Dungeons and Dragons - Everquest d20

Toothpick and Tala

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Tala rubs the group...

As Tala and Toothpick walk to the Merchant's guild...

Tala slips Toothpick a scroll with a key

Toothpick frowns, but pockets the scroll and key.

Tala starts talking in Thieve's Cant

Tala: You'll find a letter of introduction within that scroll. You'll know who to present it to when the time comes.

Toothpick (whispers): Aye ...I kinda thought you were a bit "fly" lassie. My thnaks.

Tala smiles wickedly

Toothpick: So ... where do you really hail from ?

Tala: Here and there.

Toothpick: And this group ? A mark ... or boredom ? I know you freelance ... very brave, foolish ... but brave nonetheless.

Stuart (Toothpick): I'll read the scroll when I am alone, of course.

Tala: I'm leaning towards mark..though with that darkie..

Toothpick sniffs.

Toothpick: Very dangerous that one .. I wouldnae ... but ... we probably should get our boundaries straight, don't you think ?

Tala: Absolutely

Tala: But now..I've got to rub this group. I've been called...elsewhere

Toothpick: I'll not interfere with your activities but mark me lassie and mark me well ... dinnae take me for a fool or interfere with my interests.

Tala chuckles

Toothpick: I'll wish you good luck ... any may you always find a shadow when you need one.

Stuart (Toothpick): *and

Tala: Oh, I wouldn't be worrying too terribly much...I think you'll find I have some of your interests at heart as well

Toothpick nods curtly and continues on to the Merchant's Guild.

Tala: Oh...and btw...

Toothpick pauses but does not turn round.

Tala: Heed the key (chuckles some more and walks in a different direction)

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