Dungeons and Dragons - Everquest d20

28/5/07 - Session 34
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EQd20 Ruleset (FG2)

Conclusion of Gomph's ceremony...

Last session...

After a not so graceful knocking down of a door, Collin finds himself ambushed by three shadow knights who after hurting Aikira quite badly convinces the group to follow them peacefully to see Gomph, Aikira's father.

Upon meeting Gomph, the group finds themselves in a ceremonial chamber of some kind with a huge pentagram drawn on the floor with chalk. In the center is a bound white pegasus.

Gomph offers to spare the PC's if Aikira will come with him to take up his birth right and train as a shadow knight himself in Neriak, the dark elf city. To spare his friends, Aikira agrees which sets Toryn into a rage.

Toryn scuffs out some of the pentagram with his boot and runs into the center of the pentagram, all the while being under a spell of Gomph's that is taking quite a toll on Toryn's life.

Sunfall is on the other side of the room looking quite ill himself.

Rand can only look after Toryn, he is just not fast enough to intercept him

Stylixxt: if the elves are not being aggressive yet i wish to move around the circle towards where sunfall is being held

Rand looks at Sunfall at the other end of the room and mouths "Do you need a heal", getting no answer Rand assumes he does and hits Sunfall with a light heal

-> Stylixxt: as far as you can see, they're all hanging back on either side of the alter.

Stylixxt: ok to move my token?

-> Stylixxt: yup

Stylixxt: excuse me gentlemen i see the prisoner is tied up i assume you have taken his tongue he can be extremely shifty that one

Toryn (Toryn): do we need to roll for initiative evil GM ?

Kenny (Vinnie): we ain't fighting :P u are just dying :P

Aikira: Nope, don't need Init at the moment..

Shadow Knight looks at Gomph as the lizard man (wack-a-lizzy..tm) walks towards the erudite.

Toryn: /act Toryn examines the winged horse's chains, grimacing in pain - can they be pulled from the ground or broken with a sword ?

Stylixxt: stylixxt moves through the ranks brandishing his spear towards the prisoner..a sacrifice i assume there is no other reason for keeping him alive ??

GM: Toryn, give me a spot roll

Stylixxt: studying sunfall to take a measure of his wounds and whether he is consious

GM: The winged horse is being held down by rope that looks like it has chains and other metal running through it. There are several eye bolts on the ground that the ropes and chains run through, but no noticable knots or contraptions to unlock the chains.

GM: The horse's neck is also being held in a steel collar that has different gems, incriptions, runes, and metal all over it.

GM: The collar is tight enough to have cut the pegasus around the neck

Toryn: " Marr Twins hear my prayer - let me give my life in exchange for this horse's so that I may do your glorious work as my last act on this mortal world " Toryn murmurs and starts hacking with his sword at one of the chains holding the horse down

-> Stylixxt: Sunfall is concious somewhat and looks at you warely..he seems to have regained some color after rand's healing

Gomph gestures to the shadow knights to let the lizard man go to Sunfall

Sparks start spraying as soon as Toryn's sword hit's the chains.

Stylixxt: sigh he is always ready to give his life for one thing after another ... to the elves nearby.. do you have such fanatics in your ranks

Gomph: Foolish, foolish Paladin. I'm sure your beautiful gods are sitting on their thrones shaking their heads at your sheer stupidity.

Stylixxt: whist moving through to sunfall

Toryn (Toryn): hate to say this but I should probably be taking damage by now from Gomph's spell evil GM ;)

Shadow Knight: There will always be (one says as he stands watching the scene befold)

Evil GM: yea, probably

Stylixxt: how is sunfall restrained please chains or ropes?

Evil GM: Since I didn't exactly bring over your mana/hp from the last game I'm just going to wing it and go more for the dramatic story telling if nobody minds??

Toryn (Toryn): sounds good :P

-> Stylixxt: his hands are bound behind him by manacles

Toryn Keep hacking at the chains until it's obvious it's not working or the sword starts to get dented or something

Gomph: I am going to give you one last chance paladin...come out of that circle and take your life.

Stylixxt: brings his speat up to sufalls chin gently lifting his head .... a bit of a tight spot there my friend..

Gomph gestures to one of the shadow knights.

Stylixxt: spear

Sunfall grumbles something unintelligable

Toryn: " The only way I'm coming out of here is if you spare the horse ! " Toryn roars at Gomph

Gomph: The horse isn't going to die...he's simply going to become, how should I put it? Grander than he is.

Stylixxt: while the elves are distracted by the scene in the circle can i see which one if any have a set of keys?

-> Stylixxt: give me a spot roll

Toryn: " Never ! Take me if you must instead but leave the horse alone ! "

Gomph sighs

Gomph: So be it.

Toryn: Toryn stops hacking at the chains in open mouthed astonishment... " You're actually agreeing to that ? "

Gomph takes a piece of chalk from his belt pouch and walks over to where Toryn marred the pentagram and etches the lines back in.

Stylixxt: get out the circle toryn itzzz not every day one getss to see such sightss

Toryn: " I thought not " growls Toryn ... he goes back to hacking at the chains

Toryn Try pulling at the chains to see if they'll come out of the ground

Gomph completes the lines and steps back and raises his hands into the air.

Toryn (Toryn): doh !

Stylixxt: can you not see what you are doing is futile...throw your life away if you like ...if this is the heroic deed you wish to be remembered for

Toryn: " I will die if I must at least attempting to do the will of my gods " Toryn snarls at Stylixxt

Stylixxt nudges an elf out the way to get a better view of the circle

Gomph: Witness a glory that is to be done in honor of Innoruuk, our great father. For as he shaped me out of Tunare's weak creatures, I shape my own creation out of another's.

Rand moves over to Stylixxt and asks him "Do you have any idea what will happen?"

-> Stylixxt: you see several sk's with key rings hanging off their belts

Stylixxt moves to get a ringside seat to watch the paladins demise...

Evil GM: Everyone ignore the map I just put up...It's for Kyra and Rouge's benefit.

Stylixxt: i will position myself next to an sk with keys

-> Stylixxt: k

Gomph starts intoning in a deep voice words in a language other than elven, iksar, dark elven, or common

GM: Everyone give me will saves

Rand: "Toryn, i fear that Stylixxt is right, there are times to step up and fight and times to step down and lower your weapons" Rand says to Toryn

Stylixxt: i have no idea rand the magiccs heree are beyond my understanding ... whislt subtley pointing to the elf next to him particularly to the keys

Toryn: " Can't .... " gasps Toryn through the pain of Gomph's enchantments " Have to at least try to save the horse... Marr Twin's orders... see you in the next life my friend " adds Toryn with a weak smile " Give my sister my love "

Stylixxt: winks to rand..

Rand nudges the elf Stylixxt pointed at and asks him "Can you tell me what your master is doing, how does that magic work?" as a distraction

GM: Need will saves people

Everyone except Toryn, feels an unseen darkness start to fill the room. It almost becomes stiffling.

Toryn: " I am sorry my friend .... I tried " Toryn apologizes to the horse

Evil GM: the stiffling feeling is almost like you can't breath..it's hot and humid and uncomfortable;)

Jason (Stylixxt): are the dark elves affected?

Evil GM: spot roll

Evil GM: they don't seem to be affected all that much

Gomph continues, closing his eyes, as if in rapture

Shadow Knight whispers to Stylixxt he's going to change that winged horse into a demon steed. Or so he says.

Stylixxt stumbles grasping at the nearest target (an elf with keys).. the darknesss it ssstifiles ... whilst clumsily grabbing for a set of keys

Inside the pentagram, a thick, black fog starts to rise from the ground. The air within the circle cracks with electricity and the fog starts to thicken to the point that the pegasus can no longer struggle and pins Toryn into whatever form he was in.

Shadow Knight looks at Stylixxt and coughs, slapping his hand hard.

Rand tries the same at the moment Stylixxt gets his hand slapped

-> Toryn: as the fog descends, obscuring your view and freezing you into place, you feel something start to happen to you. Your skin starts to tighten and itch, you feel things start to split and things start to grow out of you.

-> Stylixxt: give me a dexterity roll btw..

Rand quickly puts the keys behind his back, handing them to Stylixxt when he can

Evil GM: the SK notices Sty trying for the keys but not Rand and rand gets them

Vincent (Rand): hehe... as long as it works... now unlock Sunfalls chains while i try to clown some more

Jason (Stylixxt): what is collin doing btw anythink?

Evil GM: Kenny, what's Collin doing??

Evil GM: collin is standing there mumbling about how he'd like to taste the pegasus

Stylixxt: rips the giffon feather off his spear gently waving it so collin can see it then casually tosses it towards the centre of the pentagram

Stylixxt backs off away from the pentagram towards sunfall

Collin sees the feather.

Stylixxt: smiles

Collin: Wha?! Princess's present...

Toryn shriek of sheer horro from the paladin coming out of the dark cloud

Collin blunders into the pentagram and starts screaming.

Toryn (Toryn): bleh I can spell ! " horror " not "horro "

Stylixxt tries to unlock sunfalls chains with the commotion that is happening in the circle

Jason (Stylixxt): hmm maybe keys would be better me thinks

Rand makes sure none of the elfs look at stylixxt, if they do he slaps them hard on the shoulder

Vincent (Rand): i gave them to you

Jason (Stylixxt): i know was just larking around

Jason (Stylixxt): was funny inside my head

Vincent (Rand): LOL

Stylixxt: is there anythink on the alter thing nearby that is probably connected to the ritual inside the circle

Gomph: All of the shadow knights press themselves along the walls, watching the pentagram warely and with awe and keeping an eye on everyone else as well

-> Stylixxt: there's a book, and a bowl with some burnt stuff in it, but not much else

Stylixxt: if i am being observed i wont unlock sunfall

Whisper recipient not found

-> Stylixxt: dexterity roll

-> Stylixxt: the sk's are watching you and one raises an eye

Stylixxt: ok i will leave the chains for now

At what seems to the the height of the ritual, from the sound of Gomph's voice, there is a mighty clap of thunder

Stylixxt: a spellcraft roll maybe? to see if the items on the alter are part of the ritual?

-> Toryn: a final shock of pain rips through you and the pegasus screams

The horse screams as does collin

Gomph lowers his hands and smiles.

Gomph: There my son, what will be revealed when the fog clears is glory unto our father and our race.

Aikira growls, but makes no moves

Caelianna glars daggers at Gomph but knows better than to try to fight a master necromancer.

Rand watches with curiousity, wondering if the necromancer thought it all out or if even he will be surprise

The fog starts to clear, very slowly.

Rand blows at the fog in a failed attempt to make it clear faster

Caelianna: Spot rolls, everyone (including kyra nd rouge)

GM: Nobody believes me, but I really didn't program these dice against the placer. ;-)

Gomph: Only moments more (says in anticipation)

Stylixxt: can i cast a burst of flame on one of the candles around the circle?

-> Toryn: as the fog clears, you see the pegasus had been converted into a demon mount, blowing smoke from it's nostrils and red glowing eyes..horns, ect,ect lord of the ringish

-> Stylixxt: sure

Stylixxt sneakily tries to cast a spell quietly muttering arcane words

-> Stylixxt: as the fog clears you can see the pegasus has been turned into a thing out of nightmares (think about those wraith's mounts from lord of the rings) and Toryn looks like a demon himself

GM: Everyone give me spot rolls (except rouge and kyra)

Toryn (Toryn): do I need to make a 2nd spot roll (I got a 22 result above earlier)

GM: yes

GM: This is for something else

Stylixxt: ok i cast the spell on one of the candles hoping that the transformation has not fully taken

-> Stylixxt: the candle kind of poofs out, but nothing seems to happen

Stylixxt: jumps onto the altar torynn....isss that you!!!!

The fog finally clears, leaving the room a little smokey...inside the pentagram the horse has been turned into a true demon mount complete with smoke puffing from it's nose and red eyes.

Rand: "Wow" Rand mutters

Kyra crouches down further in the corner, hands at the ready

Toryn also seemed to change. His skin turned leathery red, horns jet out from his black hair on his head. His eyes are yellowish and he has claws and two wings are folded on his back.

Toryn Toryn looks down at himself in horror

-> Toryn: your body seems to hurt like you split out of your own skin

Toryn: do I er " feel " evil ? as in alignment change ?

Stylixxt: mighty magiccs are present here....toryn has being transformed into a demon..

Rand sees Toryn and his mouth drops open, not able to say a word

Gomph says a few words and the ropes and chains magically slip from the demon mount. It stands, puffing smoke and stretches it's wings.

Kyra sees a familiar person at the other end of the room - it looks like Rand, the man who killed her Royal Guard friend

-> Toryn: give me a wisdom roll

Rouge sees him too, and exchanges a few glances with Kyra

Collin is laying on the ground, seemingly unchanged, holding a feather.

-> Vinnie: you are free to act, collin died rescuing the feather

-> Vinnie: can come out of the back room behind the alter

Gomph holds out a hand to the new mount

Gomph: Come my beauty!

Kyra: is that Gomph, standing in front of Kyra?

Vinnie: what is he? how is he?

-> Kyra: yes

Vinnie: what is his faction like with Gomph?

The mount trots over to Gomph and Gomph mounts it bareback.

-> Vinnie: gomph tolerates him

Rand: "Toryn?" Rand stammers at his now fiendish looking friend

Toryn sighs and shakes his head looking at the ground

Gomph holds his hand out to Aikira.

Kyra Kyra watches the horse come in her direction, and tries to move out of the way before it, and Gomph on it's back, see her

Vinnie: Aikira still there?

Gomph: Come my son.

Aikira climbs up behind Gomph.

Toryn: " Forgive me Mithaniel... Erollisi... I have failed you " murmurs Toryn still looking at the ground

Vinnie walks out of the room behind the altar trying to put his hair in order

Vinnie sees Aikira

Gomph: We will now be taking our leave. You might as well stop hunting me, (looking at the newcomers), you'll never win

Vinnie: (italian accent) heeeeeeeeey mista black, how ya doin?

Gomph waves his hands and says a few words

A black swirling portal opens in the middle of the pentagram.

Aikira goes to dive off of the mount, but Gomph reaches out and holds him steady

Gomph: You made a trade for your friends lives, honor it.

Vinnie: daddy gonna teach him a lesson hehe

Gomph points to the portals.

Stylixxt: shouts yes keep your word honor it.... we will see you again !!!!

Gomph: Go home servants, your duty to me is done for this night.

The shadow knights start filing into the portal in twos.

Vinnie waves ignorant at Gomph like ye ye

Gomph watches the shadow knights leave and looks to Stylixxt.

Gomph: I will honor my word. (grins) and I'm sure we will meet again.

Stylixxt: visibly whithers under gomphes penetrating gaze

Toryn: Toryn shoots a sharp look at Stylixxt

Kyra wonders what the HELL is going on here

After the shadow knights file out, Gomph follows and the portal closes with a mighty crack, sending static electricity through the room.

Vinnie shrugs

Rouge moves towards Rand

Rand walks to Toryn, carefully watching his friend in new form

Vinnie: so what we got heeee now" Vinnie says as he looks around

Rand: "Is that you Toryn?" Rand asks

Kyra starts searching the room for any scrolls, all the while keeping an eye on the rest of the party and rouge

What is left is a single dark elf with a light blueish skin wearing leather armor.

Vinnie stands there looking bored and 100% arrogant

-> Kyra: search roll

Stylixxt: unlocking sunfall from his chains

Rouge is going to check out the altar

Toryn roars in anger and punches a nearby wall ... then, a horrible thought occurring to him, he prays to Mithaniel Marr to see if the bruise he just inflicted on his hand will heal

Rand puts his hand on Toryns shoulder, first testing to see if it is hot, then comforting as friends do

Toryn (Toryn): e.g. trying to do a Light Healing spell evil GM

-> Stylixxt: as you do, Sunfall disappears in a puff of smoke

Vinnie not used to beeing ignored Vinnie scrapes his throat

Stylixxt shouts in confusion

Evil GM: it seems to work

Stylixxt: sunfall he is gone.....

Rand: "Check for a coin" Rand says

Rouge: basically looking for that scroll Raven wants

Kyra moves over to what looks like an altar and searches again

Stylixxt scours the ground looking for a coin

Toryn: " Amazing " murmurs Toryn in astonishment looking at his hand " I was sure the Marr Twins would turn their back on me - for good reason - after this... wait a minute, what do you mean gone ?!? "

-> Rouge: what you find in the room is a book on the alter in a language you've never seen and a silver bowl with burnt stuff in it. There's no scroll.

Stylixxt: he was here i unlocked him and he disappered in a puff of smoke

Toryn: Giving Rand a thank-you squeeze on the arm in reply toryn starts checking the entire room " By the gods did they take Sunfall too ?!? "

Stylixxt: no i think this is different..

Vinnie shouts,' FIREEEEEEEEEEEEE' looking for a reaction

Toryn: Toryn looks worried but says " Could be another one of his spells... perhaps one we havent' seen before "

Rouge looks at kyra, and nods in Rands direction

Rand: "Shut up" Rand says to Vinnie while he continues looking for a coin on the floor

Stylixxt looks up to vinnie questioningly

Kyra Kyra nods back, indicating she recognized him too

Toryn: " Who in the name of the gods are you ?!? " snaps Toryn at Vinnie, not in the best of moods

Rouge: any change to reach Rand's back unnoticed? Wanna put a dagger at his thro=at

Stylixxt: moves up to toryn clapping him on the back.. i dont think there was anythink you could of done..he was a powerful necromancer

Vinnie beams a smile at Toryn now he finally got attention, spreads his arms and walks upto Toryn kissing him on both cheeks,' hello, i'm Vincenzo, but you can call me Vinnie'

Toryn tries to brush Vinnie off, still scowling, and notices Kyra standing in the corner for the first time " Is she a friend of yours? And what brings you two here ? "

Evil GM: this is kind of what Toryn looks like, just not so big

Kyra raises her eyebrows over this strange sight, but then focusses on Rand again - wondering if she should do something

Vincent (Rand): and you kissed that ?

Kenny (Vinnie): why not? i kissed worse things irl

Toryn (Toryn): oh lovely - except Toryn has just two arms correct evil GM ? :P

GM: Yes, toryn only has 2 arms

Stylixxt: i think you look better by the way you can ... trying to comfort the paladin your enemies will run in fear from you

GM: But he does have wings

Kyra Kyra looks at the ungodly thing standing in the center of the pentagram

Vinnie: If i may add mista, yo momma had to be dang ugly to give birth to a monster like you' Vinnie says to Toryn before looking around what the others are doing

Rouge: under the assumtion here that I'm still unknown to the rest

Kyra: My name is Kyra Erduan. What I do here is little of your concern

Rand: "Toryn, we will find a cure for this, it may take a while though. I guess it is best if you try to hide from now on, your looks may cause tons of trouble" Rand says

Toryn: " Well we have more in common now shaman " Toryn chuckles sadly to Stylixxt " As a matter of fact you're probably better looking than I am right now - and no I wasn't born this way ! " toryn snaps at Vinnie

-> Rouge: there's really nothing to hide behind or distractions anymore so they can see you

Kyra Kyra focusses back on Rand again

Vinnie sees Stylixxt,' wow, what is this? a freak show?'

Toryn: " Agreed my friend " sighs Toryn looking at Rand " And thank you for your concern but perhaps this is a fitting punishment - I failed my gods "

Stylixxt: you are in a unique position... you can get to feal what its like when others judge you on appearance.

Rouge: Are you lot with this murdering bastard?

Rand sighs at the dark elf

Rouge points to Rand

Stylixxt: points to vinnie.....see what i mean

Rand: "Although Stylixxt may be a bit harsh, he is right to some point" Rand says

Vinnie: eewww, don't put ur finger at me, you ... FREAAAAAAK... god knows what may happen!'

Stylixxt: as you have all done to me except you of course rand

Toryn: " He's under a curse - he's not himself " replies Toryn taking up a defensive position between Rand and the newcomers

Rand: "What can i help you with" Rand says to Rouge, seeing him point

Kyra frowns

Toryn Detect Evil then Detect Good on Kyra, Vinnie and Rouge evil GM

Stylixxt: takes a defensive position near toryn finally realising their are others in the room

Kyra: And what curse would that be? The "lets kill people's friends type of curse?"

Vinnie: caelianna with us?

Rouge: you could help us by turning yourself in. Dieing would be good too

Kyra: "I will never understand why he was given a royal pardon"

-> Toryn: you detect good on Kyra but not the other two and there's lots of evil, and you can't pinpoint who at this point

Stylixxt: can i do a heal check on toryn please

-> Vinnie: yup

Rand: "Neither do I" Rand agrees

Rouge mumbles something about foul play

Toryn: " That one serves the forces of light " declares Toryn after a long pause pointing at Kyra, " The others I'm unsure about - the taint of evil here is so strong we'd have to leave before I could get a clear reading on the other two "

Rand: "And i was strictly forbidden by your king to ever go back to Qeynos" Rand says

Vinnie whistles at Caelianna and walks up to her and makes a graceful bow,' and who might you be, fair maiden, to be in the company of such... ackward beeings?'

Caelianna: He was given a royal pardon as a favor to the House of Leaves, and he did Qeynos a service by ridding the hills with a good deal of gnoll population.

Caelianna stands by the wall and watches the chaos.

Kyra Kyra eyes the woman who just spoke coolly.

Caelianna eyes Vinnie.

Kyra: "I gather you are a druid?"

Caelianna: Oh Tunare, not another one..

Caelianna nods slightly to Kyra.

Rand shakes his head at all the noise and hostility

Kyra nods at Caelianna in acknowledgement

Caelianna: I am a servant of Tunare.

Toryn: " She is the Princess of Flowers and you would do well to treat her with respect " Toryn advises Kyra, perhaps a bit less coldly than Toryn normally would be under the circumstances

Vinnie looks hurt at Caelianna,' oh i see, someone was before me, to steal your heart and the smile on your face'

Rouge: He also murdered and wounded some of the Royal Guard. Good doesnt necessarily cancel bad

Kyra: Kyra replies to Caelianna: "well met, nature lover. I once shared your sentiment and do not wish you harm"

Vinnie: 'CAN U JUST SHUT UP!!! can't u see i'm talking to the lady over here???' Vinnie yells at the others

Caelianna looks to Toryn and holds her scolding for putting out her royal title.

Toryn: " He was given a royal pardon by the king - you're saying you have more authority than the king does ? " Toryn barks at Rouge

Stylixxt: whispers to toryn stay strong... i am sure this is just a test of faith for you...if you are half the man i think you are i am ssure you will pass

Rand: "No it doesn't" Rand agrees, "Which is what haunts me at night. For some reason i lost control of myself inside the city and butchered a defenseless man"

Rouge frowns at Vinnie.

Caelianna nods to Kyra in acknowlegement.

Toryn: Toryn gives Stylixxt a surprised look then squeezes him gratefully on the arm.. " Thank you... friend."

Caelianna ignores Vinnie and walks over to Collin's prone form, rolling him over.

Kyra: "And that defenseless man was one of my closest friends. You can't expect me to be cordial all of a sudden"

Stylixxt thinks to himself so what if he killed a guy in cold blood whats the problem

Vinnie: 'please forgive these people for their arrogance and stupidity knows no borders' Vinnie says at Caelianna

Rouge snarls at Toryn: "He's still breathing, isn't he?"

Rand: "I won't ask that of you" Rand says head bowed down

Caelianna checks Collin's pulse and sighs, plucking the feather from his hand.

Toryn: " I'm sorry for your loss " Toryn tells Kyra stiffly " But as I already told you Rand is laboring under a curse - normally he's not a murderer "

Caelianna walks over to Stylixxt and holds out the feather.

Toryn: " He's dead ? " toryn asks Caelinna pointing at Collin

Rouge: "normally"?

Kyra: "I once was under a spell as well - we were cured by a djinni if I remember well, it is a long time ago" says Kyra to Rand. "Is there no way to lift this evil from you?"

Caelianna: He gave his life trying to rescue it. There's power in this feather, a sacrifice was born upon it.

Stylixxt: thank you .... takes the feather .... anythink to try to disturb the spell unfortunately it was far too powerful

Rand: "My profession is that of a cleric, we save lives, we don't kill" Rand says, "At least i didn't untill I ended up in Qeynos"

Vinnie: 'beeing born ugly is no curse... not everyone is as lucky as me' Vinnie says to Kyra

Toryn: Toryn goes back to slamming his fist against the walls " I can't even protect a child !!!! "

Stylixxt: looks down at collin......he is dead??

Kyra Kyra stares at Vinnie incredulously

Vinnie: 'a child? i mean no disrespect, but u humans got some strong and muscled babies...'

Kyra: "Are you really concerned with physicalities at a time like this?" she asks pointedly

Caelianna (whispers): he's dead

Rand: "I don't know if there is a cure" Rand says, "But let me start by introducing ourselfs, i hate calling someone "hey you""

Rouge glares at Vinnie. "...and just who the fuck are you?"

Stylixxt holds the feather up to the light then refastenes it toi his spear

Vinnie: 'baby' vinnie says at Kyra,' beauty is now... tomorrow it is gone... so i enjoy my good looks now, u wanna enjoy them too maybe?'

Kyra scrapes her throat and turns her back to Vinnie

Rouge: HEY! Watch your mouth!

Vinnie: 'oh yes please, show me that, for that is the best part of u'

Kyra: "Introductions seem like a good idea"

Vinnie: rofl

Stylixxt: whispers to rand ... is he good looking i have no idea ... you all look the same to me

Kenny (Vinnie): i'm a DE

Rand: "Go ahead, knock him on the head" Rand says, "You know you want it. And if you knock him regularly, i will take my chances with Toryn, hoping i don't spike my hand in the process"

Kyra summons all her tranquility and ignores Vinnie, walking towards Rand and Toryn

-> Vinnie: well, total chaos was accomplished I think

Jason (Stylixxt): oops

Toryn: Toryn stops berating himself long enough to glance at Vinnie " You're playing with fire - she's far more than you can handle "

Rand: "I guess he is, i don't fall for guys" Rand whispers back to Stylixxt

Vinnie: carpe diem, my ugly friend. for tomorrow all life might be over' Vinnie says to Toryn

Toryn: " True " murmurs Toryn looking at Collin's lifeless body

Rouge: Yeah... or the sun might shine, nightface

Rand: "What is your name anyways, my dark friend" Rand asks Vinnie

Vinnie makes a bow

Stylixxt: he said his name is vincccienzzzio or somethink i believe

Kyra: "Why are you hanging out with a Dark Elf - he can't be an asset to your party" Kyra asks Toryn, looking the unsightly creature up and down. "And .. what is your true form?"

Vinnie: please forgive me, may i introduce myself as Vincenzo, but you as my new found friends might call me vinnie'

Vinnie: crap gotta tank lethar

-> Vinnie: lol, k

Rand: "Okay, Vinnie it is" Rand says, turning to Kyra "And what is your name my lady?"

Toryn: Toryn sighs deeply " Not all dark elves are alike - I fought back to back with one - the one just kidnapped by his father... that dark elf helped me kill the walking dead and evil cultists bent on torturing and killing innocent villagers .. his name was Aikira"

Vinnie: 'haaa, i see u had the pleasure of beeing in mista Blacks cheerfull presence.' Vinnie grins at Toryn

Kyra: "As I said, my name is Kyra. This is my husband Rouge" - and she points to the other woodelf

Rouge: "My guess, that was the one on the back of the hellsteed?

Toryn: Normally I am human but now... I'm this... inside I'm still the same , or I hope so by the gods... Toryn, Knight of Truth from Freeport, paladin in service to Mithaniel and Erollisi Marr " Toryn finishes looking at Kyra

Rand: "Nice to meet you two and my apoligies for what happened in Qeynos, i hope in time you will learn me for who i really am" Rand says to both Kyra and Rouge

-> Kyra: you know who Caelianna is, btw, she is princess to your people

-> Rouge: you know who Caelianna is btw, she is princess to your people

Vinnie: kk fight starting now

-> Vinnie: k

Rouge grumbles an acknowledgement

Toryn: " Yes Aikira was the one on the back of the ... hellsteed" Toryn forces the last word out painfully.. " I was sent here to rescue it .. and failed.. and lost Aikira and Collin in the process "

Stylixxt: pats rans arm you should not feel guilty over events out of your control.. you threw yourself at the mercy of the king these you owe nothink

Caelianna quietly stands back, eyes closed.

Kyra: I wonder whether I acknowledge her though since my allegiance lies elsewhere

Rouge me kneels to Caelianna. "Greetings, mylady"

-> Kyra: up to you

Caelianna open her eyes and looks down at Rouge.

Toryn: Despite everything Toryn manages a weak chuckle looking at Rouge " She doesn't like that "

Vinnie: 'suck-uuuuuuuuuuup'

Rand: "If you affect someones life in a bad way you always owe them an apology" Rand says to Stylixxt, "Or at least, that is the way it works for us humans"

Kyra bows her head slightly in acknowledgement.

Kyra: "My lady"

Caelianna: Stand, there is no need to kneel in my presence. I am a woodelf, much like yourself.

Stylixxt: why? what good does that do ..... things happen you move on..

Stylixxt: sighs strange folk capable of all things ... i will never understand their ways

Kyra: "I am a woodelf, but no longer affiliated with the beliefs of my race. My allegiance lies with the Order of the Phoenix now, to whom I owe my life. They sent me here."

Toryn: " Well we're giving poor Collin a decent burial at least ... Stylixxt, Rand, will you please help me lift him? He'll be quite heavy " Toryn asks , trying to lift Collin's body

Rouge me stands up "my apologies. Qeynos court made that a force of habit"

Rand: "To allow them to do the same you try to undo part of your wrongdoing, by doing so you allow the other to move on as well" Rand explains

Rand moves to Toryn and helps pick up Collin

Caelianna: Each of us, born woodelf, owes our thanks to our Mother for our creation. As long as you acknowledge that piece of your creation, alliances and loyalties change as the gods see fit.

Stylixxt remembers the pounch collin gave him....oh well he cant do it again.. and cheerfully helps the others

Rouge rolls his eyes

Kyra: Kyra adresses the party "do any of you know if Gomph left any artifacts behind? Scrolls, letters, anything?"

Caelianna looks at Rouge.

Toryn: " Not that I've seen - go ahead and look for them if you like " Toryn answers Kyra with a defeated, melanchony air lifting Collin's body with the others' help

Stylixxt: we have not searched the area we were bought here by a contingent of dark elves

Caelianna: And I don't advise that you go back to Faydwer even now. There are people very upset with you.

Rand: "Honestly, i don't care" Rand says, "He took a dear friend of ours and emptyness cannot be filled by books, scrolls or artifacts"

Kyra eyes Caelianna pointedly

Kyra: "No need to make threats now" she says to Caelianna, "even if you are a princess of our kind"

Toryn (Toryn): knowledge religion roll to see if Toryn knows anything about the order of the phoenix evil GM

Stylixxt: which one rand? we lost sun aikira and collin

Rouge shrugs. "Burned those ships behind me. What is, is"

Stylixxt: whilst helping with the corpse... toryn was that the horse of your dreams?

Rand: "With all respect for Collin, he wasn't a friend like Aikira and SUn were" Rand says, "But even his childish behavior will be missed tonight"

Caelianna: It's not a threat. Our lives are long and our memories just as. It's always good to know what one faces down each path, is it not?

Kyra: "Knowledge is worthwhile, yes. We have no intention to return to Faydwer as it is anyhow. The memories are not fond."

Toryn: " It was " sighs Toryn to Stylixxt " The gods sent me here to save it - and I failed "

Evil GM: Order of Phoenix is a monk order of quellious outside of Qeynos

Rouge nods his agreement with Kyra

Toryn: " An order of monks devoted to the child goddess of peace - no wonder you walk the path of light " says Toryn out loud with a knowing look at Kyra

Stylixxt: from what i could see you did all that was within your power... you were not strong enough it is simple

Caelianna: Just know that if your path takes you down that road, be warey of those who can't let what one does in their reckless youth..go.

Kyra clasps her hands and makes a formal bow to Toryn

Toryn: " Thank you friend.. but I should have been strong enough I should have... should have done something differently.... what I don't know but something.. we lost Aikira, Collin, the horse, possibly Sunfall "

Kyra addresses the party again

Caelianna: Also be warey in Freeport, I do know that there are guilds between the two continents that do buisness togeather.

Kyra: "Since you apparently have lost your friends to Gomph - are you planning to go after them?"

Stylixxt: you did more than what mortals could...aikira is strong his father wont break his will from what i have seen of him anyway

Rouge tells Caelianna that he's all too aware of that

Toryn: " Count on it " Toryn snarls to Kyra then pauses... " forgive me monk my anger is directed at Aikira's father, not you "

Vinnie walks upto Rand

Vinnie: can i pickpocket him?

-> Vinnie: who?

Rand: "Aikira is the son of Gomph and he specifically said not to follow them" Rand says

Vinnie beams a smile at him and goes stand next to him while whispering,' humans always talk this much?'

Vinnie: rand

Toryn: " Right now I... don't know if we're strong enough " Toryn adds softly looking at Kyra " He tore through us like paper as you can see from the results of this fiasco "

Rand: "Personally i think Aikira will show up soon enough," Rand continues, "There are not many that can best him in a fight"

Toryn: " True " says Toryn smiling and chuckling a bit, remembering...

Caelianna walks up to Rouge and whispers quietly in his ear.

Rand: "And Sunfall is somewhere, i know so, he has a tendency to disappear and reappear often" Rand finishes

Kyra: "We have our own business with Gomph, as you perhaps gathered" Kyra says to Toryn, looking him up and down gently. "We might give you a hand. If only to also keep an eye on him" and she points at Rand

Toryn: " We should go - you three can stay behind and look for those scrolls or whatever if you like ... feel free to join us afterwards if you want " Toryn tells Kyra, Vinnie and Rouge

Rand: "Sounds like a fair plan" Rand agrees

Toryn: " Rand, Stylixxt - we should get out of here, bury Collin "

Rouge mumbles "women..."

Stylixxt: hmmm... perhaps things will be clearer after a nights rest ... take note of your dreams toryn.. that is when we are closest to our gods

-> Rouge: before we part, make sure to get a letter from me. It might make a difference if you meet those that can't let bygones be bygones.

Rand starts on his way to Toryn, dragging the huge corpse of Collin

Toryn Toryn drags Collin's corpse along as well

Kyra shoots a curious look at Rouge

Kyra: "Do you think we should go with them" she whispers to Rouge

Rouge acknowledges Cealianna with a nod

Caelianna follows Rand, carefully staying out of the way of Collin's dragging legs

Stylixxt: do you think we should let them join us ... whispers to toryn

Vinnie: 'i think we should give it a try and see how they fit in' Vinnie says to stylixxt

Rouge: "guess so. Much as I distrust that Rand character. And who knows what that lizard is up to..."

Toryn: " I know at least one of them - the woman - follows the path of light " Toryn whispers back to Stylixxt " She worships a goddess devoted to peace... I'm guessing despite his hostile behavior her husband can be trusted too if she's married to him ... this Vinnie is

Kyra: "I wonder if we can do anything for the transformed human" Kyra tells Rouge quietly. "I think he is a good person .. it must be hell for him to go through this"

Toryn: the only one I'm unsure of "

Stylixxt: looks up at vinnie curiously.. then realises .... then smiles

Toryn: Toryn whispers loud enough for Rand to hear Toryn as well

Rand: "They all seem honest to me, and with right they dislike me" Rand says

Kyra: "I think Rand might be telling the truth ... though I don't trust him. The lizard is of no concern I think. It is the darkelf that concerns me more ..." says Kyra to Rouge

Rouge: "may hap, may hap" Rouge responds

Stylixxt: claps his two friends on the back... not very nice is it guys!!! when they prejudge you welcome to my world....hmmmms to himself today is a good day

Rand: "I never saw myself as prejudiced, but i do agree that prejudice ain't fun" Rand says

Toryn: Toryn chuckles ruefully " It was never about your looks Stylixxt... the gods ... gave me false information about you for some reason, I don't know why ... "

Kyra: can we do another search?

Toryn: " And I'm unsure about Vinnie only because I don't know anything about him, who he owes his allegiance to... "

-> Kyra: yup

Toryn: " I'll try to get another "reading" on him when we're out of this cesspool of evil and my senses aren't so muddled "

Rand: "I don't know if it was false information Toryn, maybe every one of us has some evil in him, one more then the other" Rand says

Stylixxt: maybe your god given gift read true... the omens are their .. if you can spot them

-> Kyra: still the same items as you found before

Kyra: which are?

Vinnie: 'please, mister ugly. I don't mean no harm.' Vinnie says when he puts his hands up in a defensless pose

Toryn: " You've been anything but evil " declares Toryn looking at Stylixxt " In this case my soul-sight was wrong "

-> Kyra: a book on the alter written in a language you don't understand, a small silver dish filled with a bunch of burnt substances, candles in silver candle holders.

Rouge sees Kyra looking round the room wonderingly... then is reminded of something, and looks the room over as well

Stylixxt: evil deed in the name of good its all about personal geography how many wars of being fought both sides in the name of good

Kyra Kyra takes the book she found on the altar with her.

Kyra she has experience with books that are dangerous ... it might not be smart to have this one lying around just like that

Rouge: default passing roll is 15

-> Rouge: under the alter you find a little secret door

Vinnie: 'So... where are we going next?' Vinnie asks around as if he always been a part of the group

Rouge: checking door for traps

Caelianna looks sideways at Vinnie and glowers.

Caelianna: Do we have to travel with another one?

Rand ignores the half elf

Kyra watches Rouge, who is always better in investigating, closely. She knows that his allegiances may prohibit him from telling her if he found anything

Vincent (Rand): dark elf*

-> Rouge: not trapped but it's locked

Rouge hangs around the altar

-> Rouge: it opens with a barely audible "click"

Rouge is fidgetting with the altar

Vinnie turns to Caelianna

-> Kyra: hahahahaha

Rouge: spot to check inside?

Wendy (Kyra): let's see if I can see what Rouge is doing

Vinnie: 'madam, i am sorry if i caused any discomfort. Please accept my humble appologies. But true beauty hypnotizes me'

-> Rouge: nah...inside is a scroll, sealed with wax.

Caelianna sighs.

Rand: "Vinnie, do you mind shutting your piehole for a few" Rand mutters while dragging the heavy corpse to the surface

Caelianna: The gods test me all too often.

Kyra: "Hmm ... does anyone have a rag at hand? I might stuff it in a nearby dark cavity ..

Rouge opens a previously hidden door, and takes out a scroll from the compartment behind the door.

Rouge: do I know what it is?

Toryn (Toryn): actually we're probably out of hearing range of kyra, vinnie and rouge by now after all this time dragging Collin's body :P

Wendy (Kyra): *growl*

Vinnie: 'please, young spagethi like boy, do not use foul words in the presence of a lady' Vinnie says to Rand while raising an eyebrow

Kyra walks towards Rouge and whisperes

Vinnie: so am i pissing people of enough?

Kyra: "did you find it?"

-> Rouge: it's a scroll

Kyra: did I see what Rouge found?

Rouge: spot to check if it's "that" scroll?

-> Rouge: are you trying to hide finding the scroll from kyra

Vinnie: *off

-> Rouge: you don't know unless you open it

-> Vinnie: he was perfect in the chaos

Rouge ignores Kyra and opens the scroll

Vinnie: lol

Vincent (Rand): i thought vinnie followed us

Kenny (Vinnie): i'm coming along lol

Kenny (Vinnie): glue'd like Kermit the sticker

-> Kyra: you see it unless he's trying to hide it. He hasn't said different.

Kyra takes a step back, confused

-> Rouge: second

Kyra and turns around, walks away, face white

Vinnie: 'those other two are a good couple, you know.' Vinnie says to Rand while following them,' two ugly people have very high chances of getting goodlooking kids'

Rand sighs

-> Rouge: it's a language that you can't read but there's symbols that make the scroll look like it might be a spell of some kind.

Vinnie: lol

Caelianna (mutters): the only ugly ones are those with blue skin.

Rouge: can I tell if it is, or isnt what we're looking for?

Vincent (Rand): afk

-> Rouge: give me a wisdom roll

Vinnie: 'aw honey, you broke my heart' Vinnie says while putting his hands on his chest

-> Rouge: it sure is!

Rouge: d10 1st roll didnt matter :P

Kyra Kyra starts following the others outside, leaving Rouge at the altar

Rouge walks up to Cealinna, and bids her farewell

Caelianna nods and reaches into her pouch and produces a medallion.

Caelianna: This will due.

Vinnie: can i pickpocket that medallion? :P

-> Vinnie: it's in plain sight, but you can follow rouge and try afterwards.

Vinnie: i'll see what the group is up to :P

Rouge asks what it is

Vincent (Rand): you going back down again Rouge?

-> Vinnie: they're still headed upstairs I believe.

IJdo (Rouge): still down me thinks

Caelianna: It is a token of favor from the royal house. It is spelled so it may not be duplicated, but those of the royal line will always be able to identify it as well as who gave it.

Vincent (Rand): we are all walking abck up to the surface, you caught up and said farewell ... so i wondered where you were going :)

IJdo (Rouge): no, was still at the altar

Caelianna: If you ever get into trouble with those who wish you ill from our line and there is available help from the royal house, turn it in and they will do what they can.

Caelianna: Ok, then scratch that

GM: hehe, the original group and vinnie already left, heading upstairs.

GM: They've been gone a good 20 minutes already.

Toryn (Toryn): keep in mind msn instant messenger if you want to have a private chat with just one other PC

Wendy (Kyra): I actually thought that I, Rouge, Caelianna were still downstairs since Toryn, Vinnie and Rand were going upstairs with Colin's body, saying they'd see us later.

IJdo (Rouge): I have some issues with 20 minutes just to pick up and glance over a scroll, tbh ;P

Evil GM: it'll even out since a lot of stuff is done in whispers.

IJdo (Rouge): yeah, same here

Toryn (Toryn): anyways when you guys are all done investigating let us know and we'll continue upstairs ;)

Vincent (Rand): Caelianna was following as well

Evil GM: well, you searched the room, found a secret chamber, searched for a trap, picked the lock. That all takes some time.

Toryn (Toryn): actually out of this place and not upstairs - I think that was the general consensus

Wendy (Kyra): I'm already out - once I understood that Rouge was not willing to share with me what he found

Toryn (Toryn): and that's normal I think b.t.w. - some PC's wait while other PC's do their thing, same thing as if we were all sitting around at a gaming table in person ;)

Evil GM: pretty much

Toryn (Toryn): evil GM we get out of the house without any problems or incidents ?

IJdo (Rouge): ok, for arguments sake, I take the scroll, head up, chat to Cea (see above), and catch up with Kyra

GM: sounds good

GM: You guys make it up faster than you made it down, the stairs seemed to have reset themselves finally so you didn't have to navigate that slide. ;-)

-> Stylixxt: give me a will roll

Stylixxt: a spell cast at me?

Wendy (Kyra): why a will save?

Toryn: Toryn slings Collin's body over the nearest horse and says " Let's get as far away from here as possible - I don't want Collin buried anywhere near this house of... filth ... " toryn spits in the house's general direction

Rouge shows the scroll to Kyra, and tells her "this looks like what we were looking for

-> Stylixxt: nope, nothing ;-)

Kyra We? Kyra says questioningly to Rouge

Vincent (Rand): some things happen in whispers

Jason (Stylixxt): evil gm playing mind games on me

Toryn: " Forgive me for interupting but - are you coming with us ? " Toryn asks Kyra, Rouge and Vinnie

Wendy (Kyra): ok

Evil GM: loooooook into my eyes...

Vinnie: 'good thinking, oh ugly one, never leave traces that can lead back to yourself' Vinnie gives Toryn a tip

Jason (Stylixxt): trust in meeeeeee....just in meeeeeee

Vinnie: 'you gotta ditch the corpse somewhere in a river or trunk of a chariot'

Evil GM: /em then pulls out a rubber mallot and wacks-the-lizzy

Kyra: problem now ... if we already found the scroll, why would we go with them now? We have all the info we came for

Toryn: " He will be buried with all due respect and reverence " toryn practically roars in Vinnie's direction

Rouge "fine, you..." I hand the scroll to Kyra

-> Kyra: do you even know if it's the right one?

Rand: "Relax Toryn, this dark elf ain't as bright as Aikira was" Rand says

Kyra takes it from Rouge, unfolds it and reads it

Stylixxt: having helped the others with collin stylixxt takes the time to study the feather..

Toryn: " And far more annoying to boot " growls Toryn looking at Vinnie

-> Kyra: wisdom roll

Caelianna walks up and places a hand on Toryn's shoulder.

Vinnie: 'whaaaaaaaaat? don't u dare to compair me with that insulant, idiotic, gay barbarian! I have known him before you even knew he excisted!' Vinnie says to Rand keeping his cool

Kyra: damn hang on

Caelianna: Maybe, evenutally, he can lead us to Aikira

Toryn: " YOU know Aikira ?!? " Toryn asks Vinnie incredulously

Stylixxt: you know rand...cael said somethink about collins sacrifice altering the state of this feather what do you make of it?

Toryn: " As you say princess " sighs Toryn to Caelinna

-> Kyra: from your days as a druid you're able to read the scroll and see it's a necromatic spell scroll.

Kyra looks at Rouge and imperceptibly shakes her head

Vinnie: 'offcourse i do, mister ugly, we went out into the wild world to find richess and things to steal and people to kill. And to do a task for whatever god mr. Black pissed off and since Gomph told us to.'

Kyra mouths to Rouge that it is a necromancer's scroll

Rand: "I don't know, maybe it means the feather got imbued somehow" Rand says

Rouge looks upset, and curses under his breath

Toryn: " What task ? " Toryn asks Vinnie

Kyra gives the scroll back to Rouge - maybe it will be of use in the future

Rouge nods

Kyra: "We'd like to come with you if we may. It seems our task is no done yet," says Kyra to Toryn

Stylixxt: will a spellcraft check help me work out what has happened to the feather?

-> Stylixxt: welcome to try

Toryn Toryn nods yes to Kyra, still looking at Vinnie for his response

Vinnie: 'u don't seem a rich guy or you would have done something about that face or yours. So i won't try to bribe u or ask you for money. Its more fun taking it myself anyways. But he was send out to help some Lima girl on a task by mr. Zek'

-> Stylixxt: after studying it you gleam some information from the feather's changes, to be told next week. ;-) Remind me if I forget.

Jason (Stylixxt): nooooo evil gm gonna keep me hangin for a week

Toryn: " Lima girl ?!? Mr Zek ?!? " asks Toryn in disbelief then shakes his head ... " We'll talk about this later "

Stylixxt: lol will do

Toryn: " Let's get out of here "