Dungeons and Dragons - Everquest d20

19/3/07 - Session 26
Chat Logs
Experience Log
EQd20 Ruleset (FG2)

The group goes to Qeynos, manages to get through the front gate, Ro gives one of the swords collected from the gnoll chief to the King for a birthday present, there's a fist fight in the Inn, Lady Tyree takes Ro to the palace...

Last week the group made it to the Qeynos city gates after a mishap with Ro, resulting in her getting Toryn's horse.

The sun is starting to set and there's a huge line of people, horses, oxen, livestock, and wagons...all waiting to get into the city gates before nightfall.

erus (Aikira): are my 100gp allready added to my sheet pet, otherwise I'll do it now

Evil GM: No clue Phil

Toryn (Toryn): probably not Aikira I don't think we actually divided up the 500 gp from the druids yet

Evil GM: Remember, I don't keep track of the money and items...if it's not on your sheet it don't exist.

erus (Aikira): I added them!

erus (Aikira): I only have 1 platinum

erus (Aikira): dude where's my money?

Toryn (Toryn): okay guess that's something for everyone to make a note of - we each have 100 gp from the druids (they gave us 500 gp total) and to note on our character sheets unless you noted it already

Toryn (Toryn): okay seriously guys - do we want to pool our money and buy useful magic items for the group in general or do we want to make individual purchases by ourselves instead?

Toryn (Toryn): anyways - group purchases or individual purchases guys ?

Vincent (Rand): individual for now Toryn... i'll pool whatever i have left (most of what i have no doubt) when i get back from visiting the warriors guild

A boy: A line? We have to wait in a line?

Aikira looks at ro to see if she has allready put her hood over her head

Rand: "Yeah, apparently Qeynos is a wanted town to visit" Rand says while standing at the end of the line

Sunfall peers around the line to see what's at the end

-> sunfall: give me a spot roll

-> sunfall: down at the end of the line you see the city gate and about a dozen guards checking people and their contents before they enter. To one side is a huge pile of items. Furniture, chickens, pigs, crates, barrels...

The line moves slowly...

Evil GM: Everyone but sunfall give me a spot roll

Ro starts to get nervous

Sunfall: Would anyone mind carrying me into Qeynos, I am not feeling up to any... inspections today.

-> toryn: about half way through the line you peer around the crowd to see what's going on at the gate. You see a bunch of guards checking people and their things as they enter and to the side you see a big pile of stuff. Crates, barrels, furniture, chickens...

Aikira looks at sunfall

Toryn: Toryn looks at Sunfall .. " Eh? Pretend that you're unconscious while we carry you inside you mean ?"

Aikira: what are you talking about?

Sunfall: I can make myself of more... compact size. here, keep your eyes on me

Toryn: " Everyone gather in a circle around Sunfall " suggests Toryn, "Let's not have any witnesses to the magic ... "

Rand looks half distracted at Sunfall

Sunfall: I want to use minor illusion to turn myself into a coin xD

Aikira: why are you so worried about them inspecting you?

Ro crawls upto Rand

Sunfall: Given the chance to avoid such inspection, wouldn't you *wink*

Toryn: " Between those gigantic strands of webbing and the equally gigantic balls of fire we owe him brother" says Toryn winking at Aikira " Let's respect his privacy - surely if anyone understands the important of privacy it's you "

Aikira looks confused

-> sunfall: k ;-)

Aikira: allright then, I won't ask again

Sunfall waves his hands and casts minor illusion, forming into a single silver coin on the ground

Rand puts his hand on Ro's shoulder

Toryn: Toryn gathers around Sunfall and shoos the others into surrounding Sunfall as well

Toryn: Toryn picks it up and looking at Ro chuckles " don't eat it "

Toryn (Toryn): oops hang on

Aikira gathers around sunfall, whilst looking around to be sure no one sees them

Toryn: Toryn tries to pick up the coin and nearly falls over since I'm sure his size and weight aren't affected :P

Aikira: toryn are you sure they don't check us out, like the last time we visited a city

Toryn: " By the gods this is the densest metal I've encountered yet - if it wasn't a mage we owe our lives to I'd bring him to my blacksmithing teachers for study ! "

Evil GM: Actually, the spell changes the mass/weight of the item.

Toryn (Toryn): oops !

Toryn (Toryn): foot in mouth yet again

Toryn: Toryn makes the same comment to Ro he did earlier " Don't eat it" , chuckling, and pockets the coin

Toryn: In a SEPERATE pocket so Sunfall doesn't get spent by accident, not the coin pouch :P

Evil GM: Listen rolls everyone

-> sunfall: you can make the listen roll as well

-> rand: as you get within about 5 people away from the gate you can hear what the guards are asking people. Who they are, their buisness in Qeynos, if they have any presents for the king.

-> ro: as you get within 5 people to the gate you hear the guards asking people who they are, why they're there, if they have any presents for the king.

Ro: ugh

Rand: "I didn't know they had a king here" Rand says when het gets back to the group

Ro grabs Rand's hand and starts to slow down

erus (Aikira): are we still sitting on our horses?

Vincent (Rand): not me...

4 people away from the city gates...

Ro whispers to Rand that she's scared and that she will never get in

Aikira gets a little uneasy, he hopes this time they won't single him out, like the last time they went to a city

Toryn: " Easy brother - we won't put up with the nonsense we did from the druids " says Toryn noting Aikira's discomfort

Rand: "I get a bad feeling about this" Rand murmers

Caelianna looks sideways at Toryn

Aikira nods at toryn and then makes sure he looks as calm as can be, to not rouse any suspicion

Toryn: " Well you have to admit you have a tendency to assume all dark elves are aligned with the forces of darkness" retorts Toryn " No offense intended but he would have never been kidnapped by the gnolls and had to fight for his life if you'd just let him inside"

Caelianna: Well, I'm sure all the people whom have had their lives destroyed by the dark elves will readily agree with you.

erus (Aikira): what cailianna again?

3 people away from the city gates...

erus (Aikira): race I mean

Evil GM: Wood elf

Aikira looks angered at cailianna

Toryn: "Not all dark elves are evil ! " snaps Toryn his face starting to turn red " Even if you didn't know him personally at the time surely you know of the Knights of Truth, paladins in service to the Marr twins - we would never associate with the forces of darkness ! "

Aikira: you disgust me wood elf, the weak link of our great race!

Rand: "Shoosh you three... " Rand says

Toryn: " Let's calm ourselves " Toryn says clapping Aikira on the back " We don't want to tip off the guards "

Toryn: " And no nasty comments about wood elves - not all wood elves are alike either " Toryn admonishes Aikira

Caelianna: The dark elves are the bastardization of the elven race. Innoruuk took our great king and queen and twisted them into the dark elvin race because he couldn't make his own creatures.

Caelianna: Maybe there's a fluke every now and again, but mark my words, dark elves will follow their creator eventually.

Aikira still looks angered at cailianna. if there's one thing he dispizes more than all the other races, then it surely must be elvenfolk other than dark elves

Toryn: " Again let's have this discussion later " says Toryn through clenched teeth, though not without a look of anger at Caelinna

Caelianna maintains a perfectly peaceful and calm face.

2 people away from the city gates...

Aikira being a dark elf, tries to hide his anger and bloodlust, but the mere sight of the elf, makes his blood pump harder throug his veins, then he leans over to her and says

Aikira: one day wood elf, I'll cut out your heart and eat it, along with the rest of your kin

Aikira whispers

Aikira then he turns away from her, and tries to put up a neutral face

Toryn: Toryn winces and whispers " I say this again - let's save this until we get inside the city gates ! And let's not forget Caelinna risked her life alongside ours with the gnolls - even if her attitudes about dark elves in general leave something to be desired "

Ro bites her lip squeezing Rands hand in hers

1 person away from the city gates...

Toryn: " You want to do the talking or should I ? " Toryn asks Rand .. " to the guards that is .."

Aikira holds his tongue, over time he has learned to respect toryn as a friend an brother in arms, would it have been anyone else who pointed him to his place, he would have killed him on the spot

Rand: "I'll leave you to it Toryn" Rand says, putting his arm around Ro as if to pretend she is his girl

erus (Aikira): sorry guys, just trying to point out, aikira really doesn't like other elves!

Ro looks at the ground hiding her face under the cap of the cloak

Evil GM: LOL, no worries. You're like monalogue man.

erus (Aikira): or humans, gnolls, orc, dwarves,... :)

The wagon infront of the group slowly rattles through the city gates and the guards wait expectantly for your group to move up.

Rand slowly walks up, leading his horse and having an arm around Ro

Rand: "Good day sir" Rand says to the guard

Toryn: " Greetings " says Toryn " I am Toryn of the Knights of Truth, paladin in service to the Marr Twins - this is our priest, Rand ... we seek shelter and supplies within your walls until we resume our journeys"

A guard nods to Rand, looking quite bored.

A guard turns and looks Toryn's way.

A guard: How long will you be staying (in a one toned, bored voice)

Rand: "A fortnight" Rand answers

Vincent (Rand): erhm, i meant 2 nights

Toryn: Toryn looks at the guard expectantly for his reaction

A guard yawns

A guard: How many in your party?

Rand: "Six" Rand answers

A guard looks over the party.

A guard: I only count five.

Rand: "I think i may need to visit my guild and take counting lessons again" Rand says

Toryn: Toryn chuckles

A guard raises an eye at Rand

A guard: Do you have any gifts for the King's birthday?

Rand: "The kings birthday, oh my" Rand answers feigning shock

A guard sighs

A guard gestures towards the gate

A guard: Enjoy your stay.

Rand: "Thank you sir, have a pleasant day" Rand says and starts walking

Rand slaps his forehead when they are out of eye and earshot

Toryn: " I would have made the same mistake " assures Toryn patting Rand on the shoulder

Ro: watch this

Rand: "Still, not very smart to go that way... glad i goofed it off" Rand chuckles

Ro shuffles back to the guard without looking up and draws a sword out behind her belt and gives it to the guard still looking down (handing it over with the sharpside pointing at me to not alarm em)

Toryn: Toryn looks behind him in alarm " No need for that sister, they didn't ask for our weapons "

A guard takes the sword from Ro, thanking her.

Ro turns and shuffles back to the group

-> ro: which one did you give away? or Both?

Rand: "Why did you give that sword to the guard" Rand whispers curiously to Ro

Ro: the not shining one

-> ro: K

erus (Aikira): I wasn't one of those magical swords I hope!

Kenny (Ro): bummer for u duide

Ro: 'birthdaygift' Ro whispers

erus (Aikira): that's why females never should hold on to anything!!!!!!!!

Toryn: " Err.. it wasn't one of the flaming swords sister by any chance was it ? " says Toryn hopelessly

Rand: "Ah, thoughtfull, but don't you think a king has much better swords then the one you gave him" Rand asks silently

Evil GM: back

Ro: 'Just a sword i did pick up in the gnollcave" Ro answers still looking at the ground

Inside the city gates, there are people swarming the streets dancing, drinking, and having a seemingly good time.

Rand: "Smart thinking" Rand says, smiling appreciative at Ro

Toryn: "Now look ! " says Toryn angrily looking at Caelinna once they're out of the city guard's earshot

Toryn: " We appreciate all you've done for us and I'm aware of the tension between dark elves and all other elves"

Toryn: " having said that I won't put up with you insulting my brother in arms here "

Rand: "Toryn, shut up" Rand says

Rand: "This is not somethng to go at in public" Rand says

Caelianna shrugs her shoulders, with a blank look on her face.

Rand: "Unless you want to get arrested or worse" Rand says

Caelianna: In the end its your problem, not mine.

Toryn: Toryn looks like he's about to say something else then snaps his mouth shut, still with an angry look on his face.. "Agreed " says Toryn tightly

Aikira: allright then" aikira says with a firm voice, looking at rand

Toryn: " Well " says Toryn "perhaps we should find an inn, use it as our meeting place - split up, get our shopping done and return to the inn "

Aikira claps toryn on the back and nods

Rand: "Actually, it is no problem, but that is a point i will explain when we are in a safe area" Rand says

Ro asks Rand if he thinks the King will be happy with the sword

Caelianna looks sideways at Toryn

Caelianna: It's evening, I highly doubt any merchants have their shops open. They're probably out here acting like drunken fools.

Rand: "No doubt he will be pleased that someone gave up a good, usable sword to honor him" Rand says, the fact that you gave something eventhough you didn't know his birthday was coming up shows you generosity"

Toryn: " The Inn then " says Toryn looking around " Where's the nearest one ? "

Evil GM: Spot rolls

After wandering around the city a little bit, Aikira points to a sign hanging above a 3 story stone building that indicates this is the Inn of the Brown Bull

Toryn: " Looks as good a place as any " shrugs Toryn wandering inside and looking around

Rand: "Agreed, let's get some rooms" Rand says

Ro nods as she is tired

Toryn: Toryn approaches the innkeeper " How many rooms do you have available my good sir ? "

Toryn: " And the cost too if you please? "

Evil GM: Spot rolls everyone

-> sunfall: sitting by the fire, wearing leather armor that almost looks like metal, is a cat person much like the ones on Kerra island just off the coast of Erudin.

-> aikira: in the inn, by the fire, is a cat person.

Rand: "Does anyone of you recognize the race of the person by the fire" Rand asks

Aikira looks at a person who sits by the fire and nods at rand and toryn

Aikira: look over there brothers

Toryn: " Eh? " says Toryn clueless as usual looking over by the fire

Aikira: do I know the race?

-> aikira: nope

Aikira: not even with a monster lore roll?

-> aikira: can try

-> aikira: nope

Aikira: lol

The cat person reaches down and pulls a harp out of her pack and starts strumming it absent mindly, while watching the rest of the common room.

Toryn: " I've heard rumors but never seen one in person - amazing ! " murmurs Toryn...

Ro turns her head to the catperson

Toryn: " I'll be unavailable for a few minutes friends"

Aikira: what is it?

Toryn: Toryn's eyes take on a glazed look

Toryn Detect Evil then Detect Good on the catperson evil GM

Rand: "I would almost say this cat person is a bard as well" Rand murmers

Evil GM: After the obligatory time, toryn detects no evil but does detect good.

Toryn: Toryn comes to again and smiles broadly " She follows the forces of Light, whoever she is - the gods tell me she may be an ally worth pursuing "

Rand: "If she is indeed a bard, as i suspect, Ro might be interested in talking to her" Rand says, "Let Ro make contact"

Toryn: Toryn wanders over to the catperson... " Greetings ! I am Toryn, Knight of Truth, paladin in service to the Marr Twins - forgive my boldness but are you one of these travelling bards that provide establishments such as this with fine entertainment ? "

Toryn (Toryn): and as usual Toryn jumps in headfirst before reading the text of the other players! sorry ! :P

Aikira looks at rand and shrugs his shoulders

Vincent (Rand): Rand should botchslap Toryn for that

Ro: can i pick up in her song if i use a flute?

Aikira: the man has no patience

Rand: "and lacks certain social skills" Rand laughs

Toryn (Toryn): LOL ... if Toryn was there to hear that he'd be on the ground rolling around laughing and attracting all sorts of attention ... " WHO has no patience ? " :P

Lady Tyree: Actually, I am not...anymore that is. Those days are long over for me I'm afraid. However, I do know who you are and I was waiting for you.

Toryn: " Really ? " says Toryn looking a bit surprised

-> ro: yes

Toryn: " Let me introduce you to a fellow bard then - sister, come here if you please ! "

Ro summons a flute and picks up the song and plays along with the cat woman

Lady Tyree: Yes, really. I am Tyree...Mistress of the Bards Guild and Lady Advisor to the King Antonious Bayle.

Ro: roll something?

-> ro: naw

Lady Tyree smiles at Ro as she continues to strum the harp.

Toryn: " Is he the king of Queynos? " asks Toryn curiously

Ro turns to Toryn and blows a note really hard in his ear

Lady Tyree: Who? Antonious Bayle?

Toryn: " OW ! " says Toryn staggering backwards then looks crossly at Ro

Toryn: " Yes - who is he king of if you don't mind me asking milady ? "

Rand laughs at Toryn

Lady Tyree speaks very slowly for Toryn's benifit..

Lady Tyree: The King of Qeynos.

Toryn: " That's what I was asking in the first place ! " Toryn says to Ro, outraged " It was a perfectly good question, what'd you do that for !?! "

Rand: "Toryn, he is king of Surefall glade, but he didn't like the place so he moved here" Rand jokes to Toryn

Toryn: " Do you know Marus Kemson by any chance? De facto leader of the Leae of Antonican Bards in Freeport - good man, a jolly soul with a deep booming voice .... "

Toryn (Toryn): bleh ! " League" not "Leae"

Ro drops her flute and bursts out laughing

Lady Tyree nods to Toryn.

Toryn: " I plan on introducing you to him - I trust him a lot more than I do that Rook fellow " says Toryn looking darkly at Ro

Lady Tyree: That I do...I of course know most everyone from the League. There are so few bards in the world these days.

Rand: "Did you ever arrange the rooms Toryn?" Rand asks

Lady Tyree: Did you just say Rook?

Toryn: " There will be even fewer if the existing bards don't give the appropriate goddesses their due " Toryn adds looking sternly at Ro .. " Yes I did - owns a carnival ...

Toryn: That last comment is directed at Tyree

Lady Tyree: Oh, I know who he is. (smiles) He'd buy the hair right off his grandmother's head if he could.

Toryn: " Knew we couldn't trust him " mutters Toryn " The rooms, right - excuse me milady" - with a courtly bow to Lady Tyree Toryn excuses himself and sees to the rooms

Lady Tyree nods to Toryn and settles her attention back on Ro.

Rand: "You said you expected us" Rand asks "Or were you expecting Ro?"

Lady Tyree: Yourself, Ro...does it matter since you travel in company?

Ro just stands there listening to the conversation

Rand: "Not really, then again, i bet Ro has things she wants to talk about with you and i dont mind letting her do her own thing" Rand says

Lady Tyree: But of course, I do have a message for Ro the Wayward, which I will speak of in more private quarters.....later.

Rand: "What can we help you with?" Rand asks

Lady Tyree smiles

Lady Tyree: It's not so much what you can help me with as what I have been sent to present.

Aikira can't keep his eyes off the catwoman and wonders...how would she taste

Lady Tyree strumms her harp a bit more.

Rand raises an eyebrow

Lady Tyree: You are hearby invited to the King's Masque tomorrow night at the grand palace.

Toryn (Toryn): the question is, is Aikira referring to something sexual, to actually eating her flesh, or both one after the other ? :P

erus (Aikira): no really eating her :)

Petra (Lady Tyree): LOL, does the dark elf seperate the two?

erus (Aikira): lol

Lady Tyree hands Rand six golden invitations.

Rand: "Interesting, i'll make sure my party dresses up for the occasion. I do wonder if Lord Bayle is fine with having a Half Orc and Dark Elf at his party. I wouldn't want to have to defend them." Rand says politely

erus (Aikira): why six, does she know sunfall is in disguise?

Lady Tyree: It is a masque..nobody will know who or what they are.

Petra (Lady Tyree): I don't know, does she? ;-)

Bobby (Sunfall): ebil!!

erus (Aikira): I don't know, that's why I ask ;)

Rand: "True, but bad things seem to happen all too often at the wrong times" Rand says

Lady Tyree laughs

Aikira looks surprised when he sees the six invitations

Lady Tyree: Tis all too true for adventurers.

Aikira he walks up to rand and wishpers in his ear

Aikira: she gave us six invitations. does she know about sunfall?

Lady Tyree hums softly "The pages of our history are written by the hand, with eyes and ears and prejudice too far removed to understand..."

Rand: "No doubt she does"

Aikira: why did you gave us six invitations

Rand nods in understanding at Lady Tyree

Aikira asks the cat woman

Lady Tyree: Because, without a doubt, your company has use for six of them.

Rand: "Aikira, she knows" Rand says, "Don't worry too much about it"

Aikira: why do you think that, don't you see, there are only five of us

Lady Tyree smiles patiently at Aikira.

Lady Tyree: Yes, there's only five but I see six in your future.

Aikira: I don't like this withcraft brother priest, I'd be more at ease if she would be so kind to explain

Aikira: do you have the power of forseight then?

Lady Tyree: Some call it such, it is nothing more than a gift that has been bestowed by the Blessed Maestro.

Rand: "That, or she has a good intelligence network" Rand says

Lady Tyree winks at Rand.

Aikira: what else can you see in our future

Ro mumbles to Lady Tyree,' he is scared of magic'

Aikira looks surprised at rand

Aikira: scared?!

Aikira almosts yells

Ro shriveles into herself and backs off not wanting to pull attention to herself

Toryn (Toryn): oh no - the moment the paladin has his back turned :P

Aikira: you take that back priest!

Lady Tyree says in a soothing voice, "Fear is nothing to be ashamed of, it keeps you alive."

Rand: "Relax friend" Rand says, putting his hand calmly on Aikiras shoulder

Kenny (Ro): i said that dude

Toryn (Toryn): yep Ro said it ;)

Rand: "It gives you strength when needed as well" Rand chips in

Lady Tyree: And that it does...it is good to be wary of what you know little about.

erus (Aikira): sorry! thought rand said that

Rand: "Besides, you don't seem scared of anything, you are just hesitant when it comes to magic" Rand smiles

Kenny (Ro): scared pussycat

Toryn (Toryn): go ahead yell at Ro then ;)

erus (Aikira): I'll cut of your halfbreed head and piss down your throat

Lady Tyree: As for what else I see in your futures, I see nothing beyond the Masque. That is the limitation of this gift...only to know what is needed to be known now. Or what the gods are willing to share.

Ro: "he's scared of things he doesn't understand, and unfortunatly he isn't the brightest light in the universe' Ro says while giggling

Rand: "Ro, respect others if you want to be respected" Rand says to Ro looking at her not at all pleased

Lady Tyree: Even the dimmest star has a light of it's own.

Aikira leaps forward towards ro and smacks her in the face

Aikira: this was your last insult orc!

Toryn (Toryn): oh my - evil GM does that knock Ro's hood off her head ?

Lady Tyree stands, the harp falling to the ground forgotten.

Aikira: roll damage?

Kenny (Ro): no attack roll and damage?

Rand steps up and stands between both Ro and Aikira pushing Aikira back

Evil GM: Roll Init

Toryn: " Oh no " groans Toryn (presumably the sounds of the commotion are too loud for even Toryn to miss with Aikira shouting and all )" turning around

Toryn (Toryn): Ro you can always choose to delay your action or to just simply let an opponent succeed unless the evil GM says otherwise ;)

Toryn (Toryn): by delay I mean you can choose to act later than the others

Evil GM: did everyone roll that wants to act?

Toryn (Toryn): that's okay Toryn would probably waste a round getting there anyways :P

Kenny (Ro): Toryn moves in slowmotion screaming ,' nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo'

Toryn (Toryn): lol

Toryn (Toryn): waving his gag far too late in slow motion :P

erus (Aikira): isn't rand first?

Ro takes a step back setting up big eyes at Aikira underneat her cloak stretching out her arms in front of her trying to keep him at distance

Kenny (Ro): keep action :p

Evil GM: K

Evil GM: Rand elected to let you two go first

Aikira smacks ro right in the face

erus (Aikira): what's that str + deep20?

Evil GM: Go ahead and roll attack

Toryn (Toryn): roll to attack Aikira I think - provokes attack of opportunity from Ro too I think unless Ro chooses not to smack someone down with her battleaxe or other weapon

Kenny (Ro): not reacting

Evil GM: Roll 1d4

erus (Aikira): pfffffffff

Toryn (Toryn): plus strength too though right evil GM ?

Toryn (Toryn): e.g. plus four to subdual damage for STR modifier - think it applies to subdual as well as weapons

Kenny (Ro): ouch dude... u did bend a hair

erus (Aikira): :)

Aikira slaps Ro in the face, the hood of her cloak slipping back on her head. (5 subdual damage)

Toryn: Toryn moans out loud " The Marr Twins help us ! "

Aikira: I've had it with your comments halfbreed, it's time to learn your place

Kenny (Ro): do i fall over backwards?

Lady Tyree: I will not stand for fighting in this Inn! Either you will stop or take it outside and leave it in the hands of fate as to attracting attention of the city guards or not!

Evil GM: Sure, if you want to


Toryn (Toryn): player's choice in other words - you can "choose" to fall down being a little slip of a girl being bullied by the 6 foot tall dark elf in public view and all that ;)

Rand silently steps in between Ro and Aikira and moves his hand using his magic on Aikira to sun him

Vincent (Rand): stun*

Kenny (Ro): i get knocked back and fall on my back :P

Evil GM: Aikira, Fort save

erus (Aikira): man my rolls suck today!

Vincent (Rand): stunned for a full round, allowing me to smack Ro i guess ;)

With a flick of his wrist, a power magic hits Aikira full force stunning him. (stunned 1 round, take no actions, lose Dex bonus to AC and foes gain +2 against the stunned creature)

Toryn (Toryn): she's on the ground, you can probably kick her though if you want :P

Aikira stands still, his face darkening more and more with every second that passes

Evil GM: brb, ggp

Toryn: Probably drawing some strange looks Toryn takes a silver coin out from his pocket and speaks to it as he runs " Sunfall if you feel it's necessary use that web on us - better to get us all tangled up than to have any fatalities "

Aikira: half orc, tonight you'll dine in hell! and I feast off your bones!

Aikira spits out his words

Vincent (Rand): you are stunned bro, no talking even afaik

Toryn: Slamming the silver coin down on the table (hopefully it doesn't take subdual damage by accident :P ) Toryn leaps at Aikira trying to grab him " Brother calm down ! Whatever she said she didn't mean it ! "

Toryn (Toryn): Aikira do you know what your touch AC is ? It's your AC without any armor bonus ....

erus (Aikira): 11

Toryn (Toryn): okay now Aikira and Toryn would both normally make opposed checks - since he's stunned does the grapple automatically succeed evil GM ?

Evil GM: Yes

Toryn: Toryn gets a firm hold on Aikira going for a pin (only action Aikira can take is to try and break the pin basically next round )

Evil GM: Following round

Toryn (Toryn): Sunfall did you want to roll initiative ?

Toryn (Toryn): or still doing the coin thing? :P

Ro: can i try to flash everyone with that lightsong?

-> ro: no, I looked up the full rules for it and it's more of a light source than a flash...there's actually a spell for that kind of thing.

Bobby (Sunfall): no

Kenny (Ro): kk need a sec plz looking over options :P

Toryn (Toryn): if we're really lucky someone won't grab Sunfall and try to spend him on a drink... " Look, free money! " :P

Petra (Evil GM): good idea ;-)

Ro looks at Aikira with big eyes and crawls away backwards

Kenny (Ro): all i do

Toryn (Toryn): oh my - Toryn deliberately fails his saving throw when Sunfall casts fireball afterwards in retribution :P

Bobby (Sunfall): haha

Bobby (Sunfall): not like I can banish Aikira to a dark void or something xD

Lady Tyree walks over to Ro and holds out her hand, tail flicking madly.

Toryn (Toryn): you could always start singing ;)

Lady Tyree: Why don't you spend this night with me in my quarters at the palace...we have things to speak about.

Toryn (Toryn): just imagine, a really depressed dark elf :P

Ro looks at Lady Tyree scared hesitating to take her hand

Toryn: " It's all right sister " assures Toryn still holding Aikira " I have peered into her soul - the gods tell me she walks the path of light "

Ro hesitantly takes Lady Tyree's hand

Lady Tyree pulls Ro too her feet and turns around looks at the group.

Rand: "I suggest you take her offer or face my wrath" Rand says seemingly calm

Lady Tyree: Does anyone object to my taking the young lady to the palace with me for the night? She can meet up again with you at the Masque on the morrow.

Toryn: Toryn looks at Rand in surprise

Rand: "Not at all, i just hope your methods succeed where ours have failed" Rand says

Toryn: " No, no go right ahead ! " says Toryn hastily, nervously hanging on to Aikira and wondering when the spell will wear off

Ro looks at Rand shocked

Vincent (Rand): it is about wearing off...

Lady Tyree tail flicking madly and whiskers twitching, she walks over to Rand and plucks one of the invitations from the pile.

Lady Tyree: You'll only be needing five now, and five shall show up at the Masque.

Rand: "Maybe you can teach her to show respect and accept friendship" Rand bites

Evil GM: The stun is worn off Aikira...

Toryn (Toryn): oh boy !

erus (Aikira): is toryn still holding me

Toryn (Toryn): 1d20 plus your normal attack bonus plus Strength modifier there Aikira ;)

Vincent (Rand): yes :)

Vincent (Rand): thanksfully

erus (Aikira): what do I have to roll?

Toryn (Toryn): and the future does not look bright :P

Rand turns his attention to Aikira now

Aikira: what do I have to roll?

Toryn (Toryn): 1d20 plus 5 plus 4 I believe Aikira

Rand: "Relax my friend, you were not right in hitting her, but i do agree that she deserved it. Let your anger go and take a deep breath." Rand says taking a deep deep breath himself

Toryn (Toryn): so 1d20 plus 9 total

erus (Aikira): what!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Toryn (Toryn): you just broke free of toryn's grip anyways ;)

erus (Aikira): where did they go?

Toryn: " Oh no ! " groans Toryn as Aikira bursts free... Toryn gives a significant look to the silver coin sitting on the table

Toryn (Toryn): assuming the coin's still there :P

erus (Aikira): where did they go?

Petra (Lady Tyree): yes...not that mean tonight

Kenny (Ro): who?

erus (Aikira): you

Toryn (Toryn): Ro and the catwoman went upstairs I think

Kenny (Ro): no where

erus (Aikira): and catwoman

Toryn (Toryn): or off to some room

Lady Tyree escorts Ro from the Inn

Aikira runs after lady tyree and ro

-> Ro: hold on tight to my hand

Kenny (Ro): oh boy...

erus (Aikira): can I attack ro again?

Rand tries to stop Aikira

Aikira pushes rand aside

Ro: /em grabs Lady Tyree's hand and squeezes tightly

Evil GM: Before Aikira can get close to Ro, she is gone.

Evil GM: Er...

Before Aikira can get close to Ro, she is gone.

Aikira stops, roars and slam onto a table

Aikira: can I see if he broke the table with his hit

Toryn: " What did she say this time ? " says Toryn angrily (it's obvious the anger isn't directed at Rand or Aikira)

Aikira: would be cool :)

Toryn: Looking at Rand

-> Ro: In very short order, the two arrive at the palace gates.

Ro: kk

-> aikira: sure, give me an attack roll

Rand: "She accused Aikira of being scared and dimwitted" Rand says, obviously not enjoying repeating it

Toryn (Toryn): uh oh !

With a slam of his fist, the wooden table cracks and splinters from the force.

Aikira: hell yeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah LOL thanks pet hahaha

Toryn: Holding his hands up open handed Toryn approaches Aikira gingerly " I am sorry my brother - I know honor means more to you than most, she had no right to say it - she will apologize, I promise that much "

-> Ro: Tyree slows down at the gate and nods to the guard as she leads Ro through. The palace before her is huge with flowers, fountains, and other decorations looming around the walled property

Rand sighs

Aikira looks to be very angry, bloodlusting eyes, looking around in the tavern to see if anyone dares to challange him and then looks to rand and toryn

Ro: /em looks around with her mouth open

Rand: "Don't promise something you cannot Toryn" Rand says

Kenny (Ro): lol

Aikira: I'll promise you this brothers, if she doesn't she will DIE

Inn Keeper gives Aikira and company a dirty look from the bar

Aikira: WHAT!

Rand: "I just hope that the Lady can teach Ro some common sense and respect before tomorrow" Rand says

Aikira screams at the inn keeper

Toryn: " Oh I'll make her " says Toryn darkly " It's a warrior thing Rand - cowardice is one of the worst things you can accuse a warrior of, however unintentionally "

Toryn: Toryn winces again

Toryn (Toryn): is Aikira's hood off by now with all the tussling evil GM ?

Rand: "I know, but i am affraid that you cannot force Ro to appologize, not now not when she was battling her goddess" Rand continues

-> Ro: It is quite grand, but not as grand as a bed roll under the stars in the night sky. I can assure you. /em leads Ro up the stairs to the palace.

Petra (Inn Keeper): yes

Ro: /em follows still looking around and firmly holding Tyree's hand

Evil GM: Nobody really seems to care

Aikira: she must learn some respect rand... I've been more than patient with her, I protected and listened to her

Aikira: and she spits it all back in my face

Rand walks up to Aikira and puts a friendly hand on his shoulder

Aikira: was it not that I know her, I would kill her slowly

Toryn: " She's young brother " soothes Toryn " Still a child though she doesn't look it - we can't hold her to the same expectations we adults have "

Toryn: " But she will apologize "

Rand: "I am sorry for stunning you my friend, but i could not let you kill her. If only because i don't want to see you imprisonned and hanged" Rand says to Aikira

-> ro: the inside of the palace is even grander than the outside. Pure white marble makes up the floors which are covered by rich carpets. Pictures and tapesties line the walls.

Ro: /em walks reeally close to Tyree scared to touch anything

Aikira looks to be cooling down, but the insult hurts his pride, no one has ever accused him of being a coward

Kenny (Ro): u are all twisting words rofl

Aikira especcially someone of another race and who's not even a warrior

Toryn: " errr.. won't happen again I assure you " Toryn says trying to smile as he edges towards the innkeeper, " Merely a disagreement among friends - how much for the table and how much for six rooms friend ? "

Rand: "And as i said, i never saw you being scared of anything, so i feared you would kill her, despite being hanged over it" Rand finishes

Toryn: Diplomacy [1d20+10 = 22]

-> ro: at a certain point Tyree turns and opens a door which reveals a rather mundane looking staircase. She looks at Ro and winks. "bells and whistles are fine for making music and for the noble, but not for the likes of me.

Ro: /em smiles at Tyree

Inn Keeper: Five gold for the table and two silver a piece for a room for the night.

Aikira: I need some ale!

Toryn: Toryn forks over enough money for the table and six rooms - "And how much for a mug of ale ? "

Rand: "I'll buy you some, but let's put our gear in our room first so we don't have to carry it up being drunk" Rand says

Aikira: fair deal brother.

-> ro: eventually they reach the top of the stairs which leads to a much humbler wing of the palace. "this is the servant's wing. The king offered me a grander room, but as I often bed at the guild house, I don't need much.

Inn Keeper: A copper

Rand grabs the bags they have lying around by now, handing a few to Aikira and holding a few himself

Aikira: maybe some ale, can heal my temper

Rand: "Lead us to our room Toryn" Rand says, heaving the large burden

Aikira takes over a fex bags

Toryn: Toryn hands over a copper too, hastily thanks the innkeeper, promises to bring back the mug undamaged and scoots off, grabbing the silver coin off the table

Toryn (Toryn): if it's still there :P

Ro: seems to losen up a bit at seeing a more 'normal'place

Inn Keeper throws a key to Toryn that has a crude tag that says "room 13"

Rand: "How fitting" Rand mutters

Toryn (Toryn): actually toryn paid for six rooms if they have them ?

-> Ro: stops at a door and unlocks it with a muttered word. The door opens to reveal a large bed, a chest, a window, and a night stand.

Rand nudges Toryn to the stairs carrying Ro her gear while Aikira has Sunfalls

-> ro: /em gestures to Ro "please"

Evil GM: It's one large room with 6 beds

Ro: /em looks at Tyree hesitantly but walks in slowly

Toryn (Toryn): oh okay I get it

Evil GM: Kind of like a hostil room

Toryn: Toryn winces again looking around " Well hopefully Ro will stay with the Lady overnight rather than come back here - I was hoping for seperate rooms "

Toryn: " Your ale brother " says Toryn passing it to Aikira

-> Ro: this is home away from home. Make yourself comfortable. At least the bed is soft.

Aikira: first let me put down this bags in the room brother

Toryn: Toryn waits still looking nervous

Ro: /em goes sit at a bottom corner of the bed and puts her hands in her lap and looks up at Tyree

erus (Aikira): I pressume we're in the room by now

Toryn (Toryn): think so ;)

erus (Aikira): if toryn opens it

Rand returns with AIkira from the room, both ready for an ale, or many more then one

Toryn (Toryn): we have the key and everything - yep Aikira opened the door let everyone in

Toryn (Toryn): bleh ! Toryn I mean opened the door

Aikira takes the mug from toryn, come brother, join me and rand for an ale

-> ro: goes and sits on a cushion resting on the ledge of the window

Aikira puts his arms over the shoulders of the two

Aikira: let's drink a lot

-> ro: appraises Ro, not saying anything

Aikira sits down at a table, cracks his neck and drinks his ale, bottoms up

Ro: /em looks at the ground nervously

Aikira when empty he slams the mug on the table

Aikira: keeper, three more!

-> ro: Do you make it a personal habit to upset everyone around you?

Aikira shouts

Rand tries to keep up with AIkira

Toryn: Toryn sighs " Not to the point where we do anything - unwise though all right ? "

Ro: i just said the truth Ro muthers

Aikira laughs

Toryn: Toryn gives Rand a shocked look " The warrior's rubbing off on the priest all right " Toryn mutters, grabbing drinks for all 3 - Toryn nurses his slowly

Rand: "We'll be fine Toryn, noone here to set Aikira off, or me" Rand smiles

Ro: if they can't understand that a true fierce warrior is born out of acceptance of his fears and learning to live with them... then they are doomed to die uselessly and i do not wish that to happen

Aikira laughs again

Evil GM: How many drinks have you guys each had by now??

Aikira: drink toryn, for the love of your gods, drink up man

Ro: fear is a great ally as long as u accept it in your heart and stop it from taking control', Ro says

erus (Aikira): ten each!

Toryn: " Can't - vow to the gods, can't ever get drunk - nothing personal brother " smiles Toryn

erus (Aikira): then normally they shouldn't be drunk

Toryn (Toryn): okay ten for Aikira - oy ! - one for Toryn, how many for Rand ?

Toryn (Toryn): we're allowed to drink socially :P

Toryn (Toryn): unless I suddenly lose all my paladin powers tomorrow in which case I know that was on the "not allowed " list :P

Evil GM: Ok Aikira...give me 9 Fort saves ;-)

Toryn (Toryn): LOL

Evil GM: Toryn 1 fort save

Evil GM: Rand give me 5 Fort saves

erus (Aikira): lol

Rand falls over onto the table after 5 mugs

Evil GM: Rand failed once...he's still ok though

Evil GM: Aikira is still good to go.

Evil GM: Each drink you have give me a fort save. ;-)

erus (Aikira): he's a fine belgian dark elf!

Rand gives up keeping up with Aikira, he cannot ever hope to attain that drinking skill

Toryn (Toryn): Toryn has to make a save after nursing one drink all night?

Evil GM: No, not all night

Toryn (Toryn): yay !

Rand: "Man, that last ale fell hard, going to take me a breather" Rand says

Toryn: " By the gods " murmurs Toryn amazed looking at Aikira " Well you have a stomach of iron to go with the muscles I'll say that much brother ! That's amazing ! "

Rand: "We need to start showing more respect in our group" Rand murmles

Aikira: we'll accompany you rand, let's go brother, let's follow the priest

Rand: "I cannot get this close to rage without a fight again" Rand murmles

-> Ro: Words of wisdom from one so young, however, I think where you lack insight is angering a goddess.

Toryn: " Agreed - the shops are closed, we can always go looking for anything we need tomorrow - Aikira if there's anything you need help purchasing let me know , I know you're not from around here so our currency and so forth is different "

Toryn: " Oh Aikira's definitely rubbing off on you " chuckles Toryn shooing the priest off to bed

Ro: but how can i believe in someone, something i don't know?,' ro asks looking up at Tyree

Ro: i asked her time for me to get to know her

Aikira: I'll surely would like to know, if there's a temple of rallos zek somewhere

Toryn: " Not joining us for a drink eh? " says Toryn with a raised eyebrow speaking to the silver coin again

Rand: "I am affraid it's not just him" Rand babbles

-> Ro: Sometimes you just have to believe. It's called faith. It is the Maestro whom gives us the powers that makes us true bards and it will be the Maestro that will take them away in the end.

Toryn: Toryn sets the coin on the bed and pulls the covers over it... " Good night mage - I pray that you can see anyone approaching you in this form - I'd hate to have some common theif steal away with you while the rest of us sleep "

Aikira raises an eyebrow

Toryn: " Get some sleep " advises Toryn tucking Rand in " We'll talk about it in the morning "

Aikira: why don't you just keep him with you?

Toryn: " We should all get some rest - and yes, paying your respects to the gods is important brother I agree, we'll look for a temple tomorrow "

Ro: but who is that maestro? what is she? what does she do? where is she? where did she come from? why does she give us our powers? what do we have to do with these powers?' Ro bursts out in questions

Rand: "Thanks Toryn, keep AIkira company will you, i wouldn't want to wake up with him in a jail" Rand says sounding sleepy

-> Ro: /em chuckles

Toryn: Toryn looks a bit uncomfortable at the mention of Rallos Zek but goes along gamely with it

Aikira nods and places himself on the ground

Aikira: let's sleep then and look in the morning

Toryn: " As for the coin having it's own bed ... er, wouldn't want Sunfall waking up in bed next to me the following morn if the spell wears off " adds Toryn looking embarassed

Toryn: " People might get the wrong impression "

-> ro: I recieved inspiration for this song only hours ago...maybe it will give you a greater understanding. Then I can answer your questions...

Rand smiles just before he drifts off to a restless sleep

Petra (Evil GM): haha

Aikira: I'm going to get me a nightcap, I'll be right back

Aikira wonders off, and goes to the keeper

Toryn: " I'll come with you ! " offers Toryn hurrying along behind him

Aikira: another ale!

-> Ro: /em starts softly singing, unaccompanied by any music, her voice deep and strong

Aikira: and one for my brother here

Toryn: Toryn offers a brief prayer up to the Marr Twins to guard the sleeping priest and the coin as he hurries along

Toryn: " I already told you brother " smiles Toryn " It is against my religious vows to get drunk - otherwise I would gladly share more ale with you .. but I'll sit with my fellow brother in arms gladly "

-> ro: The trials you are now facing, they are not greater than your will. For there is nothing under heaven that you cannot overcome. See the door that lies before you, and know that this too shall pass. The confrontation of your fears in strength drawn from your past.

Toryn: Toryn gives the innkeep another copper coin

Aikira: mmmm, I just got me two ales, brother, sure you don't want one?

Toryn: " I'm certain " says Toryn firmly

-> Ro: Where the silent voices whisper, find teh course that is your own, and however great the obstacle, you will never be alone.

-> Ro: For I have watched the path of angels and I have heard the heavens roar! There is strife within the tempest, but there is calm in the eye of the storm.

Toryn: " You are faithful to Rallos Zek, no ? .... With us paladins it's even more so - we pledge our lives to our gods, spend every waking moment in worship to the gods..."

Aikira: more for me! aikira says laughing whilst clapping toryn on the back. obviously he feels the ale a tiny bit

-> ro: magic starts to crackle in the air

Toryn: " We never go against their wishes - to do so is utter blasphemy as far as we're concerned "

Aikira: faithfull is a big word brother

Aikira: he is my god

Aikira: not by choice if I might add

-> ro: In fragments of an insant, the chaos has returned. And all that was left to sentiment beneath the banner burned. And as that voice slowly receded, into echoes and memory, my doubts were re-ignited and FEAR awakened from its sleep.

Toryn: " Really ? " says Toryn looking surprised... " Free will is one of the greatest gifts the gods have given us - if you don't worship him by choice why not simply choose another god more to your liking ? "

-> Ro: /em looks Ro directly in the eyes for the next part

Aikira puts away his first mug and starts slurping on his second one

Toryn: " Unless there's some spell upon you ? " adds Toryn darkly " If there is we shall free you brother "

-> ro: This is the moment of truth, at the point of no return, place faith in your convictions as the boundries start to blur

-> ro: There is no love untouched by hate, no unity without discord, there is no courage without fear, there is no peace without a war. There is no wisdom without regret, no admiration without scorn...there is strife within the tempest, but there is calm....in the eye of the storm.

Aikira: no spell! I'm simply a soldier for my lord, and I will die for him if need be, but that's about it. I just take my orders

Aikira feels a bit lightheaded, and he mumbles to toryn, I think it's time to hit the beds brother! $hips$

Toryn: " But ... and if it's none of my business just say so brother .. what do you mean "not by choice" ? Perhaps Rallos Zek has performed some task for you and you seek to repay Him ? "

-> Ro: If you find the courage within you, to face the path ahead. It matters not the outcome if what yuo will gain instead, is a heart deepened in knowing. that experience carves the soul, and the very thing that empties you shall surely make you whole.

Aikira want's to answer toryn, but he's no longer capable of thinking clearly

-> ro: where the silent voice whispers, find the course that is your own, and however great the obstacle, you will never be alone.

Aikira and he stumbles to the room

Toryn: Toryn notices (for once! ) and guides Aikira along " Easy with the steps there brother "

Aikira: commme, torynnn, idz tiime to zleeep

-> ro: for I have watched the path of angels, and I have heard the heavens roar, there is strife within the tempest but calm in the eye of the storm.

Toryn: Toryn makes sure Aikira is sound asleep first before looking at the room and chuckling fondly " My brothers and sisters in arms - what a crew ! "

-> ro: /em finishes singing and there is silence in the room with left over energy crackling.

Toryn: Toryn performs his evening prayers (including meditating to regain mana) then drifts off to sleep himself

Evil GM: Ok guys...this is where we will end the game since it's going on 10pm and people need to leave/go to bed.

Evil GM: This is what I want to do....are you guys planning on shopping as a group or alone the next day??

Ro: /em sighs andsays,' that was so beautifull'

Sunfall hides in Toryn's pocket meanwhile

8 hours later Sunfall pops out of Toryn's pocket, tearing it at the seams