Dungeons and Dragons - Everquest d20

2/4/07 - Session 28
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EQd20 Ruleset (FG2)

The group has an audience with King Antonious Bayle to see if they could get Rand free, Caelianna ends up securing Rand's freedom, a lizard man ends up tagging along with the group and he detects evil...

Evil GM: Last week ended with everyone at the King's birthday ball except for

Rand who's under arrest...Toryn and Sunfall had asked Lady Tyree to speak to the king on their behalf before the hearing in the morning

Evil GM: Everyone EXCEPT rand and Stylixxt give me a listen roll

-> stylixxt: and second, since tonight is a Masque Ball for the king's birthday, everyone in Qeynos is in costume. You found that nobody even gave a second glance at you as you entered the city. You also managed to come up with an invitation to the ball, which is where Toryn is.

Ro cheerfully walks around till she finds Tyree

About 15 minutes after Tyree left your company, a little boy, maybe 8 years old, comes up to Sunfall and jerks on his sleeve to get his attention.

Sunfall looks down at the boy and raises an eyebrow

A page coughs nervously.

A page: You have been summoned to the throne room by his Majesty, the King.

Sunfall: How soon?

Sunfall glances at his friends

A page: At your convienance, sir. It was also mentioned that your entire party should come as well.

Stylixxt: was that for me that message regarding an invitation still struggling with the colors here?

Toryn: Toryn walks over to Sunfall, arm ain arm with Ro (I'm assuming Ro looks a lot less pissed at Toryn than she did earlier ;) )

Toryn: " What news? " says Toryn anxiously

Kenny (Ro): she's laughing :P

-> stylixxt: yes, the dark purple is for your eyes only

-> stylixxt: green is /ooc, black is IC, the blue is an NPC, bold black is narritive..

Sunfall: It looks like the King is granting us an audience... Or preparing to take our heads, one or another, our party has an invitation to com to the throne room at once

A page stands nearby, looking anxious.

Toryn: " Hopefully the former and not the latter ... let's go find Aikira, hopefully he hasn't sampled too much of the local ale ... "

Sunfall: Where's Aikira?

Aikira: i'm here

Toryn: Toryn grimaces at the thought " The last thing we need is a very angry, very intoxicated warrior - he might decide to bash the king over the head until Rand is released

Stylixxt: will scout the room i have a description of toryn from a villager he released from brighthaven assuming he not in disguise

Aikira grunts, with much dislike for his new costume

Toryn: " Oops " mutters Toryn embarassedly turning around

Sunfall looks to the page

Sunfall: Well I guess that makes us all accounted for

-> stylixxt: actually, they're in costume but it's pretty easy to reconize him since his armor has the symbol of Marr on it.

Toryn: " Lead the way young man " Toryn says giving the page a nod

Stylixxt: ok will keep him under observation

A page nods and leads the small group through the crowd and then through a door into a less crowded hallway.

Evil GM: Everyone but Rand and Sty give me a spot roll

-> sunfall: give me a knowledge roll..

-> sunfall: go ahead and give it a +2 to the roll for your Erudite background

-> sunfall: as you're following the page, your eyes happen to fall on an extremely realistic costume of a lizard man. Looks kinda neat..

-> toryn: while walking through the hall, your eyes fall on a really cool looking costume of a lizard man

Sunfall: he appear to take any interest in us?

-> sunfall: watches the group pass, as does about everyone since you're being lead by a page.

Sunfall: "Ho, superb costume sir." Sunfall nods to the man in the lizard costume

Toryn: " Intereting " murmurs Toryn " He's dressed just like those lizard men of legend... the ones we hear rumors of in Freeport "

A page stops infront of a huge double door gilded with gold. On one door, a life sized griffon is carved into the oak wood. On the other is a dragon.

A page bows to the group.

A page: The king awaits (pushes open the doors)

Toryn: Toryn takes one last look behind him at the lizard man " Absolutely fascinating costume ! " Toryn calls out

Toryn: Then Toryn strides inside the king's roomo

Toryn (Toryn): bleh ! "room "

Stylixxt: steps back after being noticed

The inside of the throne room is amazing. Tapestries of great battles and fantastic creatures line the stone walls. Suits of armor sit in the corner and jewled weapons sit in cases on marble stands. A red carpet runs from the double doors to the gold gilded, jewled thrones in which a stately man of about 60 sits dressed in white fur lined robes.

Stylixxt (surprise): errm thanksss for notissing

Toryn: " Would you mind doing the talking for a few minutes " toryn whispers to Sunfall (assuming Sunfall is in the room )

On his left hand side sits a woman of about the same age, dripping in jewels and gold. On the right hand side sits a young woman of about 19.

Sunfall: "Not at all. Not every day one gets to speak to a king."

Toryn (Toryn): Ro this would be a good time for you to hang out outside and talk with the lizard guy instead of listening to a no doubt very boring conversation ;)

Toryn Detect Evil then Detect Good on the king

Kenny (Ro): we donno if it will be boring yet :P

Bobby (Sunfall): Oh erm, is Sarah with us? last I checked she was firmly attached to my arm o.o

erus (Aikira): dude, wait up for aikira then!

Evil GM: After the required time, he doesn't detect as evil but does detect as good.

erus (Aikira): he hates boring conversations

Petra (Sarah): yes she is

erus (Aikira): he needs something to KILL time

Antonious Bayle looks on patiently.

erus (Aikira): something with...scales moewahahahaha

Bobby (Sunfall): are we still at the other end of the room?

Petra (Antonious Bayle): you can always get The Tailor to make you a handbag..

Toryn (Toryn): Antonious Bayle looks on patiently for Sunfall to start talking to him ;)

Bobby (Sunfall): haha

Petra (Antonious Bayle): by the enterance

Sunfall: bows graciously. "Permission to appraoch your majesty?"

Antonious Bayle nods his head to Sunfall.

Antonious Bayle: Please, by all means, approach.

Sunfall leads the party towards Antonious Bayle

Stylixxt: can i see the king? from where i am?

Ro looks around curiously

Toryn Detect Evil and Good on the two women next to the king too evil GM

Sunfall takes a knee before Antonious Bayle as he arrives before him

Toryn: Toryn distractedly also falls to one knee looking totally out of it

Toryn (Toryn): still doing the Detection thing ;)

-> stylixxt: no, the door was shut on you.

Stylixxt: good i dont want to be anywhere near him

Toryn: It's obvious Toryn is unavailable to talk right now with the glazed look in his eye - apparently it's all in Sunfall's hands ;)

Petra (Antonious Bayle): the women detect as good as well

Sunfall slips his masks off

Antonious Bayle: I have called you before me tonight for two reasons. The first is a matter that the Lady Bard has brought before me about your friend, Rand, whom is currently being held for a grevious crime.

Antonious Bayle: The second is about a messenger that was supposedly from the other side of the continent, on a mission on behalf of the Knights of Truth

Sunfall glances at Toryn and nods

Toryn: Toryn abruptly comes out of his trance, hearing the King's last words

Toryn: " Greetings your majesty " says Toryn with a broad smile on his face, " I am Toryn, paladin in service to Mithaniel Marr, member of the Knights of Truth - but I know naught of this messenger of whom you speak - do you have his or her name? (if it pleases you Sire? ) "

Vincent (Rand): the boy we met on horse Toryn... remember?

Toryn (Toryn): doh ! forgot already, typical Toryn

Antonious Bayle gestures to the guards standing to the side of the room, by a door.

Vincent (Rand): and again Rand fails you by not being there to slap you over the head

A young boy, the one that you had met on the road to Qeynos, steps through.

Toryn (Toryn): lol - yeah way to go ! :P

The boy bows to the king.

Toryn: " Oh yes, him ! " says Toryn in recognitiion " I know his aunt as a woman of good character "

Toryn: " They live in Freeport, my own home as well "

Antonious Bayle: I suggest we discuss the first matter, that of the life of your friend, first.

Toryn: " Your majesty " says Toryn with a grave expression on his face " If you know anything of the Knights of Truth then you know we have devoted our lives to the cause of righteousness and Good "

Toryn: " When we first met our friend - Rand, the one who is imprisoned - he couldn't harm a living soul, fainted at the very thought of danger "

Toryn: " Over the course of our travels he has become a brave warrior - but I swear to you as a servant of the forces of Light he would not have gone so far over as to murder an innocent man in cold blood ! "

Toryn: " We have made several... enemies over the course of our adventures - crazed cultists trying to restore the worship of an evil god , Moltor ... for all we know perhaps one of them cursed Rand, some spell perhaps that is taking effect even now "

Toryn: " The death of your man grieves us - if you would permit us to bring his body to Freeport the priests of Marr there could return him to life I am certain "

Vincent (Rand): GM semi afk... keep going

Toryn: " And I - as well as Rand himself - would be happy to use our healing arts to remove any injuries your guards have suffered "

Toryn: " Indeed Rand was about to do just that to repair your captain of the guard's nose before the captain rushed him off to jail "

Toryn: After delivering his usual long winded monologue Toryn stops

Toryn (Toryn): checking subtly to see if the king has fallen asleep :P

Ro yawns, rolls her eyes and turns around to get a better look at the room

Aikira stands still, and looks around too, checking out the room and also the strange page...

Stylixxt: moves around the ballroom dancing badly trying not to step on too many toes

Antonious Bayle looks suprised when Toryn mentions the name of Moltor, in his long winded explanation.

Antonious Bayle: Moltor...I have not heard that name breathed above ground in quite some time!

Toryn: " A terrible being " Toryn says practically spitting the words in disgust " His followers were torturing and killing innocent peasants in his name and even worse - experimenting on them ! I saw sad monstrosities stitched together out of their body parts ... that we had to put out of their misery "

Toryn: " One of our quests is to find out more about this Moltor and put a stop to him if he does indeed plan on resurfacing "

Antonious Bayle: A terrible being? Why, the Moltors are a long established family within the walls of Qeynos. Merchant family I believe, until they fell on hard times in my grandfather's age. I don't believe they ever recoverd their wealth.

Antonious Bayle: The younger Moltors claim a curse had been put on their family by a relative long ago from his deeds.

Toryn: " Hmmm " says Toryn " Well perhaps they have the misfortune of sharing a name in common with this other Moltor "

Antonious Bayle: Perhaps...it might be possible for you to search the city records if you have the time in Qeynos.

Toryn: " Your majesty is most gracious " says Toryn inclining his head .. " but... regarding our friend ... again I can assure you as a servant of Mithaniel Marr, God of Valor, that he is not an evil man ! And again we would be more than happy to make the reperations we mentioned - bringing your dead man back to life and healing the others ...

Antonious Bayle holds his hand up to Toryn.

Sunfall: Rand has already done great deeds for your surrounding lands, we poached the head of a gnoll leader for their people but only a few days ago

Antonious Bayle: The clerics within my service have already performed this deed. However, the fact that he can be brought back to this world does not belittle the fact that your man commited murder in cold blood. It is my duty to my people to make sure this can not happen again within my walls.

Antonious Bayle snaps his fingers at his guards, who nods.

Shortly, the door opens and several guards drag Rand into the throne room.

Toryn: Toryn eyes Rand anxiously for injuries but doesn't move any closer, not wanting to provoke the situation

Aikira: are aikira, ro and that page, in another room

-> aikira: you are all in the throne room

Aikira looks up in surprise when he sees rand entering the room

erus (Aikira): do we still carry our weapons

-> stylixxt: out in the ballroom, all the ladies keep trying to get you to dance. They all just love your costume.

Ro turns to Rand and holds her hand in front of her mouth shocked

Petra (Antonious Bayle): they haven't been removed

erus (Aikira): I'm still wearing a black costume and my griffoon mask right?

Kenny (Ro): boa and pink thong

Petra (Antonious Bayle): everything is the same as at the end of last game, so yes

Stylixxt: i will continue dancing with many of them whilst observing the side room doorway

Antonious Bayle looks at the guards and nods. They step back from Rand, but hold their hands on the hilts of their swords, ready.

Aikira: can I do a knowledge warcraft roll to see if it's wise to take action, or what the best tactic might be to free rand

-> stylixxt: you notice that a group of guards lead an unarmed man in through the side room

-> aikira: sure

Antonious Bayle looks to Rand.

Toryn (Toryn): oh no !

Rand goes to one knee and bows for the kind, showing himself below and never equal to him

Antonious Bayle: Do you deny the charges brought against you by the Captain of the Royal Guard?

Stylixxt: a common thing for sacrifices to be taken afore the king i guess

Rand: "No, i do not" Rand says, looking at the floor

-> aikira: You come to realize that at this point, if you act in any aggressive manner, that while you may be able to dispatch the guards inside this room you will likely not get out of the palace grounds alive.

Antonious Bayle: Do you, Rand, wish to stand trial before me in the Royal Court to gain your freedom?

Aikira just peers down the room, angered, because he knows that an action would only result in the capture or death of his groupmembers, and perhaps even himself

Rand: "I never wished for such a thing, but seeing my actions and the result of it, i deem it most fair to be judged by your ruling" Rand says

Antonious Bayle: Then it will be so.

Antonious Bayle looks towards Toryn.

Rand: "Will i be allowed to speak for myself" Rand asks, "If needed, under assistance and guidance of a legal councilor?"

Antonious Bayle: As a boon, because my Lady Bard speak so on your behalf due to her new apprentice, I will grant a extension to his case so that an investigation can be held to make sure that there truely is no dark arts involved.

Antonious Bayle nods to Rand

Antonious Bayle: That you will be allowed.

Toryn: Toryn looks hugely relieved

Rand bows to the king, appreciating the fairness in his judgement

Ro sighs relieved

Stylixxt: whilst dancing will try find out if any of my partners is aware of what may be happening in the next room

Toryn: If Mistress Tylee is in the room Toryn catches her eyes and gives her a courtly bow of thanks, relief and gratefulness in his eyes

-> stylixxt: give me a gather information roll

Petra (Antonious Bayle): she's not

Antonious Bayle: And if I may make a suggestion, Zane is one of the best legal minds in the city. It would due to find him and hire him.

Toryn: Toryn winces and looks at Aikira

-> stylixxt: there's much speculation, from someone being knighted to a secret tryst

Aikira tries not to look at toryn and bows his head a bit, ashamed

Caelianna runs into the room, out of breath, stops near the group.

Rand: "May i speak to my friends a second, your highness" Rand asks

Caelianna curtsies deeply to the King.

Caelianna: Pardon my tardiness your Highness, the page only just now found me.

Toryn: " No need to be ashamed " Toryn whispers nudging his friend " A reflex on my part, nothing more - his rates were outrageous, most would have done the same in your situation "

Antonious Bayle gestures for Caelianna to rise.

Antonious Bayle: No need for apologies my dear. It is easy to become lost at a party this size.

Antonious Bayle: Yes Rand, take these few moments to speak to your friends.

Rand: "I have 61 platinum and 881 gold pieces in my bag at the inn, use it as you see fit. If needed for my legal aid" Rand says to Toryn

Antonious Bayle turns his attention back to Caelianna.

Aikira walks up to rand and places his hand on his shoulder

Antonious Bayle: Is your father in good health? It has been quite some time since your family has made it's pilgramage to Surefall.

Aikira: it was an honour the walk with you brother priest

Caelianna smiles at the king.

Caelianna: He is well, as are my brothers who refuse to listen to sensability and refuse rights to the throne. Eventually they'll listen.

Rand: "Use the money wisely as i doubt we will find foul magic at work" Rand says to his friends, "I fear this is my destiny catching up with me"

Toryn: Toryn starts to nod to Rand then stops to stare at Caelianna, mouth hanging open...

Caelianna: Your Highness...I do believe my family is still owed a favor by your highness....

Caelianna turns to look at Toryn and gives him the barest of winks.

Antonious Bayle: Yes, yes...the Royal Court still owes your family a great debt for their help.

Caelianna: Speaking as representive of my family and Princess of the Court of Flowers, I call in the favor owed by this Court.

Ro: afk a sec

Rand: "I hope this is not what i think it is" Rand whispers

Antonious Bayle: Speak Princess of Flowers.

Stylixxt: i will politely leave my dance partner and set up ambush at the side door to whisk ro out onto the dance floor should she appear

Caelianna: I simply seek a royal pardon for Rand. We will leave the city instantly to make sure no mishap happens again within these walls and this group, as it is, shall never return to the city.

Rand: "This is not something to call in a favor for" Rand whispers to Caelianna, "Neither our groupmembers skin color, nor my fate"

-> stylixxt: lol, ok

Caelianna ignores Rand while looking hopefully to the King.

Antonious Bayle: In accordance with the age old connections between this court and your family, I will grant the pardon. You must leave the city immediatly and not be seen here again, for 50 years.

Bobby (Sunfall): Caelianna has a crush on Rand... who would have thought xD

Toryn: Toryn's sigh of relief is audible - then he goes back to looking at Caelianna open mouthed

Rand: "If i may, i would like to ask a question and give an explanation to the good people of Qeynos" Rand says

Toryn (Toryn): lol - lucky man you know how those druids are in bed - quite the animals !

Petra (Antonious Bayle): lol

Toryn (Toryn): hmm if they have the shape change ability in EQ I take it back, he's not lucky :P

Antonious Bayle holds up his hand to Rand.

Antonious Bayle: It is done, you are released. Take this good fortune and run with it for if any mishap would occure between now and your leaving the city walls, I have no control over what will happen.

Toryn: " Your majesty is most gracious " stammers Toryn , still staring at Caelinna, " We will of course obey with all haste "

Rand bows to the king

Antonious Bayle: You will be given a guarded escort to retrieve your things from the Inn you were staying at. They will see you to the gates.

Toryn: Toryn firmly takes Rand by the arm and escorts him out, checking him over for injuries " Are you hurt friend ? " whispers Toryn

Caelianna curtsies to the King.

Caelianna: My thanks from me and mine.

Sunfall refits his mask, rises, and bows to Antonius Bayle

Caelianna turns to follows, but is stopped by the king.

Antonious Bayle: If I may have a few more words with you?

Caelianna: As you wish your Majesty..

Caelianna: (to the group) I will meet you at the city gates.

Sarah looks wide eyed at Sunfall, almost boggled by what happened.

Ro mutters that she needs to see Tyree.

Sarah stylixxt as you watch the doors, out of the main doors comes the full group including the man they dragged in earlier...with an armed escort of about 20 guards.

Toryn: " Agreed " says Toryn over his shoulder " Our thanks .. er.. princess "

Petra (Sarah): whoops.....that was a /w to Stylixxt

Petra (Sarah): brb

Stylixxt: whoa too many guards check my step

Toryn: " Oh look it's the one dressed like a lizard man again " says Toryn distractedly

Toryn: " Amazing costume ! "

Toryn: Toryn goes back to poking and prodding Rand

Ro looks around for Tyree whenever and whereever she can but follows the group

Aikira looks content en follows the group

Stylixxt: thank you i was taking a quick breath from dancing these ladiesss can be demanding

Petra (Sarah): back

-> Ro: give me a spot roll

Sunfall: "Sarah, I'm afraid I must cut our night short, you are welcome to accompany us and our... escort, if you would like. But I am sure you would rather enjoy the rest of your night here at the ball."

Stylixxt looks at the group muttering black raven and white eagle under his breath

Sarah bats her eyes at Sunfall and pouts prettily.

Sarah: Well, my thanks for your getting me into the ball...I'm sure I can find ways to entertain myself.

-> ro: you see Tyree standing in a corner of the ballroom talking to a small group.

Sunfall bows, taking Sarah's hand with a kiss upon her hand

Sarah blushes.

Sunfall: and I slip her 10 plat xD

-> sunfall: k ;-)

Stylixxt holds out scaled arm to Ro may i have the pleasure of the next dancz

Ro: /em walks upto Tyree in a hurry

Sarah whispers in Sunfall's ear.

Ro: /em tries to get her attention by clearing her throat

-> sunfall: if you are ever in Qeynos, whatever way for whatever reason and need a lady's company...come to the Green Emerald.

Lady Tyree looks up, sees Ro and waves to her.

-> ro: and the lizard is trying to get you to dance with him

Stylixxt momentarily forgets himself and licks his right eye

Ro: /em ignores the lizard and tells Tyree in a hurry what happened and that her friends have to leave Qeynos and that she wants her practice and blablabla

Bobby (Sunfall): lol

Stylixxt looks around to see if anyone is looking at him

Toryn: Toryn pauses in mid conversation with Rand to stare at Stylixxt

Toryn: " That's amazing ! " says Toryn admiringly " adds a true depth of realism ! "

Toryn: " How did you do that ? Are you a mage of some sort ? "

Petra (Lady Tyree): is that like a vah'shir forgetting themselves and licking their butt in public???

Stylixxt: /a

Stylixxt: a minor spell most mages can accomplish simple illusionssss

Lady Tyree walks over to Ro and waves a hand to stop the guard's rather forcefull march through the ballroom.

Lady Tyree: Slow down, now what happened with the King, Ro?

kender (Stylixxt): kinda not used to been in ballrooms these human folk are quite strange creatures

Toryn: " And the accent adds even more realism " says Toryn clapping Stylixxt on the back " Well done ! We have a fellow mage here you should meet - Sunfall ! This is .. what did you say your name was again good sir ? "

Ro: /em tells Tyree everything she saw (nothing until Rand was dragged in since she was looking around)

Toryn (Toryn): I'm assuming Stylixxt is trotting along beside the armed guard as we leave the palace still hoping to get a dance in with Ro ;)

Lady Tyree: Well, this is certaintly a change of events. I was hoping for more time with you here in Qeynos. Hmm...

Kenny (Ro): Ro is talking to Tyree

Petra (Lady Tyree): tyree stopped the guards so she could talk to Ro.

Ro: /em's face changes from worried to plain sad

Stylixxt: i am stylixxt the accent? er oy yes i have been practising for many weeks where are we heading by the way

Toryn: " We ? " chuckles Toryn " You can feel free to follow along if you want friend but you must know we're not... um, welcome.. in this town... we'll be forced to leave shortly under armed guard actually... are you sure you want to sully your good name being seen in our presence ? "

Lady Tyree: The time has come for you to make a choice, apprentice. You may either stay in the city with me, be my apprentice, or you may go with your companions.

Stylixxt winces in pain as yet another guard stands on his tail!!!!

Aikira simply follows closely, pulling his hood over his head an tossing away his mask

Aikira: rubbish

Ro: /em speaks her thoughts out loud,' oh please, not again' while she claps her hands on her tighs in frustration.' but... what if i would stay? will i ever see them again?'

Stylixxt: ahh yes my good name!!! i see the guards close by you are prisssoners?

Toryn (Toryn): no matter how hard he tries however aikira cannot remember the pink feather boa - somewhere he hears THE REDHEAD's evil laughter in the distance ;)

-> ro: don't type this in whispers...everyone is around you

Sunfall: Not prisoners... We are just important

kender (Stylixxt): chuckle that was funny

Ro speaks her thoughts out loud,' oh please, not again' while she claps her hands on her tighs in frustration.' but... what if i would stay? will i ever see them again?'

erus (Aikira): he'll kill that redhead too! grrrrrrr

Stylixxt: i begss your pardon ssir

Toryn: " A sense of humor too ! " laughs Toryn then sobers " No , I'm afraid we are their prisoners "

Rand: "At least I am" Rand says

Toryn: " Not for long though , they're merely escorting us out of town "

Stylixxt eyes open wide at seeing akira without his mask!!

Toryn: " Now what was that about a white eagle and a black raven ? Friends of yours who were also in costume ? " toryn asks Stylixxt, then realizes he's looking at Aikira

Toryn: " Rest easy " Toryn soothes Stylixxt, " He's not your typical dark elf - he has fought with us, back to back, fighting the forces of evil - you won't find a finer warrior "

Ro: btw i did ask Tyree what i typed :P

Toryn: " I am Toryn, paladin of Mithaniel Marr, member of the Knights of Truth in Freeport "

Toryn: " And those of my order do not voluntarily associate with those who serve the forces of evil "

Stylixxt: i seek the black raven that travels with the white eagle an omen i spotted several dayss ago stormclouds blew overhead

Toryn: " An omen ... I see... so you're more a priest than a mage then perhaps ? " says Toryn interestedly .. " Or perhaps both ? "

Kenny (Ro): kljwergflk

Lady Tyree: If you stayed, you would eventually see them again. Most bards don't take well to being cooped up in a city their whole lives.

Stylixxt: an omen yes you are known to me toryn as are some of the deeds are your party

Aikira looks at stylixxt with an bit of cotempt, not only is it from another race, but it also seems to be weak

Sunfall: funny you say that, at times it feels as if we're a walking omen of impending disaster

Lady Tyree: So, Ro the Wayward, what is your choice?

Toryn: " Really ?!? " says Toryn looking at Stylixxt in surprise " You had an omen ... involving us ??? "

Ro shakes her head fanatically oh no. I wouldn't stay here. But will it be long before i see them again?' Ro mutters

Stylixxt: the signsss are all around should one take the time to noticce them

Lady Tyree shrugs

Stylixxt looks up at aikira wondering if he has been rumbled

Lady Tyree: It just depends on your training. Some are quicker than others.

Ro: 'If i work really hard!' Ro says hopefully

Lady Tyree: It's possible.

Aikira sees stylixxt looking at him

Aikira: what is it little man?

Toryn: " If it's not too personal a question, which god send you this omen ? " says Toryn interestedly... " I'm a man of religion myself- so is Rand here - he's a priest of Druzzil Ro, goddess of magic "

Lady Tyree: I would say it could be maybe three months until you were fit to roam free as a Journyman.

Toryn: " Uh oh " mutters Toryn looking at Aikira

Ro: /ooc what should i do? :P

-> ro: LOL, it's up to you

Stylixxt backs away from aikira

Stylixxt averting his gaze

Ro: will i be out of the game?

Toryn: " Aikira please " pleads Toryn " We're in enough trouble as it is and we certainly couldn't defeat all these guards - if the king thinks ill of us he might reverse his earlier decision and have Rand slain "

Aikira grunts a bit and keeps looking for a short moment and then turns to toryn

Aikira: what seems the be the problem brother, or are you worried that also my looks can kill

-> ro: If you take Tyree up on her offer, Ro will be put on hold. I would allow you to create another character at the same level to play until Ro is "ready" with the xp going towards Ro.

erus (Aikira): ;)

Toryn: " No problem " says Toryn hastily " We'll discuss it further when we leave town - quickly ! ..... If you're concerned about his character - I'll settle that right now "

-> ro: plus there would be other benefits...possibly double the skill points or an extra feat due or both due to the extra "training"

Toryn: Toryn stares at Stylixxt intently

Toryn Detect Good and Detect Evil on Stylixxt evil GM

Stylixxt: i have only met one of your kind before sssir and then i was forced to defend myself

-> stylixxt: you're going to stand by your being chaotic evil?

Ro sighs deeply and turns to Toryn and grabs his hand,' Toryn i can't come with u

Aikira looks at stylixxt again

Toryn (Toryn): and unfortunately Toryn is out of it for a few minutes drool running down his face

Aikira: where was that little man

Stylixxt: i guess so however it should be orderly evil or lawful evil

Toryn (Toryn): Ro I'll assume you see Toryn drooling and repeat yourself when Toryn comes to ;)

Rand walks in a sturdy stride to the inn, letting the guards surround him, feeling safe from... himself... for a few minutes

Ro: This is something i have to do for myself, i hope you understand' Ro goes on

-> stylixxt: oops...that's right. And sorry, I never did get used to the EQ way of alignments. So which one, neutral or lawful?

Petra (Lady Tyree): second...discussing something

Toryn: Toryn comes out of his trance .. " What ?!? " exclaims Toryn looking at Ro

Stylixxt: lawful can i tell what he is trying to do on me?

Toryn: " You'll be here with - mistress Tylee ? "

-> stylixxt: give me a spellcraft roll

Lady Tyree nods to Toryn.

Ro nods,' she said she will train me in beeing a bard'

Lady Tyree: If she does indeed accept my offer, she will train with the guild under myself to Journeyman status.

Toryn: Toryn opens his mouth to protest it.. then shuts it .. " We had a long talk about you being more grown up than I realized .. and letting you make your own decisions " sighs Toryn... "And Mithaniel Marr tells me that Mistress Stylee serves the forces of Light so we know she can be trusted... "

Toryn: Toryn draws Ro into a tight embrace

Sunfall: Makes me wish I was a half orc too, then I'd have everyone wanting to take me under their wing too!!

-> stylixxt: you are pretty sure he's trying to detect your alignment.

Toryn: " Come look for us in Freeport sister - you will be missed every moment of the day you are gone " Toryn whispers into her ear

Stylixxt: ok i will melt away from the group to retireive my equipment from the inn i know they are heading to the gates i will catch up to them there

Ro smiles at Toryn

Toryn: " Remember to look for the league of bards in Freeport when you're there - Tyree will tell you more of them , I'm certain "

-> stylixxt: give me a sneak roll

Ro: 'thank you toryn' Ro says with a smile

Evil GM: Everyone, give me a spot roll

Stylixxt: lol eek

-> stylixxt: chances of toryn rolling a 1 is good...

Toryn: Toryn gets choked up , starts to say something else, then stops and draws his hands across his eyes... " Watch yourself " whispers Toryn " You are the last surviving family I have - if anything happened to you it would destroy me "

Toryn: Toryn releases Ro

-> aikira: You notice Stylixxt backing off and leaving the group.

Aikira: where is that little one going!

Aikira aikira says to the group

-> toryn: you notice out of the corner of your eye that stylixxt backs off and melds into the crowd

Aikira: he didn't even tell me where he met another one of my kind

Ro: 'i will be safer than you are, my brother' Ro says,' take care of yourself'

Rand: "She is doing what she has to" Rand says without looking back

Toryn: " She's not coming with us " says Toryn his voice breaking a little... " She wants to pursue her training here as a bard - we can't deny her that "

-> rand: you notice that Stylixxt melds into the crowd and disappears

Sunfall bows to Ro

-> ro: you notice the lizard man melds into the crowd and dissapears

Aikira: toryn, sunfall, rand, the little scaled man is leaving!

Toryn: Toryn looks after Stylixxt about to say something - then turns back to his sister...

Sunfall: It has been quite an experience journeying with you. Good luck with your schooling

Aikira: maybe it's an ambush

Rand: "Where did our new friend Styliks or something go?" Rand asks, "Or is he really after Ro ?"

Toryn: Toryn grips her hands tightly then turns and follows Stylixxt - or tries to

Stylixxt waves to the group farewell i am sssure we will meet again

Sunfall: We have an armed guard of 20, how could we be ambushed?

Ro raises an eyebrow

Aikira: the guard is the ambush sunfall

Lady Tyree smiles and puts a hand on Ro's shoulder.

Toryn: " You just said you had an omen regarding us - are you sure you wouldn't rather travel with us instead - find out more about this omen of yours ? " Toryn asks Stylixxt

Lady Tyree: She will be in good hands and she will return to you much stronger and wiser. That I promise.

Stylixxt: i will wait outside the city gates probably a little safer for me

-> stylixxt: k

Aikira looks at ro and nods

Stylixxt waves

Lady Tyree holds her hand out for Ro's.

Stylixxt walks down a side alley away from the group

Ro grabs Tyree's hand

Lady Tyree leads her off into the crowd.

Aikira: I'll see you around little one

Stylixxt gulp

Ro just looks at Aikira and lifts up the side of her mouth in a partial smile

-> ro: is there any specific character you want to play??

Ro: lol ya :P

As Tyree and Ro leave, the guards start towards the door to the palace once again.

Petra (Evil GM): he poofed himself ;-\

Ro: a monk that looks like me irl, bald and goatie, but musculair like insanity and dumb as fuck

kender (Stylixxt): afk a min desparate for a smoke break

-> ro: LOL...do you want to roll the character or do you want me to make him/her up for you?

Ro: i mean ... all negative on wis, int, but max sta, str and exterity :P

Rand walks ahead not looking back fighting the rage that is welling up inside him, the rage at loosing a friend

It doesn't take long to make it to the inn. A few guards accompany the group upstairs and stands guard outside of the room while they gather their things.

Ro: he's a trouble making himself lol dirty minded and gets kicked out everywhere too if they can eventually get him down lol

-> ro: do you have a name for him?

Ro: Collin

Ro: misses some teeth, scars all over

-> ro: K, I'll roll something up for the next game and email you the abilities the monk gets.

Aikira gets his spear, bow and arrows and the rest of his belongings

Ro: actually scrap the missing teeth lol

-> ro: lOL

Rand packs up his stuff that was neatly packed in its spot

Sunfall double checks his things before lounging in the inn downstairs

Toryn: Toryn gathers his items as well, still teary eyed

Aikira puts his hand on toryns shoulder

Aikira: she is in good hands brother, we must be happy, today we've got our brother priest back

Aikira: although without a good fight...maybe not too happy then

The guards tell the group to get a move on it.

Ro: just kick hium out with the group lol

Toryn: " Lost one gained another " sighed Toryn " I'm glad to have Rand back alive and safe of course but .. I'll miss my sister " Toryn tries to force a smile and claps Aikira on the shoulder " As for the fight we'll find one soon enough I expect "

-> Ro: I'll leave it to you to pick out the feats for him on Monday.

Ro: but let him land on his face in the mud lol

Rand doesn't speak, but rage can be seen in his eyes

Toryn: " Right right " mutters Toryn, glaring at the guards as he moves along

Aikira claps rand on the back, when he sees his rage

Aikira: easy brother

The guards make a hasty march to the stables so the group can get their horses.

Aikira but he stays close to him, to intervene if necessary

-> Ro: I might have you play Vinnie for a session in the next few weeks. Just to fuck with Aikira.

Sunfall: That certainly was a very short stay in Qeynos

-> ro: actually........I have a good idea for that one. Vinnie can be one of RZ's tests.

Toryn: " Would have liked to investigate the records the king spoke of - oh well " mutters Toryn

Ro: lol

Ro: the monk would fuck with aikira rofl

The guards escort the group to the gates, shutting them behind the group once out.


Ro: Collins says to the groupm' GAGAGAHAHAHAHAH what happened to u? fell down a chiney? muwhahahaha'

Sunfall: those records may exist elsewhere, and I am good with the research thing mind you

Toryn (Toryn): is Caelinna with us ?

Rand spurs his horse once outside and charges off down the path

-> ro: LOL

Petra (Evil GM): not yet

Rand moments later (assuming noone was wuick enough to follow him) Rand lets out a howl that is best compared to a deathcry of a griffon

Toryn: " He really is changing ! " mutters Toryn looking after Rand in astonishment " I don't remember him being like this before ! "

Aikira spurs his horse aswell and follows rand, but he keeps his distance, still close enough to not let him out of sight

Stylixxt looks around nervously some wild beast is roaming the area??

Sunfall: I thought Rand was cured of that curse he had when we first met

-> stylixxt: you see the group exit the city and rand gallop off.

Toryn: " Possibly not " murmurs Toryn darkly looking down the road the priest has followed

Toryn: " What do you think Sunfall ? Stay here and wait for the, er , Princess of Flowers

Stylixxt: i will approach them not trying to sneak

Evil GM: The gates to the city open again, and Caelianna trots out, back in her adventuring leathers.

Evil GM: Spot rolls

-> ro: what alignment do you want collin to be?

Ro: agnostic he's to dumb lol

-> toryn: you see stylixxt coming up to the group

Ro: only believes in himself, over ego lol

-> ro: not religion..evil, good, neutral...

Toryn: " Oh good ! Need to talk to him about that omen " murmurs Toryn..

Ro: chaotic good

Toryn: Toryn dismounts and drops to one knee in front of Caelinna

Stylixxt: approaches the group clothed in dusty traveling gear a white bearskin cloak clutching a spear adorned with bright feathers

Ro: or neutral

Ro: just dumb enough to get into trouble al the time

Toryn: " Your grace " announces Toryn loudly " Had we but known of your lineage we would have treated you with the respect you deserve "

-> ro: chaotic good is more fun...basically his motivation would be for the good of the world, his methods are just questionable on how he achieves it.

Toryn: " We are in your debt once again, this time for saving one of our own from certain death "

Aikira rides up to rand

Toryn (Toryn): Rand's too far ahead on his horse to smack Toryn on the head :P

Ro: good :P

Aikira: do you need some time alone brother priest?

Caelianna rolls her eyes at Toryn and snaps, "get up."

Toryn (Toryn): unless he has some new spell available I don't know about :P

Rand slowly walks his horse back and lots of screaming and howling, joining the group, seemingly calm

Toryn: Toryn rises to his feet protesting " You are a member of royalty - it is my duty as a knight to make sure you receive the treatment you deserve "

Aikira rides back to the group aswell, when he arrives he steps of his horse

Rand: "I had the time alone i needed, i just needed to do something to control my temper" Rand says to aikira

Aikira: no problem there brother

Ro: eerrr i mean nice choice lol

Caelianna: Among the wood elves, it is mere title so we may function among other races that hold these titles dear to their hearts.

Ro: he's only like 5.9 tall though lol

-> ro: I think I'll introduce him monday by trying to solo a griffon. ;-)

Ro: with a big griffon tattoo'd on his left boob lol

Ro: lol

-> ro: haha..he's of the Order of the Griffon

Ro: ye :P

Caelianna: If we're to be travelling togeather, you will treat me as you treated me before for in the wilds titles and niceties mean nothing to the creatures that want you for lunch.

Toryn: " Er... very well, Princess of Flowers " adds Toryn with a deep bow

Ro: GRAHAHAHA how come that scar on ur face? missed ur nosehole while poking?

Ro: Aikira will love him lol

Aikira: not a problem there

Aikira mumbles

Rand: "I am sorry for all this my friends, in time i will be able to control this rage in me, but for now i urge you to make sure not to piss me off for now" Rand says to the whole group, ensuring he is heared

Caelianna glares at Toryn.

Ro: and a big tattoo reading 'mommy' written in a big red heart on his right arm

Caelianna: Caelianna will do.

-> ro: hahaha

Sunfall glances with concern at Rand but for a moment

Rand walks up to toryn giving him the usual hard slap over the head

Toryn: " Of course Prin... er, Caelinna" says Toryn with great difficulty, forcing the word

Toryn: " Ouch ! " hollers Toryn holding his head

Caelianna looks at Rand

Rand: Her name is Caelianna, if you want to show her respect you speak to her by her name

Caelianna: Make sure to do that with extra force if he uses "princess", please

Sunfall: Caelianna, do you know of any Inns or places nearby where we can find lodgings?

Rand: My pleasure Caelianna

-> toryn: did you ever complete your detect evil/good on the lizard??

Toryn (Toryn): tried to back at the palace ;)

Ro: Collins whispers to Toryn,' i wonder if a piece of charcoal like him,' points at Aikira'bleeds red too'

-> toryn: since it was interrupted by Ro's goodbyes, you do it now...the lizard detects as evil.

Caelianna: Well, I think that we can make it to the pass that leads into the Karana's before midnight and set camp there until daybreak...

Toryn (Toryn): lol - this'll be good

Petra (Caelianna): yup, I thought so..

Toryn: Toryn rises angrily to his feet staring at the lizard-man

Stylixxt removes his hood waiting patiently at the side of the group

Toryn: " I shouldn't be surprised " snaps Toryn, " That you would resort to such deception "

Toryn: Toryn is glaring at Stylixxt

Sunfall: And still wearing his costume, appearantly.

Stylixxt tilts his head to the side

Toryn: Pointing a finger at him Toryn practically roars " Who are you, truly ? Omen indeed !?! Who do you serve !?! "

Ro: Collins asks out loud, who's the tall skinny guy? he looks like spagethi'

Rand slaps Toryn again

Stylixxt (wary): this is no costume!!

Petra (Caelianna): and I picture Stylixxt's tounge constantly flickering out...hehe

Rand: "I must have knocked a bolt loose there" Rand says

-> ro: haha

Stylixxt (wary): but what i ssaid in the ball room isss true

Toryn: For once Toryn doesn't back down " We are gifted with the ability to peer into the souls of all those we encounter - such is the gift of Mithaniel marr to his champions - and you, my "friend " reek of darkness ! "

Rand: "Welcome my friend, i only half caught your name... Stylist? " Rand says

erus (Aikira): he needs a stylist that's for sure :)

-> ro: ok, I'm not going to give negatives to his stats because that incures some bad penalties. But I will set Int and Wis at 0

Toryn: " There's evil in his soul ! " protests Toryn still leveling an accusing finger at Stylixxt

Rand: "Try me, i bet you will find evil in my soul too" Rand says

Petra (Caelianna): well, since I don't know him in RL I'm not comfortable with giving him a pink boa...sorry

Stylixxt (wary): evil and darkness i have no conccept of whattt you ssspeak of

Ro: awww but i wanted max str, dex and sta lol

Toryn: Toryn snorts in disbelief and says " Very well then, just to prove you wrong "

-> ro: it'll still be really high

Toryn Detect Good and Evil on Rand

Stylixxt (wary): or you judge everyone by your own ssoul?

Toryn: Toryn doesn't even hear Stylixxt, eyes glazed over as he stares at Rand

Rand: "I know this paladin, i trust his perception, but i feel that every being should be judged by his actions, not magic" Rand says

Toryn (Toryn): drool coming out of the corner of his mouth :P

Stylixxt (wary): my name is stylixxt you are a priest?

Evil GM: After the obligatory staring and drooling time, Toryn detects taints of evil on Rand...a faint aura.

Toryn: " What the ?!? " exclaims Toryn looking at Rand, shocked...

Toryn: Sitting down on the dirt Toryn massages his forehead as if in the grips of an enormous headache

Rand: "I am supposed to be, i have been trained as a cleric and herbalist, but lately i haven't been myself and as a result killed an unarmed man in pure rage" Rand says

Stylixxt (curiuos): seee what did you sseeee

Toryn: " This is like having a map you've relied on your entire life suddenly taken away from you " groans Toryn

Rand: "Toryn, my friend, learn to trust people by their actions and you will never need that map again"

Petra (Evil GM): and after this session where Toryn loses his sister and finds evil in the group...he needs to seek a good therapist.

Stylixxt looks at the others trying to figure out their reactions

Vincent (Rand): something with a wand of silence?

Toryn: " It's a gift from the gods , I'll keep making use of it " mutters Toryn.. " Well obviously Rand is not evil " announces Toryn firmly " Whatever I see is the result of the curse upon him - I know that from the length of my association with him "

Toryn: Toryn walks up to Stylixxt

Toryn: " You, however we just met .. in the face of what I've just seen I have to give you the benefit of a doubt .. perhaps you labor under some curse as well "

Toryn: " You can be assured however " adds Toryn still glaring at Stylixxt " That I will be watching you VERY closely ! "

Toryn: Toryn finishes this with a scowl, arms crossed looking at Stylixxt

Stylixxt (curiuos): i know of your sso called abilitiess to look into the heartss of others and pre judge them do you have that right?

Aikira still sits down and observes

Rand: "I have a very good feeling with Stylixxt as if in some way he can help me find my won destiny" Rand says, "How that help will come is something of the future, who knows if my feelings are true at that"

Caelianna watches the extanges from the back of her horse.

Toryn: " It's never failed me up until now ! " retorts Toryn to Stylixxt

-> stylixxt: did you mention any particular God in your background?? I can't remember w/o looking.

Stylixxt: no i dare not mention that yet

Rand: "Toryn, lighten up. Your cheery mood is what made you into a great friend, show that face to our new friend and who knows you may enlighten him and let the law shine in his heart" Rand says laughing

Stylixxt: and i have no outward religious symbols thats a death wish

-> stylixxt: do you have an idea for one??

Sunfall: So shall we ride, or do you wish to argue until the the sun rises or until this stranger eats a baby?

-> stylixxt: unlike the online game, gods in this world are more like the greek gods, constantly meddling in mortal affairs.

Toryn: Toryn continues to scowl looking at Stylixxt .. " Well no one's saying you can't come along - all I'm saying is that I'll be keeping an eye on you ... " Stylixxt" .. assuming that's even your real name ! "

Toryn (Toryn): lizard fight! lizard fight ! :P

Stylixxt: i follow cazic thule the faceless thought i had no option on that however i prey to the spirits of ancient beasts of the forests

Rand: "Let's ride, but slowly, the dark can be treacherous" Rand says, spuring his horse in the direction of Stylixxt, offering him a hand to sit behind him

Aikira: just let me watch him brother, I'll ride just behind him

kender (Stylixxt): lol

erus (Aikira): sounded gay? :)

Toryn: " Thank you " mutters Toryn to Aikira then adds very reluctantly " But my senses show the taint of evil on Rand - and I know THAT can't be right .. at this point my judgement might very well be suspect "

-> stylixxt: sorry for not mentioning it! lol. I think as you'll find out, your PC can follow whatever god he wishes but might be courted or "tempted" by other gods. They have their own motives that mortals just can't divine.

Stylixxt: thank you rand i appreciate the lift up accepts the hand offered

Toryn (Toryn): no Stylixxt was laughing at the " lizard fight " comment ;)

Caelianna: Stylixxt...give me a handle animal roll ;-)

Rand: "Toryn, do you think my soul could be stained for slaying an unarmed defenseless human in cold blood" Rand asks the Paladin

It takes a good 20 minutes to convince Rand's horse that no, the lizard won't eat him.

Toryn: " Mithaniel Marr.. normally ... allows me to weigh the good against the evil in one's soul " says Toryn firmly " There's only two ways I would see darkness on your soul... one, if you truly served the forces of darkness, which I know you do not... or two, if this curse upon you carried it's own darkness - a darkness seperate from the man who labors under it's burden .. my belief is that it's the latter "

Toryn (Toryn): that's okay Toryn can easily monologue for 20 minutes :P

Toryn (Toryn): handle animal roll to see if I put Rand's mount to sleep :P

Rand has a rather hard time staying on the horse while convincing him that he won't be dinner, so in the 20 minutes he has to get off and coax the horse to accept Stylixxt

Stylixxt: perhaps i should walk i am not used to riding these dumb beasts

Toryn doesn't manage to affect the horse, but does put everyone else asleep

Including the DM

Toryn (Toryn): " What ?!" says Toryn looking around in puzzlement at his sleeping comerades

kender (Stylixxt): zzzzz

Toryn (Toryn): " Hey, that could probably come in useful during our next battle " muses Toryn

20 minutes pass and finally both Sty and Rand are able to mount the horse.

Caelianna starts her horse toward's the pass into the Karana's.

erus (Aikira): sty :)

Toryn: " Any objections to searching Queynos fields for a winged horse ? " toryn scowls at Stylixxt

Aikira rides close to sty, ready to engage him if he tries anything. aikira has never eaten lizard before. and with the thought about that, he gets hungry

Caelianna trots up alongside Aikira.

Stylixxt: i am not used to being on the back of these creatures how do you manage to control one i dont hear you commanding it rand

Rand: "I thought they said it was in the Karanas?" Rand asks looking at Toryn

Caelianna: I know you can see in the dark amazingly well...keep an eye out for creatures or enemies.

Toryn (Toryn): LOL - lizard food, lizard boots :P .... assuming he doesn't get the drop on you first ;)

Rand: "You use your hands on the reigns and your heals against it sides, mind you all very gently" Rand explains

Aikira: I will... and by the way, thank you for saving our brother

Toryn: " The Kanara's then ... you'll have to excuse me.. still thinking about Ro " replies Toryn , looking troubled and sad

Aikira seems to have a lot of trouble with thanking a wood elf

Petra (Caelianna): and you dance, with your lizard leather boots on....

Caelianna nods to Aikira

Rand: "I feel your pain Toryn, Ro was like a sister to all of us. Just remember she is the one with a comfy bed and food at night" Rand jokes without a heart in it

Stylixxt: the karanas i have not been there before i have journeyed from halas where many peoples are tolerated

Caelianna: It's useless to have a favor of that magnitude and nothing to use it for.

Caelianna smiles slyly

Toryn: " Mistress Tylee will take good care of her, true " says Toryn half heartedly in reply

Caelianna: Besides, I doubt that's the only favor the King owes...he's quite in debt to my family for keeping an affair he had with my sister from his queen.

Rand: "I still think you shouldn't have given up such a favor in my name, but i thank you for doing so" Rand says, politely bowing to Caelianna

Toryn: " I have no problem with the scaled folk - if that was the case I wouldn't hold a half-orc close to my heart nor call a dark elf brother " Toryn snaps at Stylixxt in reply

Toryn: " It's what my god has to say about you that bothers me "

Caelianna winks at Rand and tells him the story of the King's affair with her sister.

Rand starts laughing loudly, scaring some birds in trees along the way with the sound

Toryn: " The color of your skin, your ancestry, means nothing to me - it's your actions that I'll be watching, and judging... " Toryn adds still looking at Stylixxt suspiciously

Toryn (Toryn): and in THIS corner - Toryn the self righteous paladin with a stick up his ass - and over in this corner - a very angry pissed off lizard !!!! :P

Toryn (Toryn): toryn removes the stick long enough to beat the lizard over the head with it - "Noooo, I ssssurrender " wails the lizard, knees buckling under the odor

Stylixxt: Hurin said there would be dayss like thesse he ssaid i would facee my greatesst challenge firssss. ...sighs and turns his head away

erus (Aikira): the dark elf is the referee!

Toryn (Toryn): lol

Vincent (Rand): what did you reply to anyways?

Ro: em puts his blanked next to Aikira's and falls asleep 5 seconds later snorring him insanely hard in his ear

Vincent (Rand): the comment about halas?

-> ro: hahaha

Toryn (Toryn): yep ;)

Vincent (Rand): ah... okay.... remind me to steer my horse closer and slap toryn

It takes until about 3 in the morning, but the group manages to make it to the deserted watch tower that stands guard over the pass to the Karanas.

Toryn: " Ouch ! Stop that ! " snaps Toryn glaring at Rand

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