Dungeons and Dragons - Everquest d20

9/7/07 - Session 39
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EQd20 Ruleset (FG2)

Rand gets his personal card reading...

Chat log started at 9.7.2007 / 20:04:49

The group met Saviya, the crone of the Lennor gypsies. She sent the group out on a task to "prove" your worthiness in order to recieve information about the winged horse herd as well as two tarot readings.

The group had their reading regarding the task of finding some free magical weapons with confusing results (will get that posted someday before the next session) and now it's time for Rand's reading.

Saviya gathers up the spread laying before her and starts shuffling the cards.

Saviya: Now, who gets the next reading?myself

Toryn points at Rand and rumbles " Our friend needs guidance.... "

Rand: "Why do i go into a rage so often, loosing control of myself" Rand asks

Vinnie whistles arrogantly to remember Rand of the reason he said

Sunfall: I think that's a very good question that needs answering..

Saviya fans out the cards and holds them up.

Saviya: Pick the card which will represent the question at hand.

Rand grabs a card from the pile

Saviya takes the card and lays it on the table.

Vinnie: 'Somewhere that cards makes me think of my tailor' Vinnie says while scratching his chin

Saviya: The Page of Cups represents the question at hand. Your question is why do you go into a rage so often, losing control of yourself?

Saviya: The answer from the Page of Cups is there's still part of yourself that needs to manifest.

Kyra frowns. "Does that mean that his rage is part of himself and not something inflicted on him from the outside?"

Saviya shrugs.

Kyra: You don't know either huh? Kyra focusses her attention back on the card

Rand: "Wait for all the cards, only the total picture seems to tell the story" Rand says

Saviya: That I can not tell you. But I can tell you that at this point you should never stop listing to your intuition and dreams. The moment you stop dreaming, what you have dreamt in the past ceases to exist and sometimes we can glean some information in our darkest hours through dreams

Stylixxt nods at everyone enthusiastically

Rand: "Dreams like where i am the only one standing in the middle of a battlefield on the only spot without bodies on it and the bodies all seem to be caused by me?" Rand says askingly

Saviya takes the next card off the top of the deck and lays it down above and to the left of the first card.

Vinnie: 'talking about vanity' Vinnie grins

Rand: "The worst was that i felt proud and happy about all the bodies" Rand says, hanging his head for a second or two

Saviya: The Queen of Cups is a good suit to have turn up in the second place of this spread for it represents the force behind your desire.

Rouge mumbles under his breath "he does seem to have a thing with cups"

Vinnie: 'I tell you, i told you and i will keep on telling you.. .you need to get laid' vinnie boringly says

Saviya: No intuition is more powerful than the Queen of Cups and her only rival with the subconcious is the Priestess.

Toryn: " This is serious ! " Toryn hisses at the dark elf " We seek a cure to his condition - ' getting laid ' may solve all your simple little problems but not his ! "

Saviya: The Queen of Cups is so often like a mirror, reflecting the hidden depths back to the seeker of questions, so they can see their mysteries for themselves.

Vinnie shrugs

Vinnie: 'Its not since u with a smuck like that will never score, he can't.' Vinnie says without looking at Toryn

Saviya: She can be a sign that you should use you intuition to guide you - or she can be a warning that you are thinking too much with your heart and not with your head. This can cause your dreams to grow out of control... and out of reach

Saviya pulls a third card from the deck.

Toryn: Toryn starts turning as purple as a demon can with rage " Even back when I looked human I was saving myself for a fellow worshipper of Marr - unlike you I have some measure of self discipline ! " Toryn hisses at Vinnie

Rand tries to grasp the things the priestess says but fails.

Vinnie: "now that would be any easy score... a tied up girl' Vinnie grins evilly

Saviya: The third card, the Eight of Swords, represents the underlying problem.

Stylixxt looks to vinnie and then to toryn then shrugs...he would probably be well sought after by the females in my home town with proud horns such as those

Toryn: " Tied up??? What are you talking about !?!" Toryn growls at Vinnie, starting to roar then dropping it down to a hiss to avoid disturbing the gypsy

Toryn (Toryn): does Stylixxt say that out loud ?

jason (Stylixxt): just a whisper

Saviya: This particular card represents what happens when your mental clarity is replaced by blindness, your arms are tied and you feel unable to move out of the situation.

Rand nods at that, feeling blinded and tied

Saviya: When this card manifests, it's not here to tell you something you already know or to taunt you. It is also here to show you that you can escape the situation. Notice that the woman's feet aren't tied on the card?

Vinnie points at the card,' i think my oh so ugly friend that you never had any sexual experimenting either, did you?' Vinnie says to Toyrn

Rand: "Walking away is something i don't see myself doing, not from this

Kyra focuses her attention from the cards before her to the whispered conversation between the demon and the dark elf. Yet again, she feels her irritation rise. Quietly she closes her eyes and tries to find the inner peace she found with her child-god

Saviya pulls a fourth card from the top of the deck.

Toryn: " THAT is a private matter between a man and a woman discussed in the santicity of marraige ! " Toryn hisses at the dark elf

Stylixxt looks at the card and then to rand a look of confusion etched across his face

Saviya: This card is what you need to understand and the things you may not be aware of. It could also show you how to best proceed and this is represented by the Lovers.

Rand looks at the priestess with a puzzled look

Rouge looks from the card to Kyra to the card again

Stylixxt: yes yes embrace what you are accept it and not be ashamed of it....whispers stylixxt

Vinnie: 'Are you married, my ugly friend?' Vinnie asks while looking at Toryn

Saviya: This card doesn't always represent a sexual relationship between two lovers. This card can also represent emotions.

Toryn: " Probably never unless I find a cure ... that much you are correct about oh irritating one " Toryn whispers grudgingly to Vinnie

Rand: "Can you elaborate please, this card confuses me" Rand asks

Saviya: Love is a divine thing, and a very strong emotion. One must come to love themselves before they can love...or protect...anyone or anything else.

Vinnie: 'so u never had the pleasure of a female body? let me tell you mate, there is nothing more wonderfull, like a miracle and beautifull as a female body.'

Kyra glares at Vinnie. Do you really think we care to know what you think of the female body in a time like this? she whispers furiously to Vinnie

Toryn: Toryn swallows his retort to Vinnie then looks at the cards , surprised....

Toryn: " Does that card say the lovers? "

Vinnie: 'In this mather just as much as i care for your opinion. BTW where did u get that necklace?' Vinnie evilly says while pointing at the scar on Kyra's neck

Toryn: " No, it can't be " ... protests Toryn looking at Vinnie " ' getting laid ' ? ... no, it's impossible the dark elf is right about anything, let alone that.. "

Kyra smiles sweetly at Vinnie. It was a present. Care to have one too?

Saviya: The Two of Swords represents the next place, which is what you need to do to come to terms with your problem.

Rand: "I am starting to think all this leads to my rage being part of me and the need for loving that part of me" Rand says worried

Vinnie: 'naaa,' Vinnie waves it away,' but it was made by a master i see, yet i think i can outskill the one that gave it to you'

Kyra: "Which would mean that you killing that guard was not caused by a jinx or a curse, but by you solely" Kyra says darkly.

Rouge frowns, looking at Rand

Kyra: "You are welcome to try at anytime, darkelf. Just be careful I don't carve you anything else elsewhere."

Saviya: This card represents a delicate balance. There are two equally powerful forces which balance you, and it has become a stalemate.

Vinnie: 'pfff, carve with what? you are not even allowed to pick up a weapon' vinnie snorts

Rouge mumbles *cough*Bobbitt*cough*

Saviya: On either side the power may become more powerful than the other tipping you in one direction or the other, for good or not.

Stylixxt: seeing kyras mood darken i am sure he deserved it , if his will was week and his gods did not protect him so be it life if not fair stylixxt says in a hushed voice

Kyra grins. You just think what you want to think.

Rand nods, thinking this displays how he feels sometimes

Vinnie: 'that is the beauty of dreams and erotic dreams, ma'm' Vinnie bows to Kyra

Saviya pulls the Hermit as the next card.

Rand hopes this card is not meant litterally

Stylixxt: hmmmm this is you now me thinks rand

Toryn: " Arguing is one thing but let's not threaten each other " rumbles Toryn reluctantly " As irritating as he is we have real threats to worry about other than the dark elf ... griffons... ghouls... " Toryn eyes Kyra as he speaks.

Rouge: "You have a strange way of looking at things" Rouge says to Stylixxt acidly

Saviya: The Hermit is representing the best course of action.

Stylixxt shrugs at rouge

Saviya: You must become like a Hermit and seek your answers alone. Only the whisper of your inner voice will guide you on this journey.

Kyra: *frowns*. "And what does that mean? That we have to abandon him and send him on his merry way?"

Rand: "This just might be" Rand says

Stylixxt: if that is what the card suggests it must be done...

Saviya: The lessons of life cannot be rushed, or forced, or made to happen before it is time for them to happen. This statement, in fact, is one of those lessons that everyone must learn. But simply reading it on a page, or hearing others tell you about it, will not give you the experience of the lesson. Only by doing - or not doing - can we ever hope to understand. Knowledge only becomes wisdom when we earn it, through the sacrifice of our familiar surroundings and all the people we hold dear. If you think about it logically, everything you leave behind when you follow the Hermit's call will remain when you return. The only thing that will have changed is you.

Rand: "Or maybe it means that noone can help me find the answer" Rand sasy

Kyra: It sounds like my journey with the Order ... Kyra says pensively

Vinnie: 'you are so stupid' Vinnie says at Kyra' it is perfectly possible to find your innerself while beeing with friends. Its possible to look for answers inside yourself, and not talking about that gloryhole if u think. You never sat on a beach looking out over the sea looking for ans

Vinnie: answers with someone u cherish next to you? without words... ? '

Saviya: The second to last card is guidence for the future, represented by the Five of Wands.

Kyra ignores the babbling of the darkelf. Nothing he says is said out of genuine concern anyway - he just seeks to annoy. No longer.

Toryn: " For a moment there I thought you were saying something meaningful " Toryn grumbles at Vinnie

Stylixxt: yes while this burden is yours to bear ....i will help you shoulder that burden patting rand on the shoulder reasurringly

Saviya: The Five of Wands shows two types of conflict - outer and inner. The former arises when the world around you is filled with hassles and minor obstacles that would not slow your progress alone, but, when combined, they become increasingly difficult to overcome. The latter meaning manifests in times of difficult ethical choices, when the head fights the heart and when both are in combat with the conscience, each trying to tell you the best way to act and the right thing to do. It can indeed seem that you are being held back and attacked from all sides in such times.

Toryn: " I as well " joins in Toryn squeezing Rand's other shoulder

Saviya: When an outer battle is signaled by the appearance of this card, expect several problems to crop up all at once, each demanding immediate attention and none seeming particularly easy to solve.

Kyra: That does not bode very well for any of us ...

Saviya: For inner battles marked by the Five of Wands the approach you must take is similar. Strategy is the key, because the energy of this card is natural, wild and untamed, an "every man for himself" philosophy. In such situations, once again, a clear head will prevail where hot-headed personalities get overwhelmed by difficulties. The emphasis is now on finding the sources of inner conflict and righting the wrongs that have caused them too appear. As long as there is guilt there can be no peace. Forgiveness and repentance, in these cases, make much more powerful weapons than the thickest wand or the sharpest sword.

Stylixxt head starts to swim taking in all the old gypsies words

Rand drinks in the words, sometimes half understanding them

Vinnie: 'I got nothing better to do, and I like you guys! And with these idiotic people you might need someone with my intellect mr Spagethi' Vinnie says seriously at Rand

Kyra looks at Rand, frowning. Maybe it is time to let old matters go, she thinks. I can be angry all I want, but the guard will be dead and remain dead. My anger will not help that, and it will only stand in his way while he tries to cure himself

Saviya turns up the last card from the deck.

Saviya: The Knight of Swords represents the ultimate outcome.

Toryn: " Mr Sphaghetti ? " rumbles Toryn looking puzzled...

Vinnie: 'just look at him, he's as thin and bendable as a Spagethi.'

Saviya: When diplomacy fails, the Knight of Swords will do it his way. The violent way.

Rand: "That i have noticed" Rand says

Toryn: " Good old Aikira " rumbles Toryn wistfully

Saviya: The person represented by this card will act totally emotionless. However, sometimes the violent nature of the Knight of Swords is called for, so it is not necessarly a bad thing.

Saviya looks up at Rand.

Vinnie: 'Mr. black is a nice guy, just didn't have an easy youth' Vinnie says to Toryn

Saviya: I believe the cards were quite clear for you. Have you any questions?

Vinnie: 'I have! Whats for dinner now?! Vinnie asks Saviya

Rand: "I have more questions then anyone can answer but myself, that is something your reading taught me at least" Rand says

Rand: "Only one real question remains, should i leave my party and wander off alone or should i stay with them, finding my answers on my own while helping them" Rand says

Vinnie: 'And where would u go? When I found u in that cave so lost and alone you really needed a friend like me!' Vinnie pleads to Rand

jason (Stylixxt): was the saviya question directed at all of us or just rand?

Vinnie: its funky to not having to make any sense lol

Toryn: " We won't stop you if you want to leave - but we all want to help you old friend" Toryn rumbles ... " I don't think it's safe being out there by yourself - one griffon alone is capable of killing the lot of us let alone just one of us "

Saviya: The Hermit doesn't always mean that one must physically become a Hermit. Sometimes it simply means you must withdraw to reflect on your inner self. However, this is a question, as you've wisely stated, only you can answer yourself.

Rand: "Vinnie, how ever much i like your help in finding my destination, i am not willing to give in to blind rage just yet" Rand says

Petra: she was asking rand specifically, though she would probably try to answer a question anyone else had.

Vinnie: 'althought nothing is worse than seeing ur face in the morning... I smell profit by going and helping Rand'

Kyra asks Rand "have you ever considered meditating? I can show you some techniques if you are interested?"

Stylixxt: mistress saviya....the feather you have in your possession you asked if you could study it...may i humbly ask your findings?

Rand: "Thanks Kyra, i would love to learn smoething like that" Rand says

Toryn: Toryn looks at the gypsy expectantly when Stylixxt asks his question

Rand: "Thank you Priestess, your words were wise and show me a light at the horizon. All i can hope now is that, with this light out there, i can find my way towards that light" Rand says bowing to Saviya

Saviya gives Stylixxt a toothy grin.

Stylixxt beams

Vinnie: 'That light is called the sun... S U N' Vinnie laughs

Saviya: Aye, did you manage to bring me more feathers that I requested?

Stylixxt: feathers ? feathers ? looks around questioningly

Sunfall: Feathers are supposed to be your speciality Stylixxt..

Saviya: Ah, a case of hearing only what one wants to hear. Along with the egg I asked for any feathers you might have found. Tis a pity you brought me none because with this feather here (pulls the feather out of the card bag), I could have enhanced your spear.

Stylixxt: we fought off a griffon yes but alas it shed no feather that i could find

Toryn groans and smacks his head ...

Saviya: This feather has been doused in blood wrought by sacrifice. It holds a power in it's own right and coupled with the right ingrediants can make a weapon quite powerful.

Petra: brb, potty

Toryn: " Anyone want to go back ? " asks Toryn helplessly looking at the rest of the group " Let's face it, Sunfall is the only one putting a scratch on that griffon - and who knows what else we may run into out there that has some sort of special defense? "

Stylixxt looks at saviya completely stunned

Sunfall: well I'm certain we haven't seen the last of griffins... perhaps you could tell our lizard friend the intracies of that ritual?

Toryn: " With a magic spear we'd have two methods of hurting such beasts"

Toryn: " Did anyone ever get the griffon feather back from poor Colin ? Stylixxt ? " rumbles Toryn looking at the iksar

Toryn: " Colin... the dead monk... "

Stylixxt points at saviya thats it

Petra: back

Toryn: " I don't suppose the griffon feather Stylixxt gave you would be of any help for this ritual ? " Toryn asks Stylixxt... " it was from a griffon - I don't know if Stylixxt mentioned it "

Stylixxt: you were kinda away from us at the time toryn

Toryn (Toryn): doh Toryn asks Saviya that question not Stylixt

Saviya holds up the griffon feather.

Saviya: Aye, this feather is the base for the transportation of the weapon. However, I do need more to compete it.

Saviya looks at Sunfall.

Saviya: And the ritual is one I can not disclose. It is between myself and my gods.

Stylixxt checks all his pouches in vaim looking for feathers.....vainly

Toryn: " We should put it to a vote - but as ridiculous as it sounds I say we go back " Toryn rumbles to the others

-> Stylixxt: spot check

Toryn: " The more magical defenses we have , weapons or otherwise, the better "

-> Stylixxt: sticking on the bottom of Rouge's boot, you spy another feather.

Stylixxt points at rouges left boot then faints in a heap

Kyra: I go wherever the majority wants to go

Rand: "I think we shouldn't go back, but go on, forward, to our destination. We will no doubt meet more feathered animals along the way, alowing us to collect feathers for Stylixxt while not forgetting our target" Rand says

Rand looks at Sty lying on the floor...

Sunfall: I have to agree with Rand, wherever we go we will do well, as long as we work together, if you believe Saviya's telling

Rand: "What is going on here" Rand says, rushing to Sty

Toryn: Toryn bends down next to the Iksar and starts shaking him gently

Sunfall: is something on Rouge's boot?

Stylixxt eyes flutters open

Rand: "Easy easy" Rand says to Toryn who almost shakes the living crap out of the Iksar

Toryn: " Forgot my own strength " rumbles Toryn backing away

Rand pats Toryn on the back, understanding how frustrating this must be

Stylixxt points to rouge look look i tells you sitting up yapping excitedly

Rand: "Why did you pass out Sty" Rand asks, checking the Iksar for wounds

Rand looks at Rouge

Kyra takes a closer look at the boot ....

-> Kyra: there's a feather stuck to the bottom of the boot

Kyra and bends down, plucking a ruffled feather from beneath Rouge's boot

Stylixxt: i know not rand i just started to feel light headed i remember no more

Kyra: I don't think we need to go back anywhere ...

Rand: "Why?" Rand asks

Kyra dangles the feather in front of his nose. "I think we've found what we would be looking for"

Stylixxt turns rand to face kyra look it must of got stuck on his boots when he entered the nest

Rouge wonders where the feather came from

Rand looks at Rouge, snickering that he must have stepped in bird doodoo :)

Toryn: " Wonderful ! " rumbles Toryn delightedly... he looks at Saviya " Kind gypsy - will this do ? "

Stylixxt: would that crumpled offering suffice mistress saviya looking worriedly at the old crone?

Kyra hands Saviya the feather, rumpled as it is

Rouge considers cleaning his boot on Rand's bum

Saviya bows her head and takes the feather.

Saviya: The more feathers the stronger the weapon, however, this will be a start.

Saviya puts her hand out for Stylixxt's spear.

Toryn: " I say we go back for more " rumbles Toryn insistently

Stylixxt hands saviya the spear and a cockatrice feather from earlier adventures

jason (Stylixxt): started out with chicken feathers but that wasnt very intimidating

Saviya takes the spear and extra feather.

Saviya: I will return this on the morrow with instructions on how to add to it's power.

Saviya stands with ancient creaking bones and gathers up her cards.

Stylixxt bows to the old gypsy

Rand: "If we safe the feathers over time we will be able to find the priestess again in the future" Rand says to Toryn, "This will give us another thing to do i guess"

Saviya starts to hobble off to her wagon.

Kyra looks around for more stuck feathers

Petra: no more feathers ;-P

Wendy (Kyra): darn

Vinnie: 'I'm gonna wash up and see if there some nice stuff to 'lean from people' Vinnie says as he walks off

Toryn: " I suppose " grumbles Toryn reluctantly to Rand...

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