcs " Bad - not good like you "
Ro attempts to trip Aikira in a fit of rage, but only succeeds in barely kicking Aikira's shin
Ro: not baad, juzz orc!
Aikira: TRIAL?!...
Evil GM: One orc passed out, one still depressed, and one still tied up
Ro: me tak tem
Aikira: what was that!
Rand: Yes... the townsmen deserve the right to trial them for what they did.
Toryn: Toryn motions Aikira aside again out of the orc's and Abraxes hearing
Ro sits down at the orc that is unconscious trying to see if she can do anything for him
Aikira looks angry at ro he makes a hitting gesture at her
Ro: gonna make a spot check on that
Aikira: you better tone that little orc down, or else I will!
-> ro: kk
Aikira says to rand and toryn
Rand glares at Aikira
Ro sees Aikira make the hitting movement and grins evilly while starting to sing some notes before she stops her song
-> ro: oh yea, you see it
Aikira walks up to toryn
Toryn: " Surely a fierce warrior like yourself would find no sport in killing a defenseless captive " soothes
Toryn as he speaks to Aikira ... " There's no honor in it, no challenge ...
Aikira grumbles
Ro calls for Rand to see if he can help the orc
Aikira: better get a move on toryn, what do you want to find out exactly
Toryn: " but we don't want to let them know that " continues Toryn glancing at the orcs " We want them
thinking you're going to kill them ?
Rand walks up to Ro
Rand: What do you want me to do?
Evil GM: Everyone give me listen rolls
Toryn: " What they were doing in those caves in the first place"
Ro: he ded?
Rand checks the unconcious Orc for a pulse
Toryn and Aikira hear a screeching howl in the distance...
Rand: He still has a pulse, i guess he got the wind knocked out of him
Ro tries to explain to Rand the Orcs are not evil
Aikira: did anyone else hear that?!
Ro: heee no ewil! je juzz orc!
Toryn: " Something howling in the distance, could be trouble " interrupts Toryn glancing in the direction of
the howl
Aikira: what could make such a howl?
Rand: I don't agree, Orcs are selfish and quickly angred. But then again, you are proof of the fact that Orcs can be good
Toryn: " Perhaps we should just march these orcs back to town - I can continue the interrogation on the way "
Tala: It's getting darker...I suggest that you guys interrogate the orcs while we move to brighthaven. I don't want any
of the creatures that come out in this forest at night to catch me.
Ro points at Aikira saying ,' he noo orc. he badder'
Toryn: " And Rand , the members of my order are gifted with a certain ability to peer into the souls of living creatures
- I see evil in the orc's hearts, and Abraxes - not all orcs are good and not all orcs are evil "
Rand agrees with Tala
Toryn: " Tala's right, let's get moving " suggests Toryn - " We need to slap the unconscious orc awake
Toryn: Toryn proceeds to do just that
Rand: I agree Toryn, which is what i said to Ro... i have a feeling she understood me if that sounds strange...
Aikira smiles
An Orc wakes up, coughing and wheezing
Aikira: want me to wake him up?
Ro scowls at Aikira
Toryn: " Like I said earlier her Common is getting better - your efforts to tutor him are obviously paying off "
Toryn smiles at Rand then says to Aikira " Yes please do wake him up, Aikira style "
Aikira: pleasure
Rand: I haven't tutored her at all since we went into the cave....
Toryn: Toryn turns to Ro and says softly " Orcs hold Ro in cage ... remember? We free you from orcs ? "
Aikira walks over to the orc, stands over him and starts to slap him in the face
An Orc wakes up, coughing and wheezing
Aikira: better wake up you filthy orc, cause I can keep doing this all day!
Rand: Toryn... Try normal sentences, i think Ro has done something that allows her to understand... am i right Ro ?
Aikira spits at the orc
Toryn: " Really ? " says Toryn surprised... " Some magical item or some enchantment she can cast you mean?
Ro: Toyn no undestaand' Ro says while nodding at Toryn
An Orc struggles in it's bonds, trying to get at Aikira
Ro walks over to the orc trying to calm it down
Toryn: " Let's move while we talk " says Toryn glancing in the direction of the howl again
An Orc breaks it's bonds and lunges at Aikira
Ro: please calm down, i will try to save you. Just give me time.
erus (Aikira): does aikira notices this?
-> ro: diplomacy
Toryn: " Damn - don't kill him ! " shouts Toryn drawing his sword
Petra (An Orc): yup, he notices it
An Orc: Roll initiative everyone
Rand: Ro, i think Toryn starts to understand that you did something or that you received a blessing from your god, if
that is what happened
-> ro: it doesn't even listen
Aikira draws his sword
Toryn (Toryn): that's like a -10 initiative roll with plus 4 modifier for a total of -6 for Toryn :P
Aikira: now you've done it
Ro: can i try to sing it depressed before combat? or only on my turn?
Tala: Order is Ro, NPC, Rand, Tala, Aikira and last but not least....Toryn
Ro: song is a free action?
-> ro: yes...second
erus (Aikira): is there a map for this or not?
Evil GM: naw
-> ro: sing
Ro starts to sing in reaction to the orc breaking his bonds
Evil GM: You guys are pretty much surrounding the orc on the path
An Orc calms down and starts crying
Ro runs over to the orc and pushes him away from Aikira
Tala keeps her bow ready, incase the last orc tries anything
Tala: Lets get moving!
Rand: See Ro, not all Orcs are nice. This one is aggressive and without you we would have to kill it
Ro starts mumbling in Orcish to the orc that broke lose and takes his hand in her otherhand
Aikira looks at the orc
Ro sticks out her tongue at Aikira
An Orc keeps crying but follows Ro like a little puppy dog
Aikira loses it
Rand starts pushing his Orc along again
Aikira: I'll kill 'm all he shouts
Ro: noooo! TOOOYYYYYN!
Toryn (Toryn): okay I'll assume the actions went as follows
Vincent (Rand): I think Toryn is doing something with or to his kids
Aikira: he runs up to the orc and swings his sword at him
Toryn (Toryn): Ro talks to orc
Toryn (Toryn): orc just stands there
Toryn (Toryn): Rand pushes orc along
Toryn (Toryn): Tala readies her bow
Toryn (Toryn): Aikira attacks
Vincent (Rand): something like that
Ro: can i use my free-action on Aikira?
-> ro: hold on
Toryn: Toryn swings with the flat of his blade shouting " Aikira he's unarmed , not a worthy opponent - knock him
out of you like but don't kill him !"
Evil GM: Ok...Aikira...are you going to attack the orcs?
Aikira: hell yeah
Evil GM: action is Rand's then
Kenny (Ro): well i got an orc on both sides of me holding both orcs hand
-> ro: next round
Rand yells at Aikira NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO
Toryn (Toryn): I'm guessing Aikira is going for the aggressive orc who broke free?
Kenny (Ro): he's crying now
Kenny (Ro): he isn't aggressive anymore
Aikira is acting like a madman, shouting things at the orc, and runs up to the orc and swings his katana at him
Evil GM: Subdual damage or going for the kill?
erus (Aikira): his going for the kill
Evil GM: Give me an attack roll
Evil GM: You hit, give me damage
Ro yells noooooooooooo u cowad!
An Orc falls down dead
Toryn (Toryn): okay what's the scene? The orc that broke out of his bonds is dead, other two orcs and Abraxes are helpless?
Kenny (Ro): all orcs were helpless
Kenny (Ro): one is still bound up. 2 are crying (1 crying dead now)
Evil GM: The orc got pissed, broke out of his bonds. Ro managed to subdue him but comments made Aikira mad and he went
for the kill. Rand screams nooooo...Tala was readying her bow, Aikira kills the orc...
Aikira shouts in bloodthurst
Toryn: Toryn steps in front of Aikira saying in a soothing voice " Aikira there's no need for this - they're helpless
- would a brave and noble warrior kill unarmed opponents?"
Toryn: " You're better than this - save your energy for a more dangerous foe, someone who's worthy of your talents
Evil GM: Toryn, give me a diplomacy roll
Toryn (Toryn): didn't think that worked on PC's but okay :P
Ro: Ro hisses at Aikira from behind Toryn,' he not bwave an nobbe! he cowad!
Evil GM: Aikira, give me either a diplomacy roll or will save...whichever is higher.
erus (Aikira): will save
-> aikira: you're not buying it
Ro: can i use mage hand to try to strangle him from a distance?
Aikira looks like he has lost his mind, he stands before toryn, hissing and spits his words out
Aikira: better get out of my way knight
Toryn: Toryn shakes his head and says gently " You'll have to kill me first - and you should know that I wouldn't
put up a fight"
Toryn: " You're better than this Aikira "
-> ro: actually, strike can only propel objects. Not strangle
Aikira: I wont fight you
Aikira grabs toryn by the throat to push him aside
Toryn: " Then please... put your sword away.... as a favor to me .... "
Rand steps in front of Aikira glaring at him, pushing him in the chest with all his strength (pfff)
Toryn (Toryn): ack! Okay sounds like a subdual attack
Toryn (Toryn): okay guys let's wait for the GM to declare when we can act, act in order of initiative eh?
Evil GM: Aikira...make a strength roll
erus (Aikira): duuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuude
Kenny (Ro): Aikira ends up hanging 30 feet above the ground in a tree upside down ... :P
Rand manages to shove in the middle of Aikira and Toryn, pushing him to the ground with a surprising burst of strength
Vincent (Rand): LOL... little cleric pushes big warrior, sending him crashing into the trees behind him
erus (Aikira): typical :)
Rand walks up to Aikira and stands on his chest yelling at him
Evil GM: Toryn, are you going to do anything else??
Rand: Stupid Dark Elf.... Not Evil... Hold your calm.... the rest pretty much sounds like a rambling madman
erus (Aikira): is aikira stunned by the push?
Toryn: " Everyone, let's get back to town " shouts Toryn " Have you forgotten that growl I heard ? We could
be attacked any minute ! Aikira, we can settle this later ! "
Evil GM: Yes
Toryn (Toryn): yes Toryn's done for this round
-> ro: are you going to sing him into depression?
Toryn (Toryn): actually Toryn grabs the captive's ropes and starts pulling them along the path
Toryn (Toryn): now I'm done :P
Ro: yes
-> ro: do it
Evil GM: Aikira...will save
Ro spits at Aikira saying ,' u pay foo thees' and starts to sing
Rand glares some more at Aikira before stepping off his chest and walking after Toryn
As ro starts to sing....
erus (Aikira): my d1 is working fine
-> aikira: you start feeling really, really depressed
Kenny (Ro): lol
Vincent (Rand): Yeah
Toryn (Toryn): lol
Aikira sighs and sheathens his sword, looking at the ground
Tala: What is it with you guys? I'm not standing around as ghoul bait!
Tala pushes past everyone and starts down the trail
Toryn (Toryn): so Toryn's heading down the path with the captives, Tala follows - what's everyone else doing?
Ro shrugs at Aikira saying 'cowad'
Evil GM: You've got two depressed orcs and Abraxes with you
Aikira looks up at ro and then back at the ground, not saying a word
Ro: can i tell the orc who's hand i'm holding to run off?
-> ro: sure
Toryn: Toryn looks behind him " In the name of the Lightbringer everyone else come on ! I don't want to see any of
you killed by more ghouls like the ones we just fought - I would grieve for you ! "
Ro mulbes something into the orc, who's hand she still is holdings ear.
An Orc looks at Ro with big orcish eyes
Rand follows Toryn, directly behind the captives, keeping an eye on them
Aikira drags himself behind the group
Ro: we are headed towards the human village. Humans are bad to orcs
Tala looks back over her shoulder at the group
An Orc grunts and growls something at Ro
-> ro: what should I do?
Ro: i will try to devert them so u can run off. Run far away from here
Ro grunts abck at the orc
An Orc nods at Ro
Toryn: " Ro ! " says Toryn urgently gesturing at her ... " come with us ! "
Ro looks to a place behind Toryn, opens her eyes widely, points and yells in terror,' TOOOOOYYYYYYYYYYNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN!'
An Orc takes off running through the trees at a dead run
Rand starts calling on his magical energy and forms it into a powerfull strike which is aimed at the Orc
Ro yells at Rand,'nooooooooooo!'
Ro: eerrr... i think i just killed and orc lol
Rand: I will not let them escape their justice.
An Orc falls down dead, smoke sizzling from it's few wisps of hair
The other orc grunts something at Ro in a depressed voice
-> ro: just kill me so the humans don't get me
Toryn: " By the Lightbringer Rand ! " exclaims Toryn, " What's gotten into you ? Now that's two dead captives
Ro looks at the ground depressed and nods
Vincent (Rand): sorry, was changing a hotkey label
Ro mumbles something back at the orc.
Ro: if there is no other way... i will
An Orc nods at Ro
Tala: Toryn, spot check
Evil GM: Tala is no longer in sight
erus (Aikira): sorry
Toryn: " Damn now we've lost Tala ! "
Ro walks up to Rand and slaps him in the face,' orc juzz want free! no ewil!'
Rand starts pushing the captives again, let this be a warning, do not try to escape again.
Toryn (Toryn): " Enough ! " shouts Toryn " Right now we need to concentrate on getting back to Brighthaven
alive !"
Toryn (Toryn): evil GM does Toryn remember the way back to Brighthaven ?
Evil GM: Yes...just follow the path you're on
Toryn (Toryn): damn using my ooc comments incorrectly
Toryn: " Enough ! " shouts Toryn " Right now we have to concentrate on getting back to Brighthaven alive
Toryn: " We'll save the arguments for later - everyone, this way ! "
Rand starts walking, pushing the remaining captives in front of him
Toryn: " We've lost Tala by the way so everyone , keep your guard up "
Ro walks upto Toryn and starts to beg him in whispers,'pwease, orc free, he no ewil. he juzz folloo owdew' while she puts
on her most sad face
Toryn: As he walks Toryn hugs Ro and says softly " Remember the orcs who had you in a cage Ro ? "
Toryn: " Orcs are just like humans - some are good, some are evil "
Evil GM: Are you guys going to try to get anymore info out of the remaining orc or Abraxes before you get to Brighthaven??
Toryn (Toryn): yes
Vincent (Rand): Not me
Toryn: Toryn talks to the one remaining orc
Ro: while looking sadly at toryn,'Orcs no ewil. Dey juzz arr orc. no ewil. he babies havv maaibee'
Toryn: " I'm sorry about what happened to your friends - I think that makes it pretty clear my friends won't hesitate
to kill you "
Toryn: Toryn says to the captive orc
Toryn: While patting Ro reassuringly at the same time and whispering " We'll talk later "
Evil GM: Toryn, Int roll please
Toryn: " Just speak to me, please - for your own protection " toryn says to the remaining captive
Ro: with hanging shoulders Ro begs Toryn,' no keel orc pleess'
An Orc looks at Toryn solomely
An Orc looks at ro and grunts something
-> ro: what did he say?
Ro: he said we'll talk later
Ro looks at the orc and bends her head down again mumbling to him
Toryn: " Do you speak Common ? " asks Toryn to the captive orc
Toryn: And to Ro " What did he say Ro? "
Ro shakes her had expressing total sadness
Kenny (Ro): *head
Toryn: " Ro ? " says Toryn gently... " What did he say ? "
-> ro: I should run too...better to die than to be captive
erus (Aikira): toilet brb
An Orc grunts more, making gestures
Ro: you will not be captive. That i swear
Ro answers the orc. Forcing a smile on her face while she looks up at him
Ro turns to Toryn to say,' he not be pwison
Evil GM: Everyone give me a spot roll
Ro: can i put selo's on another person?
Rand: What are those lights up ahead there... between the trees?
-> ro: yes
Toryn: " Lights? " says Toryn, engrossed in the conversation with Ro and the orc
Ro: can i wait to make the orc run till noone looks?
-> ro: sure
Toryn: " Watch them " says Toryn to the others and, drawing his sword, moves ahead to investigate
Rand points in the direction of the lights... "There, up ahead"
Ro: btw i still got an orc sword behind my belt
Toryn: " Rand says there's some lights up ahead - could be friends, could be trouble, we'll see either way "
-> ro: k
Modren Fishcatcher: Toryn, give me a spot check
Evil GM: Toryn, give me a spot check
Evil GM: You'd think I'd get better at switching ID's eventually..
Vincent (Rand): eventually... like in the next decade or sometime soon?
-> Toryn: when you move up ahead, there's a break in the trees and you see armed men with lanterns moving around peering
into the dark of the forest
erus (Aikira): back
Toryn (Toryn): the rest of you are about to get an object lesson in the paladin who can't be subtle to save his life,
literally (ask Petra about Toryn in her previous campaign ) :P
Petra (Evil GM): LOLOLOL!
Toryn: " Greetings ! " shouts Toryn " I am Toryn, paladin of Mithaniel Marr and of the Knights of Order
Toryn: Toryn shouts it loudly enough for the rest of the PC's to hear too
The group sees Toryn move up the path towards the lights...then you hear Toryn shouting, at the top of his lungs, in a
haunted forest
Toryn: " May I ask what brings armed men with lanterns into these dark woods" asks Toryn, still shouting
Ro: are people looking?
Evil GM: What's everyone doing?
Evil GM: Toryn obviously is up trying not to be obvious at all...
Rand starts to make a gesture towards Toryn as in "Don't Shout"
Ro: can i sing selo's on the orc so he can run off? :P
-> ro: yup
Evil GM: Second on the reaction of the men with lights...
Aikira: is aikira still depressed?
-> aikira: yup ;-) 2 more hours
Toryn (Toryn): sorry, toryn meant to say " Knights of Truth" not "Knights of Order" evil GM
Petra (An Orc): LOL, ok
-> ro: are you going to sing?
Aikira looks up wath all the shouting is about, but stays put, seeming uninterested
A man in the middle of the armed men comes walking up to Toryn, dressed in a kilt and bare chested
Ro whispers to the orc
Ro: i will sing so u can run faster my friend. Go when noone looks
Ro: can i put the sword behind his belt?
-> ro: yes
erus (Aikira): the dude from the william lawson commercial, NO RULES GREAT SCOTCH
Kenny (Ro): lol
Petra (Evil GM): heh
The man also has blue tattoos over his face and body
Ro starts to sing very softly trying to not let anyone hear it
-> ro: can't sing softly... ;-)
-> ro: spell isn't working yet
Ro starts to sing a bit harder
An Orc dashes into the trees at a speed faster than a run while everyone else is distracted
Rand sees the Orc run off, but is startled too much to respond
Rand: "Hold that Orc", Rand shouts
Toryn (Toryn): does Toryn see the orc evil GM ?
Evil GM: Oh yea...but by the time you can react he's a good 100ft away
Ro: Ro shouts,'noooooo, he no ewil! let goo!'
Toryn: " Damn it " swears Toryn .. then to his friends " Everyone else stay put, it's too dangerous chasing
him into these haunted woods ! We've already survived one ghoul attack ... "
Ro smiles disarming at Toryn and Rand
Toryn: " One of our captives escaped " sighs Toryn by way of explanation turning back to the tattooed man as
he speaks
Evil GM: Everyone give me spot rolls
Rand looks at Ro, wondering why she let the Orc go, only half understanding
Toryn feels a "tap, tap, tap" on his shoulder
Toryn: Toryn looks in the direction of who's tapping him
Tala: I brought the town marshal to take our captives...
Toryn: Toryn can't help but laugh ... " Well we have at least one captive left " says Toryn embarassedly
Tala: The darkie kill the orcs?
Toryn: " One " sighs Toryn, " Believe it or not Rand killed the other as he was trying to run away - Ro
is not happy about it "
Ro nods at Tala
Toryn: " You're the town marshall " Toryn asks the man with the blue tattoos
Evil GM: Toryn, give me an Int roll
Rand looks at the marshall and remembers cowering away from him in the town
Rand bows his head in shame
You remember Mordren Fishcatcher, the barbarian marshal, from the first night in town
Modren Fishcatcher: I would hope I'm the town marshall, unless the townspeople relieved me of duty suddenly.
Modren Fishcatcher: If only I could be so lucky..
Toryn: " Mordren ! Good to see you again ! Wish we had more captives for you to interrogate but we seem to have lost
or killed most of them " says Toryn shamefacedly
Modren Fishcatcher peers into the darkness
Modren Fishcatcher: mind bringing him out?
Toryn: " We still have this one " says Toryn tugging on Abraxes's rope
Toryn: " He's a member of a group of evil cultists who have been capturing and sacrificing your people"
Rand: "He is the one who claimed to be the barrow king", Offers Rand
Toryn: " Yes they've been passing themselves off as the Barrow King " confirms Toryn
Modren Fishcatcher stares at Abraxes
Modren Fishcatcher: YOU!
Rand looks at Modren, then at Abraxes
Toryn: " You know him? " says Toryn, startled
Modren Fishcatcher steps up to Abraxes, anger spreading on his face
Modren Fishcatcher: How dare you come into our town, take our hospitality, then plague our town afterwards!
Modren Fishcatcher turns to the group that caught Abraxes
Modren Fishcatcher: You have my deepest thanks for bringing this, to justice. The tribunal will have their
way with his soul.
Rand bows to Modren stating, "You're welcome"
Ro puts an icecoldglare on Rand and Aikira
Toryn: " You're welcome of course Modren but by way of showing your thanks - please, tell us what you know of him
... the more we know about the forces of darkness the better we can do battle with them "
Modren Fishcatcher nods his head in Toryn's direction
Rand looks at Ro with "What??!?" on his face
Aikira ignores ro
Modren Fishcatcher: Please, on the edge of the Kithacor Forest is not the place to discuss such matters. Come to Brighthaven
where I will set you up with rooms at the inn..and we will talk of this tommorow with the Mayor.
Ro keeps looking at Rand and smirks
Rand looks at Ro, still wondering why she was glaring at him
Toryn: " Of course " says Toryn
Toryn: " And please, keep him alive for the time being if you could? We really haven't had a chance to interrogate
him as much as we 'd like - afterwards you can do what you like with him of course "
Modren Fishcatcher: Men! Take Abraxes to the Marshal's house and secure him.
Modren Fishcatcher nods towards Toryn
Modren Fishcatcher: Of course. We have no wish of killing him quite yet ourselves until he stands trial before the Tribunal
-> aikira: of course
Toryn: " Well then, let's be off to Brighthaven ! " exclaims Toryn
Aikira: thanks, brb
Modren Fishcatcher leads the group back to town
Toryn: " You might warn us before vanishing next time " Toryn tells Tala reproachfully
Tala grins
Tala: You guys might not want to argue so much in the middle of that forest
Toryn: " Right, right, back to town it is " grumbles Toryn
Ro walks next to Toryn and puts an arm trough his arm
After a brisk 15 minute walk, the group enters the town through a gate which is armed by the town militia. Morden takes
the group directly to the biggest and most luxuriest Inn in town and puts you up for the night
Toryn: " What kindness ! " says Toryn " I hope this isn't costing the town too much ! "
Evil GM: Just so you guys have a brief idea of how the town is mapped out....don't ask what the buildings are, I was just
messing around with a map maker
Rand walks to the laundry house first to clean his robe and do his prayers. "It's been too long that i showed some
respect to Druzzil", he mutters
Modren Fishcatcher smiles at Toryn
Modren Fishcatcher: For those who have done this town a great service, the cost is nothing compared to the lives that
have been taken
Toryn: Toryn shudders " YOu wouldn't believe what they were doing to your villagers - did you have any stragglers
come back to town?"
Modren Fishcatcher: Now, I must go and make sure our secure in his own comfortable room.
Toryn: " They ran off before we could stop them after we freed them "
Modren Fishcatcher shakes his head
Modren Fishcatcher: Nay, none came back...except Bob there. Which I thank you for bringing him home. His wife has been
worried sick.
Toryn: " Damn ! " says Toryn frowning .. " Well Bob you might as well go see to your family, I'm sure they'll
be happy to see you "
Villager Bob bows, thanks everyone, and hobbles home
Toryn: " Perhaps you have a town priest who can help him ? His injuries are beyond the extent of our abilities to
repair "
Rand undresses in the laundry house and washes his robe by hand, cleaning out the stains with incredible ease. After that
he walks over to the stove and uses the fire to dry it of any water, leaving a perfectly white robe once again.
Modren Fishcatcher: I am sure we can find help for poor Bob
Toryn: " I'd be interested in speaking with the town priest myself " says Toryn " I have some questions
for him of a religious nature - concerning certain artifacts we found in those caves "
Toryn: " But we can do that tomorrow of course "
(chat log edit note: This is why we have priest Bob Bob…)
Vincent (Rand): i mean, Bob is pathetic, but the fact that he is called Bob makes me want to smack my head against a wall
Petra (Modren Fishcatcher): the next NPC that I have no name for is officially named Bob Bob
Vincent (Rand): I will smack you some if you do that LOL
Modren Fishcatcher: Yes, I'm sure there are several towns folk that will be wanting to speak to you in the morning. Now
please, go rest.
Modren Fishcatcher turns and walks out of the Inn
Tala yawns and stretches
Tala heads into her own room
Toryn: Toryn eyes Aikira then looks at Ro " Is he free of your spell yet Ro ? "
Evil GM: The spell is starting to wear off
Rand leaves the laundry house after about an hour of work on his robe and walks to what was pointed out as the inn to
sleep in. He walks in and asks where his room is, then goes in there and goes to sleep, dreams haunting him.
Toryn: " One moment Rand " says Toryn
Toryn: " Shooting an orc in the back as he's running away - what in the name of the Lightbringer was that all about
?!? "
Vincent (Rand): I left when you were talking to Modren and came back well after :)
Vincent (Rand): were you waiting on me in the common room?
Aikira nods at toryn
Toryn (Toryn): sure
-> aikira: the spell is starting to wear're becoming less depressed
Rand: I don't know, it was more of a reflex. I didn't want him to escape and warn others.
Toryn: Aikira probably overhears Toryn chewing Rand out (see above)
Rand shrugs
Toryn: " Still " says Toryn frowning, " Killing someone in self defense is one thing, but a helpless captive
? I'm surprised a pious member of the clergy would be capable of such actions "
Ro starts to chuckle and shakes her head saying ,'fewl' at Rand
Aikira waits nearby toryn and rand, waiting till their conversation is over
Rand: If i had some kind of ensnaring spell i probably would have used that, but this suited the purpose, keeping us safe.
Ro: u not evn ask wat orc say!
Tala comes down into the common room, yawning and touches Ro's arm
Toryn: " How would a fleeing defenseless orc with no weapon probably endanger us ??? He'd probably have been eaten
by the ghouls long before he could bring back any reinforcements ! "
Rand: We never got a chance, we wanted to do that here.
Ro: u mow ewil den orc!
Ro looks up at Tala
Tala tugs gently on her arm in the direction of the stairs
Tala: Come, sleep.
Tala makes sleeping motions
Ro kisses Toryn on the cheek when she gets up and follow Tala,'me sleep'
Rand: Maybe i am Ro... maybe i am
Toryn: " For future reference while I respect that you're developing admirably as a warrior, I'm going to ask you
as a favor to restrain yourself from killing captives if you could please , Rand - as a personal favor to me "
Toryn: Toryn smiles distractedly patting Ro on her arm
Tala goes back to her room, holding the door open for Ro
Ro walks into the room
Rand: I will, besides, i never intended to kill any of them, just keep us safe. I guess my "reflexes" are not
that good in making a finer line in that area
Toryn: " And Aikira - what was all that about ?!? ' They must all die ? ' .. As I keep saying a brave and noble warrior
- which I know you to be - wants a challenge when he's fighting ! "
Toryn: " Where's the challenge in killing defenseless orcs ? "
Toryn: " There's no honor in it - I know you're better than that ! "
Rand: Maybe i understand Aikira better then i thought.... I bet you Aikira wanted to keep us safe and saw the Orcs as
a threat,,,,
Toryn: " The orc didn't even have a sword ! What was he going to do, pummel us to death with his fists ??? "
Olissa: Is there no quiet to be had in my Inn? People pay good money to stay here and be well rested for their journies
through the forest!
Aikira: toryn, rand... I didn't mean to harm or attack the both of you, for that I am emberrassed
Toryn: Toryn nods in appreciation at Aikira
Aikira: but never the less, those creatures can't be thrusted
Aikira: they would have turned on us the moment they would have the chance
Toryn: " Still, I''d like to ask you the same thing i asked Rand - as a personal favor to me - please, no more killing
of defenseless captives... it leaves a bad taste in my mouth "
Rand: I understand you Aikira, but both you and me need to keep better control of our aggression as much as we need sleep
Olissa stomps down the stairs in her nightshift and pushes her way between the men
Toryn: " True true I 'm keeping you both up and the rest of the inn for that matter " says toryn nodidng a general
apology in everyone's direction
Rand pats Toryn on the shoulder in a friendly "goodnight" manner and walks off to his room to be haunted by
dreams and nightmares
Aikira: sleep we need, my aggression will keep us alive... but I must get my thoughts straight now
Toryn: " Forgive me good woman, you are correct this is no way to reward your hospitality - we'll go to our beds
now if you please "
Olissa crosses her arm, glaring
Olissa (mutters): I've got to talk to that marshal about his charity cases...
Toryn: " Um - we saved you from the evil cultists capturing your people" says Toryn apologetically looking embarassed
Toryn: Toryn says it as a question not a statement e.g. a half hearted excuse
Olissa: to bed before I get my fiance!
Evil GM: The night passes, uneventful and morning rolls around
Vincent (Rand): I guess i know Rand will look haunted the next morning
Toryn (Toryn): evil GM is it safe to say Toryn heals his one point of subdual damage?
Vincent (Rand): duh
Evil GM: yes ;-)
Toryn (Toryn): lol
Vincent (Rand): You regen 1hp per hour or so anyways :)
Vincent (Rand): correction your level in hp per day
Toryn (Toryn): damn am ashamed of myself, as a former DM I should know that !
Vincent (Rand): LOL
Evil GM: yea, well, you never know with this rules system though. It's a hybrid d20 system at best. ;-)
Toryn: After the appropriate prayers to Mithaniel Marr Toryn looks in on everyone else " Let's go find out what happened
to that bastard Abraxes - and question him too while we're at it "
Rand gets up before the sun is up and goes outside into the town to find a quiet spot to pray, soon the sounds of day
will come around
Kenny (Ro): am i free to roam the town?
When everyone opens the doors to their room, they can hear the commons room becoming quite lively with the morning customers
Rand: obviously that was well before Toryn said anything
Evil GM: Yes
Evil GM: Ok, what's everyone going to go do??
Rand: Afetr a few hours of praying, Rand returns to the inn to find the commons room quite full of people. He starts searching
for Toryn
Aikira is up before the sun rises, feeling more comfortable hearing everyone waking up
Toryn: Toryn's asking everyone else what they think of finding Abraxes and questioning him
Kenny (Ro): going to roam the town sneaking trying to stay in the shadows so not many people notice me
Rand doesn't say anything and looks somewhat haunted and shamed
Evil GM: Give me a sneak and hide roll
Kenny (Ro): buyaaaaaaaaah
Aikira: why not, I want to know more about the evil that haunts these places
Aikira says to toryn
Toryn: " Without killing him please " begs Toryn looking at Aikira and Rand " Let's leave his final sentence
and judgment up to the village elders here - it's their people that bastard has been capturing and torturing "
Vincent (Rand): ./em checks his bags for his ration
Toryn: " And we need to get as much information out of him as we can first "
Rand silently follows Toryn and Aikira
You manage to creep around town without many people noticing you. Those that do seem to know who you are and either ignore
you or just tip their heads in reconition.
Aikira: I'll stay in the back of the room
Rand: I'll stay with you Aikira
Ro: is there a dress merchant in town? :P
Aikira: as long as you won't kill me, you're dangerous for a priest
Aikira says smiling at rand
Toryn: " I think he means that as a compliment Rand " chuckles Toryn
The three of you go to the Marshal's house, which isn't a house anyone really lives in. There's some beds inside for the
militia men that are "on call" and a few cells for prisoners. Only one cell is occupied
-> ro: of course
Toryn (Toryn): Abraxes is in the occupied cell ?
Evil GM: Yes
Ro sneaks back to the inn and pulls Tala by her sleeve with her
Toryn: Toryn walks up to Abraxes crossing his arms
Tala looks over at Ro
Rand looks up at Aikira the haunted look on his face getting much worse
Tala: what?
Ro: comm plees' Ro says with a naughty smile
Toryn: " You saw my friend " Toryn looks at Aikira " Kill the one orc ... You saw my other friend "
Toryn gestures at Rand " Shoot the other one in the back trying to escape "
Aikira: what is it rand aikira ask silently
Tala shrugs and follows Ro
Toryn: " You've already lost one ear - the girl with us would have no problem devouring your other ear, then the
rest of you in bits and pieces"
Abraxes stares at Toryn, with a bland face
Rand: I had such bad nightmares.... i saw myself, looking like those Cultists and slaying Orcs and Humans for fun...
Vincent (Rand): Wisper at Aikira
Toryn: Toryn comes closer to Abraxes and whispers confidentially " Why don't you just cooperate with me - I think
things will go a lot easier on you if you tell us what we need to know "
Ro pulls Tala over to the shop where they sell dresses
Aikira: do you still carry the haunted loot we found in those caves?
Aikira whispers
Rand: "No, i left it in the inn for now. No need to have all that stuff on me", Rand wispers back
Abraxes: you need to know that Abraxes has not already told?
Tala smiles when she sees the shop Ro pulled her to
Aikira no, I you think those things are the cause for your nightmares
Toryn: " Tell me more about this Moltor that you worship - what do you know of this being you have devoted your life
to ? "
Ro bites her lip looking at Tala
Rand: "I guess it is the result is more from me going well beyond what a normal clergy would do, i mean kill fleeing
prisoners and such", wispers Rand at Aikira
Abraxes: He is a powerful spirit that holds the key to an eternal soul.
Rand: "I think my own actions were in my dreams as much as the disapproval of Druzzil", wisper Rand to Aikira
Abraxes: We have been promised eternal life if we serve him faithfully, make sacrifices in his name, perform rituals...
Toryn: " What is he the god of ? Death ? Decay ? Pain ? "
Aikira: don't worry about that priest, it was for the best, what if the orc told ohters we were there, more could come
and we've could been in a heap of trouble
Abraxes looks blankly at Toryn
Abraxes: Moltor is a god of everything, not limited to one puny thing like all the others!
Toryn: " All right then " sighs Toryn ... " We found orcs in the caves - are the orcs allied with you ?"
Tala smiles at Ro
Rand: "I know, but something in me tells me i shouldn't have killed the fleeing Orc, let alone enjoyed the sensation",
Rand wispers to Aikira
Tala: You want a dress?
Abraxes laughs
Abraxes: The orcs work for me
Ro: yes
Aikira: I maybe you were just glad, by killing him, you protected the rest of us from beeing hurt
Ro blushes at Tala
Tala: Alright...
Tala pushes the door to the shop open and holds it so Ro can enter
Rand: "I also feel ashamed of the fact that i stopped you to then do it myself. It's a kind of selfishness i never
expected to see in myself", says Rand to Aikira in a wisper
-> ro: inside, the shop is filled with all sorts of fabrics and half finished dresses
Aikira: ashamed rand...I'm a bit emberassed myself... nice push btw
Rand bows his head, a single tear running over his cheek when he remembers his failure and resulting dreams
-> ro: do this in whispers now...easier for me to do two conversations
Modren Fishcatcher enters into the Marshal's house, yawning
Rand: "I seem to have much more strength then sense", Says rand to Aikira with a half chuckle and a wry smile
Ro: kk
Toryn: " Where did you find these orcs? With the deathfist clan ? "
Aikira: it's a new day, forget about what happened, in war time, and we are at war with evil, things must be done, even
if we won't always agree with them
Aikira: for the greater good
Ro: what does Tala think for me?
Abraxes: There are orcs always for hire! Especially when raiding needs to be done!
Rand: "Maybe you're right, i don't like it though and i hope Druzzil can forgive me my failures and help me cure
my dreams", Rand says
-> ro: she seems to treat Ro kindly
Toryn: " What did you hire the orcs to do ? "
Vincent (Rand): That is audible enough for Toryn to hear if he wants
Ro: i mean... ro has no clue about dresses lol can Tala pick one for her?
Abraxes: Is the shiny paladin so daft! To raid! To plunder! To KILLLLLLLL!
Aikira: now, let's hear what this abraxes has to say
-> ro: aahhh
Toryn: " Be careful " says Toryn with a smile, " Or our friend the girl might come back and try to eat
your other ear "
Toryn: " To raid and plunder who exactly... who was the target ? "
-> ro: out of the back room a little woman skips out, "Hello lasses, what can I do for ye today?"
Rand: "I think we missed a large part already", says Rand, "Maybe we should start paying attention now".
Rand has a vague smile on his face at his own small gest.
Abraxes rolls his eyes
Modren Fishcatcher coughs behind the three
Modren Fishcatcher: I think what he's trying to plunder and raid this town.
Rand walks up to Toryn and asks him if he should start applying some medical pain stimulating potions to the prisoner
Ro: /em bites her lip while saying to the little woman with a tiny soft voice,' i want dwess plees.'
Toryn: " Who brought those shambling monstrosities to life that we fought - the golems and the undead - in your caves
Abraxes "
Aikira walks around abraxes and stands still behind him
-> ro: Tala chuckles. "I think she is wanting a dress, mistress. Do you think you can find something that suits
Toryn: Toryn gives Rand a surprised look " You know of suchpotions ? Hmmm, might be more humane than biting off his
ear "
Toryn (Toryn): Aikira, Abraxes is in a prison cell ;)
-> ro: The halfling pulls out a string and motions for Ro to go stand in a spot in the room that is almost like a wide
hole...three steps to get down in
Ro: psst ooc :P don't forget Ro will pretty much have a nice figure for a dress as she is a knock-out lol
Rand: "depends", Rand says, "some leave as much burn marks as a fire does."
erus (Aikira): aikira can walk throug bars :)
-> ro: heh, k
Ro: me looks at Tala but does what the woman says
Abraxes: Mordiggan of course...
Rand: "others can make your mouth go numb for hours if applied to the tongue"
Toryn: " Still at least he'd have his ear left " murmurs Toryn
Abraxes: His chirguns were his genious! Making golems from the body parts of others.
Rand: "I have never applied it to myself", Rand says, "So i have no idea what is better"
Toryn: " Genius !" says Toryn choking for a moment on his outrage ... toryn struggles to regain control
Toryn (Toryn): evil GM if Rand's talking about all this in front of Abraxes should Rand make an Intimidate roll against
Abraxes? :)
-> ro: the halfling starts measuring Ro, traversing the different levels of the steps and making "hmm, umhmmm"
noises and marking down measurements on a tablet
Ro: /em looks at Tala with wide questioning eyes not able to hide that she is nervous
Rand: [1d20 = 5]
Abraxes doesn't look worried
Toryn: Toryn looks at Rand and Aikira " Can you think of anything else to ask him? If not I think we're done here
Aikira: I'm done with him for now
Toryn: " Rand can you think of anything to ask him ? "
Rand: He said something about Befallen when we first captured him... that sounded like something we needed to investigate
Toryn: " Tell us more of this Befallen , Abraxes "
Toothpick: Thanks ... getting there ...
Toryn: " and bear in mind you're a captive of the very people you've been torturing and kidnapping - it might be
in your best interest to cooperate" says Toryn nodding towards Mordren
-> ro: the halfling then goes into the back and comes out a few minutes later with some fabric. One green that matche's
ro's skin and the other a dark red that matches her hair
-> ro: looking at Ro she says, "which one would you like a dress out of dear?
Abraxes: Befallen?
Ro: /em looks questioning at Tala before pointing at the red one still biting her lip
-> ro: Tala looks at Ro, "it's up to you, they're both pretty
Toryn: " You mentioned it when we first captured you Abraxes" says Toryn patiently
-> ro: the halfling nods. "Then red it is! I'll have this ready for a first fitting tommorow, if that's ok?
Abraxes shrugs
Ro: /em nods happely
Abraxes: I don't know about Befallen other than it's where Moltor lives
-> ro: good...I think the others are questioning Abraxes...think we should head over there to make sure they're not
killing him
Ro: /nod
Tala walks into the Marshall's house
Tala: What have I been missing?
Toryn: " Interesting " murmurs Toryn looking at Rand and Aikira, " Maybe that should be our next destination
Toryn: " Apparently this Moltor lives in Befallen and Abraxes here has been hiring orcs to kidnap the villagers from
Brighthaven" Toryn tells Tala
Rand: I guess that should be our next destination. Maybe it will help me salvage my honor and soul and get me a good nights
rest again.
Tala looks thoughtful
Ro: see? orc not baad
Toryn: Toryn turns pale " I can't believe I forgot to address this last night - I was so exhausted"
Toothpick puffing on his pipe walks into the room and listens to the questioning of Abraxus.
Tala: Befallen, eh? I've heard of the place.
Toryn: Toryn grabs Modren's hand
Toryn: " The mayor's wife - go check on her, now ! We have a letter we found in the caves saying they're going to
try to assassinate her !"
Modren Fishcatcher looks puzzled
Modren Fishcatcher: The mayor doesn't have a wife...
Toryn: Toryn continues to berate himself " That's the first thing we should have told you when we arrived last night
- where is she, is she safe? "
Toryn: " What ???? " says Toryn, interrupting himself
Rand looks surprised at Modren
Toryn (Toryn): evil GM, any chance Toryn could have grabbed the letter in question and carried it with him? If so can
Toryn take it out and read it again ?
Modren Fishcatcher: Mayor Redthorn is...unattached. Or at least that's what he claims.
Evil GM: yes
Toryn (Toryn): what does the letter say?
Toryn: Toryn reads the letter out loud to everyone in the room
Rand: "I guess their information was seriously flawed", say Rand
Modren Fishcatcher: Well, I can take you to see the mayor...
Toryn: " One more thing "
Toryn: Toryn turns to Abraxes
Toryn: " Tell us more about this secret of undeath Abraxes"
Abraxes looks at Toryn with a bored expression on his face
Abraxes: No
Toryn (Toryn): is Ro back in the room?
Evil GM: I think she followed Tala in..
Kenny (Ro): in there with u
Toryn: Toryn stops to admire Ro's dress and smiles " You look beautiful Ro, hope you don't get it dirty given what
I'm going to ask you to do "
Kenny (Ro): eerrr... no dress yet lol
Toryn: Toryn looks at Aikira " I'll grab Abraxes on one side, you grab the other side , I'm sure Mordren will help
us too "
Toryn: " Ro, I need you to eat Abraxes other ear"
Toryn: Toryn says this right in front of Abraxes
Modren Fishcatcher looks patiently at Toryn
Aikira finally...some action
Ro: he diwty
Toryn: Toryn leans in to Ro and whispers " You're not really going to do it Ro, we just want to scare him - he's
refusing to tell us what he knows "
Rand: Get some of the acid, carefully applied it may hurt even more
Modren Fishcatcher: I don't think this is something that should be extracted from him...I think this knowledge is left
better unsaid and taken to his (pauses) hallowed grave.
Toryn: Toryn gives Modren a puzzled look
Modren Fishcatcher: Necromancy is a nasty thing, trust me, living on the edge of this cursed forest. Sometimes, when spoken
outloud, things....hear.
Toryn: " I would think if they're creating undead to menace your village we should know about it - no disrespect
intended to your station of course marshall "
Ro nods unhappely at Toryn and sits down next to abraxes and clacks her teeth next to his ear
Toryn: " Oh , I see "
Modren Fishcatcher laughs heartly
Toryn: " Ro , never mind - but thank you ! " calls out Toryn
Modren Fishcatcher: Enough undead wander out of that forest, a few more...will never be noticed
Toryn: " You got lucky this time " Toryn says glaring at Abraxes
Modren Fishcatcher: However, I believe your....ranger....said she knew about Befallen.
Aikira smacks abraxes against the back of his head
Modren Fishcatcher says "ranger" with a smirk on his face
Aikira: next time fool
Toryn: " True we should head there - let's talk with the mayor first though, if everyone agrees? "
Rand nods in agreement
Aikira nods also
Modren Fishcatcher walks out of the Marshal's house, headed to the Inn the group stayed at
Modren Fishcatcher: Everyone that's going to talk to the mayor, give me a listen roll
Ro: how does Tala keep her hair ? :P
-> ro: in a single long braid
Ro while walking to the majors place ro tries to explain to Tala she likes the way tala wears her hair
From the back of the Inn, everyone can hear a woman screaming (angry) at someone
Modren Fishcatcher sighs
Modren Fishcatcher: I believe the Mayor is in the back of the Inn
Rand walks towards the inn to see what is going on
Petra (Modren Fishcatcher): BTW...on the map the inn is the big L shaped building to the right hand side
When the group reaches the back of the Inn, they see a small squat man standing with his arms crossed staring down a woman
Toryn, Aikira, and Rand reconize it as the Inn mistress that yelled at them the night before
Rand looks at the man, then at the woman, then at the man again.
Rand: "Innkeepster, can i help you?", Rand offers
Olissa (shouting): And we agreed NO MORE FREE nights stays! We're losing profit!
Petra (Olissa): ignore the hand
Mayor Nyrus Redthorn: No, you agreed...those people did this town a great service and it's the least we can do...
Rand walks up to the pair
Ro asks Toryn'majow's wive that?'
Mayor Nyrus Redthorn looks at the approaching group, with an embarassed look on his face
Rand: "I am willing to pay for my stay if that helps. A good night sleep is worth more then coins anyways",
Rand says
Olissa: I'll accept that!
Rand: How much do we owe you for the night?
Aikira whispers at rand
Aikira: we've still all got ten haunted goldpieces
Toryn (Toryn): Detect Evil on the major and Olissa evil GM
Mayor Nyrus Redthorn: No you won't Olissa..and if you want to keep your job, you'll go inside otherwise you'll be leaving
shortly and not on your own free will
Stuart (Toothpick): Does the inn look as if it is making a good profit ?
Petra (Mayor Nyrus Redthorn): you don't detect any evil
Evil GM: Extremely good profit
Rand: "and i have 170 platinum pieces left as well", Rand wispers at Aikira
Mayor Nyrus Redthorn points to the door in the back of the inn
Mayor Nyrus Redthorn: Go, now.
Olissa growls and sulks off
Stuart (Toothpick): Are there any other inns in the town ?
Mayor Nyrus Redthorn: Please, my payment is necessary.
Rand: "would she be the "strong willed woman" the letter of Abraxes talked about", Rand wispers to
Evil GM: yes, two other small ones that are fairly profitable
Mayor Nyrus Redthorn: Now, what can I do for you good folk that saved my town?
Toothpick sidles up to Olissa and quetly says,
Toryn: " Possibly " Toryn whispers back to Rand
Rand: "May i ask you a personal and probably embarassing question", Rand says
Toryn: " No thanks necessary Mayor it was our pleasure, though we're sorry to have caused such discord among your
Toothpick: Next time you hear a scream in the night ... it may just be yours ... and who will help do you think ?
Toryn: " Sorry ! Go ahead Rand"
Olissa jumps and slams the door in Toothpick's face with an "eep"
Tala (mutters): shrew
Toothpick chuckles.
Rand: "Might it be that you have a relationship, unknown or known to others, with Olissa?", Rand wispers to
the mayor
Mayor Nyrus Redthorn: No, no, no, no! She thinks we have a relationship since I let her start running my Inn when I was
picked as mayor of Brighthaven.
Mayor Nyrus Redthorn: She thinks we're engaged..which we're not. We
Mayor Nyrus Redthorn: are very NOT engaged
Rand: hmmm.... i think that Abraxes misstook this for her being your wife. I am affraid that he had a letter announcing
her assasination
Mayor Nyrus Redthorn snort
Vincent (Rand): and rand grabs the fly of his pants on this guess
Mayor Nyrus Redthorn: Gods forgive me, but I'm almost sorry that it didn't happen
Toryn: Toryn shows the mayor the note with a solemn look on his face
Rand looks shocked at the mayor
Mayor Nyrus Redthorn looks at Rand
Toryn: " The man who wrote the note is in your jail cell as we speak "
Toothpick grins.
Mayor Nyrus Redthorn: I have to put up with HER day in and day out. Nagging, nagging, nagging. It's no wonder she's still
single, and will remain so for a very long time.
Mayor Nyrus Redthorn: Anyways, yes, Abraxes..Modren here told me the news last night!
Mayor Nyrus Redthorn: I'm shocked that the fine young man could do such a thing!
Rand: "Still, you do not wish the horrors on someone as we have seen in Abraxes cave", says Rand
Mayor Nyrus Redthorn coughs and tries to look contrite at Rand's statement
Mayor Nyrus Redthorn: Then if it pleases you, you may take her with you when you leave
Toryn: " When you say fine young man sir - what was he in your village , this Abraxes person, before he left you
? Some sort of warrior or a blacksmith perhaps? "
Rand looks insulted at the last remark of the mayor and turns his back while he walks away
Toryn: Toryn tries his best not to look amused at the mayor's comments, trying to keep a straight face
Toothpick listens intently.
Mayor Nyrus Redthorn: He was a body guard for a caravan that regularly passes through between Freeport and High Pass Keep
Toryn: " Interesting " says Toryn " Any way of getting a hold of this caravan ?"
Mayor Nyrus Redthorn: Infact, when we were short some of our militia last winter, due to an illness that plagued the town,
he offered to help stand guard a few nights.
Mayor Nyrus Redthorn thinks a few minutes
Mayor Nyrus Redthorn: You know, I haven't seen them come through for some time. Usually they pass by every three months.
Mayor Nyrus Redthorn: They've been a regular caravan for about two years now, if I'm thinking correctly
Toothpick: Interesting.
Toothpick puffs deeply on his pipe and rubs his head as he thinks ...
Toryn: " Perhaps Abraxes did away with the caravan" says Toryn darkly
-> toothpick: how long has toothpick been a resident of brighthaven?
Tala: Maybe they were scouting out the town?
Toothpick: Oh ... as long as I need to have been ;-)
-> toothpick: give me a local lore roll, or just int if you don't have it
Ro: can i do a bardic knowledge roll on moltor?
Toryn: " Do you have something Toothpick " asks Toryn looking at the dwarf
Toryn: (since the dwarf is puffing deeply on his pipe and rubbing his head, obviously deep in thought ;) )
-> ro: give a d20 roll with a modifier of 3+Int mod
-> toothpick: You actually remember this caravan quite clearly...there was something suspicious about it
Toothpick: Well , the caravans are not turning up ... Abraxus seemed keen to act as a guard ... and his behaviour changed
... this place we seek ... could be up in the mountains ... along the route that the caravan takes ?
Ro: sec
Toothpick: Or the caravan ... it has some strange stories attached to it ...
Toryn (Toryn): sorry evil GM - what was the name of the place Abraxes says Moltor lives ?
Petra (Tala): Befallen
Aikira: bellafen
Toryn: " Befallen ? " Toryn asks the mayor.. " Was the caravan known to go anywhere near that place ? "
Mayor Nyrus Redthorn shrugs
Mayor Nyrus Redthorn: Never heard of the place
Mayor Nyrus Redthorn: never been much farther into the Commonlands than the druid circle...sorry.
Ro: huh? can't find bardic knowledge somewhere
Toothpick: What did the caravan carry ?
-> ro: d20 + 3
-> toothpick: mostly supplies. Food, drinks, weapons...but no trade goods.
-> toothpick: which is mostly what the caravans carry...from Freeport to the other major city on the other side of
the continent
Toothpick: can you add anything to the "suspicious" hint ?
-> ro: nothing comes to mind
Aikira: guys if it's allright with everyone, I would like to call it a night
erus (Aikira): for me anyways
-> toothpick: a lot of medical supplies such as scalpels, lots of thread. There were bottles clearly marked as drink
that were actually potions and poisons
Toothpick: Thanks
Toryn: " Well " says Toryn " It looks like we have a few leads - Befallen , the caravan routes, and the
messenger from Moltor who is supposed to show up at the caves a few weeks from now - which one do you think we should follow
everyone ? "
Toothpick: I would suggest we try and waylay the messenger.
Rand: "personally i would seek out Befallen, fight the source of this", Rand says
Rand: "besides, we may find our messenger there as well, if Moltor lives there (it was his messenger)", Rand
Toothpick: But ... we have forst the problem of finding this place.
Stuart (Toothpick): *first
Aikira: it's good to be back ;) catch you on the flipside!
Evil GM: Toryn and Rand, give me a knowledge religion roll
Evil GM: K ;-)
Stuart (Toothpick): Do we know why the mayor's wife was targetted for kidnapping ?
Rand: "I read about Befallen somewhere, when i was studying, maybe we can find some information in some books",
Rand says
Toryn (Toryn): is that an error or is Ro really attacking someone ????
Evil GM: think it's an error
Toryn (Toryn): nope Toothpick we don't
Toryn: " Don't know if they have much of a library here - Mayor do you ? " Toryn asks the mayor
Rand: "Is there a library of some sort in this town?", Rand asks the mayor
Toryn: " No offense but this isn't a large city and that's where the libraries are normally found "
Mayor Nyrus Redthorn: No, no...there's not many educated folk around here. The nearest library I've heard of is in Freeport
Kenny (Ro): had some toruble with office lol
Rand: I remeber it being in a book about herbs, mosses and molds, which indicates it should be below ground.
Stuart (Toothpick): Can we get a map of the caravan route from Merchant's Guild ?
Toryn: " Good thinking Toothpick ! "
Evil GM: You can certaintly go see them ;-)
Rand: "or even a map of the area?", Rand suggests
Toryn: " True, perhaps we should get that map before deciding where we're going "
Toryn: " Also mayor is there a money changer in town ? We have a lot of coin, might be best to exchange it for something
more portable - trade our silver in for gold and platinum"
Toothpick: I think we should have a look at the route the caravan takes ... I suspect it carries some unusual cargoe.
Toryn: " We also have some spare armor and a sword we'd like to sell to any interested buyers in this town "
Rand: "And i have a feeling with the route we will find a map that may tell us where we could find this Befallen",
Rand says
Rand grabs his backpack and asks Toryn to do detect evil on it, to see if the evil dissipated on it
Toothpick: Can I assume I grabbed the pants and boots please DM ?
Toryn: " Good point " says Toryn
Toryn (Toryn): Detect Evil on everything we brought back with us from the caves
-> toothpick: yes
Evil GM: What all do you have with you?
Toryn (Toryn): crap! Let me check my notes....
Evil GM: mwahahahahaha
Vincent (Rand): GM knows what i have (read over my shoulder)
Toryn (Toryn): pants, some other type of clothing from Abraxes chests
Evil GM: and OOC ----Toothpick grabbed the boots and pants so whomever had them in their notes, take it off your pages
Vincent (Rand): for your info: 3 black robes, pouch with a green gem, human skin, necklace with symbol of Bertoxulous,
2 gems, a golden locket and a silver dagger
Stuart (Toothpick): ha ha ha ... sorry, "the greed of a dwarf is legendary" .. so they say.
Evil GM: ;-)
Evil GM: Ok, the robes, pouch with gem, human skin, and necklace of bertox are all evil
Toryn: Toryn eyes the above mentioned items with a look of disgust
Toryn: " Despite our distance from the caves these all still reek of evil "
Vincent (Rand): so the silver dagger, locket and 2 loose gems are "clean"
Evil GM: So to speak, yes
Stuart (Toothpick): I think we could split up for a few day in town and check out the caravan route, interrogate Abraxus
(why the mayor's wife) and ask him abou the caravan and see what reaction he gives etc etc My hunch is that the location of
Befallen is gonna be tougher to find ...
Toryn: " Except for the silver dagger, locket, and two loose gems "
Rand: "Toryn, do you know any "purification" rituals?", Rand asks Toryn
Toryn: " I was about to ask you the same thing " laughs Toryn
-> toothpick: did you have the boots and legs out for toryn to detect on?
Toryn: " Who is your senior priest in Brighthaven? " Toryn asks the mayor
Toryn: " I know of none - the Lightbringer has not blessed me with such knowledge yet " Toryn explains to Rand
Toothpick: Probably
Toryn: " And yes Toothpick I agree both very good ideas "
Rand: "All i can remember is that it is considerably beyond my powers. I have seen higher level clerics do it though.
I think Paladins do it too, but only when they are extremely powerfull and ranked in their class", Rand says knowledgably.
Mayor Nyrus Redthorn: Lets see, we have Father Bob Bob who is dedicated to Quellious and have Nature Walker Bob Bob Bob
(names to come when I think of them), a druid that passes through here every now and again
Toryn: " I hate to give orders sir but could you summon Father Bob Bob to us here ? Perhaps he has more knowledge
of these cursed items than we do "
Mayor Nyrus Redthorn: Actually, you might be able to catch him in the small temple near the edge of town...if he's awake.
The poor man, getting on in years and spends more time sleeping than preaching.
Ro: is there a shrine of Zek in town?
-> ro: no
Rand gets up immediately to visit the priest and pray with him.
Toryn: " Let's split up then - Toothpick perhaps you can find out more about the caravan routes? Rand and I can go
talk to Father Bob Bob"
Rand walks out of the inn.
Toryn: " Ro, Aikira, you can come with us or go with Toothpick, your choice "
Toothpick nods, and leaves the inn.
Evil GM: Ok, I'm going to stop this here....