Toryn (Toryn): okay but first we should decide maybe who Ro and Aikira go with ?
Toryn (Toryn): makes it easier for the evil GM to plan next session ;)
Evil GM: Actually...I was going to use the last 10 minutes to tie up any "administrative" ends you need
Toryn (Toryn): oh okay sorry !
Evil GM: Unless you guys want to actually RP the buying, selling, IDing of items and such
Evil GM: Your choices
Toryn (Toryn): no please speed it up by all means !
Vincent (Rand): nah, we can do that through mails :)
Toryn (Toryn): Toryn will flat out refuse to sell any evil items without sanctifying them first though
Evil GM: of course, I wouldn't expect less
Ro: weel go with Towyn' ro says with a smile
Toryn (Toryn): and if anyone tries to do it he immediately tries to destroy the item - you know how self righteous paladins
are :P
Vincent (Rand): Rand agrees, although he has much less fear of the items then Toryn does ;)
-> toothpick: I got something for Toothpick when we're done so don't log
Toryn (Toryn): I'd say less fear and more self righteous disgust ;)
Toryn (Toryn): of the items I mean
Evil GM: Ok, first...who should Ro and Aikira go with
Vincent (Rand): Rand has neither, although he would never sell it to someone
Toothpick: OK
Toryn (Toryn): evil GM will have to decide who Aikira goes with since the poor player isn't here, off recovering and all
Toryn (Toryn): Kenny ? Kenny where are you ? lol
Vincent (Rand): Ro was coming with Toryn btw
Kenny (Ro): i just said i'd go with toryn lol
Toryn (Toryn): oops, sorry!
Toryn (Toryn): maybe Aikira should go with the dwarf so toothpick doesn't get lonely :P
Evil GM: Ok, next....what are you guys going to actually sell off? All of the supplies you left with your horses are here
Toryn (Toryn): a six foot tall muscular drow and a dwarf walking side by side too funny !
Evil GM: I'll let Phil decide next week ;-)
Stuart (Toothpick): Tala ? ... Send Tala with Toothpick ... could be interesting.
Evil GM: Sure thing ;-)
Toryn (Toryn): actually evil GM do we even need Tala now that toothpick's here ?
Vincent (Rand): if possible i would sell the 2 gems, but not the locket or dagger... I would give the locket to Ro hopefully
with a picture of Toryn drawn in there for her to wear with her possible dress
Evil GM: Sorry...a black diaster tiptoed across my keyboard
Toryn (Toryn): no offense intended or anything but I thought she was our substitute rogue until we found a PC rogue (take
a bow Toothpick ! ;) )
Toothpick bows deeply.
Evil GM: Oh, don't worry about Tala ;-)
Stuart (Toothpick): Tala has ... some interesting ... information to reveal I think.
Toryn (Toryn): oh okay I get it !
Stuart (Toothpick): ;-)
Toryn (Toryn): okay so we sell everything except what Rand just mentioned and the evil items?
Evil GM: Ok, the two gems are identified by the jewler as a fire opal and star ruby. The jewler is willing to give 400gp
for each of them.
Stuart (Toothpick): Sure.
Toryn (Toryn): sure
Toryn (Toryn): Rand, ro, sound good?
Vincent (Rand): sounds good
Vincent (Rand): i'll put the plat with me for now till i can distribute it next time
Kenny (Ro): i eat it :P
Toryn (Toryn): can Toryn sell off his extra suit of banded armor and longsword?
Vincent (Rand): i know Ro...
Evil GM: absolutely
Toryn (Toryn): how much does he get for it ?
Evil GM: 265gp
Toryn (Toryn): Toryn adds the 265 gp to the 800 gp in gems to be divided among the party (unless Toothpick steals the
gems, armor and longsword when no one's looking :P )
Stuart (Toothpick): I am shocked !
Toryn (Toryn): lol
Toryn (Toryn): I'd like to keep the painting in case it turns out to be a clue later on
Stuart (Toothpick): I don't get out of bed for that much !
Vincent (Rand): and more Toryn, you haven't seen all the cash i looted.... But Rand is saving it till he got the locket
for Ro done... as he may need much more for that then planned
Evil GM: Ok
Toryn (Toryn): that we found at the caves of one of the ghouls back when it was human - what does everyone else think?
Vincent (Rand): i would say keep it, but as it is evil i wouldn't sell it anyways...
Vincent (Rand): nm, wrong item in my mind
Evil GM: The merchant advises to have the painting appraised in Freeport by an art dealer
Toryn (Toryn): got it - okay what else do we have to sell ?
Vincent (Rand): nothing on me
Toryn (Toryn): more of a ? for the evil GM actually ;)
Evil GM: Since the towns people are so thrilled that you helped them...the tiny chapter of the mage's guild is willing
to ID 2 items for free of charge
Toryn (Toryn): kick ass ! :)
Toryn (Toryn): okay guys which items do we want to ID ?
Kenny (Ro): what items we got to ID?
Vincent (Rand): the gem in the pouch i would say... and maybe the necklace with Bertoxulous his symbol...
Toryn (Toryn): Rand seems to be the expert on that ;)
Stuart (Toothpick): Boots and pants from the chest I think.
Vincent (Rand): are they magical?
Toryn (Toryn): so that means Toothpick mysteriously produces the boots and pants from his backpack for everyone to see?
Vincent (Rand): if not sure, shall i spellcraft them first?
Toryn (Toryn): sounds good Rand
-> ro: don't forget the axe ;-)
Vincent (Rand): i am ooc now... if you want me to spellcraft you will have to produce them
Toryn (Toryn): blow on the dice on the screen before rolling, it's good luck
Vincent (Rand): same for the ID btw
Ro: hehe true
Kenny (Ro): still got me axe too laddy's
Vincent (Rand): OOOOHHH... the axe... since it crackles when Ro uses it
Toryn (Toryn): I think Rand means Toothpick will have to reveal the boots and pants if he's interested in having Rand
magically ID it Toothpick ;)
Vincent (Rand): first item would be the axe.... second i would suggest the gem or necklace...
Stuart (Toothpick): Sure ... I'll produce them.
Toryn (Toryn): Back in character now
Evil GM: chop chop...magic shop about to close ;-)
Rand looks at the boots and pants that Toothpick kinda poofs out in mid shop...
Toryn (Toryn): never mind still ooc then
Rand tries to determine the magicality of both items
Vincent (Rand): first boots... magical
Vincent (Rand): pants unsure
Toryn (Toryn): probably safe to assume the axe is magical that Ro has :P
Vincent (Rand): the gem and boots are magical... as is the axe... shall we do boots and axe?
Toryn (Toryn): sure why not?
Vincent (Rand): i failed the roll iirc... but it's behavior is bad enough to make the axe ID worthy :)
Kenny (Ro): ur call
Vincent (Rand): let's do boots and axe, sounds like a plan....
Evil GM: I'll include that in the transcript
Kenny (Ro): what is threat range?
Vincent (Rand): crit throw needed
Evil GM: 19-20
Vincent (Rand): so if you roill 19-20 you crit
Evil GM: Boots are called "goo boots" and the wearer gets a +4 on sneak checks and +2 on climb checks
Toryn (Toryn): cool ! Hope Ro is Chaotic ! :P
Toryn (Toryn): and those boots should definitely go to Toothpick anyways
Evil GM: I was sooooooooo hoping toryn was going to grab that baby out of Ro's hand when she picked it up. ;-)
Toryn (Toryn): and Toryn will make sure to stay on ro's good side :P
Toryn (Toryn): lol
And for tonight's session -- 800xp
Toryn: " smoke comes billowing out of Toryn's ears as with an ear splitting scream of pain he drops the axe "
Stuart (Toothpick): Thank you
Toryn (Toryn): yay!
Vincent (Rand): Nice item for you Tooth.... now all we need is the pants and my gem to be checked.... what does IDing
cost ?
Toryn (Toryn): maybe we can wait till we're high enough level and ID it ourselves, save money ?
Vincent (Rand): maybe... depends on the price
Evil GM: Normally it costs 250gp but for anything else they're willing to go down to 150 per item
Evil GM: Drop me an email of everything else you guys want ID'd and I'll type it up in a mail
Rand gives the gem and the pants to the mage guild for IDing, handing over 300gp
Toryn (Toryn): also everyone we're carrying a LOT of coins which means a lot of encumberance - we might want to email
the GM seperately regarding exchanging it for platinum and gold pieces
Vincent (Rand): Toryn, i have another 170 plat we gained on me btw... so we are okay on cash for now
Stuart (Toothpick): How much money has been shared out ?
Vincent (Rand): i haven't shared anything yet... i will at start of next game
Stuart (Toothpick): I have 1 pt, 16 cp, 12 sp and 400 gp.
Kenny (Ro): i'm broke as a bone
Stuart (Toothpick): OK.
Toryn (Toryn): haven't shared any out this session yet
Evil GM: Will do the rest of the admin stuff through emails this week...remember to write down 800xp