Dungeons and Dragons - Everquest d20

23/4/07 - Session 31

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EQd20 Ruleset (FG2)

Spending the night in an abandoned farm house...

Last week you had found an abandoned farm house. Like the intelligent, brave paladin he is, Toryn went and had to poke one of the three scarecrows in the front garden. The group got feared and ran boldly and bravely away at intervals and through Cael's dedication and hard work, she managed to get them mostly dead by the time everyone came back.

Stylixxt went for an extended search of the property since Toryn seemed to miss the windows somehow. Aikira found some gold in a chest in the bedroom.

Rand walks into the farm, right to the kitchen area, seeing if there is anything edible in there

Rand: Search [1d20+3 = 10]

Collin looks around,' where are we? what are we doing here? who the heck are you people actually?????

Toryn (Toryn): evil GM do we need our little character tokens on the map ?

-> rand: by the fireplace there are some sacks of flour and grain that seems ok. There's a barrel of pickles and fresh water as well as ale.

Evil GM: Not at the moment, I just put the map up to refresh memories of the house layout.

Toryn: Toryn gives Collin a surprised look " You don't remember us ? "

Rand walks up to the fireplace and grabs a barrel, loudly announcing there is ALE !

Collin: 'I donno" Collin scracthes his head

Vincent (Rand): are we really going to have to introduce ourselfs every game?

Kenny (Collin): i donno' Kenny scrachtes his head

Vincent (Rand): if so, i will make a hotkey for it :)

Toryn: " Hmm " murmurs Toryn , wondering if magic is involved or if it's simply Collin's child-like intellect ... " We're your friends " says Toryn firmly to Colin then steps inside the building through the door, sword drawn

Toryn Detect Evil walking through the entire house evil GM

Stylixxt: after doing a thourough search of the outside perimeter walks boldly into the house holding up a shiny blue gem to the light

Petra (Evil GM): Thanks kenny...now I get to hear him curse in Dutch, pound on his keyboard, and growl when the hotkey doesn't work

Vincent (Rand): LOL

Collin: 'Oh!' Collins cheers, walking over to toryn smacking him HARD on the shoulder

-> toryn: after about 20 minutes of thorougly detecting the house of evil...it comes up as evil.

Toryn (Toryn): any areas in particular that readiate stronger evil than others evil GM that I can pinpoint ?

Caelianna enters the house and drops her pack and bedroll on the sturdy wooden table.

Stylixxt examines the windows ... can they be shuttered to prevent unwanted entry??

-> toryn: the area that stylixxt stands is moderate evil, the rest detects as low evil

Evil GM: Yup, there's shutters on the windows

Toryn: Toryn staggers for a moment under Collin's blow then forces a pained smile " Yes Collin... friends " ... Toryn rubs his shoulder and tries to return to his scrying

Toryn (Toryn): where is Stylixxt standing evil GM ?

Evil GM: Probably infront of that window

Rand walks up to Collin holding a mug of foaming Ale and offers it to him

Rand: "Let's hope this will distract him from slamming your shoulder a few" Rand whispers and grins to Toryn

Caelianna: I just hope a giant doesn't accidently step on us in the middle of the night. Ah well, could happen anywhere in the plains.

Toryn: Toryn investigates the area around Stylixxt - no doubt discovering that Stylixxt is the one radiating it, he gives Stylixxt a truly puzzled look, mutters a prayer to the Marr Twins for guidance, then proceeds to open every drawer, cupboard, et cetera sword at the ready

Stylixxt shutters and secures each window .... thats better more sssecure it may get a little dark in here

Toryn: " Wise as always my friend" Toryn replies to Rand with a smile

-> toryn: search roll

Collin takes the ale, walks over to Toryn and whispers in his ear,'i don't trust this rand guy. He looks like someone i ever saw'

Toryn: [1d20 = 8]

Rand: "Good idea Stylixxt, but here, take an Ale now (holding out a mug with Ale)" Rand says

Toryn: [1d20 = 19]

Toryn: [1d20 = 12]

Stylixxt takes the offered mug

Toryn: ;mn,m,m...................................

Stylixxt: and what does one do with such a thing sniffing at the foam warily?

Toryn: b,,,lb,;lb,l,ljh,j;,hgj;,h,n;nb;,;,m;n,m,nm.

Toryn: h.mnjjkihjopikhghgop[hgklokifgi.;/m,m, .,. . . . .' ./'.

Petra (Caelianna): Kid

Stylixxt: it is poisoned?? you gave me poison looking at the effects on the paladin?

Rand: "Taste it" Rand says smiling content and friendly at Stylixxt

Petra (Caelianna): I'd say it was andre finally losing his mind, but that's been gone

Toryn (Toryn): sorry, my 3 year old got to the keyboard, disregard the above

Kender (Stylixxt): i guess the baby playing again:))

-> toryn: search roll

Rand: "Since i haven't given any to the paladin yet, it can't be the ale that makes him do that" Rand grins

Caelianna looks at Toryn rummaging through the house.

Rand takes a swig of the Ale, producing more mugs, offering one to Caelianna and Aikira

Caelianna: You'll get used to it.

Stylixxt: ahh perhaps he was haveing a mement in prayer i have seen elders of our tribe in similar chants

Caelianna: Nay, tis nasty stuff.

Evil GM: Toryn only - Search roll

Stylixxt flicks his tongue into the offered ale

Stylixxt eyes go wide in delight

Rand: "See" Rand laughs

Rand: "Don't drink too much of it though, a hangover is not something you want in these open plains" Rand advises Stylixxt

Toryn: Search [1d20 = 20]

Stylixxt: yes itsss good very good hmmmm frowning i must give you somethink in return!!

Toryn (Toryn): highly out of character roll for the paladin :P

Kender (Stylixxt): feints

Petra (Evil GM): all I have to say is....poor, poor bastard

Rand: "Nah, no need" Rand says, walking back to the barrel with Ale, dunking his mug in for a second filling

Stylixxt: it is customary i must a long hissss escapes his lips

-> toryn: when you get to the right side of the fire place and you start moving the barrels, sacks, and crates you notice a wooden trap door in the floor with the marking of Innoruuk on it.

Rand: "Then by all means, but don't worry if it becomes somewhere later in our travels" Rand grins

Toryn: Knowledge, Religion [1d20+4 = 7]

Stylixxt: i know ...stylixxt unwraps his bone scrollcase tipping some of the precious contents onto the table .... please choose they are all delicacies (all bugs ,beetles and spiders alive of course)

Toryn (Toryn): I know who Innoruuk is from the " What Toryn knows " sheet you gave me before, just seeing if I can uncover more info ;)

-> toryn: you pretty much know the basics of innoruuk from what you learned in paladin school and the tidbits Cael shared while trying to rub Aikira the wrong way

Evil GM: Yup

Toryn (Toryn): waaayyyy back at the beginning of the campaign

Stylixxt scoops up a tasty centipeded and looks at rand expectantle

Rand looks at the stuff on the table, his eyes going wide

Caelianna jumps off the table with a girly scream and looks for the nearest shoe to smash the bugs with.

Stylixxt save a spider from bugee jumping off the edge

Rand: "And then to think i only used bugs to make coloring for pictures" Rand says, shuddering

Caelianna finds a leather shoe in the corner and runs back to the table and lifts it to squish a bug.

Rand: "I think our diets are too different my friend, as a kid i tried to eat bugs, but honestly, aside from the fun of disgusting my parent, they weren't that good" Rand says, smiling

Stylixxt trys to rescur the bugs leave them princess they are delicacies

Toryn: " Princess ? " asks Toryn, momentarily distracted ... " No need to worry, I shall protect you "

Toryn: Toryn squashes the hell out of the bug

Rand takes an open hand swing at Toryn, smacking his head

Caelianna drops the shoe, glaring at Toryn.

Rand: "There, for calling Caelianna princess again" Rand says

Toryn: " She was frightened - it's my job to protect her " protests Toryn rubbing his head and looking at Rand

Toryn: " She said it was all right to call her princess ! " protests Toryn

Stylixxt cover the table with his arms dragging the bounty into his arms

Caelianna: I think, paladin, I can squish my own bugs. If I remember correctly, I'm the one who made those scarecrows half dead while you took a tour of the lovely countryside.

Rand: "Call her by her name, it's not that hard" Rand says

Toryn: " In any case we have need of your religious expertise - there's a trap door over there with the symbol of Innoruk on it "

Toryn: " We are most grateful princess " replies Toryn with a courtly bow " It shames me that you were forced to risk your royal personage while we cowered like children "

Rand: "Innoruuk you mean?" Rand says going pale

Toryn: " Yes - it's just a symbol - look at it , don't touch it, see if anything comes to mind Rand "

Stylixxt: is cael a druid ?

-> stylixxt: yes

Toryn: " If you have knowledge of the spirits perhaps you might have knowledge of this symbol too ? " Toryn asks Stylixxt looking at him

Rand sighs and walks over to where Toryn points

Stylixxt puts whats left of his bugs away feeling insulted

Rand: Knowledge Religion [1d20+4 = 8]

Toryn: " Aikira - I don't mean to stereotype but given the dark elves' relationship with Innoruuk maybe you should look at it too, see if anything comes to mind ? "

Aikira: [1d20+3 = 8]

Toryn points at a wooden trapdoor in the floor that was covered by the sacks and barrels. On it is a symbol of an elven head that is more goblin like than elvin, painted red.

Caelianna: [1d20 = 14]

Caelianna walks over and looks down at the floor.

Aikira: it doesn't really ring a bell brother

Rand: "Stylixxt, sorry to insult you, but humans and elfs don't eat bugs, our stomach just can't handle them" Rand says to Stylixxt, "I appreciate the offer as apparently they are delicacies to you"

Caelianna: What knowledge do you wish to gleam?

Toryn: " That's true, you're a druidess you'd know about religious matters too - forgive me princess ! " exclaims Toryn snapping his fingers.. " Just wondering if this door is...cursed, trapped, somehow with Innoruuk's darkness "

Rand: "You know, i may look and see if it is safe to touch, who knows what we can learn if we can open it" Rand says, turning back to the door

Stylixxt hmm somewhat appeased stylixxt moves to the corner of the room leaving his ale on the table

Toryn: " Let me do it " interjects Toryn putting himself between Rand and the door, " It's not safe "

Caelianna: Not every object with a holy, or unholy symbol has to be magic.

Rand: "And you are allowed to smack him over the head too Caelianna, every time he calls you princess" Rand says to Caelianna

Rand: Spellcraft [1d20+11 = 24]

Toryn: " Any thoughts shaman? " asks Toryn gesturing at the symbol

Stylixxt: swapping some spells around while having a quiet moment

-> stylixxt: k

Rand: "There is no magic about it, so it should be safe to open in that perspective

Toryn: " Oh ! " says Toryn... " Very well then.. " still giving the door adorned with the Prince of Hate's symbol a suspicious look, toryn pries it open with his sword

The door opens with a creak, darkness looms below.

Toryn: Toryn tries to illuminate the darkness with his hooded lantern, peering downwards

There seems to be a room at the bottom of some steep stairs.

Stylixxt: momentarily startled by the creak looks up from his meditations

Toryn Detect Evil towards the darkness evil GM

After staring down into the darkness, it seems to detect evil as the rest of the house.

Stylixxt: looks over the paladins shoulder tongue flicking in and out next to his ear

Petra (Evil GM): brb, potty

Toryn: Toryn gives the shaman a disturbed look " Are you ...er...trying to sense something shaman ? "

Stylixxt: it ssseems this placce hass an under chamber

Toryn: " I'm planning on investigating what's under there " Toryn announces " Everyone else be ready we don't know what's under there "

Petra (Evil GM): back

Collin nods,' i am ready for it, Frank'

Toryn: Toryn advances down the stairs slowly, lantern in one hand, sword in the other

Caelianna: Toryn, I don't think that's a good idea at the moment....

Stylixxt: it isss besst to search exspecially if we camp here tonight

Toryn: " Frank ?!? " says Toryn looking over his shouder

Toryn: Toryn pauses on the first step " Why not princess ? "

Evil GM: Everyone -- Wisdom rolls

Collin looks questioningly at Toryn totally clueless

Evil GM: [1d20+3 = 8]

Toryn: Wis bonus [1d20+3 = 13]

Aikira: [1d20+2 = 22]

Rand: Wisdom [1d20+4 = 18]

Collin: [1d20-1 = 16]

Toryn: " Toryn... Toooorrryyynnnn " says Toryn pointing at himself while looking at Collin

-> collin: the black dude isn't here

-> rand: Sunfall isn't around

Rand: "Where is Sunfall, if we get into trouble we may need him" Rand says

-> aikira: not only is Sunfall not in the house, nor have you seen or heard anything from him for the past 30 minutes....you guys have been travelling all day and need to rest. Especially after the scarecrows.

Toryn (Toryn): good point - evil GM any way Sunfall can be played as an NPC ?

Stylixxt: Wis bonus [1d20+5 = 18]

Evil GM: Nope, sunfall isn't around ;-)

Toryn (Toryn): doh !

Collin: like i'd know lol

Aikira: sunfall is not around guys, but we need to stop, and rest

-> collin: like I said, the black dude ain't here

Collin: 'he the chocolat puppet?'

-> stylixxt: not only is the mage gone, but the casters need to rest after a day dealing with griffons, scarecrows, and just plain travelling.

Toryn: " I suppose " says Toryn reluctantly looking down the stairwell " But we should take turns standing guard, for certain - in case something comes from up there to investigate "

Toryn: Toryn climbs back up and closes the door still looking at it suspiciously " I'll take first watch "

Rand: "Anyone found a coin by accident? if so, it might be Sunfall, leave it on a chair or something

Caelianna: Should cover it back up with all the heavy things in the house.

Toryn: Toryn laughs out loud at Rand's joke

Stylixxt: why not shut it and drag thosse barrels onto it

Toryn: " Good point princess" says Toryn nodding to her.. " Aikira , could use your muscles here brother ! " ... Toryn starts shoving heavy stuff on top of the door....

Kender (Stylixxt): afk a few mins

Toryn: The barrels Stylixxt suggested with a nod to the shaman

Toryn: " Don't call him chocolate puppet, he doesn't like it and he'll get very angry ! " Toryn hisses into collin's ear " His name is Aikira... Ah-keeer-ah ... "


Caelianna: Besides, going down into a nest of evil in the night....that's never a good idea.

Collin looks at Aikira, at Toryn, at Aikira, at Toryn and whispers back at Toryn,' he is Aikido, no?'

Toryn: " Ahhhhh -keeeer----- ahhhh " says Toryn slowly

Collin: 'i mean the other chocolat puppet' Collin says at Toryn

Rand rolls his eyes hearing Collin and walks back to the Ale barrel refilling his 3rd mug

Toryn: " Where is the other chocolate puppet ? " Toryn asks Collin

Toryn: " We'll let you skip your watch tonight Rand, you've had three of those so far " Toryn says winking at Rand

Toryn: " Everyone get some sleep " announces Toryn... sitting down cross legged Toryn puts his back to the wall, keeping an eye on the trapdoor, door and windows

Toryn: " I'll wake Aikira next then Stylixxt third if that's all right with you two ? "

Rand: "I am enjoying the Ale, specially now that there is no city to get in trouble in" Rand says

Rand: Fortitude [1d20+4 = 5]

Rand tips over falling face first on the floor, snoring before he even hits it

Toryn: Ref. save [1d20+1 = 20]

Toryn: Toryn handily catches Rand (unless the evil GM says otherwise) and gently lays him down

Toryn: " Good night all - may the Marr twins give you blessed dreams "

Caelianna shakes her head.

Toryn (Toryn): so I guess we're all sleeping except Toryn unless everyone says otherwise evil GM ;)

Caelianna: Nasty stuff ale is.

Caelianna goes and unrolls her bedroll in a corner.

Evil GM: Yup...watch order?

Toryn (Toryn): Toryn, Aikira, Stylixxt unless anyone has any objections? toryn would never dare dream of asking her royal highness to take a watch :P

Petra (Evil GM): LOL, and she doesn't offer

Kender (Stylixxt): back

Toryn: Toryn keeps a close eye out throughout one third of the night then wakes Aikira up (unless something happens in the meantime)

Evil GM: Ok, so 3 hour watches for each of you ;-)


Evil GM: [2d10 = 17]

Evil GM: Listen roll Toryn

Toryn: Listen [1d20+3 = 22]

Toryn (Toryn): thank goodness, not clueless for once - twice actually, something is amiss in the cosmos

You hear "tap, tap, tap, tap" from under the trap door.

Toryn: " Everyone wake up ! " shouts Toryn loudly drawing his sword " Something's under the trap door and it wants out "

Rand snorts, turns over and snores on with a smile on his face

Toryn: Toryn shakes Aikira, Collin, Stylixxt and - more apologetically - Caelianna awake

Evil GM: Con roll for Aikira and Sty

Stylixxt opens one eye

Toryn: " Who's there ?" Identify yourself ! " Toryn shouts at the trapdoor

Aikira gets up and draws his katana

Evil GM: [1d20+1 = 4]

Caelianna continues sleeping soundly

Stylixxt rolls to a sitting position expecting the roof to fall in

Caelianna: CON ROLL from Aikira and Sty please ;-)

Stylixxt: Con bonus [1d20+3 = 22]

erus (Aikira): con?

Evil GM: Styl wakes up w/o a problem.

Evil GM: Constitution

Aikira: [1d20+1 = 11]

Evil GM: Aikira continues to sleep.

Stylixxt: what who stylixx says trying to focus on the paladin

Toryn: " Mithaniel Marr forgive me " murmurs Toryn ... Opening his flask of water he dumps half the contents squarely on Caelianna's face, the other half on Aikira's

Toryn: " Tapping from under the trapdoor - someone's there "

Collin: afk a sec

Caelianna jumps up, sputtering, trying to get water from out of her nose.

Caelianna: WHAT!

Stylixxt rolls his eyes ... whilst trying to listen for the sounds

-> aikira: that wakes you

Toryn: " Forgive me princess " Toryn begs, never taking his eyes off the trapdoor - " There's something underneath there, tapping - and I sense evil about it "

erus (Aikira): stand up again

Toryn (Toryn): does Aikira wake up too evil GM with the water ?

Caelianna: And it's actually tried getting out??

Toryn: " Not yet " says Toryn warily still eyeing the door

Toryn: Toryn shakes Collin's shoulder, trying to wake him up

Caelianna sits back down on her bedroll, yawning.

Caelianna: Then wake me when it tries getting out.

Stylixxt: wanders over to his now stale unfinished mug of beer.... you may as well be awake for this too.. dumping it over collin

Toryn: " Wait ! " Toryn says trying to stop Stylixxt

Stylixxt: here hold this toryn handing the paladin the mug

Toryn: " We need to rest - regain our spiritual strength - if it can't get out then we'll deal with it in the morning - the princess is right "

Toryn: " But keep a very close eye on it when it's your turn to stand watch " says Toryn with emphasis looking at the shaman

Toryn: " Sorry everyone - please, go back to sleep ... " Toryn settles himself down again keeping an even closer eye on the trapdoor " I'll wake you all if anything happens "


Caelianna: [2d10 = 15]

Evil GM: Toryn - Listen roll

Stylixxt returns tohis bedroll which consists of a dirty paper thin blanket

Toryn: Listen [1d20+3 = 16]

"Rattle, rattle, rattle" coming from the fireplace.

Toryn: Toryn walks over warily and takes a closer look at it

Toryn: Spot [1d20+3 = 8]

Toryn (Toryn): and the paladin returns to true form :P

Evil GM: You don't see anything note worthy, but it is dark in the fire place.

"rattle, rattle"

Toryn: Toryn begins to patrol back and forth between the fireplace and trap door, watching closely

1am (change of watch)

Toryn: " Whose idea was it to stay in a haunted house overnight" wonders Toryn aloud irritatedly.. " Still if there's evil to be vanquished here we will do so "

Evil GM: [2d10 = 70]

Toryn: Toryn shakes Aikira awake " There's rattling coming from the fireplace too brother - keep an eye out but don't wake anyone unless there's clear danger, the others need their rest so they can call on their gods again - use their magic in other words "

Rand turns over in his sleep, laughing and snoring at the same time. His laugh sounds quite like a maniac

Toryn: " Let Stylixxt know of the fireplace when you wake him up for third watch "

-> aikira: you're on watch

Evil GM: [2d10 = 31]

Aikira: sorry I'm so absent pet, my ex is talking to me, I'm don't feel so good

-> aikira: need to log?

Toryn: Clapping Aikira on the shoulder and with a last distrustful look at the two sources of noise Toryn does his best to try and get some rest

Aikira: I'll try

Aikira gets up with his katana in his arms

-> aikira: K, if you need to go no worries. There's not much I can do tonight w/o Bobby here


Evil GM: [2d10 = 97]

Evil GM: Aikira - Listen roll

Rand turns over in his sleep, laughing and snoring at the same time. His laugh is making a normal beings skin crawl, the smil has disappeared from his face, sweat pearling on his face and head


Evil GM: [2d10 = 10]

Evil GM: [10]

Evil GM: whoops

Collin puts hit thumb in his mouth while sleeping

"Rattle, rattle, rattle comes from the chimney again"