Dungeons and Dragons - Everquest d20

9/4/07 - Session 29
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EQd20 Ruleset (FG2)

Ro stays in Qeynos but the group gets a lizard man and a child like monk instead, into the Karana's they go where a hungry griffon eats Toryn's horse...

Last week, after being literally kicked out of Qeynos, the group finally makes it to the apparently abandoned guard tower that stands watch over the pass into the Karana's.


Aikira sits down, meditating

Rand dismounts after letting Stylixxt to the ground and loosens the horse his gear so he can go out grazing a bit

Kenny (Collin): now Ro is nicely sleeping in a kingsize bed with all silk on and around her :P

Stylixxt: thiss land is knew to mee what dangerss are you expecting to find here

Stylixxt falls off the horse even with rands help

Toryn: " We should take turns standing guard - since you're new we'll excuse you from guard duty " says Toryn smoothly looking at Stylixxt, " Get a full night's rest "

Caelianna dismounts and starts taking care of her own mount.

Rand: "Not sure, bandits, animals, weird beings. You name it. Everyone, keep an eye on the horses and tie them up inside soon so we can get sleep. I will hold watch first." Rand says loud enough for everyone to hear

Sunfall snorts at Toryn's new found favor of the lizard

Toryn: Detect Good on Stylixxt Evil GM

Toryn: Toryn rubs his ring and stares at Stylixxt thoughtfully

-> toryn: after the obligatory time, no good currently found

Rand unpacks his herbalist kit and the last bit of coffee beans he scrounged up in Commonlands

Stylixxt: are you surrrre i dont mind taking a turn at watchh

Rand: "Make sure you sleep close tot he fire" Rand says while gathering wood for it

Toryn: Toryn's face turns even more grim after a few minutes of staring at Stylixxt

Caelianna looks up at the guard tower.

Sunfall: So long as you don't go on a blind murderous rampage while we sleep, Rand

Toryn: " No , no no problem at all " insists Toryn " You go ahead and get some rest "

Caelianna: I think sleeping out here is a better idea as we don't know what decided to make that tower home.

Rand: "I won't Sunfall, not unless you provoke me" Rand smiles sadly

Toryn: Toryn stares intently at the tower, closing within range if necessary

Rand lights the fire with his tonsel and flint

Toryn Detect Evil on the tower evil GM , then Detect Good

Sunfall without a further word Sunfall finds the softest spot on the ground to throw his bedroll

Rand walks off towards his horse to get it closer to the fire, in view. He ties the horse to a tree, close enough that he can see them clearly

Toryn: " I"ll take first watch " volunteers Toryn

Rand: "Too late Toryn, i already did" Rand jokes to the Paladin

-> toryn: there is a certain aura of evil on the tower

Stylixxt pokes around at rands herbalist kit naming a few of the herbs

Toryn: " Oh ! All right then " says Toryn

Toryn: " Watch that tower ! " warns Toryn - " I sense that the forces of darkness have left their taint on it "

Toryn: " Know anything about it ? " adds Toryn looking at Stylixxt

Rand: "I will Toryn, i will wake you halfway through the night" Rand says

Toryn: " No need Aikira and Sunfall can take turns too " assures Toryn " Let's split this up enough so everyone can get some rest "

Stylixxt: a little , i dabble in the artss of potion making

Aikira turns to stylixxt

Caelianna: [2d10 = 28]

Rand: "I see that you have some knowledge of herbalisme as well Stylixxt. Good, maybe i can learn something from you" Rand grins

Toryn: " I meant the tower " Toryn says to Stylixxt pointing at it

Aikira: you haven't finished your story about the dark elves you encountered

Toryn: Toryn winces in advance at Aikira's comment

Rand: "Personally i am not really looking forward to sleep Toryn. My dreams have been bad enough the last week" Rand says

Toryn: " Still you need your rest - we all do " insists Toryn, clucking over Rand like a mother hen

Stylixxt: there isss nothink more to tell about that one other than they never returned to neriak

Caelianna finishes with her horse, kisses him on the nose after giving him a hand full of oats, and sits away from the group a bit to meditate.

Aikira raises an eyebrow

Aikira: where was it you encountered them

Evil GM: OH.....I almost forgot....

Evil GM: Everyone BUT Stylixxt give me a wisdom roll

Stylixxt: in the commonlandsss

Toryn (Toryn): just Wisdom, no other Skills ?

Aikira: you killed them all?

Evil GM: Straight, plain wisdom

Stylixxt: hmmmm me i didn't kill them all

Stylixxt: errrm both of them

-> aikira: during the conversation on the ride from Qeynos, Sty had mentioned he was a shaman. You remember the gnoll shaman and his magic castng.

Aikira: why did you engage them?

Stylixxt: self defenssse there need not be another reasson

Aikira looks a bit angered but swallows his insults

Aikira: tell me something else scaled man. what is it exactly, you being a shaman, what kind of powers do you posses

Aikira turns to the others

Aikira: he's a shaman, just like the gnoll shaman we encountered

Stylixxt: the sspititss ansswer my calling powerss of the ancient beastss to aid friend and weaken foe


Rand: "It's not prefession that makes someone evil Aikira, it is intention. Up till now i have a good feeling about Stylixxt, although i don't understand why" Rand says

Evil GM: Everyone give me listen rolls

Stylixxt settles down to sleep near rands bed roll in a shadowy corner

Sunfall: "I do remember coming across a shaman once.... Don't you? He laughed off my spells like they were little more than spittle."

Aikira keeps a close eye on styl, he still doesn't understand what such a small group of dark elves did in the commonlands

Rand: "I do too, which makes me hopefull that he can be a great ally" Rand says to Sunfall

-> stylixxt: as you settle down to sleep, you here some rustling coming from the direction of the tower

-> aikira: as you're settling down for the night, you hear some rustling coming from the tower

Toryn: Toryn continues to frown then adds reluctantly " Well having one on our side could definitely be an advantage "

Toryn: VERY reluctantly

Aikira stands up and draws his katana

Stylixxt stays motionless eyes glinting off the firelight

Aikira: I hear something coming from the tower

-> toryn: as you settle down for the night, you hear some rustling coming from the right side of the tower. It sounds like someone's walking through the grass.

Toryn: " Get ready " Toryn says to Stylixxt drawing his own weapon

Rand gets up, loosens his Mace and walks towards the tower

Toryn: " You may have to call upon those spirits of yours sooner than expected "

Aikira walks up in front of the rest

Toryn: Toryn then looks towards the Tower

Aikira: I'll take the lead brother priest

Collin: can i come over singing? lol

Stylixxt stands up pear at the ready

-> collin: from the side of the tower, you can see a group of 5 people sitting around a camp fire talking. As you walk closer, the grass rustles.

Rand: "By all means Aikira, let them hit you while i hit them" Rand smiles to Aikira

Stylixxt: spear

Aikira: allright brother

Collin: do i see what and who they are and what they are wearing?

Aikira blinks to rand

-> collin: give me a spot roll

Sunfall: "Whose idea was it to sleep next to the haunted tower again?"

Toryn: " Please, it was her idea but show more respect to the Princess " Toryn pleads with Sunfall

-> collin: yup, you can see them pretty clearly

erus (Aikira): are we getting close to the tower pet?

Collin: can i start laughing at the sight of Aikira?

Evil GM: Second..

erus (Aikira): who's with rand and aikira?

Evil GM: I feel a fight coming on

Toryn: Toryn follows the others ... " Coming ? " Toryn says looking behind at Stylixxt

Stylixxt follows behind the paladin at a respectful distance

Aikira walks with his guard up towards to tower, his katana in the ready

erus (Aikira): do we notice anything new?

Collin: can i start singing when walking up to them?

erus (Aikira): aikira kicked his ass

Toryn (Toryn): way to go everyone we scared Kenny off !

Toryn (Toryn): I mean that sarcastically not seriously :P

Petra (Evil GM): ok, because I'm a slacker, the white token is Sty and the one up by the tower is Collin

Collin: can i walk down singing?

-> collin: I don't care

Evil GM: Everyone roll init

Rand prepares for a fight, but decides against using any magical help for now. He mentally prepares to cast Yaulp at short notice

Evil GM: Init order is: Toryn, rand, Cael, Kenny, Aikira, Sunfall, Lizard boy

Evil GM: Give me spot rolls

Ikky boy and Aikira notices a really buff guy, tunic less, walking towards the group whistling.

Toryn (Toryn): and before he even begins to play Ro has to roll up a new character :P

Toryn: " See anything ? " asks Toryn peering into the darkness " And if so, what ? "

Stylixxt: says quietly a stranger approaches

Rand: "where?"

Toryn: " What does he look like ? " Toryn says with a " I wish someone else had spoken up I can trust " look clearly on his face

Stylixxt points in the direction of the stranger

Rand peers into the darkness

Aikira holds his katana up

Toryn: " Ah I see.. Rand, Sunfall, speak to him and keep him busy - the stranger - for a moment will you ? Let's not attack unless he makes any hostile moves first "

Once your attention is pointed towards the stranger, you're able to see his outline in the shadows.

Toryn: " Greetings ! " calls out Toryn into the darkness " I am Toryn, paladin in service to Mithaniel Marr, Knight of Truth from Freeport - we mean you no harm "

Toryn Detect Evil and Detect Good on the stranger for my action evil GM

Evil GM: You guys are free to act at will...the Init order is for the impending combat that will probably happen to see who's dick is largest.

Stylixxt studies the group on how they present themself to strangers

Toryn: " Talk to him " Toryn whisper to Rand and Sunfall before going into his drooling trance

-> toryn: no evil, but there is good

Collin burps really loud and starts laughing with it himself (heavy booming laugh mu wha wha wha)

Stylixxt (curious): come into the light sstranger ssso the knight can insspect yourr soul see if you are tainted with the darkness that seems to be around that tower

Toryn (Toryn): feel free to jump in and chat with the new guy anybody ;) - Toryn's still all tranced out ;)

Toryn (Toryn): and of course Toryn totally misses Stylixxt's comment being all tranced out and all :P

Collin just keeps walking up seemingly in a good mood

kender (Stylixxt): yup

Stylixxt (curious): a little late to be taking the air dont you think sstranger?

Toryn (Toryn): might as well move your token there closer Collin if you're coming within conversation range of us as you said ;)

Sunfall: "Shall we just kill him so I can go back to sleep?"

Aikira: I agree

Aikira grunts

Rand: "Relax people" Rand says, turning to the stranger, "Hello stranger, who are you?, we are a merry band of lunatics, traveling towards Freeport"

Collin sees Aikira and burst out in loud laughter,' WHA WHA WHA what happened to you? fell down a chimney? WHA WHA WHA'

Aikira grunts

Stylixxt pulls cloak over his own head making sure the bandages are in place to cover his hands

Aikira: I'll let him feel the flat of my blade!

Rand: "Slow down Aikira, maybe the man has never seen a Dark Elf" Rand says to his friend

Stylixxt (curious): that was a joke was't it Rand?

Collin turns to Stylixxt and looks him up and down with a dumb look on his face

Stylixxt tils head to one side

Rand walks up to the big man and holds out his hand ina friendly manner, intending to make acquaintences

Collin grabs the hand and squeezes it completely flat without intention to hurt Rand

Petra (Evil GM): back, reading

Stylixxt (curious): this creature cannot be a threat you may as wll lower that weapon aikiria unless of course you are going to actually use it?

Aikira is at guard, to chop the big man 's hand off if he tries anything out of the ordinary

Rand: "Wooooo... don't squeez it dry there" Rand says, jerking his hand back

Stylixxt returns to the camp

Collin turns to Aikira,' wha wha wha, chimney man hiding behind a steel blade? don't feel enough man without? wha wha wha'

Rand: "Man you have a grip, like the bite of a lion" Rand exclaims, shaking his squeezed hand

Toryn: Toryn abruptly comes to and smiles broadly sheathing his weapon " Lower your weapons friends, this one is no threat to us "

Collin: 'Relax, chimney man, I am only joking'

Aikira still stands with an angered face

Aikira: I think I'm gonna cut me a steak toryn

Stylixxt: gonna liven rands coffee up while he is away put some crickets and spiders in it to add some proper taste

Toryn: " Greeting friend, it is good to meet another who serves the forces of light " declares Toryn extending his own hand " I am Toryn, the paladin who introduced myself earlier"

Rand: "What is you name good man, something i can call you with" Rand asks

Toryn: His smile turning a bit pained Toryn carefully positions himself in between Collin and Aikira as he attempts to shake the man's hand

-> stylixxt: alright ;-)

Collin: "you can call me, Collin my friend, wha wha wha' Collin laughs dumbly

Toryn: " Pleasure to meet you Collin " declares Toryn, pumping Collin's hand and releasing it from Collin's vice like grip painfully

Evil GM: Ok, just to clarify....Collin is really dumb as an ox. He has a -1 to wis and Int..as well as cha

Toryn (Toryn): unless Collin refuses to shake that is ;)

Toryn (Toryn): yep we can tell from the role playing ;)

Collin grabs Toryns hand and squeezes it just like Rands

Toryn: " He has no darkness within his soul " Toryn announces loud to the group " At least in the eyes of Mithaniel Marr - my opinion is he can be trusted " Toryn adds looking meaningfully at Aikira

Evil GM: His strength on the other hand is +3

Toryn (Toryn): actually Toryn's is plus 3 too

Toryn (Toryn): correction of earlier statement

Sunfall: I'm not convinced this man has a soul at all, what in the gods name is wrong with him?

Kenny (Collin): lets roll then :P

Aikira sheathens his sword but still looks with an angered face at the stranger

Toryn: " What a firm grip ! " says Toryn in approval shaking his hand back just as hard

Toryn: " You're almost as strong as our other warrior here " Toryn adds looking behind at Aikira

Toryn: " Is it safe to assume that's what you are friend - a warrior " Toryn asks Collin

Collin: 'wha wha wha, what happened to you mate, the hookers didn't want to help you lose your virginity since your that dirty? wha wha wha, no reason to be mad on a nice night like this wha wha wha' Collin says to Aikira


Toryn: Toryn winces in an obvious and pained fashion ,the worst any of you have ever seen him do so

Aikira: I'll cut out his tongue, if he doesn't keeps his mouth shut

Toryn: " Errr... that is his natural skin color " Toryn explains positioning himself in between Collin and Aikira

Collin keeps laughing

Toryn: " He is a dark elf - but one who has fought the forces of darkness, by our side, many times - you won't meet a better warrior "

Collin: "wha wha wha born dirty wha wha wha' Collin laughs

Toryn: " Oh no " groans Toryn under his breath... looking at Sunfall he attempts to subtly mouth the word " Web "

Aikira: and he's born stupid! by the gods what is this abomination!

Collin: "i bet he fights dirty wha wha wha' Collins jokes

Toryn: " Let's not insult the poor man " Toryn pleads with Aikira

Aikira: I do!

Aikira gets a mean grin on his face

Toryn: " Collin what brings you here ? " Toryn asks desperately

Collin claps Aikira hard on his shoulder,' I like that, dirty man, i like that wha wha wha'

Toryn (Toryn): you're probably over there or something right Collin ? ;)

Kenny (Collin): i squeezed ur hands lol

Aikira grasps himself so he doesn't leans forward

Aikira: how nice of you

Toryn (Toryn): actually Aikira's stronger than Collin ;)

Aikira claps collin back on the shoulders, a bit harder

Caelianna decides this isn't a huge threat and heads back to her bedroll

Bobby (Sunfall): unfortunately web needs points with which to attach it to o.O

Toryn (Toryn): doh !

Collin laughs' wha wha wha, i like that, dirty man, i like that wha wha wha' while he points a finger at him

Toryn: " So Collin " Toryn asks again " What brings you out here - what are you wandering the land looking for, if I might ask ? "

Sunfall: yes, where wha wha ha did you come from?

Aikira looks at the finger and want's to bite it off, but he keeps his cool whilst thinking about what rallos zek told him

Collin shrugs, wha wha wha, i don't know wha wha wha i forgot wha wha wha'

Toryn: " Patience " whispers Toryn to Aikira putting a hand on the dark elf's arm " He doesn't seem to mean any harm "

Toryn: " Err... you forgot.. I see... "

Sunfall: never realized until now that kenny plays while he's high xD

Toryn: " Would you like to travel with us ? " asks Toryn brightly

Aikira: I know brother, but the same can't be said about me!

Collin: 'could be fun wha wha wha' Collin still laughs

Toryn: " We can't leave him alone out here by himself, he'll die ! Look at him , he can barely take care of himself ! " Toryn whispers to Aikira

Stylixxt sits at the campfire absently stirring the bubbling coffee with his finger

Toryn: With a careful look at Aikira Toryn reluctantly abandons his position between him and Aikira, walks to Rand and whispers the same thing " This poor soul will no doubt die if left by himself out here - he's practically a child "

Aikira looks at toryn and then raises his eyes to the sky

Aikira: just keep him away from me

Collin looks up too following Aikira's look

Stylixxt helps himself to a mug and settle down to sleep

Toryn (Toryn): LOL

Rand: "A child with the grip of a lion, holy hell, he broke bones i thing" Rand says while hopping around shaking his hand

Toryn: " But you're in agreement ? " asks Toryn looking at Rand's hand

Collin leans over backwards more to look up even higher

-> sunfall: LOL...but it's legal over here...

Rand: "All i agree upon is his grip, i missed the rest trying not to pass out" Rand says

Toryn: Toryn repeats what he said earlier (scroll up ;) )

Rand: "Should have worn a plate glove, then again, i doubt i could get my hand out of it after he shakes" Rand says

Collin: "i don't see anything' Collin says still looking up

Caelianna: 3AM


Aikira: uuuuuhn

Aikira grunts

Rand: "I agree, he is not the man that was first in line when the gods handed out brains" Rand agrees

Toryn: " Come , sit with us by the fire at least for tonight " Toryn invites Collin, guiding him over to the fire

Stylixxt snores peacefully so much good around this party its gotta be safe

Toryn: " The man hopping around holding his hand is Rand, a priest "

Toryn (Toryn): LOL

Toryn: " The dark one's name is Aikira "

Collin looks at Toryn, looks up briefly again and goes to sit next to toryn

Toryn: " This is our mage, Sunfall "

erus (Aikira): aikira stands a bit further, cursing and hitting in the air

Collin stares at everyone repeating the names without sound

Toryn: " This .... er.. shaman's name is Stylixxt "

Collin: "he looks like my grandma' Collin says dumbly

Toryn: " And this " says Toryn reverently " Is Caelinna, Princess of Thorns - royalty - please treat her with all due respect " Toryn says gesturing at her sleeping form

Collin stares at Caelinna without shame

Toryn: " Let's all get some rest " says Toryn aloud " Rand you said you wanted to take the first watch ? "

Toryn: " I'll take second, Aikira third and Sunfall last if that works for all of you ? "

Rand: "Yes i will" Rand confirms "All of you, get into your bedrolls, i'll wake the next one in a few hours

Toryn: " Go to sleep Collin " toryn assures the hulking brute, " We'll talk more in the morning - if you're hungy you can have some of my food "

Aikira places himself on the ground, his katana next to him, holding it with one hand and tries to sleep

Toryn: Toryn produces a ration for Collin then curls up and goes to sleep, murmuing his prayers to Mithaniel Marr for Ro's safety

Caelianna is asleep in her bedroll already

Sunfall sighs and tries to get some shuteye, again

Collin stuffs it in his mouth and goes to lay down on the ground still staring at Caelianna while chewing the ration

Toryn (Toryn): " sheeee'ss preeeeettttty " comments Collin, drooling a bit

Toryn (Toryn): :P

Evil GM: Ok, so Rand first, Toryn second, Aikira third, Sunfall fourth

Toryn (Toryn): yep evil GM ;)

Evil GM: Oh goodie, one hour of sleep for each of you

Toryn (Toryn): doh !

Evil GM: nevermind...only a few hours sleep for each of you

Kenny (Collin): doubt he knows the word pretty toryn

Toryn (Toryn): lol

Toryn (Toryn): "sheeee smeeeelllllls goooood " :P

Evil GM: 2nd watch, nothing happens

Toryn (Toryn): sniffs Caelinna's hair then looks curiously at it :P

Evil GM: third watch, nothing happens

4th watch, nothing happens...the whole night was pretty uneventful and everyone on watch got about 3 hours of sleep.


Toryn: Toryn groans and rubs his eyes , awakening and performing his morning prayers

Aikira is allready up, meditating

Toryn: " Sleep well ? " toryn asks Stylixxt looking down at him a tad bit suspiciously

Stylixxt stays fast asleep untill nudged awake

Caelianna awakens and starts performing her morning tasks.

Collin wakes up and losens his muscles with loud kracks while still staring at Caelianna

Toryn: Toryn nudges him awake and repeats the question with the same amount of suspicion

Stylixxt opens one eye focusing on the nearest person

Rand gets up, nudges Stylixxt and goes to saddle his horse

Toryn (Toryn): nearest person would be Toryn ;)

Stylixxt (curious): morning already??

Rand: "Yes, it is" Rand answers

Toryn: " Yes - any objections to helping us find a winged horse ? " Toryn asks Stylixxt

Caelianna glances up at the newcomer then goes back to packing her saddle bags.

Stylixxt throws off his cloak stretching out to absorb any sun rays

Collin puts up his most gorgeous idiotic smile when Caelianna glances at him

Stylixxt: a winged beast??? a horse

Stylixxt: i thought they existed only in legend why would you want to persue such a beast?

Toryn: " Correct - my gods have instructed me to rescue the horse and the others have been gracious enough to offer to help me find it "

Toryn: " For the same reason you follow your omens - shaman "

Stylixxt: i will follow your omens you say it needs resscuing?

Caelianna gives Collin her sweetest smile and says, "Sorry, I don't mate with anyone that has less intelligence than a rock"

Toryn: " Yes from.. er.. dark elves.... nothing like the one we have with us right now " adds Toryn looking apologetically at Aikira, " These dark elves are in robes , serve the forces of evil - in the dream I believe they were trying to drown the horse"

Toryn: " The horse is, I believe, a servant of Xegony, goddess of air "

Collin starts laughing at Caelianna and claps her as hard on the shoulder as he did with Aikira,' wha wha wha, you all funny wha wha wha'

Stylixxt: interesssting what will you do with the beastt keep it?

Toryn: Wincing once again Toryn throws over his shoulder " goes over to Collin and explains gently " She is special Collin - royalty - very high born - none of us would be of her station ... er.. as good as she is" Toryn explains

Stylixxt tries to keep at least one other person between himself and collin

Toryn (Toryn): throws over his shoulder " be right back " to Stylixxt

Caelianna picks herself up from the ground and dusts off her leggings. She steps back from Collin.

Caelianna: If you touch me again, I can guarentee that you won't like the experience.

Collin: "oops" collins says while turning away his face turning all red

Toryn: " Oh no " groans Toryn looking at the two of them.. " Princess ... he is a.. simple.. man. Please, I beg of you to grant him the gift of your patience "

Collin smiles stupidly at Toryn

Caelianna turns and looks at Toryn with a warning gleem in her eyes.

Caelianna points at Collin

Caelianna: He is a dumb animal.

Caelianna points at Toryn.

Toryn: " He is a good soul ! " replies Toryn, trying to contain his anger

Caelianna: If you use my title again, you will be left in the middle of the Karana's with vines strewn through your legs.

Stylixxt chuckles softly

Toryn: " Errr.... of course... forgive me " says Toryn with a courtly bow

Aikira laughs also

Collin 's smile vanishes and his jaw drops as he can't follow the conversation anymore

Stylixxt helps rand with the horse

Caelianna mounts her horse, muttering to herself in Elvish

Toryn: " She will hurt you " Toryn hisses to Collin insistently leading him away " She can grow vines - thorns - very sharp - big ouch ! "


Rand mounts his horse and tries to help Stylixxt up behind him

Caelianna turns her horse's head in the direction of the pass that leads to the Karanas without waitng for anyone else.

Stylixxt: says to rand why does he take such an interest in the fool ?

Aikira mounts his horse

Rand follows at once

Collin walks to a bush and pulls it out of the ground without effort,' plants not strong' looking at Toryn as if he is saying the smartest thing in the world

Sunfall nods and follows suit

Stylixxt: climbs up extremely clumsily

Sunfall: whispers "Shall we ride hard and fast and lose this fool?"

Rand: "Toryn is like a animal shelter, he will help any being in need of help, even if they don't want it" Rand says

Stylixxt: hmm this doesn't seem to get any easier

Rand: "It will take a lot of practise... i can tell you that using the stirup will certainly help" Rand grins

Toryn: Toryn helps Collin up behind him " Come on friend, you can ride with us "

Caelianna looks at Rand

Vincent (Rand): poor poor horse"

Toryn (Toryn): lol - STR check for the horse !

Caelianna: Unfortunatly that is what paladins tend to do, shepard the poor and...those that are dumber than a rock.

Rand: "How are you this morning Caelianna" Rand asks in reply to her look

Stylixxt: i am never sure where to place my tail the creature seems to take a motion whenever it feels like it

Stylixxt positions tail over his shoulder

Rand: "I agree, but Toryn has no ill will and who knows, this meat made rock may proof usefull" Rand says

Toryn: " Queynos fields then everyone " Toryn asks the group riding forward

Stylixxt: why do they do that the beast is just a hindrance?

Rand: "I have no idea about the tail, just make sure it sticks upward so you don't slap it on the ass" Rand says

Toryn: " You know which way it is Prin... er, Caelinna ? " says Toryn, forcing her first name out with great difficulty

Caelianna with a glare at Toryn, Caelianna pushes her horse into a trot towards the enterance to the pass.

Toryn: " Follow that prin... er.... elf woman " declares Toryn, pointing at her and following

The enterance is carved out of rock that rises out of the hills. On either side the rock wall goes as far as the eye can see and is quite sheer.

Collin starts singing loudly while Toryn lets his horse move ,' I DONNO WHAT U BEEN TOLD!!!! BUT BARBARIAN ASS IS MIGHTY COLD!!!!! ONEEEEEE TWOOOOOO OONNNNEEEE TWOOOOO!!!!

Stylixxt: follow that princess taps rand on the shoulder mimicking toryn

Once the group enters the pass, the sheer rock walls tower above them. The ride through the pass takes a good 3 hours at a fast walk.


The other side of the pass...

Stylixxt shivers in the shade of the rocks

As the group emerges from the pass, a flat field of land as big as the eye can see in all directions loom before them.

Aikira puts the hood of his cloak over his head

Stylixxt taps his foot in tune with colins singing

Collin still is singing loudly

The plain is very flat, there are a few trees and bushes here and there, but nothing in a group. An eagle can be heard crying somewhere in the distance.

Rand follows Caelianna closely

Stylixxt strains to look up at the sky

Toryn: " So you're a barbarian ! " says Toryn brightly looking at Collin " Which tribe ? "

Rand: "Maybe we should keep a relative high pace here as the road seems wide and open for a long time" Rand suggests

Caelianna: Unfortunatly...there is almost three months of land like this ahead of us.

Stylixxt: what these things can go faster?? surely that is not safe

Toryn: " We shall find a sign " says Toryn confidently, " The gods shall lead us "

Stylixxt: starts to hum colins catchy tune sticking in his mind

Caelianna peers ahead of her then gets off her horse and drops it's reins on the ground and gives it a command in elvish.

Caelianna: Give me awhile...

Toryn: " Having said that - if we start to run low on provisions... perhaps we should turn back " Toryn adds reluctantly " Unless you think you might be able to gather some plant life or animals for us to eat prin... er.. Caelinna ? "

Stylixxt: mutters one two one two

Caelianna walks about a hundred feet from the group and kneels on the ground, closing her eyes.

Toryn: Toryn looks at Stylixxt then Collin and tries to supress a chuckle despite himself

Caelianna ignores Toryn for the moment.

Rand: "Ugh, 3 months of this... Okay, let's keep an easy pace then, poor horses" Rand sasy

Sunfall stops and watches Caelianna with interest

Aikira: we can always eat our new friend

Aikira says whilst looking at collin

Stylixxt: I have five days of supplies before being forced to live off the land again

Caelianna gets up after about a half hour of kneeling on the ground and brushes the dirt and dried grass off of her leggings. She walks back towards the group with a bit of a glossy look to her eyes.

Collin whispers to Toryn,'she eats grass?'

Rand: "There is nothing wrong with living of the land. More then enough to eat out here

Stylixxt: dunno what you been told ... one two one two

Caelianna: Normally, the winged horses fly and graze towards the western part of these plains. However, there is something wrong in the air.

kender (Stylixxt): like it:)

Toryn: " Amazing ! " says Toryn looking at Caelinna in awe " You gathered all of that ? "

Toryn: " When you say something wrong in the air ... any idea what ?"

Stylixxt sniffs the breeze flicking tongue in and out

Caelianna shakes her head.

Aikira: can aikira also sense something wrong

Toryn: " Well we'll be on guard " says Toryn firmly ... " Although - if anyone else has changed their mind, wants to head back, I won't hold it against you "

Caelianna: I didn't gather all of that from my meditations...I've been to the west before and seen the horses. However, there's an inbalance in nature.

Toryn: " this is a quest my god has bestowed upon me but if there's danger the rest of you shouldn't feel obligated to follow "

Stylixxt looks back at the cold shadowy canyon

-> aikira: no, he's not intuned with nature

Stylixxt: i will sstay, one two one two

-> stylixxt: how did Stylixxt come to Qeynos? through the karanas?

Toryn: Toryn gives the lizard-man a surprised look but nods his thanks

Collin loses himself in picking his nose

Toryn (Toryn): hey everyone look it's Collin up there next to us ;)

Toryn: "

Stylixxt: party was gated from freeport to halas then through blackburrow

Rand: "No reason to go back, besides, i would like to get back home someday" Rand says

Toryn: " Thank you friend " Toryn nods gratefully at Rand ...

Caelianna: I don't know if the imbalance has to do with the winged horses, or something else. I think the best bet is to head west and go from there.

Toryn: " Collin - we are looking for a horse with wings.. very pretty - but there might be danger - someone may try to hurt us " Toryn says speaking slowly to the barbarian

Collin keeps picking his nose

-> stylixxt: aah...forgot to mention, ports don't work exactly like in game....transportation is much more like in D&D and very, very risky. After Sty's experience, his desire to travel by transportation is probably nill.

Toryn: " Do...you...want...to....come...with...us ? " says Toryn carefully sounding out each word to Collin

Caelianna goes and remounts her horse.

Caelianna: To the west until I can pick up a track.

Stylixxt: lol ok it was a desperate measure to use the portal then

Sunfall groans in Toryn's direction

Sunfall: I say let him stay here, eat grass, and be merry!

-> stylixxt: like I said, they do exist, but things can go very, very wrong.


Toryn: " Be nice ! " says Toryn crossly giving Sunfall a reproachful look

Toryn: " Errr.. I think he wants to come with us .. so... let's be off then ? "

Collin keeps picking his nose

Aikira laughs again about sunfall's comment

Toryn: Toryn starts to ride behind Caelianna

Rand remounts as well, helping Stylixxt up as well

Stylixxt: rand this rage that afflicts you have you tried to seek out a cure?

Sunfall: how in the world are you interpreting his nose picking as 'please save me Toryn?'

Collin cheers at his catch

Caelianna starts riding west.

Caelianna: Oh, I almost forgot to mention (she says as she rides, assuming everyone follows)

Toryn: " You know what I mean " says Toryn crossly " You wouldn't be that mean to a child ! "

Aikira starts riding also, still thinking about killing and eating collin, he surely likes a good piece of meat right now

Toryn: (in Sunfall's direction)

Collin: have to tank for a second

Sunfall: don't be so certain

Caelianna: The king held me back to discuss the matter of Freeport...

Stylixxt follows whichever direction the horse is pointing or rand steers it

Toryn: " Yes ? " says Toryn looking at Caelinna after giving Sunfall one last irritated look

Stylixxt listens intently

Caelianna: He said that he would look into matters of lending aid, however, it could be quite some time before he could get a force rallied and to make the journey. Especially since they will be burdened with supply wagons and what not through the Karanas here.

Toryn: " Aid as far as the situation in Freeport ? "

Caelianna: Yes, evidently it is going as far as affecting trade in Qeynos. A situation which the king isn't taking lightly.

Toryn: " Very generous of him - especially given his most recent impression of us Freeport natives - no offense Rand, you weren't yourself " adds Toryn looking at the priest

Caelianna: Your father has imposed extremely high taxes on all trade coming from Qeynos and is going as far as taxing caravans going out regardless of where they're going.

Toryn: " Father in name only, not spirit " growls Toryn " And yes I know - he seeks to rob everyone around him of every copper coin they have in his greed "

Caelianna: There have been rumors among the traders that your father is getting ready to lock down Freeport and disallow anyone coming in or out that isn't directly part of the militia.

Toryn: " I'm sure he's amassing wealth in a bid for power - that's all he's concerned with these days "

Toryn: " Now that seems strange " muses Toryn " He's become paranoid lately to be sure - small wonder given the enemies he's made - but that would cut off all his revenue "

Stylixxt looks confused

Toryn: " Unless he's planning to invade the neighboring areas " adds Toryn darkly

Caelianna shrugs her shoulders.

Sunfall: well, in that case, good thing we didn't get trapped in Freeport eh? Suddenly I'm seeing a brightside to being thrown to the far side of the world

Stylixxt: your father? points at toryn

Caelianna: No telling what he's planning, but it can't be good.

Spot rolls everyone

Toryn: " My father and I are .. at odds " Toryn says to Stylixxt reluctantly " He is a fallen former knight of my order who has turned towards serving the forces of darkness "

Toryn: " He took control of our home city - Freeport - by force and holds it without anyone's permission "

Toryn: " And murdered another of our order while doing so " Toryn adds darkly, face cloudly as he remembers

-> stylixxt: in the distance, about a mile away, you can clearly see a griffon flying in the group's direction

-> toryn: in the distance, you're not sure how far, you see a griffon hovering in the air.

Toryn (Toryn): oh no not HIM again ! :P

Stylixxt: companions we have a situation

-> aikira: in the distance, you're not sure how far, you see a griffon hovering in the air.

Toryn: " It better not be the same beast who attacked me last time " snarls Toryn, drawing his sword and glaring up at the sight

Aikira cries out

Stylixxt: we have a beast a griffon i believe it is flying towards us

Aikira: there's a griffon in the distance

Vincent (Rand): *sigh*

Aikira takes out his bow and readies an arrow

Petra (Caelianna): c'mon, you know it's been coming for months now

Toryn: Toryn follows suit then looks at Stylixxt " Do you have a sling ? Bow and arrow ?

Toryn (Toryn): LOL true

-> stylixxt: give me a knowledge religion roll

Stylixxt holds on tight to rand

erus (Aikira): oops

-> stylixxt: oh goody! ;-)

Rand loosens his mace and slows down his horse.

Toryn: " Still have that sling I gave you ? " suggest Toryn " That might be better - get some shots in before we close to hand to hand range "

Toryn: In Rand

Toryn: 's direction

Stylixxt: we are going to try and avoid this beast?

Toryn: Toryn growls reluctantly " I suppose that would be for the best " Toryn doesn't look too enthuastic at the prospect

Rand: "If i have it, it is at the bottom of my bag. Easier and quicker to get my mace out and run up to it" Rand states simply

Toryn: " Forgiveness is divine and all that " adds Toryn staring darkly at the griffon

Petra (Caelianna): afk a second...I suggest you do any buffing or whatnot now ;-) He's flying quick at a rate of 100ft

Stylixxt: we cannot outrun it we will have to make a stand

Stylixxt falls off the horse

Toryn (Toryn): safe to assume everyone's back up to full mana right evil GM ?

Evil GM: Phil....odds or even?

erus (Aikira): odds

Stylixxt: companions gather a moment let the spirits infuse us

The griffon seems to see the group and seems to fly straight towards the group

Evil GM: brb

Toryn: Toryn watches Stylixxt very closely

Toryn (Toryn): man talk about keeping us in suspense :P

Rand stops his horse and helps Stylixxt dismount, then dismounts himself

Collin: "nice birdy!' Collin says with his mouth open

kender (Stylixxt): how many buffs can i get out before the beast is upon us?

Aikira turns to collin

Toryn: " Birdy dangerous ! " says Toryn urgently to Collin " Will hurt you ! Get your sword out ! "

Toryn: " Or axe or whatever you have ! "

Toryn: " Very sharp claws and teeth Collin ! "

Aikira: get this in your thick skull boy! when it comes down, you make sure it stays down, and you kill it

Collin nods seriously at Aikira

Stylixxt starts chanting to the spirits

Petra (Evil GM): you can get about 5 rounds of buffs out

Stylixxt: oh great one a battle is to be joined grant the one ones by my side the strength of the beasts

Bobby (Sunfall): broke a glass on this end, brb

kender (Stylixxt): talisman of the beast 3 str to 6 targets all except sunfall

Collin claps his first in his other hand and grins at Toryn

Aikira yells to the griffoon

Aikira: our arrows will bloth out the sun!

Stylixxt throws a snake scale at aikira

erus (Aikira): then we'll fight in the shade ;)

Aikira catches it

Aikira: what is this shaman?

Stylixxt: grant the dark one the skins of the turtle!!!!!

kender (Stylixxt): scale skin DR3

Rand uses the knowledge of Druzzil and infuses himself with Yaul, Courage of Marr and Reckless Strength

Toryn: " Mithaniel Marr forgive me if these are indeed dark blessings that I have allowed myself to receive " murmurs Toryn, praying

Stylixxt chuckles as he repeats the spell on toryn

erus (Aikira): forgive a noobie but what does the DR3 do?

Toryn: " err... thank you " says Toryn dubiously, feeling his skin harden

Vincent (Rand): damage reduction...

kender (Stylixxt): damage reduction

Toryn (Toryn): subtract 3 points of damage from anything that does damage to you

erus (Aikira): thx mates

Toryn (Toryn): also Aikira your strength went from 18 to 22, right ?

Aikira nods in appreciation at stylixxt

Rand is ready for a fight, looking visibly stronger

Aikira: I thank you

Stylixxt: i will use my power conssservatively let the beast come

Sunfall: not another one..

Evil GM: Everyone roll init

Toryn (Toryn): Aikira remember to add plus two to your attack and damage rolls too for your increased strength if you use your katana

Rand uses his knowledge of druzzil to enhance Aikira's strength as well (Reckless strenght, +5 STR, wears off by 1 per minute for 9 minutes)

erus (Aikira): cheers mate, but first let us use some arrows to pluck that chicken out of the sky

Toryn (Toryn): oh my ! okay 18 plus 4 plus 5 - 27 strength !

Evil GM: Init order is Cael, Toryn, Aikira, Collin, Styl, Rand, Sunfall

Toryn (Toryn): unless - are those allowed to stack evil GM ?

Rand then focusses on Toryn and does the same, adding Reckless Strenght to hiim as well)

Caelianna waits for the griffon to come.

Vincent (Rand): Toryn and Aikira add 5 STR to your ability


Bobby (Sunfall): xD

Toryn: " My thanks " Toryn smiles warmly at Rand

Toryn (Toryn): evil GM is the griffon within melee range yet or arrow range ?

Aikira: pet I can add 9 str what does that mean?

-> aikira: you add it to your str ability....basically you get another +6 to add to your attack roll between Sty and Rand's str buffs.

-> aikira: so a +17 for melee

erus (Aikira): is that damage or attack roll?

-> aikira: add +6 to both

Aikira: wow

Toryn (Toryn): initiative roll I believe you're looking at for Sunfall - I'm trying to find out if it's within melee range or not before attacking - I'm assuming not ;)

Evil GM: Sorry, was talking to Phil....the griffon is within 70ft so anyone with 70 or greater range on their weapons can hit him now

erus (Aikira): only bonus to my katana or also my bow?

Toryn (Toryn): bonus for increased STR to katana only Aikira ;)

Evil GM: only on attack for you katana though the damage bonus applies for both

Toryn (Toryn): oh he has a mighty longbow ?

Evil GM: No, remember....the str bonus to damage?

Stylixxt waits nervously wondering if this is the winged horse toryn wants

Toryn (Toryn): technically doesn't apply to missle weapons, just muscle powered weapons ;)

Toryn (Toryn): damn almost a crit !

Evil GM: melee or thrown

Toryn: " Fly away ! " Toryn roars at the griffon letting an arrow loose

Evil GM: You hit, give me damage

Stylixxt: mutters i guessss not then

Toryn (Toryn): cripes that better not be a 91 damage roll ! :P

Evil GM: haha

kender (Stylixxt): what does the flag mean?

Toryn (Toryn): half fiendish god of griffons - oops, our mistake

Toryn (Toryn): flag means it's the turn of the character whose name appears next to the flag, used during combat to make things easier ;)

-> sunfall: give me a wis roll

Aikira shoots with his longbow

Evil GM: You hit, give me damage

Collin stares at Toryn and Aikira

Evil GM: K...griffon!!

Collin stares at the griffon

Toryn (Toryn): oh my what a surprise it's going for Toryn :P

Evil GM: He hit it first....it's a flying chicken, what do you expect?

Toryn (Toryn): lol - true

The griffon swoops down on Toryn, as it flies by, trying to bite him.

In a big squak, the griffon bites Toryn, leaving a huge gouge in his armor.

Evil GM: That would be 26 points of damage...

Toryn: Toryn nearly falls off his horse and shakes his fist at it weakly " Damn you bird ! " Toryn croaks

Evil GM: Give me a ride roll

Evil GM: darn..

Collin looks at Toryn again... looks at the griffon and zergs to the griffon after rolling of the griffon with a salto

Toryn (Toryn): Marr is with me :P

The griffon keeps flying before veering back towards the group.

Kenny (Collin): can i make the distance from sitting behind Toryn on the horse?

Evil GM: No, he's flying 100ft a move you go 60ft at a run and even then you can't attack when running.

-> sunfall: k ;-)

Kenny (Collin): but if i sat behind Toryn did i get an attack of opportunity?

Bobby (Sunfall): the griffin actually hasn't hit anyone yet right?

Kenny (Collin): Toryn for 26 damage

Evil GM: Give me a Ride roll Kenny

Toryn (Toryn): doh ! :P

Evil GM: No attack of oppertunity and infact, as the griffon attacked you fell off the horse.

Collin crawls back onto his feet, growls at the griffon and bends trough his legs ready for a leap

Stylixxt looks up at toryns grevious wounds

kender (Stylixxt): minor heal a free action spell?

Toryn (Toryn): yep ;)

Evil GM: yup

Evil GM: technically you can cast 2 minor heals in a round

Toryn (Toryn): or one minor heal and take another action

Stylixxt: cast minor heal

kender (Stylixxt): how far away is the beast?

Toryn: " My thanks " gasps Toryn, a few of the scratches vanishing - he still looks pretty badly hurt ;)

Evil GM: About 50ft

Stylixxt sighs the beast out of range

Stylixxt: casts a spell on toryn

kender (Stylixxt): light healing

Toryn: Toryn looks a bit stronger " Again my thanks " Toryn nods to Stylixxt...

Stylixxt: then moves into cover behind the horses i fell off earlier when we saw the griffon

Rand looks at the bird in anger, but has no sling in his bag so has to wait


Bobby (Sunfall): lesse orb of fire o.o

Evil GM: don't you have to roll a ranged attack on that one?

Bobby (Sunfall): oh yeah!!

Toryn (Toryn): touch attack roll I believe ;)

Evil GM: fails

Rand suddenly realises he may be able to stun the bird making it fall from the sky

Rand casts a stun spell on the bird

Kenny (Collin): /em picks up Toryn's horse and throws is at the griffon, while pulling a tree from the ground with his other hand getting ready to swing it

Toryn (Toryn): lol

Vincent (Rand): never mind, damn low range on that

Toryn (Toryn): evil GM, griffon's touch AC is higher than 16 ?

Evil GM: No, but he has to um, touch it...

Toryn (Toryn): um - actually spells do count as a ranged touch attack

Toryn (Toryn): it means all you have to do is hit the target with a bolt of force, natural armor providing no normal protection

Toryn (Toryn): then again monster manual for EQ might not list touch AC for it's monsters...

Evil GM: Yea, nevermind...GM brain fart. Doesn' matter because either way it will fail.

Toryn (Toryn): got it...

Bobby (Sunfall): xD

Sunfall draws back his shortbow and let's loose an arrow

Evil GM: Make the GM do math...pfft

Evil GM: roll attack

Evil GM: You hit, give me damage

Evil GM: Everyone give me a spot roll

Sunfall: [1d4 = 4]

Rand: Spot [1d20+6 = 10]

Bobby (Sunfall): ignore that

Sunfall: Spot [1d20+6 = 13]

Stylixxt: Spot [1d20+9 = 24]

Collin: [1d20+3 = 20]

Toryn: Spot [1d20+3 = 8]

Everyone that got over a 15 notices that the Griffon isn't taking too much damage from the arrows.

Infact, it doesn't look like it's taken any damage at all.

Toryn (Toryn): man the publishers for EQ really dropped the ball ! The monster manual by WOTC gives the griffon a touch AC of 11 - you'd figure they'd publish touch AC in the monster entries for the EQ monster manual too ...

Toryn (Toryn): please point this out to the dumb people who failed their spot rolls alert people ;)

Aikira: +2 spot [1d20+2 = 20]

Aikira: +2 spot [1d20+2 = 8]

Aikira: +2 spot [1d20+2 = 6]

Aikira: +2 spot [1d20+2 = 3]

Aikira: +2 spot [1d20+2 = 4]

Aikira: +2 spot [1d20+2 = 4]

erus (Aikira): oops

kender (Stylixxt): can we reply when not our go?

erus (Aikira): just go with the first one

Toryn (Toryn): yep talking is a free action you can do it at any time even when it's not your turn Stylixxt ;)

Evil GM: Talking is free actions

Stylixxt: we are in trouble the beast appears unhurt as of yet the arrows are not harming it

Evil GM: And I actually goofed again and counted the griffons natural armor...so your orb hit

Toryn (Toryn): yay ! :)

Bobby (Sunfall): lol

Evil GM: need to reroll damage though because I don't have it on the screen anymore

Toryn: " Can you entangle it's feet with those webs of yours - make it drop to the ground ? " Toryn shouts in Sunfall's direction

Toryn: "or it's wings ? "

Bobby (Sunfall): i'm not even sure what the arrow thing was about, I think i hit my macro on accident

Aikira: I'll slay it with my katana!

Sunfall: [2d8 = 9]

Toryn: " Damn thing slices at us then flies out of range brother " Toryn growls , " Gets away before we can take a swing at it "

Ok, so...now that this is all said and done....everyone over a 15 on their spot noticed that the arrow didn't do anything, but the orb of fire really pissed it off.

The griffon flies back towards Toryn..

Rand casts a stun spell on the bird

Evil GM: [1d20+18 = 27]

Evil GM: [27]

The griffon doesn't aknowledge something had been cast on it and swoops at Toryn's horse.

Evil GM: [1d20+23 = 35]

Evil GM: Toryn, give me a ride roll

Toryn: Ride [1d20+8 = 19]

Toryn (Toryn): where are those hold monster spells when you need them? :P

Evil GM: Ugh...I messed up the Init order due to Rand...

kender (Stylixxt): good ole rand:))

Toryn (Toryn): sure, blame it on the poor fiancee then threaten to withhold nookie if he protests :P

Evil GM: I should turn around and lick his bald head

Evil GM: [4d6+9 = 23]

Evil GM: [23]

The griffon swoops by taking such a large chunk of meat off Toryn's horse, the remainder of the carcas falls over with Toryn still in the saddle.

Kenny (Collin): attack of opportunity?

Toryn: " DAMN YOU ! " Toryn roars shaking his fist at the griffon

Toryn (Toryn): I think the griffon has the "fly by " feat meaning no attack of opportunity

Evil GM: Sure, I'll give you an ooa

Evil GM: aoo

Toryn (Toryn): oh never mind then ;)

Kenny (Collin): can i try to grab it?

Evil GM: Yea, there's no aoo but I'll give it to him.

Toryn: Longsword (MW) [1d20+14 = 25]

Evil GM: give me damage

Evil GM: sure, try to grab it

Collin: [1d20+8 = 26]

Toryn: Str bonus [1d8+7 = 9]

Kenny (Collin): oh grab is a strength roll?

Evil GM: yup

Toryn (Toryn): attack roll actually versus the griffon's touch AC

Toryn (Toryn): I think...

Kenny (Collin): i made an attack roll just now lol

Evil GM: I'll use the attack...give me a STR roll

Collin: [1d20+3 = 13]

Toryn: Spot [1d20+3 = 20]

Kenny (Collin): ugh

Evil GM: [1d20+9 = 20]

Toryn (Toryn): checking to see if it looks like Toryn hurt the griffon at all with his longsword (the spot roll ) evil GM ;)

The griffon flies by at a great rate of speed. Toryn manages to hit him with his sword, but with the griffon's tough hide no damage seems to be taken. Collin grabs onto a part of the griffon, but as it flies on, he isn't able to keep a hold of it due to the force of velocity.

Evil GM: Basically, the griffon is like any bird of prey. It flies into the air then swoops by it's prey.....it's like trying to hold onto a train as it passes by.

erus (Aikira): but we can't hurt it

erus (Aikira): stupid bird

Toryn (Toryn): looks like we need some magic weapons ;)

Kenny (Collin): curse Ro for that mather :P

kender (Stylixxt): big power attacks me thinks

Evil GM: Gee, I believe Ro was the only one with magical weapons

erus (Aikira): I'll shove my katana up it's ass, how's that for magic

Evil GM: Too bad she gave away the magic sword

Bobby (Sunfall): I am a magical weapon!!

Toryn (Toryn): including the sword of fire she gave to the king - thanks Ro ! :P

Kenny (Collin): i'll use Collins psychic powers!

The griffon, seemingly satisfied with it's meal of horseflesh, keeps flying and doesn't return.

erus (Aikira): and then I thought that collin was stupid

erus (Aikira): but nooooooooooooooooooooo

Kenny (Collin): u guys didn't bother... don't blame the poor girl

Vincent (Rand): Ro never gave the flaming swords up Toryn... She gave a pretty much standard sword to the king... she just never gave the other ones to us

Toryn: Toryn throws his shield to the ground and jumps around in rage cursing for a few minutes

Stylixxt looks down at the dad horse sighing

Aikira lowers his bow and looks at toryn

Toryn: " I don't suppose you have any spells we can use to enchant our swords if it comes by again " says Toryn looking hopelessly at Caelianna

Aikira: are you allright brother?

Toryn: " I'm fine I'm fine " mutters Toryn...

Aikira: next time brother...

Toryn: " I can call upon Mithaniel Marr's blessings to aid our weapons but it only works if the opponent serves the forces of darkness - I suspect yonder bird is just a big dumb animal "

Toryn: " Caelinna ? " asks Toryn looking at the druid..

Caelianna sighs

Sunfall: I'm not so sure about that, it seemed to be smarter than us

Caelianna: No, I'm sorry. Such magic isn't granted until a much higher circle of druidry

Stylixxt examines toryns wounds closer

Caelianna: The most I was hoping for was to be able to make it afraid of us for a short time to get away, but I didn't have the chance before it attacked your horse...I'm sorry.

Toryn: " Smarter or perhaps just animal cunning - if it wasn't so fast I could have tried to peer into it's soul " murmurs Toryn

Toryn: " No need to apologize Prin...er. Caelianna " says Toryn earnestly, " We are honored by your very presence ! "

Toryn: " Well sorry to slow the rest of you down " sighs Toryn " Looks like Collin and I are walking "

Stylixxt: can i do a heal check on toryn to check his wounds?

Caelianna: It looks like it will be slower going now that we're down an animal. Luckly, there are farms scattered across the plains. We might be able to barter for or buy another animal or two.

-> stylixxt: sure

Toryn: [1d10 = 7]

Stylixxt: Heal [1d20+13 = 33]

Toryn: " Heal thy servant's wounds my master " murmurs Toryn and some more of Toryn's wounds vanish

Toryn: He still looks a bit hurt but not nearly as much as before

-> stylixxt: oh, before I give you the description, I should probably tell you something about these type of scenes. Nobody here has a problem with extreme violence or depravity being described...however...

Stylixxt: ok a little gore is ok then:)

-> stylixxt: please, please, please do not mention blood. Andre has this wierd phobia when it comes to blood and even the mention will send him to the toilet.

Stylixxt: lol

-> stylixxt: I played in a vampire game with him where our ST could have written night of the living dead or whatnot..he never said one word about why he always ran to the bathroom.

Stylixxt: i think your wounds are not life thretening you will live this day turns away from toryn

Collin starts walking whilstling a happy tune

-> stylixxt: if you talk about beheadings, chunks of flesh, ect...you're find. just regard all creatures of this world as bloodless. LOL

Stylixxt: gotcha

Toryn: " Thank you once again shaman " repeats Toryn " Your actions certainly aren't those of a being who serves the forces of darkness "

Toryn: [1d10 = 7]

Stylixxt kneels down beside the horse

Toryn: Toryn prays once again and the rest of his wounds vanish - he murmurs thanks to Mithaniel Marr...

-> stylixxt: though I'll usually describe it gorey in whispers...anyways, Toryn's wound is gaping open beneath the hole in his breast plate.

Stylixxt: i was afriad of course of that beast if you died i was probably next my tasssk wass simple to try to keep you alive

-> stylixxt: with a little bit of magic and herbs, you have the ability to fix him up good as new.

Rand looks around rage in his eyes, rage at a griffon he couldn't even touch

Toryn: " Nonetheless you were very helpful " chuckles Toryn ruefully " If only my sister were here ! " says Toryn forcefully " We could really have used that axe of hers ! "

Stylixxt: i will leave him to tend to himself the danger has passed for now

Toryn: " Easy .. next time " says Toryn gripping Rand's shoulder as he repeats Aikira's words " At least you're not down one horse "

Toryn: " whereupon I and Collin are "

Toryn: " Anyways " sighs Toryn " let's get going "

Stylixxt helps himself to a piece of horseflesh a crime to waste this

Caelianna: There is one blessing with having to go a bit slower...

Toryn: " The blessings of our gods return to us at a faster rate " asks Toryn looking at the druid

Caelianna shrugs

Caelianna: At least we have the time to examin the ground as we pass it.

Toryn: " True " exclaims toryn " You can search for tracks ! "

Stylixxt: did c-o-l-l-i-n get a feather of the big buurdy as it flew by talks slowly?

Caelianna points off in a direction slightly to the north of the direction they were going.

Toryn (Toryn): evil GM did Collin manage to get a feather from the bird during the struggle ? ;)

Caelianna: There is a farm about a day's walk from here. I suggest we go there and see if they have any spare mounts or information.

Aikira hangs his bow over his shoulder and pets his horse on the back

Evil GM: Everyone can give me a search roll

Rand: Search [1d20+3 = 9]

Stylixxt: Search [1d20+2 = 17]

Toryn: Search [1d20 = 2]

Collin: [1d20-1 = 18]

Sunfall: Search [1d20+10 = 13]

-> collin: by your feet is a single feather

Bobby (Sunfall): /cry

Collin picks up a feather from the ground and starts tickling himself with it till he bursts out in laughter

Evil GM: Ok, and we'll leave it here for the night ;-) I'll update the timeline and XP chart tomorrow

kender (Stylixxt): that bird was tough

Evil GM: Welcome to the rest of the player's world...the griffon has become their personal nemisis

Aikira: [1d20+3 = 16]

Toryn (Toryn): " I'll get you yet griffon ! " howls Toryn to the sky

kender (Stylixxt): they have met him before?

Vincent (Rand): not this one

Toryn (Toryn): I drew a picture of it in Petra's xmas card - a very bad pic mind you so this is al my fault ;)

Evil GM: not that specific one...but they had an encounter with a griffawn in the commonlands

Toryn (Toryn): Stylixxt remember that Collin has a griffon feather if that's important to you at all - make a note of it on your excel character sheet or something ;)

Bobby (Sunfall): griffon = scarier than Sauron

kender (Stylixxt): yep he wont have it for long

Evil GM: HAHA...well, you'll know something's up when the gnolls come riding in on griffon back for revenge

kender (Stylixxt): gnight guys gotta pack see ya next week

Evil GM: Have fun!

Toryn (Toryn): oh no !

Toryn (Toryn): well we know what my nightmares are going to be about - an undead human gnoll chieftain riding a griffon :P

Toryn (Toryn): night all !

Evil GM: haha...I'll make note of that one!

Kenny (Collin): g'night all :) cya next week

Toryn (Toryn): watch out, his next target will be Ro - to molest her or something

Evil GM: Night...cya next monday...next game you "should" get enough xp to level ;-)

Toryn (Toryn): imagine being molested by a corpse - other than a sexy vampire that is :P

Toryn (Toryn): yay !

Toryn (Toryn): no extra spells for paladins at 6th level right ?

Evil GM: Not new ones...but refer to the chart I gave you. You get to pick some more lvl 1 spells.

Toryn (Toryn): oh - and does a Detect Evil on the feather reveal anything?

erus (Aikira): night ya'll

Evil GM: Nope

Toryn (Toryn): damn !

Toryn (Toryn): ok should let you get to sleep - night night !

Evil GM: night night