Dungeons and Dragons - Everquest d20

22/1/07 - Session 19
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EQd20 Ruleset (FG2)

The fight in Blackburrow continues...

Last week was met with a fight outside of BlackBurrow with a bunch of gnolls. 1 got away and 2 are still snug in Sunfall's web

Toryn (Toryn): lol, Aikira says he disconnected again and is trying to get back into FG

Evil GM: yea, he's connected...

Kenny (Ro): last i did was walk back to my crossbow and pick it up

Evil GM: K

erus (Aikira): what did aikira use, and are there any weapons of him lingering around?

Toryn: " Sunfall says he's running low on magic - tremendous job by the way , you saved us all ! " says toryn with a hearty clap to Sunfall's back

Caelianna: nope, aikira is intact

erus (Aikira): what is he holding, his bow, spear or katana?

Toryn: " Do we retreat, give Sunfall a chance to regain his magic - but giving the gnolls a chance to ready themselves for another attack - or do we press on ? "

Evil GM: katana

Rand: "I am somewhat low on magic too, but at least i am hyped up for more melee

Sunfall: "Oof."

Ro: "my head aches too' Ro says while putting the back of her hand against her forehead

Sunfall: "Fragile, handle with care."

Caelianna sits down crosslegged on a patch of clean grass and closes her eyes.

Aikira sheathens his katana and pulls out his spear from the ground

Rand sits down on the floor, closing his eyes and praying

Bobby (Sunfall): so we haven't dispatched those other two gnolls yet?

Toryn: " Are you all right sister ? " says Toryn concernedly walking towards Ro and examining her " Are you injured ? "

Toryn (Toryn): no not yet

Sunfall: "Those webs will only hold for another half hour."

Evil GM: Nope, the other two are alive and very webbed

Toryn: " We should vote " says Toryn out loud " All in favor of retreating and gathering our magic ? "

Toryn: " Sunfall what say you ? "

Aikira: why not kill those last two?!

Caelianna opens an eye and looks at Toryn.

Aikira: they'll make a fine target practice with my bow

Sunfall: Burn those webs and take care of those gnolls before they find a way to make more trouble for us... they retreat to gather our strength

Toryn: " We could question them brother " Toryn hastily tells Aikira " They may know additional things about our enemy "

Caelianna: You do realize the moment we retreat there will be 20 more in the place of the ones we killed. They're vermin and breed like rabbits.

Aikira: let's not waste time then

Toryn: " Hmmm... two votes against retreating temporarily then .. Ro what say you ?"

Aikira starts walking towards them

Ro shrugs

Ro: I don't know

Caelianna closes her eye and goes back to her meditation.

Toryn: " Rand ? " toryn asks him, poking him if he's meditating (sorry evil GM looks like you have to answer this one :P )

Toryn (Toryn): actually hang on I can run Rand, I forgot !

Petra (Caelianna): he's here ;-)

Petra (Caelianna): the beast has settled

Rand: is startled by the poking

Toryn: " Rand ? do we retreat, gather our magical strength, or attack ? "

Sunfall: "If more will truly come to replace the ones we've vanquished then the elf is right, we should push forward."

Evil GM: brb, putting the potatos and cauliflower on the stove...discuss your options until I get back

Rand: "Sorry, i was meditating and praying" Rand says, "What was it you said?"

Toryn: " Well Aikira, Calelianna - our druid , and Sunfall say we should press on and attack rather than waiting to gather our magical strength again - what do you think ? "

Rand: "I think we should move forward, or at least, make sure none can come out of their burrow anymore" Rand says

Aikira: I say, we should slay them all!

Toryn: " Understood - let's question these gnolls then - quickly before the others have too much time to ready their defenses... "

Rand: "Besides, isn't a narrow entrance easier to defend ourselfs from?"

Toryn: " I don't know how I feel about sluaghtering them in cold blood, we have rope " frowns Toryn ...

Toryn: " But for now - remember how we used to question captives in the past Ro and Aikira ? Aikira would threaten them and Ro would threaten to eat them " Toryn chuckles at the memory " While I took a softer approach - I say we try that again "

Ro: 'i ain't biting no dog' Ro says with a detested look on her face

Toryn: Toryn laughs out loud

Aikira: yes, but I also broke one human his neck

Toryn: " You can pretend you're going to " says Toryn winking at her

Toryn: " I know - it was an accident, not your fault - just threaten without hitting him this time "

Ro: 'you can pretend yourself toom you know?' Ro says frowning at Toryn

Evil GM: back

Toryn: " I'm not as good at being intimidating as you two " explains Toryn " My strength lies more in the arts of gentle persuasion "

Kenny (Ro): too*

Ro bursts out in loud laughter

Toryn: " Let's try it - quickly before the gnolls gather their defenses ... Aikira please threaten the gnolls if you will ?"

Evil GM: [1d20 = 15]

Evil GM: [1d20 = 2]

Aikira: my pleasure

Toryn: " What are you laughing about ? " says Toryn looking at Ro in puzzlement

Aikira says with a dark grim on his face

The gnoll that managed to break free somehow got himself another 5 feet towards freedom

Ro tries to stop laughing and whipes tears of joy away

Evil GM: [1d20 = 5]

Aikira throws his spear at the gnoll

Evil GM: roll attack

Rand noona noticed, but after answering, Rand went back to his prayers and ignored the rest

Toryn: " Threaten that one first - feel free to throw him to the ground and put your boot on him " says toryn pointing at the one close to breaking free

Vincent (Rand): noone*

Toryn: " Or that " adds toryn lamely watching the lance hurtle towards the gnoll

Aikira: [1d20+5 = 16]

Evil GM: give me damage

Aikira: +9 [1d20+9 = 20]

Sunfall fires an arrow at the gnoll

erus (Aikira): hold on a sec

Evil GM: are you guys trying to kill him?

erus (Aikira): that should be a d8

Evil GM: yup, should be ;-)

erus (Aikira): I'll roll again for damage

Aikira: [1d8 = 6]

Toryn (Toryn): I think the evil GM wants to know if Sunfall and Aikira are aiming to kill , to wound or just to scare the hell out of the gnoll ;)

erus (Aikira): aikira rather kills then to let it live, but he's going for the legs right now

Bobby (Sunfall): ok legs =p

Aikira manages to lodge his spear in the Gnoll's leg, it screams it's rage.

erus (Aikira): does it slow down?

It starts madly barking.

Evil GM: [1d20 = 20]

Evil GM: Nope...it manages to get itself free of the web though.

Aikira readies his bow

Aikira shoots

erus (Aikira): again at his leg

Evil GM: Roll again

Aikira: +6 [1d20+6 = 13]

Toryn: Toryn closes with it

The spear misses and falls harmlessly to the ground

Toryn (Toryn): do we need to roll initiative evil GM ?

Evil GM: No

Evil GM: You guys are free to act at the moment

Toryn: Toryn clangs towards it in his armor slowly shouting " Don't let it get away ! "

Aikira shoots again

Eventually, Aikira is able to make it collapse on the ground.

erus (Aikira): whooooooooooooehoew :)

erus (Aikira): robin hood over here

Toryn: Toryn looks a bit white faced at the torture of the captive but nudges Aikira in the shoulder nonetheless " Say something frightening to it please ? "

Ro: 'you know... i could have just talked to it' ro says with a straigth face

Toryn: " Please do " Toryn calls out to Ro

Aikira hangs his bow over his shoulder, runs towards the gnoll, and then places his foot on the animals chest, rather hard and pulls out it spear

Ro walks over to the gnoll and goes to sit next to it

Toryn (Toryn): evil GM if Aikira succeeds at an Intimidate check any chance that could be counted as an aid another action (plus two to Ro or Toryn's rolls to persuade it ) ?

Ro: talk in tells or in general in gnollish?

Aikira: stay down you filthy animal

erus (Aikira): intimidate

Aikira: [1d20+6 = 16]

Evil GM: sorry, was checking the meatloaf ;-)

Evil GM: [1d20 = 5]

-> ro: in tells...it doesn't speak common

Evil GM: And yes, Aikira's intimidate does help

Ro says something in gnollish to the ... gnoll

Toryn (Toryn): Toryn will also attempt an aid another action for Ro's persuasion attempt (so far she's at plus two for Aikira)

Ro: hello my friend, can u understand what i say?

Evil GM: The gnoll feebly swings it's clawed hand at Ro.

Toryn: " I'd rather not let the dark elf kill you " says Toryn earnestly

Toryn: " He wont' hesitate - his kind are known for showing little mercy ! "

-> ro: You are no friend to the gnolls, orc.

Toryn: Diplomacy [1d20+10 = 16]

Evil GM: The gnoll barks it's answer to Ro.

The gnoll doesn't seem to understand Toryn.

Toryn (Toryn): doh !

Toryn: " What does he say ? " Toryn asks Ro

Ro giggles and barks something back

Aikira: little one, are you getting the information that we need?

Ro: hahah, to true, but i might let u live if u your answers please us

Ro: "i don't even know what u want me to ask" Ro says at Aikira

Toryn: " How many of them are in the stronghold, what their defenses are, what their spellcasters look like "

Ro: your friends left u here to die with us. So much for friends huh? Its all up to you know

Evil GM: Gnolls no cooperate with outsiders. You bring nothing for gnolls except death.

Aikira kicks the gnoll in his leg, where the spear was

Ro barks something at the gnoll

Evil GM: whoops...that was to ro

Aikira: and no jokes this time

The gnoll growls at Aikra, barring it's teeth.

Bobby (Sunfall): lol

Aikira hits him in the teeth

erus (Aikira): subdual damage

Ro: do you fear death? do you know what its like to be eaten alive? Ro says to the gnoll while she slowly licking her lips

Aikira: is that a D20 plus str?

Ro says something in gnollish to the gnoll before turning and pushing Aikira back,' let me handle this, you are ruining it all'

Kenny (Ro): you big fat hobbit

-> ro: Gnolls do what chief gnoll says. Gnolls have no time to fear death.

Kenny (Ro): eer... wrong context

-> aikira: yes

erus (Aikira): to late allready hit

Aikira: [1d20+4 = 11]

Evil GM: Nope...missed it by 1. Damn that natural AC.

erus (Aikira): guess you were on time

Ro: can i make an intimidation roll on the last tihng i said?

-> ro: sure

Ro: [1d20+6 = 25]

Evil GM: [1d20 = 7]

The gnoll whimpers at something Ro said and tries to move away.

Ro: i won't even cut the pieces i eat of you... you will feel my teeth tear you apart bit by bit... till you give in and answer me... or you answer me know

Ro: diplomacy roll :P

Ro: [1d20+6 = 20]

Evil GM: [1d20 = 6]

-> ro: what can gnoll tell orc? (whimpers)

The gnoll cringes as Ro talks to it.

Ro: how many gnolls are in that cave? how do you defend it? are there any traps? how many prisoners do you have? what spellcasters do you have? everything you know... for your life

Ro grins evilly at the gnoll

Ro: u there? :P

Kenny (Ro): gm? :P

Evil GM: Sorry, brb....trying to get dinner on our plates...

Ro: " we got any old cloths or old bandage i can use?" Ro asks Toryn and Rand

Toryn: " Certainly " says Toryn digging in his backpack and handing Ro some bandages

Ro picks a bandage and bandages one of the gnolls wounds

-> ro: lots and lots and lots of gnolls. gnolls defend cave. gnolls live in cave.

Ro: we wouldn't want you to die to soon incase you change ur mind, do we? Ro says at the gnoll

-> ro: chief gnoll tells gnolls to fight

Ro: who is chief gnoll?

Ro: 'he onyl knows there are lots and lots of gnolls there" Ro says while pointing at the cave

Toryn: " Surely he should know what the ones look like who can perform their foul magic " says Toryn " as well as any traps in the area "

-> ro: chief gnolls tell gnolls what to do

Evil GM: [1d20 = 10]

The gnoll continues barking

Ro: how can u see who is doing magic things from gnolls?

Toryn: " Go ahead, ask him " Toryn urges Ro...

Ro: "i am, give me a moment please"

Toryn: " Oh ! so sorry " says Toryn apologetically .. " Wish I knew how to speak gnoll " toryn mutters...

-> ro: magic?

Ro: strange things, waving hands to make things happen"

-> ro: oooooooh....spirit gnolls

Evil GM: [1d20 = 13]

The other gnoll still struggles against the slowly fading web

Aikira readies his bow and aims at the other gnoll

Ro: yes, what do they look like?

-> ro: they have bones

Ro shouts in gnollish at the other gnoll to stop moving

Aikira: someone best tell him not to move or, I'll give a third eye

Ro: "the spirit gnolls have bones" Ro says

Toryn: " Rand, Sunfall, some help - you can move more quickly than I can and the gnoll may try to get away - please join me over here ? " toryn asks

Sunfall nods and follows Toryn

Ro throws her bandages at the gnoll on the ground

erus (Aikira): can we get to him, or does the web hold us back?

Toryn: " Before Aikira kills another prisoner " mutters Toryn under his breath wincing at the thought

Rand doesn't seem to hear Toryn

Ro: handle your wounds

Evil GM: you'll have to move through the web

Toryn (Toryn): oops that's right he's meditating

Ro gets up and walks to the edge of the web near the other gnoll

Toryn: Toryn is standing right next to the web, ready for action

Sunfall keeps his bow at the ready

Ro: hello there, Ro says with a smile on her face in gnollish to the gnoll that is trying to break lose

The gnoll in the web growls at Ro

Evil GM: [1d20 = 3]

-> ro: it growls, kill, kill, kill, kill

Ro: kill what? kill me? hahahaha

Ro barks something and starts to laugh

-> ro: kill, kill, kill

Aikira makes circling movement so he ends up on the other side of the web, opposite to sunfall and toryn

-> ro: the gnoll on the ground says "most gnolls not so smart"

Aikira and still keeps his bow at the ready, to shoot the gnoll

Ro: tell him to stand still and he will live, make babygnolls and hunt for food again. If not... he will be food

Toryn (Toryn): Ro better move yourself next to the gnoll so the evil GM knows where you are if they break free ;)

Aikira shouts over the web "who is watching the other gnoll?!"

Aikira: ro, get back over there

Ro: "you going to talk to this one? i know you don't make sense to us at this moment but you sure don't make sense to them" Ro snarls at Aikira

Rand seems to wake from his trance, looking refilled with energy

-> ro: the gnoll barks "get back" to the other gnoll, who doesn't heed him

Ro: i try to make this gnoll depressed :P

Aikira: I'll promise you that I will anything I can to stop it from fleeing, but without killing it

Rand: "What has been going on?" Rand asks, surveying the battlefield

-> ro: the one in the web?

Aikira: but if the other one, who lies there, starts running now, I'll make sure, he never moves again

Toryn: " Ro's questioning the gnolls " toryn explains " He's the only one who speaks their language "

Ro: yes

Vincent (Rand): She

Toryn (Toryn): doh ! :P

Evil GM: [1d20 = 19]

-> ro: doesn't seem to do anything

Toryn: " Any luck with this other one Ro ? " says Toryn pointing at the one still in the middle of the web

Rand walks to the nearest gnoll, unslinging his mace.

Ro: "he can run free after we are done with them" Ro says staring at Aikira,'i promised him freedom for answering us as good as he could"

All of a sudden the web dissapears and the gnoll rushes Toryn

Rand: "I'll guard this one, making sure it won't run and all" Rand says, smiling evilly at the gnoll

Ro: can i make him fall asleep?

Toryn: " Grab him but don't kill him ! " shouts Toryn getting ready

Toryn (Toryn): roll for initiative evil GM ?

Evil GM: Everyong roll init

Rand: Initiative [1d20 = 20]

Sunfall: Initiative [1d20+1 = 11]

Toryn: Initiative [1d20+4 = 10]

Ro: "make me break my promise and i swear you will regret me using those bandages on that gnoll

Kenny (Ro): afk a sec ntgp

Ro: [1d20+3 = 9]

Evil GM: [1d20 = 1]

Evil GM: [1d20 = 11]

Evil GM: Aikira, Init roll please

Ro: can i make a move before the battle?

-> ro: no

Aikira: [1d20+2 = 6]

Ro: free action?

Evil GM: Init order: Rand, NPC, sunfall, toryn, ro, aikira, Cael

-> ro: yes

Ro: i yell at the gnoll on the ground,' do not try to fight this' and i try to put him to sleep

Evil GM: [1d20 = 6]

-> ro: doesn't seem to affect him ;-)


Rand quickly casts a stun on the rushing Gnoll, he is stunned for 1 round

Evil GM: [1d20 = 15]

The spell doesn't seem to affect the gnoll and it swings at Toryn

Evil GM: [1d20 = 1]

And misses pitifully


Rand mutters about the stupid gnoll resisting his stun

Toryn: " Don't waste your magic ! " bellows Toryn

Sunfall moves to the side 5 feet and fires his shortbow at the gnoll's leg

Toryn: at Sunfall

Sunfall: Ranged attack [1d20+3 = 14]

Evil GM: misses

Aikira: [1d8 = 6]

erus (Aikira): sorry


Toryn: Toryn tries to grapple the gnoll shouting " Surrender, you're outnumbered ! There's only one of you ! "

Toryn: " We don't want to hurt you ! "

Evil GM: roll it

Toryn: Diplomacy [1d20+10 = 30]

Evil GM: [1d20 = 13]

The gnoll ignores the man in shiny shiny's words

Vincent (Rand): 20 on grapple would have been at least a little less weird

Toryn (Toryn): doh ! keep forgetting !

Toryn (Toryn): damn it !

Toryn: Longsword (MW) [1d20+9 = 19]

Evil GM: You hit, give me damage

Aikira drops his bow and draws his katana

Toryn (Toryn): that's actually a grapple - and actually he gets an attack of opportunity on me (forgot to mention it )

Toryn (Toryn): Toryn goes for a pin assuming the gnoll doesn't hit successfully on Toryn

Evil GM: [1d20 = 14]

Evil GM: No, the gnoll isn't successful

Toryn (Toryn): okay since he's pinned everyone else gets a plus four on their attack rolls

Toryn: " dont kill him ! " bellows Toryn


Ro: can i try to sing him asleep? :P

-> ro: yup

Ro: i try :P

Evil GM: [1d20 = 15]

-> ro: doesn't affect him

Rand: "Just tie him up" Rand yells

Ro attempts to sing her lullaby, but the gnoll looks unphased


Aikira runs up to the gnoll and hits him at the back of the head with the flat of his sword

erus (Aikira): subdual damage

Evil GM: roll it

Aikira: [1d20+15 = 25]

Bobby (Sunfall): freakin ubergnoll!

Toryn (Toryn): I think his normal -4 to attack is countered by the plus four for the gnoll being grappled

Evil GM: roll the subdual damage

Evil GM: pretty much ;-)

erus (Aikira): excuse me, minus four

Evil GM: roll damage, you still got him. lol

erus (Aikira): a d4?

Toryn (Toryn): no , normal weapon damage

Evil GM: no, full damage

Aikira: [1d8+3 = 4]

Toryn (Toryn): plus STR modifiers

Kenny (Ro): lol u really wanted to make ur D4 point huh? :P

Aikira: [1d8+7 = 14]

Aikira: that's plus str mod

erus (Aikira): my precious d4 yeah :)

The gnoll looks a bit dazed

Caelianna gets up and walks over to the gnoll already on the ground.

erus (Aikira): it always works in the movies

Caelianna readies her mace


Ro yells at Caelianna,' nooooooooooooooooooooooooo!'

Toryn: " Don't kill that one either ! " Toryn bellows at the druid hopelessly remembering their hatred of the gnolls

Rand holds his action, seeing that his friends have the gnoll under control and soon tied up

Ro: can a beastlord have a gnoll as pet? :P

The gnoll swings at Toryn once again

Toryn: " Knock him out ! " Toryn yells at Rand " Just don't hurt him - use your mace ! "

Evil GM: [1d20 = 10]

And misses


Toryn (Toryn): actually all the Toryn can do is try to break free of the pin

Toryn: opposed roll of attack bonus plus STR bonus versus Toryn's

Toryn (Toryn): bleh !

Sunfall fires his bow at the trolls legs again

Toryn (Toryn): all the gnoll can do is that I mean

Rand: "This one is already incapacitated, no need to hurt it more" Rand says, while waving Caelianna to hold

Bobby (Sunfall): er gnoll, troll, same thing

Evil GM: only 2 letter difference

Sunfall: Ranged attack [1d20+3 = 10]

Toryn (Toryn): Sunfall remember you get a plus four on your attack if you're attacking the one Toryn is holding

Evil GM: fails

Toryn (Toryn): 15 still fails ?

Evil GM: would be 14

Toryn (Toryn): doh 14, right

Evil GM: yup, fails


Evil GM: [1d20 = 4]

Evil GM: [1d20+8 = 10]

Toryn: Toryn maintains his pin " Stop firing at him ! " Toryn bellows at Sunfall " Hit him with something - your fists if you have to ! "

The gnoll struggles under Toryn, barking.

Toryn (Toryn): that's basically the end of Toryn's action assuming you want to use his previous attack action as an attempt to break free instead

Ro: trying free action lullaby on struggling gnoll

Evil GM: The gnoll will fail regardless...he rolled a 1

Evil GM: [1d20 = 9]

Toryn (Toryn): lol - damn I should get special bonuses for that one! The gnoll falls flat on his face :P

-> ro: fails

Evil GM: lol

Evil GM: too bad I'm not using crit failure


Toryn (Toryn): dreaming about kibbles and bits as he lies on the ground unconscious

Toryn: " Tell him to surrender ! " Toryn shouts at Ro

Ro runs back to the gnoll lying on the ground and jumps in between the gnoll and Caelianna with her axe in her hand,' do not do this druid'

Toryn: as the gnoll barks and struggles underneath Toryn

Ro: what is he barking?

Caelianna glares at Ro

-> ro: kill, kill, kill

Ro glares back to Caelianna

Toryn (Toryn): can Rand still take an action evil GM ?

Caelianna: And what are you planning on doing with them? Tying them up and dragging them along for the journey? Or leave them out here for another one to come untie? Or are you planning on attempting making this vermin your pet?

Rand ushers Ro to get back to the other gnoll and forcefully pushes Caelianna back from the Gnoll at his feet

Rand: [1d20 = 7]

Caelianna: [1d20 = 3]

Caelianna staggers backwards a few feet


Ro: "i promised this one freedom if he would tell us what he knows, and i WILL keep my promises'

Toryn: " Whack him again ! Flat of the blade ! " Toryn shouts at Aikira still struggling

Aikira hits the gnoll again at the back of his head

Caelianna: All it will do is come back to fight us.

Aikira: [1d20+15 = 26]

Caelianna: You hit, give me damage

Aikira: [1d8+3 = 8]

Rand: "Don't start with this Caelianna, Toryn is a Paladin and would bring any gnoll home if we let him. Leaving them here tied up for their brethren to find is the best you will get out of it." Rand says

The gnoll falls to the ground unconcious

Aikira: finally

Sunfall: "Do not be so niave Ro, this gnoll has not told you all he knows nor has he told us anything we do not already."

Aikira: tell me toryn, why do you need two of these creatures

Aikira sheathens his sword again

Ro: "how do you know? you heared what he said?"

Aikira walks back to pick up his bow and spear and then walks back to the others

Aikira walks over to ro and rand

Sunfall: "If that is all the enlightening information he cares to give us, I don't think he has held up his end of the bargain, slay him now and you will save an innocent life somewhere in the future."

Toryn: " I'd really prefer not to murder prisoners " torn pleads with Aikira " There's no honor in it - when they're trying to kill you is one thing but these two are helpless ..."

Aikira: what would it take to do a coup de grace on the gnoll near rand and ro

Caelianna: Be assured paladin, if they were able to, they would be gnawing on our leg bones right now.

Toryn: Toryn gives Sunfall a shocked look ... " From what Mithaniel Marr has told me of you I would have expected more from you wizard - being allied with the forces of light means doing the difficult thing sometimes "

-> aikira: sec, let me look it up again

Toryn: Toryn gives Caelianna a suspicious look

Aikira drops his bow and spear and draws his katana

Toryn (Toryn): detect evil on Caelianna

Evil GM: There's no evil on her

Sunfall: "If you decide to let them live, I will remind you to apologize to friends and family who lost loved ones in the next gnoll attack."

Aikira: has he told you everything you need to now ro?

Aikira nods at sunfall

Toryn: Still watching her warily Toryn states " I'm sure you've lost loved ones to these druidess - but I won't slaughter helpless prisoners "

Aikira: you are right brother, the mere thought of letting this creature live, makes me sick to the stomach

Toryn: Toryn winces slightly at Sunfall's words ... " Good point ... I will feel guilt if that happens - but a promise is a promise "

Sunfall: "They are not helpless. They violence waiting to happen."

Toryn: " Let's tie them up for now and decide what to do when we leave how about that ? " Toryn pleads

Ro: i ask the gnoll to leave this place and never return so he never will be killed or kills anyone else

Caelianna: I have not lost love ones, but if you talk to the residents of Surefall, most of them have as has those who choose to live in these hills. Countless soldiers from Qeynos have lost their lives to these vermin

Sunfall: "I'm sure you can tell the child how helpless they are as the gnoll rips it's innards out with it's bare teeth."

Caelianna: They come and chop down the trees, kill the wildlife, poison the waters.

Toryn: Toryn sighs and eyes the two gnolls

Toryn (Toryn): Detect evil on them though I'm sure I know what the answer is

Sunfall: "If you won't do it, I will. I made no such promise to let them live."

Caelianna: They will breed and breed until they have no more room within their filthy barrows and then they will expand. Where do you think they'll go next?

Rand: "If they told us all they are willing to, i agree we should kill them. And better kill them now then wait, as waiting on your death is a cruelty on it's own" Rand says

Aikira: you allready know pet?

Petra (Caelianna): after the obligatory rounds, they detect as evil

Rand: "So, the question is, are we done questioning them?" Rand asks

Toryn: Toryn sighs again heavily and looks at Ro ... " There's darkness in their souls little sister - much as it pains me to admit it, the others are right ... "

-> aikira: roll damage then the save the gnoll makes is against the damage. If it saves, then it takes crit damage.

Ro shakes her head,' i promised...'

Aikira: let's finish them off, right now

Toryn: " They're not going to be cooperative " says Toryn looking at them " I don't think questioning them any further will help "

Aikira stabs his katana in the gnoll

Aikira: +11 attack [1d20+11 = 12]

Ro: " you are making me a liar... " Ro says looking at Toryn desperatly

Toryn: " I know " soothes Toryn " It's not your fault ... you were outvoted, look at it that way "

Caelianna: [1d20 = 9]

-> aikira: no no...roll damage

Aikira: why now

Aikira: [1d8+3 = 7]

Toryn: " I'm not happy about it either ... but it's four votes to two - and we have to look at the bigger threat here - we have to operate together, unified, to defeat the gnoll menace "

Toryn: toryn winces listening to the sounds of Aikira finishing the gnolls off...

Ro points at Caelianna and Sunfall,' you will pay for this one day"

-> aikira: ok, the gnoll makes his save so he gets hit with 14 pts of damage vs just dying if he didn't make the save against your damage.

Toryn: " Ro ! " says Toryn, shocked

Aikira goes over to the injured gnoll on the ground, stabs his sword into it, and kills it

Rand takes his silver dagger from his pocket and with medical precision slits the throat of the gnoll in front of him

Aikira: yeah :)

Ro: "why not murder them? what makes them different from the gnolls or the other things they killed? who says what we are doing is the right thing?

Rand: [1d6 = 4]

Caelianna: [1d20 = 20]

Aikira: don't worry about them little one, I've set them free

Aikira: there in doggy heaven now

Ro: who says we are not the ones mistaking? who says we are not the ones invading their lands?

Toryn: " Come now, all of you - there is more danger inside we must face ... as for how they're different .. Aikira, safe to say they would have killed you if given a chance ? "

Toryn: Toryn winces at the " doggy heaven " remark

Aikira says with a very dark grin on his face

The gnoll takes 8 damage as his life slowly drains from him

Evil GM: Ignore that

Ro: "go fight your war" Ro says as she turns around and starts to walk the other direction

Rand slits the throat of the already dead gnoll

Toryn: " Ro ! " pleads Toryn looking after her..

Aikira: they are mere beasts toryn, they would kill harmless people, they attacked us with greater numbers and lost

Aikira: they have no honor left

Toryn: " At least meet us back at the druid stronghold Ro !" toryn calls out after her

Toryn: " Damn it ! " Toryn curses

Sunfall: "It doesn't matter, we are at war, they are evil, this is the way of the world. How do you think countries are built? There's a way, and eventually one side wins. It's called conquest."

Toryn: " I know I know, left to their own devices they'll harm innocents... you're right, you're right .. .my apologies mage " Toryn nods at Sunfall

Aikira walks over to the priest and slaps him on the back

Aikira: are you allright with killing them like that brother?

Evil GM: Listen rolls

Rand stumbles forwards from the blow on his back

Rand: Listen [1d20+6 = 25]

Toryn: " I just hope she's safe " says Toryn looking after Ro " She'll be all by herself - but we have to get back to Freeport and ..

Toryn: "

Aikira: +10 [1d20+10 = 14]

Evil GM: [1d20 = 17]

Toryn: Listen [1d20+3 = 8]

Sunfall: listen [1d20 = 16]

-> ro: are you walking away slowly or using Selos?

Rand: "I follow lady Druzzils guidance and she is the goddess of knowledge, not of mercy" Rand states

Toryn: " Get the information we need to stop the cultists of Moltor " continues Toryn in blissful ignorance

Aikira stars laughing "fair enough my friend"

Toryn (Toryn): of whatever's about to happen :P

Ro: walking away slowly

-> ro: make a listen roll

Everyone but Toryn hears howling and yapping coming from the front enterance of the Burrow

Ro: [1d20 = 9]

Everyone but Toryn and Ro

Aikira sheathens his sword and pick up his bow to ready it

Toryn: " And apparently wiping out this gnoll menace is the best way to do it - the divine sight Mithaniel Marr grants us tells me they harbor darkness within their souls - that would appear to bear out what the druidess has to say about them "

Aikira: hush toryn

Toryn: " What ? " says Toryn looking at Aikira

Rand: "I think the gnolls are about to charge us from the tunnel"Rand Yells alarmed

Aikira: there are others

-> ro: ok, just to make sure.....you as a person are not pissed off about what's going on in game.

Ro: no :P

Toryn (Toryn): evil GM any chance Rand (or anyone else) regained any mana during the questioning of the gnolls ?

-> ro: you're not going to get pissed off and leave because of the dark elf...

Vincent (Rand): already taken care of and almost used it again :)(

Aikira: you some magic left in you brother

Ro: heck no :P

Evil GM: An hour's worth by now

Aikira asks sunfaal

-> ro: ok...just making sure

Ro: but i will get the druid

Ro: lol

Vincent (Rand): 22 out of 33 mana left now

Toryn (Toryn): sorry - evil GM is it double the ability modifier you get back as mana or just the ability modifier per hour of rest ?

erus (Aikira): vince is allright and sunfall?

Sunfall: Yes, I have quite a bit of magic left in me

Vincent (Rand): just the ability modifier per hour as long as you are not doing strainous activities

-> ro: at least she's not as bad as the ADD dutchy druids ;-)

Toryn (Toryn): okay so Sunfall add your ability modifier's worth (whatever you use to cast spells) to your mana pool

Toryn (Toryn): same for you Ro (assuming you don't walk back to town in disgust)

Toryn (Toryn): for example I have a plus three bonus for Wisdom so I add plus three

Evil GM: Mana regeneration is your ability modifier + ranks in meditation = mana per hour you can regain at full rest

Ro: but this one i CAN kill :P

Vincent (Rand): meditation has it's own formula btw... not just +3

-> ro: lol

Toryn (Toryn): right right but I don't know if Sunfall or Ro have meditation

Evil GM: basically sunfall's mana regen rate per hour of rest is Int + ranks of meditation and Ro's is Cha + ranks in meditation if she has it at all

Evil GM: Rand and Toryn's is Wis + ranks in meditation

Toryn: Toryn prays to Mithaniel Marr for help in the upcoming battle, casting Protection from Evil and Bless Weapon without realizing it

Vincent (Rand): i know both Sunfall and Ro have ranks in it. Question is how much and did they max it ;)

Vincent (Rand): my manaregen is 16 per hour atm

Toryn (Toryn): nice !

Bobby (Sunfall): only 6 in meditation here =p

Vincent (Rand): next time you level you need to pump that :)

Toryn (Toryn): what do you use to cast spells - Charisma, Intelligence? and what's the ability modifier for it Sunfall ?

Bobby (Sunfall): but the last hour doesn't count as full rest does it?

Toryn (Toryn): well there was a bit of combat but not too long - mostly just talking

Evil GM: Arcane casters go by Int (which sunfall is), priests go by Wis, and bards go by Cha

Toryn (Toryn): okay so Sunfall it's your Int bonus plus 6 for the mana you get back

Evil GM: It was pretty close to full rest

Toryn (Toryn): Ro make a note of it too even if you're walking back to town in disgust in case you get attacked on the way (damn griffons ;) )

Evil GM: I'll be nice and not nitpick it since you guys will need all the help you can get as the evil griffon comes after Toryn

Rand: Spot [1d20+6 = 26]

Kenny (Ro): who says i'm walking back tothe town :P

Toryn (Toryn): I knew it ! There's a gnoll riding the griffon isn't there ?!?

Kenny (Ro): i'm a kill you all when u sleep muwahahahaha!

Evil GM: Rand sees the griffon sneaking up behind toryn ready to backstab him

Rand points to the north west at a small dot that gets bigger... it's a Griffon and its EVUL

Toryn (Toryn): " That griffon is about to eat you " Rand calls out with his sharp eyesight as the griffon takes toryn's head off

Toryn (Toryn): oh great a griffon with levels in rogue ! does it have a wand of silence too? :P

Evil GM: No, just the silence spell

Toryn (Toryn): lol .. annnywaays...

Toryn: Toryn casts Protection from Evil and Bless Weapon again

Toryn: " REady yourselves ! " Toryn calls out

Evil GM: Noises coming from the enterance to Blackburrow that Ro and Toryn can't hear

erus (Aikira): how many feet is it away from us, the entry I mean

Toryn (Toryn): actually Aikira and Rand just shouted out we're under attack so I'm guessing that's what Toryn is acting on :P

Rand unslings his Mace and starts moving to the Tunnel

Evil GM: about 85 feet away

Aikira still has his bow ready

Rand: "Let's move closer and box them in the tunnel, that way we won't have to fight too many" Rand yells

Aikira: good plan rand

Aikira: I wanna roll warcraft to see what's the best tactic against the gnolls now

-> aikira: go for it

Aikira: [1d20+11 = 26]

Toryn: Toryn readies his bow

erus (Aikira): warcraft

-> aikira: web the enterance...none can get out

Aikira: sunfall, web the enterance, so none can get out!

Aikira shouts to sunfall

Sunfall: "I'd prefer to web the entrance after a few come out to divide their forces."

Toryn: " Then flame it ! " adds Toryn " It will harm them and leave us free to fire our arrows at them afterwards "

Ro: when they come out of the cave i'm going to try to kidnapp the druid at night :P

Evil GM: Ok, real quick guys.....5 minute bathroom, smoke, make sure the kids are alive break (I've got to peeee!)

Rand: "Sounds good Sunfall, but don't flame it, it may be gone before we are done" Rand says

-> ro: it's mid morning ;-P

Evil GM: Only 5 minutes...

Evil GM: ;-)

Ro: when they come out and are all tired and sleeping :P

-> ro: lol, k

erus (Aikira): my warcraft roll told me to cast a web bob :)

Toryn: " How do we fire our arrows at them in the wb though ? " asks Toryn waving at the cave helplessly, " All we'll do is slow them down "

Sunfall: "If you all want to be backseat spellcasting you should take up schooling in Erudin."

Rand: "True, but the web may hold them off long enough for us to regain some mental energy before taking on the next batch" Rand says

Toryn (Toryn): lol - good one Sunfall if the Evil GM was here I would demand bonus xp points for Sunfall just for that alone ! :P

Toryn (Toryn): " backseat spellcasting " ... (chuckles)

Toryn: " How long does that web last ? " toryn asks Sunfall

Evil GM: Back

Evil GM: (POLL) check when back

Sunfall: 'For half an hour, but do not overestimate it's strength."

Toryn: " If you have enough magic left make sur eyou flame it at the end of that half hour " Toryn advises " Do some damage to them before they break free "

Toryn: " That gigantic ball of fire is very impressive " adds Toryn chuckling at the memory

Toryn: " Sir non-wizard " adds Toryn jokingly

Toryn (Toryn): evil GM, roll initiative?

Petra (Caelianna): nope, not yet

Sunfall: "Do not presume to tell me how to cast my magic. Or I shall begin instructing you how to properly swing that sword of yours."

Toryn (Toryn): and is it too late for me to cancel the casting of the protection from evil and bless weapon ?

Caelianna: We should just go in. We'd have the upper hand since we would be blocking the enterance.

Petra (Caelianna): yup ;-)

Toryn: " All right all right " says Toryn starting to hold up his hands in defeat then realizing he's about to drop his bow

Aikira hangs his bow over his shoulder and picks up his spear

Toryn (Toryn): evil GM unless I'm wrong I think Sunfall is going to cast web at the cave entrance

Bobby (Sunfall): now would not be the appropriate time for that

Toryn (Toryn): oops! okay never mind then

Evil GM: So you're going to web the enterance then??

Bobby (Sunfall): don't worry, I will cast what I will need to when it's needed!

Toryn (Toryn): no , sorry I'm giving you bad info !

Bobby (Sunfall): No, ignore the backseat spellcasters

Toryn (Toryn): lol

Bobby (Sunfall): get them in every game =)

Evil GM: BTW....the second image I sent is SUPOSED to be blank ;-)

Toryn (Toryn): lol

Toryn (Toryn): so what are we doing guys ? Charging ?

Toryn (Toryn): oops never mind should wait to see the map first

Bobby (Sunfall): appearantly Caelianna thinks that's the best thing to do...

Bobby (Sunfall): although that seems a tactical error to me..

Toryn (Toryn): druid really doesn't like gnolls !

Evil GM: Well, the second map is on a "need to know" basis depending on your future actions ;-)

Evil GM: No she doesn't ;-)

Toryn (Toryn): oh okay - so guys what are we doing ?

Bobby (Sunfall): wish I could just roll a nuclear warhead into that entrance and go home early for dinner!!

Evil GM: (POLL) web

Evil GM: (POLL) go in and see

Petra (Evil GM): be like starship troopers when they just nuke the bug's enterance

Bobby (Sunfall): there's no reason to web when our intent is to go in there

Evil GM: Ok...going to go in and see. Marching order?

Rand moves closer to the entrance, clearly standing in the open (as there is no cover)

Sunfall: "Wait, Ro. Can you try to lure them out? Tell them we have prisoners?"

Aikira: I'll take the lead

Rand: "Ro isn't here Sunfall"

Toryn: " Unless anyone has any objections I'll volunteer to go in first " offers Toryn .. " And Aikira of course " says Toryn winking at the other warrior

erus (Aikira): there's still nothing on the second map

Bobby (Sunfall): did I miss something, did Ro leave?"

-> ro: the only reason you wandered off is to find an excuse to take on a level of BL isn't it????

Aikira nods back at toryn

Vincent (Rand): yes, she walked off after we killed the gnolls

Evil GM: Ro got pissed at the druid and walked off

Toryn: " She left " says Toryn looking downcast " Didn't like us slaughtering the gnolls "

Bobby (Sunfall): boo

Toryn (Toryn): lol

Toryn: " We have to soldier on without my sister" says Toryn doing his best not to look worried about her

Ro: no lol

Evil GM: There's not supposed to be anything on the map yet...it's masked

Ro: since Ro is pissed

Bobby (Sunfall): damn half orcs!! Well if they're not coming out we have to go in =p

Ro: lol

Toryn (Toryn): dude you weren't here when she bit someone's ear off and ate it :P

Ro: screw beastlord lol don't even wanna be that :P bard is way to much fun

-> ro: hehe

Bobby (Sunfall): ewwww

Toryn (Toryn): keep that mage armor spell up :P

Kenny (Ro): i didn't eat it!

Kenny (Ro): i spit it out with a dirty look on my face

Evil GM: Ok....marching order into the cave???

Bobby (Sunfall): ah huh

Toryn (Toryn): oops ! sorry, spat it out

Bobby (Sunfall): lmao

Toryn (Toryn): Toryn and Aikira first ... then ?

erus (Aikira): yes

Bobby (Sunfall): why are all the tanks in the rear??? oh that's better lol

Evil GM: Excellent....Toryn and Aikira give me spot rolls

Aikira: +2 spot [1d20+2 = 5]

Toryn: Spot [1d20+3 = 22]

erus (Aikira): what's up with the scent of a woman rolls

erus (Aikira): darned

Aikira stares into the mouth of the cave and sees nothing much in the darkness

erus (Aikira): didn't aikira have infravision

-> Toryn: you peer into the cave and the torchlight on the walls send off eery shadows. You think you see bones of some type lining the walls, but aren't too sure from here. There aren't any gnolls that you can see.

Evil GM: yea, but it didn't do much good with that roll ;-) and maybe his rage at being captured is hindering any other sight

Evil GM: Everyone give me a wisdom roll

erus (Aikira): yeah I forgot, he was captured

Toryn: " No gnolls within sight brother " Toryn hisses at Aikira and over his shoulder to the others in a loud whisper " but that's sure to change "

Rand: Wis bonus [1d20+4 = 5]

Aikira: [1d20+2 = 20]

Toryn: Toryn advances into the cave, sword drawn

Vincent (Rand): pfffff

Toryn: Wis bonus [1d20+3 = 14]

Aikira walks next to toryn, with his spear pointed forward

erus (Aikira): horny devil eey

Sunfall: Wis bonus [1d20 = 3]

Toryn (Toryn): Rand forgets who he is developing a case of sudden amnesia with his natural 1 :P

Toryn (Toryn): " who are all you people ?!? " :P

-> Aikira: you feel a cold breeze blowing on you from inside the cave

Vincent (Rand): LOL

Evil GM: Ok, new map ;-) How far do you advance into the cave tory?

Aikira: it's kind off cold in here

Aikira says shivering

Toryn: " You'll warm up soon enough cutting up gnolls " says Toryn encouragingly as he moves foward

Toryn (Toryn): 20 feet, his full movement rate

Evil GM: Anyone follow him?

Aikira sort of laughs

Aikira walks next to toryn

Evil GM: Going to assume everyone else follows behind those two..

The cave enterance, which is about 20ft wide soon goes into a narrow tunnel, less than 10ft wide. After about 30 more feet, it widens again into a 20 foot "cave" that is lined with gigantic bones and tusks

The air is quite chilly. Directly infront of you is a door that probably slides open from the middle. There is a slight crack in the middle and the barks and howls are much louder here than they were outside

Aikira: looks like my old room

There are also torches stuck in the wall here and there, the light casts eery shadows on the walls from the bones on the wall

Toryn: " Any idea how many ..... what kind of defenses, what their priests or wizards looked like ? " Toryn asks Aikira

Bobby (Sunfall): haha

Aikira: [1d20+11 = 18]

Toryn: " By how many I mean how many gnolls " adds Toryn, still whispering

erus (Aikira): warcraft

Aikira: pete can you tell me anything about those things pete?

-> aikira: you didn't notice any obvious defenses from your time spent in here except the sheer number of gnolls to defend the place. You did notice the spellcaster from last time had bones and trinket hanging off his person

Aikira: so lots of gnolls

-> aikira: oh yes

Kenny (Ro): in meanwhile i'm lying on my back on some soft grass near a river... listening to birds and bees enjoying the sun on my skin

Evil GM: and then a shadow casts over you from the sky....

Kenny (Ro): big ass bee

Aikira: this isn't going to be easy, more gnolls than we ever faced up against, and I'm certain that spellcaster is in here too

Toryn: " Do you remember what the spellcaster looked like? " asks Toryn urgently

Aikira: whenever you see a gnoll with bones and trinket hanging off his person, make sure that's the first you'll kill

Toryn: " Thank you brother this is most helpful ... we've seen what Sunfall can do " says Toryn nodding towards Sunfall, " It's best we take out the gnomish equivilent of Sunfall before he can decimate us the same was Sunfall decimated our foes "

Toryn: Toryn addresses that last comment towards everyone behind him as well as Aikira

Toryn: " Any last plans or do we just charge in ? " toryn hisses in a questioning whisper at everyone else

Aikira: there is no good plan for this my brother

Aikira: it's suicide

Toryn: " Sunfall ? Rand ? "

Aikira says with a smile

Evil GM: Ok guys....I'm going to stop it here since there's not much you can do in the next 15 minutes beyond those doors.

Rand: "I agree with Aikira, charging in is suicide" Rand says

Toryn: " Well if it's suicide we die gloriously on the battlefield " Toryn smiles back at Aikira clapping him on the arm

-> ro: so ro wanders off to a patch of grass besides the river?

Sunfall: "If they don't come to us, we go to them. But remember why we're here, stay focused and keep an eye out for our target."

Toryn: " Charge in it is then " says Toryn ... " Damn it I wish Ro was here ! "

Caelianna: Oh, I forgot to mention something..

Rand: "And that is?" Rand asks

Ro: she just wanders off, donno where

Caelianna: There will more than likely be females and pups in there. The females must be killed or these vermin will keep breeding. A female bares at least 13 pups at birth...I suggest you don't let your delicate sensabilities get the most of you when you come across one.

Caelianna: Not to mention females are just as viscious and hell bent on killing as the males are. Even the pups will try to bite your ankle.

Toryn: " Genocide, eh ? " says Toryn paling slightly

Toryn: " Well you know more about them than we do " says Toryn trying to wrap his mind around the idea

Rand: "On a race that breeds 13 per birth and that every so many months, killing the women is nessecary"

Aikira: you don't have to slay them toryn, sunfall and I'll take care of the children and women also

Sunfall nods

Toryn: " Thank you " says Toryn faintly...

Caelianna: Don't think of these creatures like humans...yes, they're humanoid. They are somewhat intelligent. However, they kill for the sheer joy of killing. Not survival. That in itself is unexcusable.

Sunfall: "I will remind you they are not women, they are but beasts."

Toryn: " Right, right " Toryn nods his head trying to convince himself....

Toryn: " Will you know what the gnoll chief looks like if you see him ? " toryn asks Caelianna

-> ro: I'll get to you sometime this week when we have a few minutes ;-)

Caelianna shakes her head no

Toryn: " Damn ! All right everyone another complication- don't let anyone escape "

Rand: "I bet it will be rather obvious who the chief is" Rand says

Toryn: " Hopefully "

Caelianna: I've only heard tales of others who lived and saw him. They say he stands 10 feet tall and wears stolen armor and finery.

Toryn: " Well that helps " says Toryn

Caelianna: They are just tales, but mayhep there's some truth...I'd imagine he's the biggest and strongest. The one others take orders from.

Rand ponders the idea of a 10 feet dog... *shudder*

Toryn: " Well let's get to it " says Toryn firmly marching towards the door

Aikira: and he's all mine

Toryn (Toryn): and I'm assuming the evil GM ends it there ;)

Evil GM: Yes, please ;-)

Bobby (Sunfall): hehe

Toryn: " Agreed " says Toryn over his shoulder at Aikira

Aikira: pete, don't I know usefull stuff since I've been captured here

Aikira: ok next time then

Aikira: :(

Toryn: evil GM do you want to schedule a time to get together and review Aikira and Sunfall's character sheets, bring them up to date ?

Toryn: or is this week a bad time with school and all ?

Toryn: sorry to be so anal guys I just like the thought of having every available hand around to save our butts if a player can't make it for some reason ;)

erus (Aikira): anal :)

Toryn: and of course situations will come up when a player can't make it, that can't be helped

Evil GM: Actually...what I can do is update them real quick since I can use the xml

Toryn: oh okay - sorry to put you to that trouble !

Evil GM: I can do ro's real fast too...then I'll send them all to you as well as everyone else so you have an UPDATED copy to work from for the next level ;-)

Toryn: gentle hint from the evil gm :P

erus (Aikira): cool pete

Bobby (Sunfall): I should probably get ready for work, do you need me around?

-> aikira: I'll email you what you know without a roll

Aikira: can you emal

Aikira: right :)

Evil GM: nope, the game's over ;-)

Toryn: good to see you sunfall - I'll try not to do so much back seat spell casting next time :P

Toryn: I'm still laughing my ass off at that one :P

Bobby (Sunfall): ok hehe. had fun everybody! till next week =)

Evil GM: Hopefully...pending another hurricane strength storm....I'll be at the game on Thursday

erus (Aikira): good night eveyone! wish me luck

Toryn: luck with exams ?

-> aikira: lots of luck ;-)

erus (Aikira): yup, mister law man over here :)

Aikira: cheers pet :)

Toryn: good luck man !

-> aikira: and g'luck with the psyco girl

Toryn: behead the instructor with a katana if you don't get a good grade and blame it on everquest brainwashing - you'll get off scott free at the trial :P

Evil GM: haha

Aikira: maybe we should give her a rol in this game, the griffon evil mother

Aikira: ;)

Evil GM: Oh...btw...the vampire game went well

-> aikira: haha

Toryn: and if you don't believe that check out the mazes and monsters book some time ;) - it's hilarious !

erus (Aikira): I'll behead them anyway

Evil GM: Oooh...I got the largest dungeon downloaded at some point ;-)

Toryn: " An ' A ' ... great ! " (phil whips out his sword and beheads someone) .. " It should have been an A PLUS, BITCH! "

Toryn: damn he missed that :P

Evil GM: hehe...ok, I'm off to get ready for bed

Toryn: oh hey quick question - is Ro's axe magical ?

Evil GM: I swear I'll get chat logs up this week since vince needs them too. Maybe I should send those to you as well to edit for me. ;-)

Toryn: it has a plus two on damage, don't know if it's a masterwork axe maybe ?

Evil GM: Oh yes...it's magical

Toryn: oh okay so plus two to hit and damage ?

Evil GM: Believe Rand actually figured that out by spellcraft since it has some unmentionable qualities.

Evil GM: Yup

Toryn: got it...

Toryn: actually that will be on the sxcel sheets so I probably shouldn't be bothering you with these ?'s ...

Evil GM: And if Ro would ever pick up cleave...it has a great cleave effect on it.

Toryn: Hear that Ro? Cleave next level for your feat !

Evil GM: heh, alright...g'night

Toryn: night night !