Dungeons and Dragons - Everquest d20


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The following are the Player Characters (PC's) within the EQd20 campaign...


Appearance - 5 feet 10 inches, 200 pounds, 22 years old, clean shaven, black short hair (military style haircut) and deep blue eyes, muscular, movie star good looks (or as close to that as you can get with a 15 Charisma). Lawful ("Orderly") Good alignment.

Toryn has made it known to the other party members that his father is Sir Lucen D'Lere, fallen paladin and current dictator of Freeport (a position Sir Lucen seized by force)...ashamed of his father's actions Toryn tries extra-hard to be the best paladin that he can as a result...his worship of the Marr Twins (gods) is the cornerstone of his life but

Toryn also holds his friends in the highest regard, particularly his half sister Ro (they share the same father)...recently overprotective of her to a fault Toryn has reluctantly (after much shouting on her part) given her more freedom to take risks without Toryn's interference. He also admires her as a beautiful jack-of-all trades (warrior, healer, scout and mage).

Toryn is quite proud of Rand who has gone from a scholar who faints at the first sign of danger to a warrior in his own right who has saved the others many times others with his divine magic- Rand provides wisdom for the party both in matters of the heart and in more practical matters.

If Rand is one half of the "brains" of the group Sunfall is the other half in Toryn's eyes and he is grateful to the mage for saving the entire party on more than one occasion as well with his spells.

Toryn views Aikira as a true brother and brother-in-arms, and marvels that (Toryn) has found the one dark elf who does not have evil in his heart-as a result Toryn continously pleads with others for understanding when Aikira becomes overly aggressive

Toryn hasn't the slightest idea what to make of Stylixxt-"The Sight" granted to all paladins (Detect Evil) says Stylixxt follows the path of darkness yet all of the lizard-man's actions have been geared towards protecting Toryn on numerous occasions and the others as well.

Toryn sees Collin as a mentally handicapped "child" who needs to be protected from himself and pleads with the rest of the party to show patience when, as any child would, Collin becomes "difficult" to deal with.






And these are the notable NPCs that the PCs have interacted with along the way....


Appearance: She is a wood elf druid that stands about 5 feet 5 inches tall. She has emerald green eyes and long black hair. She appears to be of the chaotic good alignment.

The group first met Caelianna in Surefall Glades after taking refuge from a gnoll attack. Caelianna was offered as aid to the group in their task of defeating the gnoll chief in Black Burrow.

Afterwards, Toryn needed a guide to track a winged horse in the Karanas. Since she was headed back to Freeport in order to go home, Cael offered her tracking services in trade for the safety of a group.

In Qeynos it was revealed that the druid is actually a princess of her people, the Princess of Leaves, which Toryn refuses to overlook and simply treat her as a peer.

Mistress Tyree

A cat woman whom the group found singing in an inn in Qeynos. Later they were to find out that she is the Royal Bard as well as the Guild Mistress of the Qeynos Bards.

Ro has left the group to study under Mistress Tyree.


Appearance: She appears to be half-elven and often curses in elvish or resorts to snippy comments in the language so nobody else can understand. She stands about 5 feet, 3 inches tall and has fiery red hair that makes her hard to forget. She is thrifty with the bow as well as lock picks and trapping, but claims she learned these skills from her ranger mother.

Tala was first met in Brighthaven, shortly after the original members of the group (Toryn, Rand, Ro, and Aikira) first started traveling together. After solving the mystery of the Barrow King, Tala disappeared.