Dungeons and Dragons - Everquest d20

4/6/07 - Session 35
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EQd20 Ruleset (FG2)

The group leaves the evil farmhouse minus Sunfall and travels a week and a half until they reach another farm...

Last week, Gomph managed to complete his ritual and run off with Aikira, the now demon horse, and possibly something that Rouge and Kyra are tracking. At the end of the ritual when total chaos ensued, Sunfall went up in a puff of smoke. Collin sacrificed himself to save the griffon feather that Caelianna gave back to Stylixxt. Toryn appears to be a demon but can still cast his paladin spells. The group made their way from the underground to the above ground with Toryn and Rand dragging Collin's body. Outside of the farm house, all the horses are accounted for, the scarecrows are still dead, there's a light drizzle and the skies are deep grey. Thunder rolls in the distance. Once reaching the outdoors Toryn seems to receed into his own thoughts as does Kyra, who just follows Rouge. It appears to be early evening.

Stylixxt: hmmm it would not be wise to bury collin so close to this cursed place what do you think?

Vinnie claps his hands,' So where are we heading first? No offense but i'm gettin kinda hungry'

Rouge: I guess a grave is a grave, but to each their own

Rand: "I don't think it matters where we bury him, and he is damn heavy

-> Stylixxt: going up the stairs you study the feather now hanging back off your spear and rack your brain about Cael's words. After a long contemplation, you're able to discern the feather has changed somehow. You're not exactly sure how it changed, but you think

-> Stylixxt: that it might be radiating a power all of it's own.

Rand glares at Vinnie

Vinnie shrugs at Rand

Stylixxt: it matters not to me but i think he ...points at toryn it will prey on his mind

Rouge walks around, changing pace, sidestepping, and so on. Kyra matches every move perfectly. "Oh noes, not that again. *sigh*"

Rand: "I think doing a burial here is fine, i'll do the rites so his soul can go to the gods"

Caelianna looks at the group with a thoughtful look.

Vinnie: is there a well?

Caelianna: Collin died trying to save a gift he gave to me, which was pretty much a sacrifice in my honor. I say that we leave him above ground for the creatures of nature to feast on.

-> Vinnie: somewhere around the property there is

Stylixxt: helps to dig a grave using any odd implements found in the house

Rand: "I can live with that" Rand says, "Want me to do his rites, or do Tunare followers have another ritual?"

Vinnie: 'lets dumb the big oxe down the well' Vinnie says making a thumbs down sign at the well

-> Stylixxt: you think that a ritual might unlock the feather's powers but you aren't terribly sure. You might need more research.

Stylixxt: ehhh well what will it be looking up his clawed hands covered in dirt

Caelianna: Do your ritual so he can't come back as the undead.

Caelianna glances at Vinnie

Stylixxt: hmmmm thanks:)

Caelianna: Never throw a body down the well, who knows who will need that water later.

Caelianna: It may just be you.

Rand: "Caelianna is right, he sacrificed himself for a gift he gave to her and she choses to let him ly above ground after me doing his rites" Rand says.

Vinnie: 'never thought of that... just seemed a thing to do from ma point a view'

Rouge keeps a respectful distance, not having known Collin.

Stylixxt: absentmindedly chews through a few cricket and locusts trying not to crunch them too loudly in the somber moment

Rand gets out some holy water, straightens his robes and puts a purple scarf hanging from his shoulders making him look like any cleric you see in a temple. Rand then starts murmering the prayers and recites the chapters from several devine literature sprinkling the body with holy water, blessing the soul of Collin.

Vinnie burps and starts picking his teeth,' we gonna eat or what?'

Stylixxt: hmm would you like your soul cleansing disturbed ?

Vinnie: 'what soul?' Vinnie smiles at Stylixxt

Stylixxt: give him the time he needs .....stifling a laugh at the cold remark

Rand finishes the rites, grabs his staff and takes a swing at Vinnie

Stylixxt: holds his jaws together physically to stop laughing

Stylixxt: hey vinnie you dont want to make him angry he has faith on his side

Stylixxt: ducks the back swing of rands staff

Rouge can't make up his mind who to root for

Stylixxt: tries to get out of the way hopelessly getting entangled with both of them

Vinnie dances out of the way of Rand's staff and makes comments at him.

-> Sunfall: did you read all that concerning the last game?

Vinnie: can talk for a sec

Rand swings at Vinnie again, getting a look of frenzy in his eyes making them all bloodshot

Vinnie: 'you know, Spagethi-dude, you really need to get laid with a temper like that'

Caelianna sighs and rolls her eyes to the heavens muttering to herself.

Stylixxt: seeing the look in rands eyes backs off they are grown ups they can sort it out

Vinnie: 'what did i do to deserve this, Spagethi? we been friends for so long!' Vinnie pleads

-> Sunfall: when you come to, you're no longer in Gomph's basement. You're laying in the middle of an apparent forest.

Sunfall: does it look familiar?

Stylixxt: he is right rand we have adventured together for all of an hour or so perhapss he could usse a ssecond chance

-> Sunfall: you don't think you've ever been in THIS forest before.

Vinnie: 'ye offcourse i do!'

-> Rouge: while you're standing back and watching, you rummage around in your pack and find a rolled up parchment that you could swear you hadn't seen before.

Sunfall: do I have all of my belongings on me?

Stylixxt: now concentrat on your breathing control the beaast within... you can do it

-> Sunfall: you don't

Vinnie: 'You got no idea who you talking to here! i'm the famous Vinnie! I steal, lie, deceive and cheat for the greater good! that of my own pockets! Isn't that worth something?'

Rouge: read parchment

Rand seems lost on his frenzy, too late to hold back the urge to beat this imbicile bloody

Sunfall: i look around for any landmarks, rivers, mountains, roads...

Stylixxt: starts to count slowly and breathe in with me rand 1....2.....3....4

Stylixxt: shoots a sly look at vinnie you not helping much:)

Vinnie: 'why? its about time u do something for your living!' Vinnie snaps at Stylixxt

-> Sunfall: spot roll

Caelianna says a few words of power and roots grow out of the ground and entwine around Rand.

Stylixxt: he has almost an uncontrolable temper when enraged

Caelianna goes and stands infront of Rand, well out of staff distance.

Vinnie: 'An angry Spagethi... what has this world come too?'

Rand pulls helplessly on the roots entwining his legs, still looking frenzied

Caelianna: Snap out of it. Now, is not the time or place for your rage, especially against someone as insignificant as....that. (points at Vinnie)

Rand seems to ignore Caelianna, and keeps pulling on the roots

Caelianna: There are real dangers out here...we've lost Sunfall, again. Toryn is doing I don't know what....

Caelianna: Toryn is

Toryn is over by the horses, silent and withdrawn

Caelianna stands and waits.

Rand slowly seems to snap out of it, the blood from his eyes draining ever so slowly

-> Sunfall: a few trees away you see a man that you reconize from Surefall glades sitting with his back against the tree, talking to a mushroom man.

Stylixxt: yes think of someone else other than yourself rand he....points at toryn will need your strength to conquer his own inner demons....chuckles at his own pun

Sunfall: can I hear them from here?

-> Rouge: the note reads: You will meet one in the group who is under my protection. Do him no harm and help him if he's in need. – Raven

-> Sunfall: no, you can't

Sunfall: sneaking closer to listen xD

Caelianna goes and stands infront of Vinnie.

Caelianna hands on her hips.

Rand is still looking very very angry, but seems to have gained enough control to stop fighting the roots for now

Vinnie: 'yes, i mean... imagine if you would be as ugly as him! i mean... BUTTugly! for godsake dude YOU ARE SOOOOOOO UGLY! Ur mom bred with a goat or what???'

Vinnie shrivers

Caelianna slaps Vinnie in the face.

Rouge watches the transition Rand seems to go though, and shoots a knowing glance in Toryns direction

Caelianna: Listen, and listen well dark elf. If you are to travel with this party you will do no harm within it. Understand?

Rand gives one last deep throated gruff and seems to completely snap out of it

Vinnie: 'whaaaaat? you are so damn lucky you got a butt so cute mi'lady otherwise i would have no other choice than to defend my honor! I wouldn't mind spanking that butt though' Vinnie seriously say while ending with a big grin on his face

Vinnie: Vinnie is 100% mentally ill rofl

Rand: "And you stopped me from beating him to pulp" Rand says shaking his head now that he is in control again

Vinnie points at Rand,' the man has a point!'

Caelianna straightens her back and turns around to go to her horse.

Stylixxt: the episodes rand they are coming more frequent?

-> Sunfall: as you attempt to sneak up on the man, you hear him speaking utter gibberish.

Stylixxt: walks over to rands horse and waits patiently

Vinnie puts his hands to his cheeks,' OH MY GOD, MI'LADY, you clearly are a godsgift!' looking at her bottom

Sunfall: gibberish is a known sunfall language!!! Oh wait, he can speak it, but doesn't understand it xD

Stylixxt: looks toryn up and down... i wonder if he will get out of this state he is in

Vinnie: maybe a hammer to the face might help, might even help to improve his looks

Stylixxt: hmm if he doesnt snap out of it when needed we are potentially a brave warrior down...says stylixxt sullenly ...

Stylixxt: perhaps you can fill the role vinnie?

Vinnie: 'i tihnk i can get him to talk, if i may have a try?' Vinnie says with a totally innocent face

Rand: "No you may not" Rand states

Caelianna: Maybe we should stay here one more night...at least there's shelter.

Rand nods, grabbing his gear and moving back to the house

Caelianna: We need to talk about where to go from here as well.

-> Sunfall: heh..the man doesn't seem to see you though as you "sneak" up to him

Vinnie: 'here? oh my gosh! there isn't even a decent bed here! oh my god... this will be so bad for my skin!'

Stylixxt: saunters back to the house after checking collins body to see if any juicy morsels have found there way over to it yet

Vinnie: god? what god? hahaha there ain't gods!' Vinnie laughs

Stylixxt: shoots a curious look st vinnie

Caelianna goes into the house and throws her stuff back into the corner she previously slept in

Rand: "May i advise you to be very quiet or you may tempt me to beat you up again and i doubt that Caelianna will defend you as willing this time" Rand whispers to Vinnie

Sunfall: do I remember who he is?

Caelianna sits down on the ground

-> Sunfall: yup, the crazy man

Vinnie: 'i don't mean no disrespect Spagheti, but you got issues, you ever tried to seek mental help?'

Jason (Stylixxt): is sunfall with us

Sunfall: I cough timidly and make myself visible

Rand: "I found that beating idiots up like you is a very good help" Rand smiles

Evil GM: nope, sunfall is getting into trouble, as per usual

Rouge grabs his and Kyra's gear and moves into the house. He thows his stuff on an empty bunk, and sits on it. Kyra follows his every moves, and sits down next to him

Jason (Stylixxt): ok thought that

Vinnie: 'that anger... all tha rage... really my friend, get a good girl to spend the night with and you will feel a lot less aggressive'

Stylixxt: i will go get toryn

-> Sunfall: the man looks up and blinks, "Well, it took you long enough didn't it?"

Rand ignores Vinnie, figuring he is not worth the light of day and definately not his attention

Stylixxt guides toryn into the house to a suitable chair to let him sit with his thoughts

Caelianna goes and sits on the table.

Caelianna: We need to talk about what to do from here.

Vinnie: 'haaaa, such a lovely day to open a bank! Any of u have some valuebles u want to put in my new founded bank?'

Rand walks over to Toryn, checking him over, making sure he is not harmed in any way and then moves over to the fireplace in the house and starts a fire

Caelianna: Do we continue tracking the winged horses in hopes that we find clues about Toryn? Do we head to Freeport?

Stylixxt: indeed toryns quest i am sure he feels like he has failed

Sunfall: I like to take my time, would you mind telling me where I am? I seem to have gotten turned around at the crazy cultist temple

Toryn stares off into space with a completely blank look.

Rand gets up after starting the fire and joins Caelianna and Stylixxt in their discussion

-> Sunfall: Where are you? You are here! of course.

Stylixxt: his mind is definately not with us i have never known him act or be so quiet especially whilst vinnie was treating you with such disrepect cael

Caelianna watches Toryn with a worried look.

Rand: "I am unsure, i have no idea where Gomph went with Aikira and as such don't know how to follow them to get him back, so maybe continuing looking for a winged horse while we slowly travel to freeport is a good idea" Rand says

Caelianna flicks a glance and Rouge and Kyra.

Sunfall: I know I am here, but where is the vicinity of 'here'?

Caelianna: And what say you?

Stylixxt: i have no desire to lock horns with that gromph again his gaze was enough to pierce the soul

-> Sunfall: the man shrugs. "Here isn't there."

Stylixxt: this intrigues me though .....places the feather on the table for others to view it has been altered someway by gomph's spell and collins sacrifice it puzzles me

Sunfall: would you tell me which way I ought to go from here?

Rouge looks at Kyra, who doesnt seem to respond. Rouge sighs. "I guess we'll have to follow the flying horse. Good chance that'll lead to Gomph and your friend as well

-> Sunfall: well that depends, where do you want to go?

Sunfall: I don't much care where as long as it isn't here!

-> Sunfall: hmm...well...over the mountains of the moon and into the valley of the shadow...

Sunfall: I don't want to go amongst shadows

Stylixxt: perhaps there is someone in freeport who could unlock its secrets i take it yourselves (points to rand and cael ) can shed no further light on it?

Caelianna stares at the feather.

Caelianna shakes her head.

Rand: "Interesting, it looks all together different, i wonder if it has been infused by a spell" Rand says, starting to use his spellcraft skills on the feather

Caelianna: All I know is that sometimes through a blood sacrifice an object can be changed. Maybe take on different energies or purposes.

-> Sunfall: and why not? shadows are fun to lurk in.

Caelianna: But I do agree that going to the horses is our best bet...possibly.

Jason (Stylixxt): i keep expecting sunfall to poof out of the feather at any minute

Sunfall: because I'd rather be among friends, but it looks like i've lost them or forgotten them behind

Stylixxt: takes the feather and ties it back onto his spear

-> Sunfall: the man looks up at sunfall and in a moment of clarity, meets his eyes. "Your father says hello."

Stylixxt meditates to recover lost energies then settle down to rest

Caelianna: Lets rest for the night. Maybe tomorrow we can find a trail.

Rand nods and walks outside to wash his robe in the waterbarrel outside

Sunfall: I never knew my father, then most certainly you wouldn't have such a privelege yourself

GM: Is anyone going to do anything else before the night passes on?

-> Sunfall: the man smiles, "And you wouldn't know the privalages I have had, now would you?"

GM: I'll take that as a no....

The night goes on without any problems, not even the rustlings and noises that Toryn heard in the chimney the night before..

Vincent (Rand): not really, just the usual, wash robe, dry it at fire while praying

The next morning arrives, and again it's a dismal day with a drizzle of rain.

Caelianna goes out and packs her stuff onto the back of her horse's saddle.

Sunfall: Obviously you think you are qualified to babble to me in nonsense. Do you have anything of interest to say or shall I go find someone willing to help me?

Caelianna: What are we going to do with him (points at Toryn)

Rand packs up his and Toryn's stuff, packing it to the horse, he then guides Toryn there and helps him mount (while calming the horse)

-> Sunfall: "oh, you may go looking around if you like. Don't think that the bixie bees or mushroom men will give you much of a help. To the North west there is a gallent steed...a unicorn me'thinks that is in a foul mood. Inside the castle are puppet men and sphinxes that love to tell a tale

Rouge guids Kyra to her horse. She mounts it without problem, but keeps following Rouge

Stylixxt: he is of no use like he is perhaps we should walk and ?

-> Sunfall: again, in total clarity, "You ought to be honored to be brought to your father's home, you know.

Caelianna: Maybe tie some rope around his wrist and lead him along?

Stylixxt: we are a horse down anyway it is not his day in the space of two days he has lost two mounts

Rand: "After trying to let Toryn mount a few times and calming the poor spooked horse, i think he will need to walk" Rand says pointing at Toryn

Stylixxt: our pace will be slower i will walk guiding him by his arm there is no need to tie him cael

Sunfall: why do you keep mentioning my father, I'm almost quick to guess that you're nothing more than a bad dream old man

-> Sunfall: /shrugs maybe I am, maybe I'm not. Maybe the castle will have the answer you seek.

Caelianna: Let us be on our way then.

Stylixxt: i prefer to walk still havent got used to those beasts no where to put the tail

Rand: "Thanks Stylixxt for letting him keep his dignity at least" Rand says, "Caelianna, can you scout ahead on horse a bit?"

Caelianna nods and kicks her horse and gallops away.

Sunfall: Whether I be dead or this is all a bad dream, I suppose it doesn't matter where I go or what I do. Where is this castle you speak of, are there dangers within?

Rand leads the group on, holding his horse by the reigns while slowly walking towards north

Rouge makes sure Kyra is following. Sh is, as always when she's in this state

-> Sunfall: All we see or seem is but a dream within a dream" he says with a big grin.

Sunfall: I'll take that as a no disguised as yes

The days pass slowly in the wet, drizzly weather of the rainy season in the Karanas. The going is insanely slow as Toryn must be lead along as well as Sunfall's horse.

Sunfall: which way is this castle?

In the distance, all manner of creatures are seen from griffons and griffawns to giants and cyclops. By listening to Caelianna, you manage to avoid most mishaps.

-> Sunfall: The man points in a direction.

Sunfall: Thanks for very much of nothing old man. *trudges off in the direction he points*

There are a few attacks along the way, a lioness here or a giant beetle there. Nothing that the group can't handle togeather and nothing seems to come in big numbers. Sunfall still hasn't shown up.

IJdo (Rouge): Giant beetle? I'm guessing Sty is well fed now?

-> Sunfall: in the distance you see a castle.

-> Rand: in the distance, you see another farm.

-> Rouge: in the distance you see houses and buildings

-> Stylixxt: you see a few rocks on the ground

Sunfall: I'll trudge towards the entrance

-> Sunfall: wisdom roll

Rand: "Hmm, i see another farm there (Rand points), let's go there" Rand says

Rouge: I see them too

Stylixxt absently leads toryn trudging through the mud

Stylixxt looks up through the drizzle a farm you say squinting through the rain

-> Sunfall: you notice that as you walk towards the castle, it doesn't seem to be getting any closer.

Sunfall: I stop... and look around...

As the farm gets closer, you see a house and a few out buildings.

Rand: "Let's move, i need to dry up" Rand says

-> Sunfall: there's trees all around you

Stylixxt: this is going to be interesting leading toryn onwards

Stylixxt: perhaps we should hang back a little so you can make initial contact?

Sunfall: I'll keep walking towards the castle

Vinnie: 'Spagethi getting limp' Vinnie says without thinking nor paying attention

Stylixxt lets the others move on a little

Caelianna: Maybe Rand or Rouge should go do the talking. (glancing at the dissaray of the party)\

Rand: "The farm seems to be alive, let me make contact and ask if we can use a barn for shelter during the night

-> Sunfall: as you continue walking forward, the castle stays the same distance away.

Rand hands off his horse to Vinnie and walks over to the farm, knocking on the door

Vinnie: 'maybe they have a nice daughter which can make u relax some, my skinny friend' Vinnie says to Rand

Sunfall: groan. I start walking backwards and keep an eye on the castle.

Stylixxt hangs back with toryn perhaps you should wait with us too vinnie i not sure if they like spahettis at these places

-> Sunfall: as you walk backwards, the castle gets closer.

Sunfall: I'll keep that up then =)

Farmer Bob opens the door and peers out.

Rouge dismounts and follows Rand to the door

Vinnie: 'hmmm? Rand ressembles the spagethi, lizzy. Not me.'

Stylixxt stays well out of sight with toryn

-> Sunfall: in short order you arrive at a bridge leading into the castle.

-> Sunfall: you get a slight tingling sensation that you always get when there's a trap around.

Farmer Bob: How may I help you folk?

Stylixxt shrugs his shoulders not having a clue what spghettism is

Sunfall: Sunfall Sense! I examine the bridge carefully

Vinnie explains Stylixxt what spagethi is

-> Sunfall: while poking around the bridge, you accidently kick a rock towards it and notice the rock goes straight through it and "plops" in the moat.

Rand: "I wonder if we could use one of your barns for the night, me and my party are drenched and could use a place to sleep" Rand asks

Stylixxt yuck and you actually eat that rubbish whilst scooping up a juicy earthworm

Sunfall: do I see any way across?

Farmer Bob: Mmmmm...I suppose that might be ok.

-> Sunfall: spot roll

Vinnie raises an eyebrow at Stylixxt

Rouge: Thank you, kind sir.

-> Sunfall: presently you don't quite see any way other than the bridge to get into the castle

Farmer Bob: Yap, just watch out for ol Bessy out in that barn. The lil missy gets awfully pushy sometimes.

Stylixxt: dangles teh earthworm in front of vinnie then does his own spaghetti eating simulation slurpin it up

Rand: "Thanks very much" Rand says while moving to the group

Rand: "Okay, we can use a barn to sleep in, just don't rattle their cattle so to speak" Rand says

Farmer Bob closes the door.

Vinnie: 'you should try Basilicum with it, its really good with earthwurms' Vinnie says at Stylixxt

Rouge leads his two horses towards the barn, where he helps Kyra dismount

Sunfall: I toss a rock into the water to the side of the bridge to see what happens

Jason (Stylixxt): ok i will bite

Caelianna sits on her horse trying to ignore Stylixxt and Vinnie and the earthworm.

Stylixxt: what is that a strange herb i take it i am familiar with lots of ingredients but that one i never heard of

-> Sunfall: plops into the water

Stylixxt looks up at vinnie with interest

Stylixxt links his tail around toryns arm to lead him

Vinnie: 'I don't know' Vinnie shrugs,' you should ask my fathers cook. I don't know what happened to him though'

Caelianna goes and leads her horse into the barn as well and settles him and unpacks her bedroll.

Caelianna sighs.

Caelianna: toryn still hasn't snapped out of it...it's been a week and a half...

Stylixxt: leads toryn across the courtyard quickly to get toryn undercover

Rouge leads Kyra up to the hayloft and makes themselves comfy

Rand moves in last, enjoying the cool rain on his face as it it is all that stands between him and rage

Stylixxt moves up to rand

Stylixxt sits down and meditates swapping some spells around

Stylixxt: snapping out of his trance rand.. perhaps you should embrace the rage at least we will know what we are facing?

Rand: "I don't really control it, it comes as it pleases, so i cannot do that unless i run into it" Rand says

Stylixxt: whilst under its influence i take it you cannot cast spells?

Rand: "I never tried" Rand says

Rand: "At least, not that i can remember" Rand continues

Stylixxt: hmmm pointing over at toryn the longer he stays like that the less chance he has of returning to us

Rand: "I think we should go to bed, a long day ahead of us tomorrow" Rand says while getting his bed ready

Rand: "Something tells me he will be back, besides, Toryn wouldn't leave us behind like this" Rand says

Sunfall: I try putting one foot on the bridge o.o

Stylixxt settles down to sleep near vinnie again tail outstretched onto vinnies blanket (those fleas gotta have a way to get across)

Jason (Stylixxt): aha sunfall is here he is lurking around somewhere i can feel it

-> Sunfall: it seems solid when you put your foot on it

Sunfall: in that case I carefully put the other one on too =)

-> Sunfall: still seems solid

Sunfall: I walk towards the other end of the bridge

-> Sunfall: in the middle you start hearing manic laughter and the bridge gives out from under you.

-> Sunfall: you seem to fall through the water, out of the bottom of the moat...and you black out.

As everyone settles down for the night, a body apparently falls from the ceiling of the barn and into a pile of hay.

Stylixxt jumps up into a defensive posture

Rouge looks up

Jason (Stylixxt): is it moving?

-> Rouge: it's the body of a black man and he's soaking wet

Rouge checks for lifesigns

GM: No, it doesn't seem to be. Going to get closer??

-> Rouge: heal check

Jason (Stylixxt): absolutely

-> Stylixxt: it's sunfall and he's soaking wet

Stylixxt approaches the body cautiously

Stylixxt: shouts what the ..... its sunfall hey guys come look

-> Rouge: he's breathing and doesn't appear hurt

Rouge: He seems unhurt

Stylixxt: really perhaps the fall knocked him out.. hey rand you gotta have some salts or somethink in your pack

Rouge: did I see where he came from? That was what the spot was for

-> Rouge: seemed to drop out of the ceiling.

Rouge inspects the ceiling

-> Rouge: it seems to be as solid as it was before.

-> Rouge: listen roll

Rand seems to be sleeping through all the noise eventhough he is obviously having a nightmare

Rouge looks puzzled... now where did you come from...

-> Rouge: you hear manic laughter that just doesn't seem to be of this world. Somehow, it seems pretty damned familiar.

Stylixxt inspects sunfall trying to figure out if he is under some magical effect

-> Sunfall: you faintly hear people talking around you

Rouge: Did you hear that? That laughter...

Rouge: ...it seems familiar somehow

-> Sunfall: as you come to, you hear the manic laughter as well

Stylixxt: looks up at rouge curiusly ??laughter??

Rouge: do I recognise it? (or rather, what do i need to roll to see if I do)

Sunfall opens his eyes and grabs onto Stylixxt for dear life panting heavily

-> Rouge: you reconise it since the laughter is a hard one to forget...it's Bristlebane's laughter.

-> Stylixxt: you don't seem to hear anything other than barn noises.

Stylixxt: ACK!!!! i thought you were unconsious dam nearly scared me to death stumbling back onto the floor

Rouge curses. "It's Bristlebane"

Caelianna raises a brow at Rouge.

Stylixxt: what are you jabbering about its probably bessy startlrd by sunfalls dramatic entrance... looking down are you ok you look loke you have seen a ghost

Sunfall: I um... I uh.. where am I?

Rand suddenly sits straight up with a yelp, bathing in sweat

Caelianna: In a barn.

Rouge: Dramatic indeed. Look mister, I don't know about your part of the world, but over here people don't drop from ceilings without leaving a rather large hole

Sunfall: that explains the smell.

Rand looks around, realising everyone is awake and noone noticed him waking up

Stylixxt: we thought you were lost to us ... hey RAND shouts stylixxt look who is here

Sunfall examines rouge

Caelianna picks up a stick and pokes at Sunfall to see if he's real.

Rand suddenly sees Sunfall and jumps up running towards him

Rouge: And I'm telling you I heard laughter. Bristlebanes laughter. I can tell that laugh from thousands...

Rouge looks down at Sunfall

Rand: "Sunfall, you are back, thank goodness, are you okay, need a heal, need food, need a drink, need sleep, need to talk" Rand fuzzes over Sunfall

Sunfall: Yes, well, etiquette seems to be something of a handicap for me lately. What happened in the pentagram room? That's the last I remember

Stylixxt: yeah yeah you are just spooked is all would be my guess mind can play many tricks upon the unwary have rand fix you up some herbal tea you will be fine soon

Stylixxt: you remember the ceremony?

Sunfall: I could use a good bit of sanity right now. Anyone have a dose to spare?

Stylixxt: that was many days ago

Sunfall: bits and pieces of the ceremony. how many days?

Rand: "Sorry, that is about the only thing i don't have" Rand says, bowing his head

Jason (Stylixxt): a week?

Sunfall looking to Rouge

Sunfall: Now who's this bristlebane character you're talking about?

Caelianna: We're a week and a half away from that basement with the pentagram...

Stylixxt: about a week ago you were chained ,,, gomph finished his ceremony i thought i released you but you disapeared in smoke after it was over ....points over to toryn

Rouge: just how familiar should bristlebane be? I would think fairly familiar?

Stylixxt: aikiria is lost to us taken by his father toryn is in a world of his own collin has died and for all we knew you were lost to us too

Stylixxt paces back and forth while explaning the events of the ceremony

Rouge: Bristlebane is a god. And a royal pain in the nether regions.

Rouge: Kinda surprised you don't know of him, to be honest

Sunfall: I almost wish we'd never used that godforsaken scroll. Freeport could not have been any worse than this

Sunfall: and who are you?

Rand: "I tend to agree Sunfall, but may i suggest we all go to sleep, we have much walking to do the coming months, no need to wear ourselfs out" Rand says

Sunfall raising an eyebrow at Rouge

-> Rouge: you've actually met him personally, and have had several interactions with him over the years

Stylixxt points over at the sleeping vinnie thats vinnie he kinda attached himself to us

Rouge: I know, i ment iot more like 'how likely is it that they know him? Or the name at the very least

-> Rouge: more than likely not at all. ;-)

Caelianna: Vinnie claims he knows Aikira

Rouge: I could aks you the same thing... anyway, I'm Rouge, and that" Rouge points at Kyra, sleeping peacefully in the hay" is my wife Kyra"

Stylixxt: the one with the horns is toryn ... he was changed whilst trying to free that horse only the eyes remain unchanged

Sunfall: well met then Rouge, I'm Sunfall, i apologize for my sudden drop in, I uh, didn't have much choice in the matter

Rand looks at the group, realising noone cares about being tired tomorrow and goes back tobed himself, with all his nightmares every hour of sleep is one.

Sunfall: That thing is Toryn? Surely that's a bad joke of some kind?

Rouge acknowledges Sunfall with a nod of his head

Stylixxt: indeed a cruel twist of fate he is withdrawn into himself we have had to lead him every step of the way if we didnt feed him he wouldnt eat

Stylixxt: isnt that right rand..not noticing that the poor cleric is trying to sleep

Rouge: With what you've been trying to feed hem, no wonder he wont eat

Sunfall: well where are you heading now then? Surely we can't leave Toryn like that

Caelianna shrugs.

Caelianna: The one positive thing is he isn't walking around calling me princess and your highness...

Stylixxt: answers we have many questions and no answers, toryn curse , aikiras dispaerance, the transformed feather the quest to save the winged horse hangs on a knife edge....

Caelianna: Maybe you should let Sunfall take a look at that feather..

Sunfall: What does a feather has to do with anything?

Stylixxt: indeed we perplexed by this trinket it got enchanted somehow by collins sacrifice and gomphs spell i think it has some significance what do you think

Caelianna: Probably nothing, maybe everything. Collin sacrificed his life to save it when Stylixxt threw it into the pentagram to try to interrupt the spell.

Stylixxt hands feather to sunfall

Sunfall examines the feather

-> Sunfall: it has some sort of magical energy coming from it, but you can't gleen much more than that.

-> Rouge: you hear whisperings "tell him I'm his father"..."tell him I'm his father.." "tell him, tell him, tell him."

Sunfall: it's umm... Magical. Indeed. But darned if I know anything more

Rouge: Bristle's voice?

-> Rouge: yup

Stylixxt: hmm it remains a mystery for now... our road i believe leads us to freeport

Rouge moans and rolls his eyes. "Bristlebane claims to be your father..."

Stylixxt: where we may find some of the answers we need

Rand snores softly, fast asleep

Sunfall: Who? me? How do you know that?

Rouge looks at Sunfall sympathetically "Good luck... you're gonna need it"

Stylixxt: looks at rouge curiously then sighs aye our road is going to be long taking rands cue settle down to sleep

Caelianna yawns.

Rouge sighs and sits down. "I've had dealings with Bristlebane before. He's a trickster god. So far it's rarely been good..."

Rouge: Ever since our first encounter with him, he's been popping up every once in a while

Sunfall: I'm not quite sure how I feel about any of that. Can anyone really trust a trickster?

Rouge: no...

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