Evil GM: Didn't hear from bobby so I'm assuming he'll probably log in late again
Last week, Aikira was kidnapped by gnolls. The druids of the glade offered aid in the form of a little druidess and also
offered to completely outfit the party for their return to Freeport if they bring the head of the chief gnoll
erus (Aikira): dude's give me a minute, mom is calling
Currently the party, minus Aikra, is in the weapons shop. It's getting quite dark outside.
Kenny (Ro): Phiiiiiillllllllll you ate your carrots, right? Phiiiiiiiiillllllllll you are studying, ain't you? Phiiiiiiiilllllll,
i'm taping all teletubby's for you.
Kenny (Ro): quoting Phil's mom
Petra (Evil GM): hahahahaha
Toryn: " We should probably sleep for the night " announces Toryn looking outside, " And set out first
thing in the morning "
Kenny (Ro): ps i'm outside shooting arrows at stuff
A random ranger comes by and starts watching Ro shoot her arrows at the targets
Toryn (Toryn): sorry what's the druidess's name again evil GM?
Ro turns red and stops shooting
Evil GM: Caelianna
Ro: I'm not very good at this i'm afraid' she says to the random ranger
Ranger: Go on, you're doing well enough. That's what the practice targets are for.
Toryn: " Caeilianna " says Toryn cautiously " Where's the nearest inn ? "
erus (Aikira): get aikira a bow too :)
Kenny (Ro): buy one urself u lazy bastage
Evil GM: Caelianna is no longer in the building. Both Te'Anara and Caelianna left some time ago as the group was talking
"shop" with the weapon smith
Toryn (Toryn): oops, ok
Ro reloads and starts shooting at the targets again
Toryn: " Any longbows you have for sale? Ordinary quality " adds Toryn hastily as he addresses the shop keeper
Weapon guy: Of course
Weapon guy points to some bows hanging on the wall
Kenny (Ro): wasn't his name something with bob? :P
Toryn: Toryn grabs a longbow and 20 arrows " How much for these ? "
Weapon guy: It's 78 gold pieces, fletcher's price.
Weapon guy: Throw the arrows in for free.
Petra (Weapon guy): yea, but I can't remember the name and I don't want to check the log I didn't put up this past week.
Petra (Weapon guy): Lo' bobby
Vincent (Rand): back after washing Wendy's ears about their WoW chatter that never switches to anything else
Kenny (Ro): 'llo Bobby
Bobby (Sunfall): evenin'/mornin =)
Toryn: " Done " says Toryn and pays the shopkeeper
Toryn: " We're off to do battle with gnolls - anything else you'd recommend ? "
Weapon guy: Now, ye be needin much else? It's getting late and I'd like to get home to the wife and children.
Ro: i'm building up a fortune as they keep paying my stuff from their money :P
-> ro: hahaha
-> ro: guess /tell doesn't work in this application ;-)
Weapon guy: Hmmm....guts of steel and a steady nerve?
Rand starts walking outside to the inn to get the group a room
Toryn: " Agreed " laughs Toryn ' Thank you kindly sir and good day to you "
Weapon guy nods and starts cleaning up his work area
Toryn: Toryn packs up all his new purchases and heads out after Rand
Toryn: " Do you remember where she said the inn was ? " toryn asks Rand
Ro: darkvision means i can see perfectly clear in the dark?
Evil GM: make sure the purchasses get on the approperiate sheets or they get lost in limbo forever
-> ro: fairly well
Outside the night is cool and the sky is clear. Stars twinkle up in the heavens. Here and there you can see people out
enjoying the night, worshipping, or whatnot
Ro: ranger still watching?
Toryn: " Excuse me good sir " (good lady if Toryn's addressing a woman) " Can you point us in the direction
of the nearest inn ? "
Vincent (Rand): it's next door
Kenny (Ro): he's a paladin :P
Toryn (Toryn): can't see between the giant metal visor on the helmet and the distraction praying all the time :P
Toryn (Toryn): hey Sunfall ! Were you with us in the weapons shop ? Guy is about to close up and go home unless you want
to buy something from himi
The person raises their brow at Toryn and points to the building that has a sign proclaiming "Inn" right next
door to the weapons shop.
Bobby (Sunfall): nope I was off resting in a non specific location =)
Toryn: " Of course " says Toryn embarassedly " Thank you kindly "
The person walks off muttering about how more people need to learn to read common.
Ro puts her crossbow on her back and runs up to the targets to collect her darts before heading towards the inn
Ro: what r is the ratio on the crossbow actually?
Toryn: Toryn approaches the innkeeper " We're off to attack the gnoll stronghold - any discount for warriors attempting
to eliminate the local menace? " says Toryn half jokingly to the innkeeper
Rand scowls at Toryn
Rand: "You don't make jokes like that to people you don't know" Rand wispers to Toryn
Toryn: [1d20 = 20]
Toryn: [1d20 = 17]
Innkeep points somewhere behind Toryn. "I believe the fair lady there has taken care of your needs for the night.
Mayhap she'll take care of more than just where you sleep?" (winks at toryn)
Toryn: [1d10 = 7]
Sunfall rouses from his rest and wanders off to find the inn before he catches cold
Ro walks into the inn and beams a smile at everyone
Toryn: Toryn looks behind him curiously for the fair lady in question
Evil GM: You see Caelianna sitting at a table, drinking out of a goblet.
Rand bows to Caelianna in thank for her generosity
Toryn: " Most generous of you " Toryn tells Caelianna " We'd be happy to share the cost for tonight's stay
with you if you like ?
Caelianna waves her hand in a dismissle of Rand's thanks
Caelianna: The druids of the grove have pooled togeather to take care of it.
Toryn: " Well then we are in the debt of the druids - give them our thanks when we return "
Caelianna: They figure the lot of you will return either hero's or not at all.
Rand: "You are the spokeswoman and representative of the druids, so i bow to you as thanks to all of you" Rand
says smiling friendly
Toryn: " granted - if we die it will be a glorious death in service to the Lightbringer ! " declares Toryn proudly
Rand huffs at Toryns remark
Toryn: " Or the LIghtbringer's allies in the planes above us " adds Toryn hastily looking askance at Caelianna
Caelianna: Nay, not the representive. I am merely here helping my brothers and sisters for a time.
Rand: "We'll free whoever we can find and come back heroes, there will be no dying" Rand states solemnly
Rand: "Minor detail" Rand smiles at Caelianna
-> ro: hmm...wonder if I can DM this and play EQ? ;-)
Ro: lol
Toryn: " Well we'll see " says Toryn solemnly " Any warrior knows it's a distinct possibility - and you,
my friend, are now a warrior right along side us " declares Toryn slapping Rand heartily on the back
Ro: btw what r stats on the crossbow?
Ro: as in what dice do i roll for damage? :P
Rand: "Humpf, i am not a warrior" Rand says, "At least, i don't feel like one, i feel.... different"
Toryn: " Our attempts to gather information about the enemy's stronghold have failed - we should sleep, go there
ourselves tomorrow morning and gather what information we can firsthand before attacking " declares Toryn
-> ro: second, got to find the D&D book
Sunfall walks through the doorway of the inn and silently steps into the conversation with his fellow fugitives
Caelianna nods at Toryn
Rand grabs his stuff and starts walking to the room the innkeeper pointed out
Toryn: " You handled yourself quite well without being able to call on Druzzil ro's divine blessings - when your
mouth was injured " Toryn winks at Rand " That says warrior to me "
Caelianna: Aye, sleeping is a good thing. Gods know you'll need your rest.
Toryn: " And of course this one can scout ahead for us and gather information about our foe when we get there "
says Toryn by way of greeting to Sunfall waving his hand at him to get his attention
Toryn: " Find out anything about the gnolls " Toryn asks Sunfall hopefully
-> ro: was that a light or heavy crossbow that you bought?
Sunfall: If they'd take a poor dark... er... our friend captive, they said he might have been carted off to something
called Blackburrow... about all I got out of them, but then I wasn't trying all that hard
Ro: i donno was just said crossbow. It was goldinlay with diamonds and made out of ivory though
Ro: =P
Evil GM: anyone remember if Ro bought a light or heavy crossbow?
Vincent (Rand): normal masterwork crossbow... guess light
Toryn: " Any information is good information " declares Toryn " And I'm sure we'll find out plenty about
our foes tomorrow morn - unless anyone can think of anything important to do we should go to bed, get our rest for tomorrow
morning - and pray to our respective deities " says Toryn looking at Rand
-> ro: 1d8, threat range is 19-20x2
Ro: kk :)
Caelianna finishes her drink then stands up.
Caelianna: Sleep well for we will look death in the eye on the morrow.
Rand nods and walks off
Ro: "Toryn, i can go scout ahead if you want me to, i can see fairly well in the dark and i can run pretty fast'
Ro says at Toryn
Toryn: " And be all the stronger for it afterwards " says Toryn confidently " Good night all, may the Lightbringer
bring you rest and peace this night " Toryn heads off to bed
Evil GM: Ok, anyone else going to do anything tonight?
Vincent (Rand): Kenny, the masterwork gives +1 to attack if i remember right... don't forget to add the +1 to ranged attacks
Sunfall: mutters "I'd prefer to look at it from the back.."
Toryn: Toryn walks Ro to her room " Is there anything you can't do sister ? " says Toryn with a mixture of fondness
and admiration
Toryn: " Yes that sounds like a good idea - bring Sunfall too though, he has some skill in that area from what he's
told me "
Ro: "maybe not in your eyes" Ro replies as she follows Toryn
Toryn: " Eh ? " says Toryn confusedly
Ro starts to laugh
Evil GM: 12am
Rand starts snoring pretty soon after getting to bed. Apparently the goddes healed everything but that horrible snore
he had with his head punched in
Toryn: Dismissing the comment he's too thick to understand Toryn goes on " Don't go out tonight though sister - the
cover of darkness would be useful true but we need you rested for tomorrow - and I'd prefer you scouting ahead with the rest
of us at your back if you get into trouble - one or two warriors against a hundred gnolls would be very dangerous "
Toryn: Toryn then does his best to shoo Ro off to bed
Ro: " and 5 would make a difference against 100 gnolls?"
Toryn: " Still better odds " says Toryn insistently " And we'll take them by surprise this time "
Sunfall: It seems to me those gnolls can see better in the dark than you can, and outnumbered... *shrugs*
Ro looks at Toryn an eye-brow raised before she turns and walks into the bedroom while shaking her head
Sunfall finds his room and crawls into bed
Toryn: " Oh ! Didn't see you there Sunfall " says Toryn jumping slightly " That's probably why you'd make
such a good scout " he adds with a chuckle as Sunfall goes to his room
Toryn: Toryn spends a good portion of time deep in prayer , praying for Mithaniel Marr's blessings on himself and his
companions as they go to war tomorrow
Toryn: " Please if it is your will oh Mighty Lightbringer let my friend live " prays Toryn fervently
Evil GM: Ok...ignoring Toryan's prayers and the prayers to answer the prayers...
Toryn: Then Toryn's off to bed as well
Toryn (Toryn): lol
The next morning
Toryn (Toryn): and Toryn poking Rand in the middle of the night " Hey , did you remember to pray ? "
You wake to someone beating on your doors
Toryn: Toryn answers the door sleepily " Yes ? "
Rand snorts and sits up fast, grabbing his mace without thinking
Caelianna: Come, tis time to leave on our quest...
Ro: "go away" Ro mutters as she turns around
Vincent (Rand): Rand would snort, turn over and sleep on ;)|
Toryn: " True enough " says Toryn brushing the sleep from his eyes and donning his armor, weapons and gear
Sunfall: mutters "yes mother." as he stumbles out of bed
Caelianna is dressed in her armor, a deep green travel cloak, and a small pack over her shoulders.
Toryn (Toryn): how much subdual damage does a Druzzil Ro prayer bead do on a succesful hit ? :P
Rand realises it's Caelianna and puts his mace down while getting up to get washed and dressed
Petra (Caelianna): lol
Sunfall stretches and gathers his things
Caelianna: Come, come...the early riser kills the gnoll
Toryn: Toryn chuckles grimly in agreement
Toryn: " You'll be taking us to the gnolls then Caelianna ? "
Ro mumbles 'stick .... gnoll.... sun..... doesn't... shine" before turning around again and getting out of bed
Rand splashes his face, shoots on his cloths and grabs his mace, then bolts out the door so he can do some pratice swings
Caelianna: I'll wait for you outside of the enterance to the glade, hurry.
Sunfall: checks all his things... "Ready as I'll ever be."
Ro washes herself a bit, gets dressed. Picks up her weapons and walks out looking like she got out of the bed on the wrong
Sunfall takes his time getting outside and watches Rand swing apprehensively
Evil GM: Ok, I'm assuming everyone finishes their morning routine and makes it to the enterance to the glade?
Toryn (Toryn): yep
When you make it to the enterance, where you first met the two guards (whom aren't there now), Caelianna isn't there.
Rand walks towards the tunnel swinging his mace all the time
Toryn: " Caelianna " Toryn calls out loudly
Ro: "i bet she went back to bed" Ro says softly
A few early rising species of birds chirp
Kenny (Ro): in an angry tone
Sunfall: I bet you gnolls took her instead, they seem to have a habit of that
Toryn: Toryn chuckles " You don't need beauty sleep sister you're pretty enough as it is "
Evil GM: Everyone give me a spot roll
Evil GM: [1d20 = 17]
Ro: [1d20 = 17]
Rand: Spot [1d20+6 = 10]
Toryn: " Damn ! " says Toryn looking around angrily " We should have thought of that "
Sunfall: Spot [1d20+6 = 11]
Evil GM: ok ;-)
Toryn: Spot [1d20+3 = 20]
Vincent (Rand): okay, i am worried now
-> ro: you feel something pull your hair
Ro turns around and swings her fist behind her
Bobby (Sunfall): late riser gets eaten by gnolls =)
Toryn: " She just seems so easily offended ... it didn't occur to me to question her judgment "
-> aikira: here in a few minutes you'll be on ;-)
Toryn: " Perhaps I should have - another victim of the gnolls thanks to my carelessness ! " Toryn berates himself
Aikira: good, just finished cleaning the dishes :)
-> ro: you don't seem to hit anything, but a hand grabs your wrist
Ro: strong hand?
Toryn: Toryn interrupts himself finally noticing Ro " What are you swinging at ? "
Aikira: how many days have I've been gone, and what's the distance from the city to the gnoll outpost
-> ro: not necesarly...it's not like it's trying to hold your hand...just putting it on your arm.
Toryn: Toryn draws his sword " Ro saw something ! " he announces to the rest of the group
Ro: "heeeey" Ro says as she pulls her arm back
-> aikira: one day and it's about a half a day between the glade and burrow
An image starts to shimmer and Caelianna comes into full view.
Aikira: do I know if they've sent a party after me to retrieve me
Ro jumps back
-> aikira: give me a spot roll
Aikira: +2 spot [1d20+2 = 4]
-> aikira: no clue
Caelianna smiles without the humor reaching her eyes.
Toryn: " A useful trick " says Toryn rather embarassedly " Ro is the only one of us who had any idea you
were there "
Caelianna: Aye. Any of you ever been invisible before?
Rand looks with open mouth as Caelianna comes into view again
Toryn: " I don't suppose you can do the same thing to ... perhaps Ro, or Sunfall ... in addition to yourself ? "
Ro: "she pulled my hair" Ro says in an angry tone
Sunfall: not that I can remember
Caelianna: T'was a pixie...
Rand looks at Ro confused then starts snickering
Toryn: " No we haven't been - er - invisible before ... a pixie eh ? " says Toryn
Caelianna dismisses the pixie comment
Ro: "i'll show u a pixie!" Ro snarls at Caelianna
Toryn: Toryn pats Ro's hair " It looks find to me, lustrous as ever " Toryn winks at her
Caelianna: Never mind the pixie, was a joke. I'm sure humans fail to see elvin humor. Anyways...
Toryn: Toryn looks alarmed " Ro I'm sure she meant no harm " taking Ro aside he adds in a loud whisper "
We need her to help us with the gnolls "
Aikira: what kind of elf is she
Caelianna: The invisibility that is in my power to cast is a spell called Camouflage. Since I commune with nature, it
will only work within the confines of nature. In otherwords, it will only work while we are in the outdoors.
Ro sighs deeply and let her shoulders drop while she looks annoyed
Caelianna: If anyone makes any hostile actions towards anyone or anything, or if they cast a spell, this spell will cease
to work.
Caelianna: The only downside is while I may cast it on each of you...you will not be able to see one another.
Toryn: " Damn, was hoping we could use it inside the gnoll stronghold - still though it will be quite useful scouting
their exterior defenses "
Toryn: " e
Rand: "we can just follow the clanging of Toryn" Rand jokes
Toryn: " True " says Toryn looking embarassed " My armor does make a lot of noise - but I can serve as
a distraction while the rest of you spring a surprise attack under the cover of this blessing Caelianna's goddess has bestowed
on her - and us, apparently "
Sunfall: It's a blessing I'll gladly take... and considering how our last encounter went, one will we surely need
Toryn: " Why don't we do this then - Ro, Sunfall, you both have some skill in this area - you can scout ahead with
us not far behind you when we reach the gnoll stronghold .. "
Caelianna starts walking off.
Toryn: " ... come back, report what you see, then everyone except myself can take cover under this - er, ' camoflage
' - and attack by surprise "
Rand follows Caelianna
Sunfall: and how do we plan on seeing one another once we're invisible then?
Rand blows a sharp whistle on his fingers and motions the rest to move along
Toryn: " Well from what she said " says Toryn to Sunfall as he follows along behind Caelianna gesturing for
Sunfall to come along
Toryn: " The spell fades immediately once we attack - so it will be good for one surprise attack under the cover
of this invisibility "
Ro: "i'll go scout ahead, just tell me what direction" Ro says
-> aikira: just a few more minutes...I'll let them "walk and talk" a few.
Toryn: " Not too far ahead of us ! " Toryn insists " We need to be right behind you if you run into a large
pack of gnolls "
Aikira: no problem
Toryn: " How many times a day will the goddess let you call upon this blessing ? " Toryn asks Caelianna, catching
up to her
Caelianna looks at Ro and points in a direction.
Caelianna: As many times as I have mana for, of course.
Toryn: " but if you had to guess at a number " prods Toryn
Sunfall: and how long does this blessing last Caelianna?
Caelianna: About 12 times in a row.
Aikira: pet, what kind of elf is she
Ro with a last angry look Ro starts to slowly run off,' i will go scout'
-> aikira: you don't know..you haven't seen her yet. ;-)
Sunfall hurries after Ro before she gets herself eaten
Toryn: " Wait " calls out Toryn " Let Caelianna work her blessing upon you first ! "
Caelianna: Well, the length can vary...
Aikira: is my ranged attack only five? or did it go up aswell
Caelianna: It can be a rather instable spell at the worst of times.
Sunfall: "Ro, we're not even sure which direction Blackburrow is, wait!"
Bobby (Sunfall): nm
Bobby (Sunfall): missed it lol
Ro shouts over her shoulder,'won't need it' while she starts to speed up seemingly carried by a song
Bobby (Sunfall): had a "or do we?" moment xD
-> aikira: yea, it's only +5. Your base attack + Dex bonus = ranged attack
Aikira: but melee is 11 right, and how do you calculate grapple attack
After about two hours of being led along by Caelianna towards Blackburrow...
-> aikira: grapple is based off your base attack bonus + strength against your foe's touch AC
-> aikira: think in your case that would be a +9
Evil GM: Everyone make listen rolls
Toryn: Listen [1d20+3 = 23]
Sunfall: listen [1d20 = 13]
Rand: Listen [1d20+6 = 9]
Aikira: +5 [1d20+5 = 6]
Ro: [1d20 = 5]
Toryn (Toryn): damn, need to save those 20's for combat !!!
erus (Aikira): sorry
Bobby (Sunfall): damn that's the skill i forgot to add points to
-> toryn: you hear crunching on the ground like someone is running
Toryn: " Everone hear that ? ' asks Toryn drawing his sword " Someone's heading towards us "
Ro: we saw something while scouting?
Caelianna: [1d20 = 3]
Toryn: Toryn looks around
Toryn (Toryn): any cover behind bushes or trees evil GM for us to hide in ?
Caelianna (mutters): Can't hear anything over all the clanging of that METAL
Toryn: " My apologies " says Toryn abashedly
Toryn: " The rest of you - hide behind the bushes and trees - I'll stay out here and greet our new arrival ?
Toryn: arrival "
Rand: "Neither can i"
Petra (Caelianna): there's some trees ahead of you and a few little bushes, maybe a foot high around you
Toryn: " The rest of you can take it by surprise if need be "
-> aikira: and that would be your cue
Caelianna closes her eyes and mutters a few words and dissapears from view
Toryn: Toryn gestures urgently towards a bush and points Ro behind it " Get your crossbow ready "
Caelianna: [1d4 = 2]
Aikira slowly drags himself towards the group, he seems to be using a gnoll axe as a walking stick and he looks beat up
and bruised. he katana holding in one hand and a mean looking face on.
Caelianna: [1d10 = 3]
Kenny (Ro): didn't i run off?
Toryn: " Aikira ! " Toryn shouts out joyfully clanging towards Aikira
Toryn: " It gladdens our heart to see you alive brother - we thought you were dead ! "
Rand jumps up and runs to his blue friend
Toryn: Toryn embraces Aikira and slaps him soundly on the back
Aikira first looks surprised and gets into a defensive position, barely able to raise his sword
Caelianna comes into view, crouching on the ground, bow drawn and pointed at Aikria.
Rand immediately inspects Aikira for injuries
Aikira bit then he sees it's toryn and falls on the ground with one knee
Ro: i'm not there right?
Toryn: " No , no this is the friend we mentioned who was kidnapped, Aikira ! " Toryn shouts to Caelianna
-> ro: dunno, are you?
Ro: i ran off lol
Aikira shakes hands with everyone
Caelianna scowls
Sunfall: "He a good dark elf. Good!"
erus (Aikira): like in lord of the rings, where they grab eachothers underarm
Rand: "Are you hurt Aikira, do i need to heal you" Rand asks worried
Bobby (Sunfall): is that what they were grabbing?
Toryn: " You are injured ! " says Toryn concernedly ignoring Caelianna for now " Yes of course you need
to heal him, look at him ! "
Caelianna huffs and slings her bow over her shoulder.
Caelianna: We shall see about the "good" part.
Aikira: better look if gnolls...didn't follow me. I think I sh...ook them off
Aikira looks totally exhausted
Sunfall: Well maybe not entirely good... but he's definetely not evil! Usually.
Toryn: " We'll head for the trees nearby then, try to take cover - but we need to get those injuries tended to "
says Toryn firmly
Toryn: Toryn guides Aikira towards the trees " Lean on me brother "
Aikira: I think they will be very angry, on my way out, I took a lot of there brothren with me
Aikira says almost with a diabolic grin
Toryn: " Doesn't surprise me in the slightest " chuckles Toryn clapping Aikira on the back " I wouldn't
expect anything less of you "
Aikira reaches out to toryn to help him up
Toryn: " If they had any brains - or knew who they were kidnapping - they would have left you alone out of fear for
their own hides ! "
Rand picks Aikira up under a shoulder and supports him while he moves towards cover
Aikira he is to tired to think about his honour now, that and the fact that he has learned to rely on them
Toryn: " Call upon Druzzil Ro's blessings while we move friend , in case we'll be dealing with gnolls soon "
Toryn whispers urgently to Rand
Aikira: thanks brother priest
Aikira says to rand
Ro: do i find anything in the direction i ran at?
-> ro: nope
Aikira: a shame you weren't there, a mighty warrior like yourself could have enjoyed a good killing frenzy
-> ro: except trees, rocks, bushes, a snake..
Aikira says to rand
Rand quickly guides the group to cover while Toryn is jammering over Aikira. Safety is primary concern, healing can be
done later
Rand smiles at Aikira, knowing he missed out on a huge fight
Ro: she pointed me in the wrong direction?
Aikira notices the female
Aikira: who is she?
-> ro: not necessarly...you may not have gone far enough. How far out do you go?
Rand: "She is Caelianna, a druidess that was send with us as aid in freeing you and other captives
Ro: i was running selo's lol and been running in a straigth line till i find something
Aikira: sunfall keep your crosbow ready, I don't know I they followed me
Rand: "Aside from being pretty, she is a skilled woman in magic" Rand continues
Sunfall nods
Aikira: she's an elf alsp
Aikira: I suppose he can tell by the look of her ears
Aikira: still doesn't know what kind of elf she is?
Sunfall sneaks ahead of the party ten feet in the direction Aikira came from
Toryn: " Rand heal him ! " toryn insists
Rand: "Do you need healing Aikira, or just sleep" Rand asks smiling at his friend
Aikira: relax brother, It takes more than a few gnolls to get me down.
Aikira coughs, and claps toryn on the back and winks
Toryn: To Caelinna Toryn adds " yes he's a dark elf - but one who has fought with us back to back against the undead
and evil cultists kidnapping, torturing and slaughtering innocent villagers - I'd trust him with my life "
Toryn: " If your folk hadn't been so suspicious of him and let him inside with us he'd never have been kidnapped
to begin with ! " adds Toryn bitterly
Toryn: As Toryn examines Aikira's injuries
Aikira: I don't know my friend, I've you want to spare your med kits, then I'll just rest
erus (Aikira): down to half of his HP
-> aikira: int roll
Toryn: " You were practically limping towards us ! " protests Toryn
Aikira: [1d20+3 = 14]
-> aikira: she's an elf, but you don't know really "what kind" since you haven't been exposed to other elf
Rand: "He fought a boatload of gnolls and then some, what do you think, that he would have strength left to walk?"
Rand asks
Aikira: I didn't want those filthy gnolls to lose track of me, I might get bored on they way over here
-> ro: if you run 2 hours in the direction Caelianna pointed you in you come across the enterance to BB. Gnolls are
coming and going.
Rand: "Let me check you up real good though, just making sure those gnolls didn't play foul tricks on you" Rand
says trying to protect Aikiras honor
Rand: Heal skill [1d20+12 = 14]
Aikira looks where sunfall went to
Rand: Rand has healed Aikira for [4d6 = 16]
Toryn: " If only I was like those who have gone further along the path of knighthood than I - they can call upon
the Lightbringer's blessings by appealing to him directly " frets Toryn
Ro: i hide myself or atleast try :P
Vincent (Rand): first dice roll was wrong hotkey :)
-> ro: there's trees and whatnot
Toryn (Toryn): back up to full hit points yet Aikira ?
Toryn (Toryn): never mind
erus (Aikira): nope
Ro: i hide in the tree watching the gnolls keeping track of how many guards and how many wanderers
-> ro: they kind of remind you of ants, scurrying about
erus (Aikira): I'm at 48 now, need to go to 63 :)
Rand checks Aikira some more, removing mud and muckuss from his armor to find his injuries
Toryn: " all I'd have to do " continues Toryn " is lay my hands upon him and say " Lightbringer, if
it is your will heal my brother in arms "
Rand: Rand has healed Aikira for [4d6 = 14]
Toryn: toryn says laying his hands upon Aikira
Rand: "That should more or less take care of it all" Rand says
Toryn: " Oh, never mind " says Toryn looking at Aikira " Looks like Rand's already taken care of it ...
Aikira: perfect my friends I feel almost as good as new
Aikira sheathens his sword
Rand: "Of course i take care of those scratches" Rand says
Toryn: " I have some gifts for you " beams Toryn unloading a longbow with arrows and a longspear for Aikira
-> ro: at any given time there seems to be between 8-20 outside
Caelianna: Gnoll 2
Evil GM: ignore that
Toryn: " Hopefully we'll get mounts when this is all done - try bracing the spear and charging the foe, you'll do
plenty of damage with it on horseback ! "
Aikira: thanks rand, then AIkira looks surprised at toryn while he accepts the weapons
Ro: wow kk i start to run back towards the others
Aikira: thanks brother
Aikira: these will come in handy
Toryn: " And it makes a fine backup weapon if one of those filthy gnolls manages to steal your sword from you "
1 hour passes since you found Aikira...Ro still isn't back
Aikira puts out his arm the thank toryn
Toryn: " Where's Ro ? " says Toryn looking around concernedly
Toryn: " Oh no ... no, no, no , no no !"
Toryn: Toryn starts to pound his fist against his helmet
erus (Aikira): what is the damage dealing from the longbow and the spear?
Toryn: " Losing an experienced warrior was bad enough - I worried but I knew if anyone could get out of the gnoll
stronghold it would be Aikira - but my little sister ?!? "
Aikira: maybe sunfall has seen her
Aikira shouts out to sunfall
Aikira: sunfall have you seen ro pass by?
Ro: i meet gnolls while running?
Rand stands as tall as he can, scouting the horizon
Evil GM: Longbow is 1d8, range 100ft, and crits on a 20/x3
Sunfall only teen feet away Sunfall shrugs
Vincent (Rand): need a new hp check on us all... Aikira has 63... what do the rest of you have
Kenny (Ro): 32
Evil GM: spear is 1d8, crits on a 20/x3, and gives you an extra 5ft reach
Bobby (Sunfall): 23
Toryn (Toryn): I'm at full hp, 39
Vincent (Rand): Wow, you must have had major suckage on your hp rolls Andre
Vincent (Rand): Even the cleric has more hp then you
Aikira: +6 [1d20+6 = 11]
Aikira: +6 [1d20+6 = 15]
Aikira: +6 [1d20+6 = 9]
Vincent (Rand): ???
erus (Aikira): sorry guys just filling in some slots
Toryn (Toryn): yeah tell me about it
Evil GM: Ok...why don't we go ahead and do a 10 minute food/drink/smoke/potty/kill the kids break before the next scene
Vincent (Rand): kk
Be back at 21:03
Bobby (Sunfall): okie =)
erus (Aikira): what is the melee attack for my spear +9?
erus (Aikira): gonna grab a quick smoke guys
Toryn (Toryn): um - actually evil GM I think I forgot to roll a d10 for hit points when I leveled up - man this is embarassing
erus (Aikira): we all think that
Aikira: I rolled poorly only a 3
Toryn (Toryn): no I take that back, I didn't !
Toryn (Toryn): well let's see - Aikira what's your Strength bonus ?
Toryn (Toryn): Aikira you're 5th level warrior right? That gives you a base plus 5 on all your attack rolls...then add
your strength bonus to that to get your total melee attack
Toryn: if you have a plus four for STR then it will indeed be plus nine
Kenny (Ro): unless item wise +1 str can't be +4 yet
Vincent (Rand): he's smoking :)
Toryn (Toryn): oh !
Kenny (Ro): u only will have +9 if your base attack + weapon attack bonus + str modifier = 9
erus (Aikira): back
erus (Aikira): st bonus is +4
Toryn (Toryn): ok, so you'd be at plus 9 for the spear
Kenny (Ro): u get str from an item?
erus (Aikira): nope
Kenny (Ro): what is ur str at?
Toryn (Toryn): did you take weapon focus or weapon specialization feats by any chance?
erus (Aikira): 18
erus (Aikira): yeah but for my katana
Toryn (Toryn): we got a bonus feat from the evil GM as a christmas gift ;)
erus (Aikira): yeah I know I took point blank shot
Kenny (Ro): we got an ability point to give out already?
erus (Aikira): no
Kenny (Ro): then ur str should be capped at 16
erus (Aikira): only every 4 leves you go up
Kenny (Ro): iirc
Toryn (Toryn): consider using the bonus feat xmas gift to take weapon focus (gives you plus one on attack rolls with your
katana or any other weapon you choose ;) )
Toryn (Toryn): then when we get to sixth level if you want you can take weapon specialization, will give you plus two
on damage to katana
erus (Aikira): you mean a second weapon focus, because you can only focus on one weapon right?
Toryn (Toryn): oops sorry I need to learn how to read - you took weapon focus on the katana already ?
Kenny (Ro): look on msn Aikira :P
erus (Aikira): yep
Toryn (Toryn): then you can take weapon specialization on the katana at 6th level (if you want to that is ) for plus two
damage when using it in addition to your other damage bonuses
Vincent (Rand): Petra is working on her last homework as a break... may take a bit over 10 min :)
Toryn (Toryn): warriors, and warriors only, can take that feat at 4th level or higher ;)
Toryn (Toryn): got it (vince ) ;)
erus (Aikira): allready got weapon specilization on my katana
erus (Aikira): :)
Toryn (Toryn): okay I'll stop blabbering nonsensically then - do it both in and out of game :P
erus (Aikira): don't sweat, it's nice you guys helping me out here
Toryn (Toryn): was reading above - Aikira might have spent extra ability points to put himself at 18 Strength though when
he created his character, right ?
Kenny (Ro): at creation ur capped at 16 max
erus (Aikira): yeah I guess we did, I'm not fully aware of what happend
Toryn (Toryn): ohhh , ok
Toryn (Toryn): that would put Aikira at 17 strength then
Toryn (Toryn): he could have some magic item boosting him up to 18 STR though
erus (Aikira): don't know exactly
Toryn (Toryn): oh hey Rand - do you know what DF means for the components used when casting a spell ?
Toryn (Toryn): I was looking at the spellbook Petra has on here and it has DF listed as a spell component along with the
verbal and somatic components
Toryn (Toryn): Vince?
Toryn (Toryn): will ask him when he gets back...
Vincent (Rand): back
Evil GM: Ok, back...sorry about that. Sat down to finish the last bit of homework before I kill the party...
Vincent (Rand): DF = Deity Focus
Toryn (Toryn): what does that mean though? your holy symbol ?
Vincent (Rand): some sort of item you have that helps you focus your prayers. Could be anything, but most often a holy
symbol i guess, check with Pet
Evil GM: Lets put it this way, Toryn will probably never have to worry about a diety focus....ever. Unless little rogues
go around stealing them from you.
Toryn (Toryn): lol, true
Evil GM: (POLL) everyone here
Evil GM: ok, here we go
Another hour passes and Ro shows up
Rand runs to Ro, checking her out for visible injuries, fessing over her
Toryn: Toryn breathes a sigh of relief then angrily shakes his sister " Warn us before you leave for that long !
I was worried sick about you ! "
Ro: while she is puffing and sweating Ro puts her hands on her head and start to walk slowly to cool down
Aikira looks relieved to see ro is allright and waves at her
Ro smiles at Aikira
Rand: "Are you hurt in any way" Rand asks Ro
Ro starts to laugh,'oh no, they can't hurt me' she says blinking at Rand
Rand smiles at Ro
Toryn: " They ? " asks Toryn, still looking irritated
Aikira looks startled
Aikira: when did she learned to speak common?
Toryn: " She's a bright girl " says Toryn trying not to look proud and not succeeding
Aikira: apperantly
Toryn: " Who did you see out there Ro ? "
Ro: " one gnoll i would call it, more gnolls i'd say they' Ro replies Toryn
Toryn: " Any idea how many ? "
Aikira: might be a good time to check out my new bow and spear!
Caelianna eyes the group.
Ro: " near the entrance of their lair i never saw less than 8 and mostly was like 20 at a time' Ro tells Toryn
Caelianna: I think it's as good time as any to actually start our mission, as much as I enjoy communing with the nature
spirits and all.
Toryn: " We'll take them all down " says Toryn grimly ...
Sunfall: it only took 15 to kill the five of us
Toryn: Toryn turns to Sunfall " Remember all those gigantic spider webs that you made appear - Sir non-wizard "
Toryn grins at Sunfall
Toryn: " You are too modest sir "
Ro: "i can chase them off if u want me to'
Aikira: and we've got some nice arrows now!
Caelianna stands up.
Caelianna: Shall we?
Toryn: " And you followed it up with those magical flames you made appear out of thin air ? "
Caelianna starts walking off towards Blackburrow again.
Rand: "yes, let go" Rand says, grabbing his mace
Sunfall: "those webs work in most instances... if the circumstances are right I may be able to use them."
Toryn: " I propose this " Toryn says to everyone as he follows
Aikira hangs his bow over his shoulder and piks up his spear
Toryn: " We go in under the cover of this camoflage spell - except me, my armor will clank too loudly for it to be
that effective "
Toryn: " I serve as distraction - bait if you will "
Aikira: is my armor to loud too?
Toryn: " Sunfall throws those webs at the gnolls, the rest of you fire your arrows under the cover of this invisibility
Toryn: " After that you'll all be visible again but by then Sunfall can throw that magical flame of his at the gnolls
in the web "
Ro: 'no offense Toryn, but i got a bigger chance to chase em off and survive than you and on the otherhand you would serve
better in combat than me"
-> aikira: not quite as much since you only have a breastplate vs toryn's full plate
Aikira: you'll not stand there alone brother, I'm standing beside you when you face those foul beasts
Rand: "So will I" Rand says
Toryn: " What are you saying ? " says Toryn with some alarm to Ro " You're going to make the gnolls chase
you and abandon the cave ? "
Aikira: we'll flank them!
Rand: "Let me get us battle ready before we being though, so no sudden charging" Rand says
After another hour the trees start to thin away and there are many stumps left over from where the trees were chopped
In the distance you see a large stone enterance carved into the hills
Toryn: " You should all take advantage of this ' camoflage ' thing though " protests Toryn " Just because
it won't do me any good doesn't mean the rest of you shouldn't use it "
Evil GM: Oh yea, and lots of gnolls
Bobby (Sunfall): hehe
Evil GM: [1d20 = 6]
Toryn (Toryn): whoa ! can the gnolls see us or are we behind cover ???
Aikira: let the rest go under a cover toryn, I will not
Evil GM: They don't seem to notice you yet, or care.
Sunfall casts minor shielding on himself
Aikira: we will both face up to them
Rand asks Druzzil to bestow the courage of Marr on his friends (add +2 to all attack, save and skill rolls)
Evil GM: Everyone go ahead and roll Init please
Vincent (Rand): on Aikira, Ro, Toryn and me
Toryn: Toryn chuckles " Warrior's code eh ? ..... Very well brother ... but Caelinna , if you could - this camoflage
thing, could you do it to everyone else ? "
Rand is blessed by the gods and lets out a Yaulp (adding +3STR and +1AC to himself)
Sunfall: Initiative [1d20+1 = 20]
Rand is so angry he can feel Reckless Strength run through his veins (+5STR, degrade by 1 per minute, duration 9 minutes)
Aikira: [1d20+2 = 8]
Ro: [1d20+3 = 17]
Toryn: Initiative [1d20+4 = 6]
Rand: Initiative [1d20 = 14]
Toryn: " Caelinna ? " Toryn asks the druid
Evil GM: [1d20+3 = 13]
Evil GM: [1d20 = 19]
Init Order (after surprise attack...1 action each): Sunfall, Gnolls, Ro, Rand, Caelianna, Aikira, and last but not least
the paladin with the oh so useful improved init....Toryn
Toryn (Toryn): Toryn calls upon the blessings of Mithaniel Marr and , unbeknownst to himself, casts Protection from Evil
and Bless Weapon upon himself
Aikira readies his bow
Caelianna nods to Toryn
Aikira and sticks the spear in the ground
Toryn: " Sunfall, try to wait until as many gnolls group together as possible before casting that web thing "
Toryn advises Sunfall - or the air around him now that he cant' see Sunfall
Caelianna: I can cast it, however, the moment you attack you will become visiable. In my opinion, it is a wast of limited
resources that can be used for more useful spells.
Toryn: " Everone else don't get in the middle of any groups of gnolls ! You don't want to get stuck in the middle
of any webs Sunfall casts ! "
Rand nods
Toryn: " Very well " Toryn says to Caelianna " You are far more familiar with the blessings of Kanara than
I druid "
Caelianna: It is a rather tasking spell to be used so lightly, unfortunatly.
Toryn: Toryn readies his bow
Caelianna: [1d20 = 19]
Toryn: " Everyone else, get your bows or slings out "
One of the gnolls lifts it's head and howls, sniffing the air
Ro gets her bow out and taps Aikira on the shoulder to show it to it
Aikira: very nice little one, save some for me
Aikira says with a smile
Ro: do we see the gnoll sticking its head up?
-> ro: yes
Aikira: and when this battle is fought, we're gonna cut us a nice gnollsteak
Toryn (Toryn): evil GM Toryn's AC is now 24 instead of 22 by the way
Rand shudders
Caelianna: If you are done discussing your plans, which by nature will never go as planned, I suggest we attack before
they attack us.
Sunfall nods
Ro: "i never ate dog, is it good?'
Sunfall: I am ready
Petra (Caelianna): got it
Vincent (Rand): pause a sec, buffed us with the wrong spell...
Aikira: we will soon find out!
Aikira: can i use warcraft!!!!
-> aikira: roll it
-> aikira: and what exactly do you want to know? ;-)
Aikira: [1d20+11 = 28]
Aikira: don't know :)
Vincent (Rand): i didn't cast Courage of Marr on all, but Rage of Sek (+2STR and CON, +1 will save)
Bobby (Sunfall): my ac is a lousy 13 lol
Bobby (Sunfall): if they roll a 1 they might miss
-> aikira: from what you've seen of gnoll tactics, they tend to group up on whom they deem the strongest in a "pack"
Aikira: what is the best tactic to fight the gnolls, or do they have another wizard in there midst
Vincent (Rand): take those extra stats into account and disregard the +2 to attack, save and skill checks
Aikira: toryn, maybe we should go in the middle, gnolls attack the strongest packmembers
Toryn: " True " toryn nods to Aikira
Aikira: the rest can make quick attacks from the sides and flank them
Sunfall: I plan on creating an obstacle to the south
Sunfall points
Sunfall: so we are night flanked
Bobby (Sunfall): not
Evil GM: Enough chitter chatter...go, go, go ;-)
Vincent (Rand): the +2STR, CON and +1 will save count for all of us BTW, not just Aikira, Ro, Toryn and me
Sunfall casts web
erus (Aikira): also +2 on damage rolls or only on attack rolls vince?
Bobby (Sunfall): that should work I think with a 20 foot radius, I think it would latch on here and here
Evil GM: Casting web Bobby?
Bobby (Sunfall): yep
Evil GM: [1d20 = 4]
Vincent (Rand): also attack... no courage of marr cast (unless you all want it and make me go out of mana)
erus (Aikira): best to keep your mana I suppose
Evil GM: [1d20+1 = 5]
Evil GM: Sunfall manages to successfully entrap two gnolls within his web
Kenny (Ro): gnolls not doing anything?
Evil GM: Surprise round, you get 1 action
Ro aims and tries to shoot the gnoll closest to us
Bobby (Sunfall): not sure what kind of web it is... I think it would be in a triangle like formation between the 3 trees
in the radius
Kenny (Ro): no.3
Ro: + 7 ranged [1d20 = 20]
Evil GM: Something like that...caught on the 3 tree stumps
Vincent (Rand): wow... boom headshot
Evil GM: Which gnoll are you hitting?
Kenny (Ro): gnoll3
Kenny (Ro): just above the cirkle
Evil GM: roll damage...that's x3
Ro: [1d8 = 3]
Evil GM: hold on...forgot...reroll to see if you critted
-> ro: reroll your attack
Ro: +7 [1d20+7 = 14]
Evil GM: Sorry, missed by 1 on that gnoll.
Kenny (Ro): np :) i'm happy i hit something :P
Evil GM: haha.3 dmg it is
erus (Aikira): don't you get +9 instead of plus 7 with rand his spell
Vincent (Rand): nope, only +2 STR... doesn't influence ranged
Evil GM: The +2 only has to do with Strength, not Dex which is the ability that goes with ranged attack
Aikira: that's true
Rand holds action
Caelianna plants her feet firmly on the ground and raises her hands to the heavens and starts chanting in elvish. Then
she points at the two webbed gnolls and lighting arcs out of her fingers at them.
Caelianna: [1d20 = 18]
Caelianna: [1d20 = 8]
Caelianna: With a sizzle the lighting arcs between the two gnolls, singing thier fur and making them yaulp in pain.
Toryn (Toryn): is the web on fire now ?
Caelianna: [2d10 = 11]
Caelianna: [11]
Caelianna: [2d10 = 9]
Caelianna: [9]
Bobby (Sunfall): i hope not lol
Bobby (Sunfall): it's there to be an obstacle
Toryn (Toryn): possible if you jolt enough electricity into a bunch of tough sticky strands...
Evil GM: No it's not...the gnolls were the target of the lighting, not the web
Neither gnoll looks too happy
Toryn: " Try your luck with that bow brother ! " toryn calls out gleefully to Aikira
Aikira aims his bow and shoots at gnoll 3
Aikira: +6 [1d20+6 = 7]
erus (Aikira): that's gotta hit something with al those orc's standing there :)
Instead of shooting the arrow, it falls harmlessly at Aikira's feet
Kenny (Ro): donno what the orcs gave u for dinner but that are gnolls :P
Aikira: BLAST!
Ro burst out in to laughter
Ro: 'i am sorry my friend, muwahahahaha'
Aikira looks at ro, not angered at all and says "patience little one, pratice make perfect"
Toryn: Toryn looks abashed then calls out " No worries brother , next time ! "
Aikira then thanks the gods, he still has his katana, he will surely need it
Toryn (Toryn): Toryn can move his full movement rate (20 feet) and attack right ?
Evil GM: So Vince asks "aren't the gnolls reacting?" "no, it's a surprise round...right now they're all
doing the scooby doo 'huuuuuuuuuuuuh?"
Evil GM: no, one or the other...surprise attack = 1 action
Bobby (Sunfall): haha
Bobby (Sunfall): no rooby racks for rhem
Aikira: brave man!
Petra (Evil GM): haha
Toryn: Toryn is taking partial cover behind the tree to shoot at the gnolls - does that count as one quarter cover by
any chance? (plus two to AC)
Evil GM: Hate to burst your bubble...there isn't cover. Those are tree stumps that are maybe a foot high.
Toryn (Toryn): doh !
Aikira: when does your AC gets up
Toryn: Toryn just fires at gnoll number three
-> aikira: either increase your dexterity or get new armor or magic armor with + to AC
Toryn: Shortbow [1d20+6 = 8]
Kenny (Ro): a treestump a foot high... would be 1/4th cover if ur 4 feet high :P
Evil GM: That fails
Toryn (Toryn): aaaannnd the armored mighty warriors suck with a bow
erus (Aikira): amen bro
New round...the puppies get to finally play!
Bobby (Sunfall): do any of them look like that spellcaster we found before?
Evil GM: Give me a wis roll
Toryn (Toryn): good point! forgot about that sob !
Evil GM: or spot..whichever is higher
Sunfall: Wis bonus [1d20 = 14]
Aikira: I couldn't see that with warcraft right?
Evil GM: Not that you can tell
-> aikira: no
Toryn (Toryn): can't do the clapping of hands symbol by the way since I don't know how to on here Aikira but the sentiment
is there nonetheless ;)
-> aikira: you'd be able to spot it with a spot roll, but warcraft is more tactics related
Aikira: +2 spot [1d20+2 = 20]
Bobby (Sunfall): I fire my bow at
-> aikira: nope
Sunfall: Ranged attack [1d20+3 = 10]
Evil GM: failed
Aikira: damn! that was a big spot roll
Bobby (Sunfall): and stay where i am
-> aikira: if there was a caster you'd have been able to see it, more than likely but there's not
Evil GM: [1d20 = 20]
Evil GM: [1d20 = 8]
Aikira: friends, I do not see a caster, perhaps the gods favour us today!
Evil GM: With a mighty tug, Gnoll 4 manages to break free of the web's hold with a mighty growl
Gnoll 1 struggles, but remains held
Gnoll 3 runs up and attempts to wack toryn with his short sword
Evil GM: [1d20+4 = 24]
Evil GM: [1d20+4 = 11]
Aikira drops his bow and draws his katana
And with a failed crit...hits.
Evil GM: [1d8+2 = 8]
For 8 points of slashing damage
Toryn: Toryn staggers backwards
The rest of the gnolls bark and start moving forward to attack
Ro: can i try to sing gnoll3 asleep as free action?
-> ro: can certaintly attempt it
Ro: i try it
Ro: need dc of 14 if i'm correct
Evil GM: [1d20 = 13]
Ro starts singing, but nothing obvious seems to happen. It's a nice little lullaby though.
Evil GM: anything else?
Ro tries to shoot no.3 again
Ro: + 8 (pointblank shot) [1d20 = 18]
Evil GM: you do know you'll take a -4 penalty for shooting through a crowd, correct?
Evil GM: not that it matters in this case
Ro: +1 (point blankshot) [1d8+1 = 5]
Ro's arrow successfully hits the gnoll and lodges in it's thick hide
Rand moves up to gnoll 3 and attacks it swinging with full force
Rand: Attack with Yaulp and Reckless Strength 1st minute [1d20+7 = 26]
Rand: Maximum 2HB attack that Rand can do, he is buffed with Yaulp (3STR), Reckless Strength (+5STR, degrades by 1 per
minute for 9 min) and Rage of Zek (+2STR and CON) (this is the first minute) [1d20+15 = 26]
Toryn (Toryn): nice ! too bad maces don't crit on a 19, that's a shame....
Vincent (Rand): wrong hotkey again
Rand: Rand swings his mace at his target doing damage [1d8 = 6]
The gnoll staggers a bit under the force of Rand's mace
Again raises her hands to the sky, then aims at Gnoll 7
Caelianna: [1d20 = 12]
Caelianna: [1d20 = 4]
Caelianna: [1d20 = 3]
Upon her command another arc of lighting flies at the gnoll then arcs to the two other nearby gnolls
Caelianna: [2d10 = 9]
Caelianna: [9]
Caelianna: [2d10 = 3]
Caelianna: [3]
Caelianna: [2d10 = 17]
Caelianna: [17]
The gnolls yaulp in pain as the lighting bites into their hides
erus (Aikira): sec phone
Toryn (Toryn): we could have Aikira hold his action while the next person attacks ;)
Toryn (Toryn): never min
erus (Aikira): hold action
Toryn (Toryn): oh, ok then
Toryn (Toryn): any modifiers for firing point blank with a bow at someone in front of you ?
Evil GM: Only if you have point blank shot
Toryn: " Get out of my way ! " snarls toryn firing his bow at gnoll number three
Toryn: Shortbow [1d20+6 = 15]
Evil GM: You hit, give me damage
Toryn: [1d6 = 6]
Toryn manages to get off a shot and with the force, the gnoll looks like he's on his last legs
Bobby (Sunfall): I cast a wall of smoke here
Toryn: " What goes around comes around " snarls Toryn wincing at the sword wound the gnoll inflicted on him
Toryn (Toryn): start of a new round after sunfall evil GM ?
Evil GM: nope, after you
Toryn (Toryn): oh damn - can Aikira still get his attack in ?
Evil GM: Nope
Toryn (Toryn): doh !
Bobby (Sunfall): anything that passes through it must make a fort save vs dc 18 or be nasueated for 1 round (can move
but can't attack)
Evil GM: It's either his mommy or GF and either might take awhile
Toryn (Toryn): get off your cell phone " Toryn screams at the dark elf in the middle of the combat as gnolls swarm
around everyone
Evil GM: Is that the smoke wall?
Toryn (Toryn): " but otherwise I'll have to pay roaming charges " protests the dark elf
Toryn (Toryn): :P
Bobby (Sunfall): yup, wall of smoke
Evil GM: gotcha
Bobby (Sunfall): it blocks vision as well
Evil GM: Gnolls
Evil GM: [1d20 = 5]
From the other side of the wall you hear mass yapping and yaulping. No gnolls come around the wall.
Evil GM: [1d20 = 1]
Evil GM: [1d20 = 12]
Bobby (Sunfall): oh the wall of smoke lasts 4 rounds
The gnoll that broke free of the web doesn't seem to be having success in moving, and the other gnoll is still securely
Sunfall: whispers "Let them come to us"
Ro: can i shoot and then drop rest of round to switch weapons?
-> ro: ys
-> ro: yes
Ro: i take free action of singing on gnoll3 :P
Evil GM: [1d20 = 10]
Once again, the gnoll doesn't seem to be affected by Ro's singing
-> ro: damn those high rolls, eh? ;-)
Ro shoot at gnoll3 again
Ro: +8 [1d20+8 = 28]
Evil GM: Roll it again
Ro: ye dang those high rolls
Ro: +8 [1d20+8 = 19]
Evil GM: You successfully crit..roll it
Ro: +1 [1d8+1 = 5]
Toryn (Toryn): I think you roll damage more than once on a crit right ?
Evil GM: damage x 2
Toryn (Toryn): oh
Ro throws her crossbow aside and grabs for her axe
Ro losens an arrow that manages to hit the gnoll in exactly the right spot. It crumbles to the ground, dead
Toryn: " Thank you sister - that's yet another one I owe you " calls out Toryn still clutching his side
Ro: "a pixie did" Ro snorts
Rand moves over to gnoll9 and swings at full force
Rand: Maximum 2HB attack that Rand can do, he is buffed with Yaulp (3STR), Reckless Strength (+5STR, degrades by 1 per
minute for 9 min) and Rage of Zek (+2STR and CON) (this is the first minute) [1d20+15 = 35]
Rand: Maximum 2HB attack that Rand can do, he is buffed with Yaulp (3STR), Reckless Strength (+5STR, degrades by 1 per
minute for 9 min) and Rage of Zek (+2STR and CON) (this is the first minute) [1d20+15 = 17]
Rand: Rand swings his mace at his target doing damage [1d8 = 5]
Toryn (Toryn): does that crit ?
Rand: yeah
Toryn (Toryn): nice one !
Evil GM: Yup...10dmg total
Caelianna loosens her wooden mace at her side, with a gleam of hatred for the beasts in her eyes
Rand samiles broadly as he hit the gnoll
Evil GM: Think Aikira is still afk...
Toryn (Toryn): get off that magical cell phone of yours or I'll break it into pieces " screams Toryn " damn
dark elf magic items ! " :P
Ro: point blank shot applies to ranged weapons. Do i get it if i throw my axe? lol
-> ro: yea but you might lose your axe ;-)
Toryn: toryn sheathes his bow, draws his sword and moves here shouting to the gnolls " come here you cowards ! taste
the wrath of the lightbringer's servants ! "
Bobby (Sunfall): he must have missed the part about letting them come to us =)
Ro: it comes back with the song :P
-> ro: did you take that song? ;-)
Ro: yes :P look in my spellbook :P
Toryn (Toryn): hoping between the smoke, tree stump and web there'll only be room for one to attack me at a time - till
the wall of fog spell wears off that is :O
-> ro: heh, then yes, you can
Petra (Evil GM): hmm...hehe
Bobby (Sunfall): fireball!!
Evil GM: yay..on which?
Bobby (Sunfall): you specify a point of origin... and it goes out from there, like web
Ro: no i can't use it. Its melee atk but i can use charisma mod for atk
Bobby (Sunfall): that's the 20 foot radius
Evil GM: Where are you aiming it at ;-P
Evil GM: Don't you need line of sight? You can't see the gnolls either
Toryn (Toryn): oops ! sorry
Bobby (Sunfall): because of Toryn?
Kenny (Ro): how do i turn drawing mode off? i'm scribbling in the left bottom corner lol
Toryn (Toryn): save it for when that wall of fog comes down ;)
Bobby (Sunfall): um, guess I'll aim at the farthest one away?
Evil GM: Nevermind me...I didn't notice that you moved your token
Bobby (Sunfall): sorry.. my bad, I didn't mention I moved
Evil GM: What's the reflex on them?
Evil GM: er, the save?
Evil GM: 19?
Evil GM: [1d20+1 = 16]
Bobby (Sunfall): DC 16 i think, character level + cha mod?
Aikira: I think my girlfriend and I just broke up, gotta go pet
Evil GM: [1d20+1 = 10]
Aikira: soory to disapoitn you
Aikira: bye
Evil GM: 10 + spell level + int
Evil GM: if it were mind affecting it would be cha instead of int
-> aikira: ack, sorry to hear that. No problem.
Sunfall: but it's a spell like ability, so if it was int it would be DC 19 counting caster levels a my levels
Aikira: just tell everyone I'm feeling sick please bye
-> sunfall: we'll call it 19 for your fireball..forgot it was a spell like ablility
Evil GM: Ok...Phil had an emergency to deal with. He said goodbye and sorry for leaving so soon.
Kenny (Ro): he ok?
-> ro: GF problems
Bobby (Sunfall): =(
Evil GM: [1d20+1 = 3]
Evil GM: [1d20+1 = 10]
Evil GM: [1d20+1 = 12]
Evil GM: [1d20+1 = 14]
With a mighty boom, all of the gnolls in the area are caught in the fireball
-> ro: he didn't want everyone to know but I figured you'll be hearing about it soon enough
Evil GM: Go ahead and roll damage
Ro: yup
Sunfall: fireball [4d6 = 11]
Bobby (Sunfall): almost forgot about that part lol
Evil GM: haha
Out of the group, one gnoll bursts into flames and falls to the ground, dead
Evil GM: [1d20 = 15]
Toryn (Toryn): sorry did the dead gnoll's counter get moved off the board already ?
Evil GM: [1d20 = 3]
Evil GM: Yup
Toryn (Toryn): sorry, my bad !
The gnoll that's entangled in the web manages to move 5ft, the other still struggles.
Evil GM: [1d20+4 = 21]
Bobby (Sunfall): do all the other gnolls look completely unharmed?
The gnoll infront of Rand takes a mighty swing...
Evil GM: [1d8+2 = 9]
Evil GM: [9]
Evil GM: He manages to slice Rand for 9pts of slash damage.
Evil GM: no, the gnolls look rather singed..
Ro: how many feet is it to move next to Sunfall?
Sunfall: eek
Sunfall: Aikira!
-> ro: 20
Ro: gonna throw axe muwhaaaaaaaa :P
Toryn (Toryn): um, evil GM any chance you could take control of Aikira and have him help us out ?
Petra (Evil GM): possibly
Vincent (Rand): she's evil remember... so guess not ;)
Bobby (Sunfall): haha
Toryn (Toryn): quick everyone think of ways to bribe the GM - vince you're there inperson so it's all up to you !
-> ro: which direction are you throwing it at?
Ro: with a mighty swing Ro throws her axe at the group of gnolls behind the wall of fog
Ro: can i throw between em so i hit em all?
Toryn (Toryn): firing blind - 50 % chance of missing I think right ? Before the attack is rolled I mean .... same as if
they were invisible ?
Kenny (Ro): i moved
-> ro: you'll hit the ones along the purple arrow
Vincent (Rand): better duck Toryn
Toryn (Toryn): oy, don't hit Toryn :P
Ro: that is 3 or 2?
Ro: since free action selo's would give 10 more feet to move lol would i be able to hit em all then? :P
-> ro: no, nice try though
Evil GM: Ok, roll the attacks
Kenny (Ro): kk will try like this then
Ro: +6 (atk + cha mod) [1d20+6 = 22]
Evil GM: roll dmg for #6
Ro: ( no idea what it means to use cha mod on this) [3d6+2 = 8]
Evil GM: roll attack for #2
Ro: +6 (atk + cha mod) [1d20+6 = 10]
Evil GM: fails
Evil GM: roll for #1
Ro: +6 (atk + cha mod) [1d20+6 = 8]
Evil GM: er 11
Evil GM: fails
Ro catches her axe with a gracefull turn
Kenny (Ro): ;P
Ro hurls her axe at a line of enemies, it manages to slice into one gnoll while continueing down the line. Once it has
no more enemies, like a boomarang, the axe comes back to her.
Vincent (Rand): huh
Vincent (Rand): DAMN
Rand: Spellcraft [1d20+11 = 19]
Kenny (Ro): btw what does charisma mod for damage mean?
Kenny (Ro): and yet forgot point blank shot lol
Vincent (Rand): oooohh... cool... bard song effect... WOW
Evil GM: If the weapon had some sort of Str mod for damage..like a mighty weapon...cha would stand in for str
Toryn: " Well done warrior ! " shouts Toryn in a mixture of admration and glee watching the axe return to her
Kenny (Ro): oh sweeet
Rand attacks gnoll9 again
-> ro: make sure to track your mana
Rand: Maximum 2HB attack that Rand can do, he is buffed with Yaulp (3STR), Reckless Strength (+5STR, degrades by 1 per
minute for 9 min) and Rage of Zek (+2STR and CON) (this is the first minute) [1d20+15 = 28]
Toryn: admiration
Ro: kk
Rand: Rand swings his mace at his target doing damage [1d8 = 1]
Vincent (Rand): BLEH
Caelianna moves up to help Rand with his gnoll
Ro: btw i never added mana, how does mana go up?
Caelianna: [1d20+5 = 7]
-> ro: meditation
Ro: no i mean how do i get a bigger mana pool?
Caelianna: With a mighty blow, Caelianna manages to wack the gnoll
Caelianna: [1d8+2 = 5]
Caelianna: [5]
Caelianna hits the gnoll for 5 pts of damage
Aikira moves up to take care of another gnoll
Toryn (Toryn): yay! all praise the evil GM ;)
Aikira: [1d20+11 = 15]
Aikira: [1d8+3 = 7]
With a swing, Aikira manages to deal 7 dmg to the gnoll
Toryn (Toryn): the gnolls already went right ?
Petra (Aikira): rumor has it with 2.0 you'll be able to play more than 1 character. Was made more for familiars and coharts...but
THEN I can pass off missing PCs
Evil GM: and yes, they already went
Evil GM: You're the bottom of the round
Toryn: " What are you waiting for you cowards !?! " Toryn snarls at the gnolls that got hit by the fireball
waving his mailed fist at them - then he swings at gnoll number 6
Evil GM: I believe this is the last round the wall is up? or next round??
Toryn: Longsword (MW) [1d20+10 = 15]
Evil GM: You hit, give me damage
Toryn: Str bonus [1d8+4 = 8]
Toryn (Toryn): sunfall any idea how many rounds ago you cast the wall of fog spell ?
Bobby (Sunfall): is there such a thing as casting defensively?
Evil GM: Yes
Toryn (Toryn): yep
Toryn (Toryn): roll 15 plus the spell's level to cast defensively
Evil GM: yup
Toryn: Channeling check though - don't know if you can use it unskilled ? (unless you have it as a skill )
Bobby (Sunfall): tokens are kind of messed up, ideally I'd like to 5 foot step to a safe place beyond Ro, but I'm not
sure looks like she's in my way?
Evil GM: I'll allow it
Bobby (Sunfall): I cast a lesser orb of fire at gnoll 5
Evil GM: DC 15 on that one?
Bobby (Sunfall): no save, it's a ranged touch
Evil GM: [1d20+1 = 18]
Evil GM: That's right..roll it
Sunfall: Ranged attack [1d20+3 = 5]
Bobby (Sunfall): eww
Kenny (Ro): how does ur mana pool grow?
Vincent (Rand): see, that is what you get for using orange dice
Bobby (Sunfall): not too bad
Evil GM: to save sunfall's ego...it fizzles into an impressive display of sparks
Bobby (Sunfall): better than blowing up my hand =)
Evil GM: mana pool grows by magical items, spell modifiers, or increasing the stat your pool is based on
Evil GM: [1d20+4 = 7]
A gnoll runs up to Toryn, swings, but the blow only glances harmlessly off Toryn's armor
Evil GM: [1d20+4 = 5]
Gnoll 6 tries swinging at Ro, but also misses horribly
Evil GM: Gnoll 5 swings at ro and also misses [1d20 = 7]
Evil GM: [1d20+4 = 19]
Evil GM: Gnoll 9 swings at Rand, and hits successfully
Evil GM: [1d8+2 = 7]
Evil GM: [7]
Evil GM: The gnoll does 7 slash damage to Rand
Evil GM: [1d20 = 2]
Evil GM: [1d20 = 6]
And both gnolls in the web stay there
Ro starts to mumble her warsong and takes a swing at orc6
-> ro: whirling blades?
Ro: can't do 2 rounds refresh
-> ro: that's right
Ro: +7 [1d20+7 = 23]
Evil GM: You hit, give me damage
Ro: +3 [3d6+3 = 20]
Kenny (Ro): wow
Vincent (Rand): WOW
With a huge blow, Ro abolishes the gnoll
Rand: Maximum 2HB attack that Rand can do, he is buffed with Yaulp (3STR), Reckless Strength (+5STR, degrades by 1 per
minute for 9 min) and Rage of Zek (+2STR and CON) (this is the second minute) [1d20+14 = 19]
Evil GM: You hit, give me damage
Rand attack gnoll9 again
Rand: Rand swings his mace at his target doing damage [1d8 = 6]
The gnoll crumples dead at Rand's feet
Evil GM: [1d20+7 = 18]
Rand Howls as the gnoll dies
With another swing, Caelianna hits the gnoll
Evil GM: [1d8+2 = 4]
Evil GM: the gnoll takes 4 bash damage
Evil GM: [1d20+13 = 20]
Evil GM: [1d8+2 = 3]
Aikira bashes the gnoll for 11 damage, it dies at his feet
Toryn: " Finally found some guts eh dog man ? " snarls Toryn swinging at gnoll two
Toryn: Longsword (MW) [1d20+10 = 14]
Evil GM: fails
Toryn (Toryn): all right who ran the " screw up Toryn's dice rolls " subroutine on FG?
Toryn (Toryn): I think that wall of fog is down by now right ?
Bobby (Sunfall): I move back into my cozy spot xD
Bobby (Sunfall): it lasts 4 rounds... was that #4?
Evil GM: yes it is...this is the 5th round
Bobby (Sunfall): fireball!!
Evil GM: The gnolls blink as the wall dissapears
Evil GM: [1d20 = 19]
Kenny (Ro): int x;int y if x = 'Toryn' then y = y - 10
Evil GM: [1d20 = 11]
Evil GM: [1d20 = 20]
Sunfall: DC 19 FIREBALL [4d6 = 15]
Toryn (Toryn): I knew it was you ! Just cause Toryn won't sleep with Ro ... :P
Bobby (Sunfall): casting pretty much in the same place to get the 5 of them
Evil GM: [1d20 = 10]
Kenny (Ro): yep :P
Evil GM: [1d20 = 7]
Amazingly, two of the gnolls seem to resist the fireball
Evil GM: DC 19 FIREBALL [15]
The rest perish in the flames
Evil GM: Gnolls...
Seeing that this is a lost fight, and being true cowards at nature when not in a huge pack, the remaining gnolls that
can run off to nurse their wounds
Toryn: " After them !
Toryn: shouts Toryn " don't let them warn the others ! "
Kenny (Ro): and 150 gnolls run out of the cave
Bobby (Sunfall): it's reflex saves for half damage, unless they have evasion... just saying that because I like to xD
Bobby (Sunfall): I want more gnoll-kabobs!!
Toryn: " They'll warn the others " Toryn snarls at the rest of the group " We need to get in there and
attack now ! "
Evil GM: Then they all perished
Kenny (Ro): out of 13 gnolls only 4 on board still assuming the one at the gate rna inside there is 8 corpses to make
kebob :P
Toryn (Toryn): oh sorry you're saying if we give chase the remaining two that ran away actually die evil GM?
Evil GM: haha, no, they perished in the fireball
Toryn (Toryn): so no gnolls run away ?
Evil GM: only one lone gnoll that was by the gate
Evil GM: spot rolls
Rand: Spot [1d20+6 = 19]
Bobby (Sunfall): yay gnoll kabobs for everyone!
Ro: [1d20 = 6]
Sunfall: Shortbow [1d20+2 = 8]
Toryn: Spot [1d20+3 = 19]
Sunfall: Spot [1d20+6 = 20]
Ro walks back and picks up her crossbow
Toryn (Toryn): why the hell do I get 16's and 20's on spot rolls and 4 on attack rolls ?!?
Rand: "The gnoll at the entrance is not running into the cave, but into the hills" Rand says
Evil GM: Everyone above a 15 sees the lone gnoll that was infront of the cave enterane is running into the hills and not
into the cave
Toryn (Toryn): damn you kenny ! :P
And we'll go ahead and leave it there....with one gnoll running away and two still stuck in the web.
Bobby (Sunfall): those two in the web really aren't going anywhere... that thing is gonna last for another 39 minutes
Kenny (Ro): int x;int y;int i; if x = 'Toryn' and i = 'spot' then y = y + 10;
Evil GM: No XP reward until the end of this "quest" and I'll try to get the chat up along with last weeks
Toryn (Toryn): cool - fun game as always everyone
Bobby (Sunfall): that's cool =)
Toryn (Toryn): got to run, kids are giving me grief - night night all !
Kenny (Ro): g'night all :)
Evil GM: And with that I'm going to go collapse in bed...night all. ;-)
Vincent (Rand): do we camp here and heal up or are we going to be at our current hp at next session?
Bobby (Sunfall): night night all
Vincent (Rand): okay we keep the hp etc... need some rest then next time :)
Evil GM: Mana and hps will be the same for the start of next session as well as buffs
Vincent (Rand): nite all