Dungeons and Dragons - Everquest d20

20/11/06 - Session 12
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Experience Log
EQd20 Ruleset (FG2)

Sunfall joins the group and Toryn learns to hate griffons...

Evil GM: No, you guys actually left through the main gates, disguised because the Erollsi Towers isn't big enough to get horses through

Toryn (Toryn): damn ! Okay got it, thanks

Toryn: Toryn addresses " da group " (minus Sunfall so far ;) ) on the way to Freeport

Toryn: " There is an entrance to Freeport used exclusively by the Knights of my Order - but it's not big enough to get horses through is the problem "

Toryn: " Still, given that my father has all of Freeport under lockdown I think it might be our best bet "

Ro feels a cold shiver run over her spine as she thinks of Freeport

Toryn: " We have some contacts with the Steel Warriors, if we're lucky we can get one of their envoys to bring our horses to us - that means one of our number would have to stay behind with the horses though while the rest of us enter Freeport "

Where the group last stopped and fought the ghoul pulled wagon is where the second mark is on the map. To the south is the Serpant Spine Mountains, To the east is Freeport

Toryn: " The Steel Warriors aren't friends of my father's forces either but they're not mortal enemies of them either, unlike we Knights "

Evil GM: The nearest town is Farfield, which is about 3 days awya

Evil GM: ER, away

erus (Aikira): did someone allready found out if the lizzard skinned mantle allready has some special abilities?

Vincent (Rand): i put it on... does that count?

Kenny (Ro): no offense Petra but Farnought is like in between us and Farfield

Vincent (Rand): it gave me +1 wis and int

Vincent (Rand): but that is OOC

Toryn: " So we've all decided it's worth the three day delay to Farfield to get the cloaks and hoods ... and my apologies for being so stubborn about this everyone I should have given in to Rand's idea that we buy them in Brighthaven before we left that village he was right ... "

erus (Aikira): its special ability is that it keeps you warm :)

Toryn: " I just truly hate that fact that we have to disguise such noble allies merely to get them into the city "

Vincent (Rand): mostly

Evil GM: Farnought is a destroyed town, it's where your orc clan was setting up camp

Toryn: " Allies whom no one wil harm " adds Toryn firmly giving Ro a hug

Ro raises an eyebrow at Toryn and smiles at him nervously

Evil GM: The groups two options for stopping at a town is Farfield or Nearfield

Toryn: " I meant what I said earlier little sister - you are family, I will die before I let any harm come to you "

Toryn (Toryn): what do we know if anything about either town evil GM?

Rand shrugs

Rand: "iwuf fill fo faiff fo feefof" Rand mummbles

Evil GM: Toryn, give me an Int roll or a knowledge (local) roll

Toryn (Toryn): like for example would Toryn know Nearfield strongly supports the Knights over the Militia ? Or does that require the Intelligence roll? :P

Rand motions wildly once Toryn says Freeport... it's rather obvious he is not happy with that choice

Evil GM: Toryn hasn't ever really been to the two towns but he knows one of the two is controlled by the Freeport Militia. He's just not sure which.

Toryn: " One of them is controlled by the Freeport Militia my father's forces - I'm just not too certain which one " adds Toryn a bit embarassedly " I've spent most of my time inside Freeport "

Rand motions wildly once Toryn says Farfield... it's rather obvious he is not happy with that choice

Toryn: " Although Rand seems to be making up for my ignorance " adds Toryn with a smile

Aikira: we can always send someone to scout the place

Toryn: " If I'm understanding Rand correctly Nearfield is the better choice - Farfield is controlled by my father, not a good choice "

Aikira mentions

Rand stammers somethinmg noone can understand... the only hearable word is "feefeelf"

Rand nods at Toryn

Toryn (Toryn): evil GM is it safe to assume Toryn had had an upper class education ?

Ro: having a vision of how she thinks Freeport with all those humans is Ro turns to a more pale tint of green

Toryn (Toryn): basically I'm wondering if Toryn can write Common

Evil GM: Toryn is able to read/write common without a problem

Toryn: Toryn grabs a stick from a nearby tree and motions Rand over drawing in the ground " Let's try talking this way "

Rand writes in the sand "Nearfield is knight controlled, Farfield is militia controlled"

Toryn: " You're a scholar " adds Toryn out loud smiling " It's probably safe to assume you write common as well "

Toryn: " Feefeelf ? " Toryn asks Rand, pointing at the ground with the stick and giving the stick to Rand

Vincent (Rand): look at my emote Toryn :)

Toryn: " Oh right, right "

Rand thumps himself in the head for not thinking of writing in sand before

Toryn: " Let's set up watch for the night " suggest Toryn " We should all take turns taking watches, get some sleep "

Rand writes "let

Rand writes "let's go to Nearfield" in the sand

Kenny (Ro): eerrr its morning

Evil GM: It's 11am in the morning....the morning after the fight

Vincent (Rand): it is AM not PM :)

Toryn (Toryn): doh !

Toryn: " Let's ride to Nearfield as we talk then, unless anyone has any objections ? "

Rand shakes his head and mount Zedd

Ro shrugs and walks to toryns horse

Aikira pets his horse on the flanks, and then mounts it

Fast forward two and a half days....

Toryn: During those two and a half days Toryn asks Aikira " Longbow ? Once we get to Freeport I mean ? "

Travel was swift and there was good weather. No bunnies, odd ghoul covered wagons, or other menaces were sighted

Toryn: " They do a LOT of damage I would heartily recommend them - I know how much you enjoy smiting the enemy " adds Toryn with a laugh to Aikira

Rand stays silent during the days mostly, and scribes his answers to questions in the sand during the evening. It's obvious his face hurts when he tries to talk.

About 1pm the third day of travel, in the distance the group sees a big huge stone known as the "Waystone" which is where caravans tend to meet, or unsavory characters

Evil GM: Everyone give me a spot roll

Aikira nods at toryn, trying to copy his smile, it's still not going so well...laughing

Ro grows more quiet and seems absent lost in thoughts the more times passes and the closer we get to Freeport

Aikira: a composite longbow it will be

Gathered around the Waystone are several wagons and horses with people milling around

Toryn (Toryn): soon as we get within 60 feet Toryn Detects Evil

Aikira puts the hood from his cloak over his head, he is still uneasy when it comes to big groups of other races

Evil GM: No evil detected, it seems to be a normal caravan for once

Ro tries to hide behind Toryn sitting behind him on his horse

As the group approaches, the people don't seem to look up or really care what you guys are doing

Ro: "Tooryn, noot safe" Ro whispers nervously into Toryns ear

Toryn: " We'll protect each other " toryn smiles back at Ro

Toryn: " Greetings ! Whom do I have the pleasure of addressing ? " calls out Toryn cheerfully

Ro: looking at the people at the waystone ro doesn't react to Toryn's remark

Everyone looks up as Toryn shouts out his greeting and a man steps out from between two wagons.

Evil GM: Everyone give me another spot roll please

Everyone notices several individuals dressed in leather and plate armor rest their hands lightly on their weapons, alert, but not yet drawing

Toryn: Toryn frowns looking at the armored warriors " Is there some sort of danger afoot we should be aware of friends ? "

A man: Running a caravan is always a dangeous buisness, always have to protect my interests you know.

Aikira keeps a close eye on the armored men

Rand starts examining the corpse, looking at the physiology with great interest

Toryn: " Of course of course there are all sorts of marauders around and other threats "

A man: Bandits, wild animals, highway men...always pays to have protection

A man calls out to his caravan, "We leave in 20 minutes, finish your meals and prepare the wagons! I want to get at least twenty more miles today!"

Toryn: " You never answered my question " asks Toryn, still friendly but a bit more persistent - " Whom do we have the pleasure of addressing ? "

Toryn (Toryn): evil GM is the caravan leader totally ignoring Toryn's question ?

A man: Oh, oh...I'm sorry...my name is Frank

Aikira turns to toryn and asks him

Aikira: what is special about this place, that all caravans take their pauze here

Toryn (Toryn): evil GM Toryn have any idea how to answer that ? lol

erus (Aikira): take your time :)

Evil GM: Yes he does, it's the half way point between the forest and freeport

Toryn: Toryn shurgs " It's the halfway point between the forest and Freeport - just a convenient place for them to stop brother ... I don't know anything other than that I'm afraid "

Toryn (Toryn): too late to do detect evil on the guy sneaking around in leather evil GM ?

Evil GM: When toryn detects evil on the sneaking guy...none's detected

Aikira looks swiftly at toryn and nods, then he looks around, but never really let's the armored men out of his sight

Toryn: " Did you see the man sneaking around in leather behind them ? " Toryn whispers to Aikira and Ro

Frank: Ten minutes! Hurry it up you lazy louts!

Rand watches the conversation but says nothing

Toryn: " I don't know what to make of it - none of them serve the forces of darkness, including the one doing the sneaking "

Toryn: " I have no idea if these people are really bodyguards or bandits or if the man sneaking around is trying to steal from them or to simply reclaim what's his " adds Toryn still whispering

Aikira: no toryn I didn't see him, where is he now?

Toryn: " He has dark skin but not as dark as yours Aikira, foreign looking but not a dark elf "

Toryn (Toryn): evil GM where is he now? :P

Evil GM: You don't seem to see him now

Toryn: " Can't see him " whispers Toryn

Toryn: Toryn calls rand over and whispers the same information to Rand

Toryn (Toryn): Ro Toryn already whispered the same info to you too ;)

Aikira: maybe I can lure him out if we start some commotion

Aikira pulls back his hood

Rand motions to just move on

Toryn: Toryn gives the caravan an alarmed look " Do not fear, this is a noble soul and a valiant warrior ! He has assisted us fighting undead, evil cultists sacrificing innocent villagers and other such menaces "

When Aikira pulls back his hood, pandamonium starts. The caravan guards start pulling their weapons out and the unarmed folks crawl into their wagons

Toryn: " I am Toryn of the Knights of Truth, if you know anything of our order you know we do not associate with the forces of darkness "

Aikira draws his katana too

Toryn (Toryn): does a "20 " count as a " 30 " in everquest too ?

Kenny (Ro): yup

Aikira: here is your commotion toryn, tell them about the man you saw sneaking around

Petra (Evil GM): LOL yes...we've been using that the whole time. ;-)

Aikira: so that we can erase his filthy soul

Toryn (Toryn): so 39 on my diplomacy roll then ;)

Toryn: " I think that's enough to convince someone a rusty sword is really an artifact of the gods or something like that isn't it ? "

Toryn (Toryn): bleh, sorry ooc comment

The caravaners pause, but don't put their weapons away

Toryn (Toryn): do they hear Aikira's comment on the man sneaking around or too much commotion when Aikira reveals himself ?

Petra (Evil GM): too much comotion

Frank stomps over to Toryn

Ro whispers to Toryn "a maan walking away there" and points in the direction she sees something

Frank: What is the meaning of this! They were just about ready to go and you're here causing a ruckus!

Frank: Mount up! We're leaving, now!

Toryn: " Sorry, very sorry " says Toryn apologetically " We'll leave you now "

erus (Aikira): does aikira hear ro?

Toryn (Toryn): evil GM can we pursue the man walking away Ro points out ?

Evil GM: Sure

Evil GM: What speed are you going to go at?

erus (Aikira): fast

Toryn: " Tell me where to ride Ro " Toryn whispers to Ro, " point him out "

Toryn: Toryn gallops off at the full 60 feet rate shouting to the others " Let us be off, we've alarmed these good folk enough "

Ro points out the direction to toryn

Aikira rides asides toryn at the same speed, still holding his katana

Rand is startled by the sudden rush and has trouble keeping up, spurring Zedd to something that gets close to canter

Aikira: I'll use the flat of my blade to bring him to stop " aikira shouts at toryn

It'll take 3 rounds to get to the man

Toryn: " Might not be necessary - as I said he doesn't serve the forces of darkness " shouts back toryn

As you gallop towards him, he turns around and looks at you guys, but doesn't seem too worried

2 rounds

Toryn: " Hold friend - I am Toryn of the Knights of Order, an organization devoted to valor, justice and the protection of innocents, we mean you no harm "

Toryn: shouts Toryn

Aikira: I'll keep my sword ready... just in case

Aikira shouts at toryn

Toryn: Toryn winces at Aikira's comment as Toryn tries to reassure the stranger

As you ride up on him, he nods to you guys

Toryn: " Some of us are more wary of strangers than others but we still mean you no harm " adds Toryn lamely

The man doesn't stop, he continues walking east

Toryn: " May we ask your name ? " asks Toryn riding at a walking pace beside the man

Sunfall: My name is Sunfall. Almost pleased to meet you

Sunfall winks and continues walking

Aikira rides in front of the man, an stops his horse, so he blocks the path of the strangers, and puts his sword in front of him

Toryn (Toryn): Sunfall aside from being dark skinned what else do you look like ?

Toryn (Toryn): height, weight, pointy ears ?

Toryn (Toryn): clothes or armor you're dressed in , any obvious weapons ?

Sunfall walks around Aikira's horse nonchalantly and continues walking

Aikira: what is this!

Aikira shouts in anger, and almost turns blackish red from anger

Jezzabelah looks over at Aikira

Sunfall is a dark skinned man about 5'9, wearing leather armor, with a shortbow and quiver strapped his back, besides a backpack he doesn't seem to be carrying anything else of note

Jezzabelah: I don't think he wants to be bothered with stopping...

Sunfall: I get the sense you want something

Sunfall stops walking

Sunfall: Can I help you?

Toryn: " Aikira no need to be offended he doesn't know us " soothes Toryn

Toryn: " And it's obvious he's in a hurry to be somewhere - friend we journey first to Nearfield then Freeport "

Aikira looks angered at the man, he looks like he could gut the man right now

Toryn: " The woods are dangerous and there is strength in numbers - if your travels take you in our direction you can feel free to accompany us if you like "

Sunfall: We happen to be heading in the same direction. Although if you continue the way you are I fear you'll be sweating a few more buckets than I

Sunfall winks

Sunfall: That sounds like a decent enough idea. Although, I must ask..

Toryn: " I don't understand " says Toryn confusedly

Evil GM: Just a FYI...the commonlands aren't woods...they're plains. Very few trees and bushes out here

Rand laughs a guttered laugh at Sunfalls joke, but soon stops

Sunfall: Is this little group always so flighty? For a moment there I thought you were about to ambush that poor caravan. Are you always so high strung?

Toryn (Toryn): but still dangerous to the lone traveller, or that's the persuasive argument I'll go with anyways ;)

Rand dismounts and writes on the ground 'No they are not"

Toryn: " Errrr.... one of us is very cautious of strangers " says Toryn apolgetically looking at Aikira " with good reason - most people judge him by his skin color without seeing the noble warrior underneath "

Toryn: " But I can assure you that we don't slaughter innocents or those not looking for a fight "

Rand: "Just the Paladin is somewhat strung up, but you know how paladins get" Rand writes, snickering

Ro looks at Sunfall over Toryn's shoulder

Toryn: Toryn looks a bit surprised " Surely you've heard of the Knights of Truth ?? "

Jezzabelah: They have fairly good reason to be flighty...they've had a fairly bad few days

Rand: "The dark elf is aggressive but once you know him he's a nice guy" Rand writes more

Toryn: " Me ?!? Strung Up ?!? " protests Toryn

Rand: "Well, more up tight" Rand writes, snickering again

Ro jumps of toryn's horse still looking at Sunfall

Toryn: " His lips have been damaged " adds Toryn unnecessarily pointing at Rand's obviously injured face

Sunfall: I suspected that was not the case after you left the caravan, and if I had been in trouble I figure you would have galloped a sword over me instead of stopping to introduce yourself. So where are you headed again?

Kenny (Ro): did we get a run-trough about his looks btw? io missed that :(

Toryn: " Nearfield then Freeport if you'd care to accompany us "

Sunfall: as for Dark Elves, I've met few, i could care about them less one way or another. no offense

Toryn (Toryn): 5 feet 9 inches, dark skinned like an african-american male, no pointy ears, carrying a bow

Aikira: none taken

Aikira sheathens his sword and rides off

Sunfall: Freeport's where I'm headed myself. I'd rather travel in numbers than alone. I'll take you up on that offer

Sunfall nods to Toryn

Toryn: Toryn looks around

Toryn (Toryn): evil GM any space left on any of the horses ?

Rand extends his hand in a friendly manner

Toryn (Toryn): I think there's a spot left behind Jezzabelah isn't there on the horses ?

Petra (Jezzabelah): he can ride double with Aikira, Jezz, or Rand

Sunfall clasps Rand's hands

Toryn: " Rand would you be kind enough to let Sunfall ride behind you ? If Sunfall wants you to that is - no offense my new friend but we'd travel a bit slower than normal with you on foot " adds Toryn with a wink " Besides which I'd feel guilty leaving you to walk while the rest of us ride "

Rand: "anf" Rand says, trying to say his own name

Sunfall: I'll ride with the gentleman, fine by me.

Toryn: " Rand " adds Toryn pointing at Rand

Sunfall raises an eyebrow

Ro beams a smile at Sunfall and says "welcoom" to him

Sunfall: Slow is he?

Rand points at his horse Zedd with a worried look, but lets Sunfall mount behind him

Sunfall shrugs

Sunfall mounts the horse with the slow man

Rand motions to move ahead again

Toryn: " My apologies to you for what I'm about to say " Toryn tells Sunfall... to everyone else Toryn announces loudly " Mithaniel Marr's divine sight has revealed to me that this one does not serve the forces of darkness - and I don't want to abandon a lone traveller unstained by the forces of evil to travel by himself through these dangerous lands "

Toryn: " You've never heard of the Knights of Truth " Toryn asks Sunfall a third time looking shocked

Ro starts to giggle at Toryn

Evil GM: I'm assuming you have started riding?

Toryn (Toryn): yep !

Vincent (Rand): yes

Sunfall: well that certainly sounds in my favor

Rand moves his horse closer to Toryn his horse and whacks him over the head

Sunfall: I'm afraid I'm not well learned, can't say that I have

Toryn: Toryn blinks in astonishment then rubs his head where Rand smacked him

Toryn: (astonishment that Sunfall has never heard of the Knights )

Rand makes a "blahblah" motion with his hand

The sky starts to darken, threatening rain

Toryn: " EVERYONE's heard of the Knights ! Everyone local that is " protests Toryn still looking astonished

Toryn: Toryn looks up " Let's ride quickly, try to make town before rainfall "

Sunfall: Quite an interesting group you are, taking pity on slow men and lone travelers

Sunfall nods to Rand

Sunfall: Appearantly I am not everyone

Sunfall shrugs

Toryn: " Damn I don't think we'll make town in time - be on the lookout for shelter people - caves, trees, something - none of us brought any tents "

It starts sprinkling

Sunfall: I can try keeping an eye out. But I don't mind the raid

Bobby (Sunfall): rain

Toryn: " So tell us about yourself " inquires Toryn... " The Knights of Truth are all paladins, devoted to serving the forces of Light .. the dark elf here is aikira, possibly the fiercest and finest warrior I've ever met "

Toryn: " The man with the injured face is Rand, our scholar and priest of Druzzil ro, goddess of magic "

Toryn: " This beautiful young woman riding behind me is Ro " Toryn smiles at her " My younger sister - we have the same father, different mothers "

Evil GM: Ok, chat it up a few minutes...need a quick AFK for a bio

Toryn: " And this is Jezzabelah, a mage who lives in Freeport "

Sunfall: Serving for good is a mighty endeavor. Not much to myself, I've been doing odd jobs in Highpass Hold these past few months, I thought I'd look for work in Freeport for a change of pace

Ro waves at Sunfall

Toryn: " What kind of work do you do ? " asks toryn politely

Sunfall nods Jezabelah, taken aback by her beauty

Sunfall: Any kind of work that pays for a room and a meal. I'm not picky.

Toryn (Toryn): keep in mind Ro's not bad looking either with her 16 Charisma ;) - but yes J does have that 20 Charisma going for her ;)

Toryn: " Are you trained as a warrior ? A ranger ? A mage or priest ? " continues Toryn

Bobby (Sunfall): haha nothing like a pretty green skinned woman xD

Toryn (Toryn): google the incredible she hulk sometime and you'll have confirmation of that :P

Kenny (Ro): lol

Sunfall: Well it's not something to talk about much, but I'm good with opening things people want kept shut

Sunfall: think of me as a locksmith

Toryn: " Hmmm... the dwarf did some of that before he left in a huff " says Toryn thoughtfully " That could come in handy "

Petra (Evil GM): Back, sorry ;-)

Bobby (Sunfall): wb =D

Toryn: " I knew dwarves were grumpy but I had no idea they were THAT touchy ! "

Toryn (Toryn): okay that's enough bad talking Stuart behind his back now I'm done :P

Vincent (Rand): LOL

Ro points at Aikira,' he saays things thaat huurt soometiimes"

Petra (Evil GM): not bad talking stuart....bad talking Toothpick who is fair game. ;-)

Sunfall: Tell me Ro, what hurts more, the pointy things he carries or the things he says?

Aikira looks at sunfall

Aikira: trust me, they can both hurt

Toryn: " But only when he's provoked " adds Toryn hurriedly

Toryn: " Which is something we all try to avoid doing " adds Toryn firmly

Rand shakes his head at Aikira and Sunfall

Sunfall: No doubt, but much like the armor we wear, the hurt depends on those being stabbed

The sky is now dark and it's stopped drizzling

Rand looks around for a camp site

Toryn: " Let's set up camp for the night " suggest Toryn

Sunfall: A sound idea

Rand points at an area with some boulders

Toryn (Toryn): cool night time colors evil GM ;)

Jezzabelah yawns and rubs her eyes

Ro says to Sunfall softly ,' the tiings he saays hurt soometiimes' with a sad face ' he haates haalf orc haalf huuman'

Jezzabelah: Travelling is so tiring. I much rather be in my safe bed at the Academy

Petra (Jezzabelah): ;-)

Toryn: "

Sunfall nods to Ro

Toryn: " We'll be there soon milady " Toryn assures Jezzabelah

Rand rides towards the boulder area to see if it is suitable for sleep

Jezzabelah sighs

Jezzabelah: I know, I know..

Toryn: " Perhaps this isn't the best time to ask but - the items we took from the wagon - could you examine them, see if any of them are magical perhaps ? "

Ro: "Erudites haate half orc half huuman too?" Ro asks Sunfall

Rand HOWLS at the group once he sees it is suitable

Toryn (Toryn): Toryn addresses that last ? to Jezzabelah evil GM ;)

Jezzabelah shrugs

Toryn: " Yes yes we're setting up camp " chuckles Toryn at Rand, dismounting

Jezzabelah: I can always look

Sunfall: Do they? Well then who DOES like a half-orc?

Toryn: And helping Ro down

Evil GM: You made to where the circle is on the map

Toryn (Toryn): evil GM does J have anything to say in response to Toryn's question ?

Toryn (Toryn): bleh, sorry !

Evil GM: She said she can always look

Ro raises an eyebrow at Sunfall, sighs and goes sit some place off by herself playing on her flute

Sunfall: I'm afraid I can't tell you any more than what you can tell about these items, I might able to appraise them however

Toryn: " Please by all means " says Toryn gesturing at the loot

Toryn: " That would be helpful ! " exclaims Toryn brightly " Better than depending on the word of the merchant we're selling them too "

Toryn: " Rand perhaps you could look at them too "

Bobby (Sunfall): Appraise won't identify them the way you want lol

Evil GM: Now, really quickly...what did you guys take with you from that wagon???

Toryn (Toryn): everything, lol

Toryn (Toryn): items to examine are

Rand unpacks his gear and makes his bead

Evil GM: So you have all the bolts of cloth, the 4 casks of beer, the 2 barrels of water....

Vincent (Rand): how the hell do you carry all that Toryn ?

Toryn (Toryn): good point - not the barrels of water then

Ro gets bored of playing her flute and summons a lute to play while she sings a song about Odus and the Erudites

Toryn (Toryn): how heavy was the wool and silk ?

Sunfall: You're likely better off Appraising some of these items at a merchant if you plan to sell them, it would be a much quicker process

Evil GM: Probably between 15-20lbs each and they are quite long, about 4 feet each. Very aqward to carry

Sunfall nods to Ro as she plays

Toryn (Toryn): we probably left those behind then - took a sample of each just for the hell of it to bring with us

Toryn (Toryn): enough silk to make a dress for Ro on toryn's part ;)

Jezzabelah starts looking through the pile of items, picking up a piece here and there, staring at it.

Toryn (Toryn): everything else was pretty portable I think though we might have to divide the bars of silver between us if they're way heavy

Sunfall rests his head as Jezzahelah inspects the items, and attempts to get some rest

Petra (Jezzabelah): the bars of silver are about 3lbs a piece

Toryn (Toryn): six flasks of acid, 3 black potion bottles, bricks of silver, vial of a dark substance, fishing pole, animated fishing bait, lizard skin mantle

Toryn (Toryn): unless the horse mantles were obviously way better than ours we probably left those behind too

Jezzabelah she picks out three items and seperates them from the rest. The green ceramic band, 3 black bottles, and the mantle

Toryn (Toryn): oh right, green band and red gem

Jezzabelah: I can't tell you what they do, but I do sense a magical aura around these items

Vincent (Rand): i am wearing the mantle :)

Toryn: " Interesting - Rand want to take a look at them ? "

Petra (Jezzabelah): then she looks at the mantle and mentions it's magical

Jezzabelah: [2d10 = 85]

Rand looks at the items and concludes the same

Ro throws the lute up in the air where it poofs and goes to sleep

Toryn: " Hmmm... Aikira you seemed interested in the mantle, want to try wearing it on your horse and see what happens ? "

Rand crawls in his bedroll and falls asleep, snoring

Evil GM: btw, the mantle is like a cloak that doesn't quite close in the front

Aikira: why not, It might be usefull

Toryn (Toryn): never mind thought it was something for horses

Aikira puts on the cloak and mounts his horse

Evil GM: haha

Toryn: Toryn rephrases the question to whether or not Aikira wants to try wearing it

Toryn: " Here goes nothing - not saying I'm going to keep it just volunteering to see what it does - wish me luck, hopefully it doesn't kill me "

Toryn: Toryn tries on the green band and takes a sip of one of the black potions


Toryn (Toryn): oops, sorry !

Vincent (Rand): AND I AM ASLEEP NOW

Vincent (Rand): /em smacks Toryn

Toryn (Toryn): Aikira rolls Rand for it while Rand is asleep :P

Aikira takes rand off his back and gets down from the horse :)

Evil GM: er...

Toryn (Toryn): anything happen with the green band or black potions evil GM ?

Evil GM: Do you put on the band?

Toryn (Toryn): I'm going to regret asking that :P

Toryn (Toryn): yes

Evil GM: Nope, nothing seems to happen

Vincent (Rand): btw, Aikira wouldn't find much use for the cloak... gives +1 WIS and INT

Toryn (Toryn): on the contrary I think Aikira needs all he can get :P

Petra (Evil GM): yes, but nobody knows this yet....Rand just felt smarter and wiser when he put them on

erus (Aikira): best if a priest or wizard uses it then

Bobby (Sunfall): haha

Toryn (Toryn): black potions do anything evil GM ?

Evil GM: Do you drink one?

Toryn (Toryn): take a sip

Evil GM: With a sip, nothing seems to happen. Pretty nasty tasting though.

Kenny (Ro): u turn into a goblin

Toryn: Toryn frowns at the black liquid " Tastes terrible but I don't feel any different - and I don't think the band is doing anything - let's get some sleep take turn taking watches"

Toryn: " Sunfall as our guest we certainly don't expect you to share in watch duty, feel free to sleep through the night "

Sunfall was sound asleep hours ago

Toryn (Toryn): I guess we all go to sleep then evil GM unless anyone tries to do something in the middle of the night - Ro? :P

Jezzabelah wakes up, yawning, walks over to the horses and starts a conversation with them

Aikira is allready awake, and sits a bit away from the group as usual and meditates

Sunfall awakens, wiping sleep from his eyes and watching Jezzabelah speak with the horses with great interest

Ro wakes up sees Aikira sitting a bit of the group

Toryn: " Let's all take turns wearing this green band " suggests toryn " Maybe it's keyed to women, or to a certain race or profession "

Toryn: Toryn hands the green band to Rand to try on

Ro sneaks up on Aikira and shouts very loud in his ear to scare him

Rand snores softly

Sunfall: and she wonders why he hates her...

Toryn: Toryn jumps, looks over at the scene and groans knowing what Aikira's reaction will be

Ro runs away from Aikira laughing out loud

Jezzabelah continues talking to the horses, oblivious to the scene

Sunfall: Jezzabelah, do you know what happened to that other horse, or mind asking them where he got off to?

Jezzabelah turns and looks at Sunfall, batting her long lashes at him

Aikira jumps up, rubbing his ear, looking surprised

Jezzabelah: Oh, that must be my mount you're missing! Phantom will appear when he's needed.

Ro laughs at Aikira standing a bit away from him now excusing him

Aikira start curshing ro in dark elvish, and if he had not known her, he would have cut off her head

Sunfall: Wizardry, of course. Forgive me, I'm not used to such skilled company

Kenny (Ro): do u say that Akira?

Jezzabelah blushes at Sunfall's compliment

erus (Aikira): no

Jezzabelah: Ah, I'm really not that good of an enchantress. Only in my first year at the Academy!

Sunfall nods, as and appears as if he's thinking of a reply, but does not

Jezzabelah looks around at the group

Jezzabelah: Shouldn't we get moving?

Sunfall: Probably best. I'm no rush, but being the excitable group you are, i imagined you'd be on the road much quicker

Jezzabelah waves her hand in a pattern and says a few quiet words and a horse appears infront of her

Aikira walks up to toryn

Toryn: Toryn firmly puts his green band on Rand's arm and waits for a reaction - if nothing happens he puts it on Aikira's arm

Aikira: you can give the green band to me know, so I can try it on

Sunfall: that is indeed quite a trick Jezzabelah. Wouldn't happen to have another one of those for me would you?

Toryn: " By the Lightbringer this frustrates me, what does this thing DO ?!? "

Jezzabelah smiles

Jezzabelah: Unfortunatly, I can only summon one for myself.

Toryn (Toryn): anything happen when it goes onto Rand or Aikira's arm evil GM ??

Aikira: be patient my brother, perhaps it should yet prove it's purpose, maybe in battle?

Petra (Jezzabelah): Rand is still asleep so he wouldn't notice....Aikira feels nothing

Toryn: Toryn sighs and puts it on Ro's arm " At least it will make you look even prettier little sister " smiles Toryn at her

Sunfall shakes his riding companion

Jezzabelah jumps on the back of her horse, without a saddle or bridle to ride or control it

Petra (Jezzabelah): Ro doesn't feel anything either

Sunfall: Slow to wake up as well is he?

Petra (Jezzabelah): Have to wait a second for Vince...he's in the potty

Toryn: Toryn shakes Rand awake gently, tells him it's time to go and helps him saddle up then helps Ro up behind Toryn

Aikira mounts his stallion

Toryn (Toryn): damn !

Rand looks around startled when Sunfall shakes him, but gets up quickly and packs

Toryn (Toryn): evil GM any chance you would have allowed Toryn to use his lay on hands ability last night or do I have to make an INT roll to remember ?

Ro looks at the green band and shrugs explaining to Toryn she isn't pretty at all but ugly since she's green

Petra (Jezzabelah): you can have used it


Toryn: " Sunfall can I ask your opinion on something " asks Toryn loudly

Sunfall: Absolutely

Evil GM: I assume you're on the road by now?

Rand mounts his horse 15 minutes after waking and motions he is ready to ride. He also extends a hand to Sunfall to help him mount behind him

Toryn (Toryn): Sunfall Ro is pretty by human standards - green skin is a bit unusual but she's comely ;)

Bobby (Sunfall): looks like we're ready

Toryn: " Would it not be safe to say my sister is beautiful ? She doesn't think so " proclaims toryn winking at Ro

Toryn (Toryn): Ro has a 16 Charisma

Sunfall takes Rands hands and finds a comfortable spot on the back of the horse

Sunfall: She's positively stunning

Sunfall nods to Ro

Evil GM: Sunfall and Rand, spot rolls please

Toryn: " See ! " Toryn exclaims to Ro... " A perfect stranger says that about you ! Rand says it, I say it, what more do you need ? "

Sunfall: equaled only by her voice, though I have only her sing once

Ro 's cheeks turn bright red as she shakes her head before turning her face away

Evil GM: Everyone but Sunfall and Ro sees this:

Toryn: Toryn chuckles in amusement then looks at Sunfall " Thank you for pointing it out my friend - it's obvious as you say but it's good to have people back me up since she doesn't believe me "

Sunfall nods

In the distance, flying far above the ground, a creature that looks half eagle and half lion is flying. It seems to have seen you, but hasn't approached yet

Toryn: " Look up there ! " exclaims Toryn pointing at the sky " What a wonderous sight !

Toryn: " It would make a fine mount to ride into battle with " adds Toryn with a sigh

Toryn: Toryn waves at it

Ro looks at the creature astonished and with wide eyes

Rand points at the flying thing

Aikira looks up to the creature

The creature sees Toryn's arms flailing in a wave and starts to fly towards the group

Sunfall looks up at the flying creature

Aikira: this doesn't seem to look good

Toryn: " Errrr... hopefully it's friendly " adds Toryn backing up a few steps on his horse

Aikira draws his sword

Toryn: " Well let's not antagonize it, could be friendly " says Toryn uncertainly looking at

Sunfall: yes, hopefully.

Ro: 'a griffoon' Ro says joyfully

Aikira: always be prepared.

Toryn: " Really ? That's what you call it ? You are most knowledgeable sister ! " exclaims toryn

Aikira softly says while looking at the griffoon

Toryn: " What do you know about them Ro ?"

Evil GM: It's flying rapidly towards the group, squaking

Evil GM: (seems to be flying about 100ft per round)

Sunfall dismounts from the horse

Ro shrugs ,' theey doon't liike peeople neer nest, aand eaat all' she says

Sunfall: If this turns to trouble it may be best to ready ourselves

Aikira: I knew it

Toryn: " Uh oh ! "

Toryn: Toryn draws his sword

Toryn: " I don't suppose they speak Common ? " adds Toryn hopelessly looking at Ro

Ro shrugs at Toryn

Aikira descends from his horse and hits it with the flat of his blade so it runs of a bit

Evil GM: Init order: NPC, toryn, Ro, Sunfall, Aikira, Jezz, Rand

The griffon flies strait to Toryn, who was waving his arms looking like "good" prey

A griffon: Strikes at Toryn, but it's claws glance off Toryn's armor harmlessly

Toryn: " Perhaps you'll serve as my mount after I beat you into submission ! " roars Toryn swinging his sword at it

Petra (A griffon): btw, the griffon is about 18 feet long and it's wingspan is about 40ft wide if fully stretched

Rand gets his mace out, while waiting in the back

Ro 's axe is still on the ground while she is staring at the griffon with her jaw dropped in utter amazement of such a wonderous creature

Aikira shouts at ro

Aikira: kill her, kill her, you stupid orc!

Sunfall: Wake up girl, attack!

Sunfall draws back his shortbow and let's loose an arrow

Sunfall: I'm going to need a bigger arrow

erus (Aikira): does aikira get flanking bonus?

Petra (Evil GM): no

Aikira: I'll feast on your bones tonight!

Jezzabelah dissapears and a pebble falls from the horse's back

Rand moves up and swings his mace at the beast

Ro: "soo preetty' Ro says softly still staring at the griffon

Toryn: " Little sister it's trying to kill us ! " protests Toryn to Ro (right after dodging it's gigantic claws )

The griffon flies back up in the air and swoops back down at Toryn

Toryn (Toryn): speaking of gigantic claws

It strikes at Torn, latching onto his shoulders and bites at Toryn's head

15 bite damage to Toryn

Toryn: Toryn screams in pain (loss of almost half his hit points )

Toryn: " Sister, aid me ! " Toryn shouts at her

Toryn: To Aikira " If I fall please get my body to the Knights of Truth in Freeport for a proper burial ! "

A griffon: fails

Toryn: Toryn swings feebly, blinded by the pain

Aikira: you will not fail my brother, we will slay this beast and eat its fless tonight!

Ro sees Toryn getting hurt and grabs her axe and takes a swing at the griffon

Sunfall: It doesn't appear we can all survive this by neccessary means

Sunfall starts waving his hands in the air and muttering a few words and an orb of fire singes the Griffon's feathers

A griffon squaks in rage

Aikira swings his blade at the creature blinded in rage

Rand attacks again (or at least tries to)

Rand: Rand swings his mace at his target doing damage [1d8 = 3]

A griffon: Rand's mace glances off the Griffon's foot

The griffon squaks, flies into the air and flies away

Toryn: " Praise the Lightbringer " gasps Toryn

Jezzabelah appears, laying on the ground by her horse

Toryn: " And thank you Sunfall " adds Toryn looking at him " I'm certain your magic played no small part in that - I didn't know you were a wizard ! "

Rand walks up to Toryn and starts binding his wounds

Ro walks up to Aikira

Sunfall nods

Toryn: " Thank you Rand " mutters Toryn hissing at the pain as the bandages touch the wounds

Aikira cleans his blade and looks at ro

Vincent (Rand): and another +6 to Toryn

Toryn: " Much better " says Toryn smiling in relief " You'd make a fortune as a physician to the nobles ! "

Rand looks at Toryn and stowes away his remaining 4 bandages.

Bobby (Sunfall): did that griffon look pretty damaged as it flew away?

Vincent (Rand): my guess... not at all

Petra (Jezzabelah): not at all

Ro tries to knock Aikira right in the face with her fist

Toryn (Toryn): damn our xp got away :P ... not that I mind at this point (lol)

Evil GM: And is successful, roll 1d3 damage

Vincent (Rand): knowing Griffons in EQ it would have been a wipe :)

Evil GM: No, roll a d6

Ro: "i aam no stupiid orc!'

Toryn: " What the ???? " exclaims Toryn looking at Ro

Aikira smahes his blade into to ground so it sticks

Toryn: " Oh, that " says Toryn

Evil GM: Ro punches Aikira squarly in the face (3 points subdual damage)

Aikira: what! so you dare to attack me, but leave the rest of us to die at the attack of a foe

Aikira smacks ro in the face

Toryn: " My friends, please " says Toryn feebly

Sunfall steps between them

Evil GM: You hit, roll a d6 for me

Sunfall: I'm afraid this is quite uncivilized

Aikira: [1d6 = 2]

Rand steps up to Ro and pulls her back forcefully while shaking no with his head

Evil GM: Aikira slaps Ro's face (1pt subdual damage)

Sunfall: Didn't we have somewhere to be getting to? I'd rather we not kill each other while another griffon descends on us

Aikira: filthy animal

Aikira spits at ro

Jezzabelah turns around and faces Aikira and speaks a few words in his direction

Toryn: Staggering to his feet Toryn adds " We have enough enemies without fighting among ourselves , ghouls for one - please, stop fighting and let us make haste "

Evil GM: Aikira, roll a will save

Ro scowls at Aikira ready to attack

Aikira then walks off, pulling his katana out of the ground

Rand then walks up to Aikira slapping him in the face looking angry with his deformed face

Toryn: Toryn winces again at the renewal of hostilities

Toryn: " Everyone that's enough ! " shouts Toryn

Toryn: " We have enough enemies without fighting among ourselves ! "

Evil GM: As Jezzabelah whispers to Aikira she moves towards him, then touches his face. He feels tingly all over and is soon ready to do anything for Jezzabelah

Jezzabelah looks at Aikira squarely in the eyes

Toryn: " Oh not the nymph thing again " groans Toryn looking at the two of them

Aikira: what are you do....

Jezzabelah: Get on your horse, now

Aikira feels not in control off himself but has to obey the woman

Aikira he walks to his horse and mounts it

Sunfall raises an eyebrow

Sunfall: Are those two married?

Ro wipes the blood of her lip and starts to sing a song

Toryn: Toryn laughs out loud then winces at the pain

Toryn: " No " he says to Sunfall with a chuckle

Sunfall: could have fooled me

Jezzabelah crosses her arms and scowls at Aikira

Jezzabelah: Can we please move it? I have a test to complete....

Rand mounts his horse as well, and motions for Sunfall to come and join up

Toryn: " Might be a good idea before that griffon comes back " agrees Toryn, wincing as he climbs onto his saddle and pulls Ro up

Sunfall remounts with the mumbling man

Jezzabelah jumps up on her horse, muttering softly to herself

Petra (Jezzabelah): Aikira is charmed for quite a long time...he can think for himself but is compelled to do anything Jezz says

Toryn: " Ro, you have to remember how Aikira was raised - the dark elves aren't known for being.... er... nice to each other " Toryn admonishes Ro " It's a wonder Aikira doesn't serve the forces of darkness - we need to give him a looser rein than we do the others "

Ro: "he too stupiid to serve forcees of eevil. He too stupiid foor anythiing. He oonly thiinks aboot himseelf. Wee betteer of iif hee deaad'

Evil GM: I take it you guys are riding at this point??

Toryn: " Ro, no ! He has fought faithfully by our side ! And he's a warrior - you have to understand he would be very critical of you for not landing a blow on the griffon right away during the fight "

Aikira is mad, not just mad, he is boiling, he is thinking off his days as a pit fighter, and blood starts pumping trhough his veins, faster and faster. he feels the bloodlust coming up, the pride in killing and then eating his prey, these woman have brought dishonor over him, this he cannot bare

Ro: "soo? i doon't thiink kiiliing aall is goood. He juust kiill and breaak stuuff. And call me naames' Ro exclaimes as she starts to sob

Toryn: Toryn does his best to hug Ro and control the horse at the same time

Evil GM: Ok ;-)

Ro is whining she isn't a stupid orc and how Aikira did hit her

Toryn: " Ro he's mean to everyone not just you - try not to take it so personally ... again you need to remember how he was raised .. he helps us fight the forces of darkness and that's the important thing "

Evil GM: Everyone give me another spot roll

Toryn: " but you hit him first " Toryn admonishes her gently

Sunfall: You hit him first you know

Ro: "he called me stuupid orc" Ro says unhappy

Toryn (Toryn): given that you've let the "20"'s I've rolled off the table stand I'm going to have to say that the " 1" I rolled off the table should probably stand too evil GM :P

Sunfall: But you are not a stupid orc, just because someone says something does not make it true.

Toryn: Toryn's too caught up in the Ro conversation to notice anything ;)

Petra (Evil GM): LOL

Aikira: houses! In front off us

Aikira shouts

Sunfall: Well they won't be attacking anytime soon, relax Aikira

Evil GM: You're where the arrow is pointing at

Ro sobs that Aikira said she was a filthy halfbreed and that halfbreeds are bad and that she is a stupid orc and that he hit her

erus (Aikira): lol ro is going for it :)

Toryn: Toryn looks wearily at the houses " Thank goodness this must be Nearfield "

Toryn: " No wait a minute - there's no one there "

Sunfall: Then how far are we from Freeport?

Kenny (Ro): hey women always keep whining about bad things to forget the good things in an instant lol

Petra (Evil GM): about 3 days, give or take

erus (Aikira): true that bro

Toryn (Toryn): evil GM do we know anything about plaguetown ?

Sunfall: Rand, bring the horse closer, perhaps there are friendly faces in this village

Evil GM: Toryn, give me a knowledge religion roll

Ro: "i wiill kiill him" Ro whispers in Toryns ear fanatically

Toryn: " No ! " shouts Toryn " No killing ! "

Rand moves closer to Toryn

Sunfall raises an eyebrow

Toryn: " Don't approach this place ! " exclaims Toryn, " I recognize it now - everyone here died of the plague ! "

The houses now loom in the distance, somewhat easier to see against the sunset

Rand holds his horse with a jerk

Sunfall: unfortunate

Ro: "maybe Aikira caan goo see" Ro grins softly

Sunfall: Shall we go around then?

Toryn (Toryn): would Toryn remember anything about the necromancer who came to town here, who he worshipped and so forth with that roll ?

Evil GM: No

Aikira keeps riding towards the town as long as J doesn't stop the horse

Toryn: " definitely , let's go around it " says Toryn firmly

Evil GM: You know there was a plague and the place never was resettled, people travelling avoid it

Bobby (Sunfall): smart people

Bobby (Sunfall): we should join them in making lore history xD

Toryn: " It's getting late , perhaps we should make camp " suggests Toryn

Rand motions to Jezzabellah to watch out for AIkira

Aikira is still riding!

Petra (Evil GM): bah, you don't want to fight the 31 ghouls and 28 greater ghouls???

Sunfall: Near this village? Is that such a sound idea?

Toryn: " True, true - perhaps we should ride a bit farther - until it's too dark to see where we're going in any case "

Bobby (Sunfall): that's all? let's go get them!

erus (Aikira): the tower of death sounds more comforting then the plague town :)

Petra (Evil GM): LOL

Rand motions to Jezzabellah to watch out for AIkira and starts howling with it

Sunfall: This will have to be far enough i suppose

Aikira feels his getting in control of himself again

Rand moves his horse closer to Jezzabellah and slaps her over the head

Toryn (Toryn): evil GM the band hasn't done anything for Ro so far ? The green one ?

Petra (Evil GM): nope

Jezzabelah looks at Rand

Sunfall lays out his bedding and sits

Rand points at where Aikira is and motions to slap again

Jezzabelah shrugs

Jezzabelah: The spell is wearing off

Jezzabelah hops off her mount and it disappears

Aikira stops his horse

Rand huffs and moves to the group to dismount and get his bedroll out

Jezzabelah turns herself into a rock for the night

Toryn: " For what it's worth she started it " says Toryn softly laying his hand on Aikira's shoulder

Toryn: " And I know it's embarrassing, to say the least - and I know speaking as a warrior she did let her guard down at a critical time in combat "

Toryn: " Still, calling her a stupid orc is bound to make her angry "

Rand crawls into his bedroll and is soon asleep

Sunfall silently slips into sleep

Toryn: Toryn takes first watch, wakes up Aikira to take second watch begging him not to kill ro in her sleep, et cetera

Toryn's watch.....

Nothing eventful seems to happen during Toryn's Watch

Evil GM: Ok, does Torn wake Aikira up?

Toryn (Toryn): yep to take his turn at watch

Toryn (Toryn): begging him not to kill Ro in her sleep, lol

Evil GM: Aikira's Watch...

Aikira takes the watch

Aikira stands up and draws his sword and walks over the toryn and shakes him by his good shoulder, and then walks over to sunfall and ro and does the same

Aikira: wake up, something lingers here...

Sunfall hops awake, picking up his bow and quiver

Sunfall: In what direction?

Ro crawls away from Aikira cursing at him to leave her alone when she wakes up with the dark elf bend over her

Sunfall: Oh I see

Aikira: get on your feet little girl, I won't ask you twice

Sunfall: It appears we have a giant on our hands.

Sunfall points in the general direction

Toryn: " Eh ? ? " Says Toryn in surprise looking

Aikira says through his teeth

Sunfall: It hasn't noticed us. perhaps we should keep it that way?

Toryn (Toryn): Toryn detects evil on it evil GM

Toryn (Toryn): assuming it's within 60 feet

Evil GM: It's about half a mile away

Toryn: " Good idea " Toryn nods to Sunfall " Let's all try to stay quiet - I'd suggest getting our weapons out though "

Toryn: Toryn follows his own advice unslinging his shortbow

Sunfall: So we'll wait and see

Sunfall nods

Jezzabelah appears

Jezzabelah: What's going on?

Toryn: " Shhhh ! " cautions Toryn pointing in the direction of the giant... " giant up ahead - hasn't seen us yet apparently "

Jezzabelah summons her mount and hops on

Jezzabelah: Maybe we should go instead of waiting for it to see us?

Toryn: Toryn frowns " Won't the clatter of the hooves call attention to us ? "

Bobby (Sunfall): is it heading in the direction we want to go?

Bobby (Sunfall): east?

Jezzabelah: There you go

Sunfall: Jazzabelah's right, mount up as quickly as you can

Toryn: " Very well " says Toryn cautiously looking in the giant's direction

Ro runs over to Toryns horse and climbs on

Aikira: let's mount our horses and ride out off here, where no match for this foe

Sunfall mounts up with Rand once again

Toryn (Toryn): also Toryn healed himself last night if that's okay ?

Evil GM: Yup, that's fine

Ro: 'oooh look big blaack maan is scaared" Ro explains to Toryn

Toryn: Toryn winces hoping Aikira didn't hear that

Evil GM: I'm assuming you guys are riding towards Nearfield quite quickly??

Toryn: " Nothing wrong in knowing which foes you can fight and which you can't " explains Toryn softly gingerly looking in Aikira's direction

Aikira turns to ro and just looks at her, no remarkable sing on his face, he just looks, and turns around and continues his journey

Bobby (Sunfall): seeing we're so close, we might as well ride hard

Ro starts to laugh sarcastically,'soo you saay its ook to hit a giirl insteaad'

Toryn: " Normally I'd say no .. but you're also a fierce warrior - I've seen what you can do with that axe " chuckles Toryn

Ro stops laughing and looks at toryn angrily before saying,' he muuch bigger and stroonger'

Evil GM: And Rand is just following you guys btw..

Sunfall: But you are both equally tindered

Aikira heared that, what is the difference between hitting a female or male he wonders, but she is pushing it, she really is, he must stay in control of himself, because otherwise one of them will die, and al the others who'll get in his way

Everyone but Ro sees lights in the distance, several miles away

Toryn: " You're able to put him to sleep anytime you want to " Toryn winks at Ro " I'd say that makes you stronger - a sleeping opponent is a helpless one ... there are all sorts of different kinds of strength my sister - hold what's that ? "

Toryn: Toryn points at the lights up ahead

Ro: "and he knoows iit aand that why he hiit mee buut he cowaard aand ruun froom giaant'

Jezzabelah (muttering): civilization, finally!

Sunfall: Looks like we're almost to your destination

Aikira: you can always attack the gaint,... if you are brave enough!

Aikira says to ro

You arrive at the road, and about 300ft infront of you is the town

Toryn: Toryn winces again when he realizes Aikira probably heard every word

Ro: 'hahaha whyy? youu kiill all! noot me! you call me stupid orc wiith grifoon buut ruun froom giant! cowaard!'

Toryn: " Aikira - hate to ask you this but ... your cloak and hood ... "

Toryn: " Oh no not again " mutters Toryn

Jezzabelah ignores the fighting and urges her mount into a trot to get to the town faster

Aikira: one day orc, one day...you are and have nothing, you're a mere orchore, I'll spit on your halfbreedgrave

Sunfall: She seems quite determined to reach town

Toryn: " All right that's enough ! " shouts Toryn, looking at Jezzabelah as she vanishes into the distance

Aikira doesn't even look angered, he turns away from ro and puts his hood over his head

Sunfall: Save the spitting for another day, didn't you have business here in Nearfield?

Ro: "thaat all u caan say? youu alwaays saay saame thiings! i neever caall u baad thiings! aand stiil u act liike piig! youu big cowaard!" Ro says and spits on the ground in front of aikira

The town seems quiet, there are light poles sprawled through the streets lighting the way but no citizens out walking

Aikira smiles, perhaps a real smile for the first time in his life, he just laughs ro's accusations away

Ro: realizing they enclosed the town Ro silences and makes herself small behind Toryn

Toryn: " Aikira so sorry to ask you this but - your cloak and hood " asks Toryn, gesturing at it

Toryn: nervously back at Aikira and Ro to see if hostilities break out again

Aikira and Toryn see armed men walking throught the main street, they haven't seemed to notice you yet

Toryn: " Greetings ! " shouts Toryn " I am Toryn of the Knights of Truth, brother Order to the Preists of Marr, whom we seek ! "

The men turn around and start walking towards the group

Toryn (Toryn): so generally speaking it's safe to assume the guards show us to the priests of Marr, everyone loves us cause of the goodie two shoes paladin in the group and we can get supplies and so forth here? :P

Petra (Evil GM): the guards will greet you and introduce themselves as steel warriors, direct you to the inn for the night and you'd be able to see the priestess of marr in the morning

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