erus (Aikira): we would go see the priest again to ask about the necromancer menizzia
Evil GM: Toryn takes you to pay for the dress and you're handed a pretty red velvet dress by the seamstress
Evil GM: That's right...and pick up the emerald...
Evil GM: Ok..
Rand leads everyone back to the priest for the gem and the questions
It's the fourth day you've spent in Brighthaven. Olissa is acting like you've overstayed your welcome in town and is quite
hostile towards the group
Ro is screaming and yelling from her room
When you reach the temple, the priest is back outside in his chair, snoring loudly
Rand walks up to the priest and quietly asks him to wake up
Father Bob Bob continues snoring
Rand puts his hand on father bobs shoulder
Father Bob Bob starts and throws a punch at Rand
Rand easily dodges the punch
Aikira looks surprised and rushes of to the priest and grabs him by his collar
Rand tries to catch the father
Father Bob Bob starts coughing and sputtering at Aikira's rough treatment
Rand smacks Aikira on the shoulder.... "Let the poor man go"
Father Bob Bob flailing his hands
Aikira: why did he attack you aikira asks rand
Rand: Put him down now" Rand demands
Aikira takes his hands off the priest and slowely walks back, looking threatening
Father Bob Bob adjusts his robe and beard, glaring at Aikira
Rand: "Thank you, i think i may have spooked the father a bit when i woke him up" Rand says, "No reason
to strangle him though"
Father Bob Bob (mutters): there's a reason your kind has been banished from this land
Aikira looks angered
Father Bob Bob sits back down in his chair
Aikira: you got a pretty big mouth for such a puny human
Aikira grumbles
Rand: "You still listen to this puny human, i must have somehow gotten that respect" Rand says
Father Bob Bob: And you're too quick to anger for one that insists on walking with children of the Light
Rand: "Although i wonder why" Rand mutters
Rand turns his attention to the father again
Rand: "Father, have you managed to clean the gem of it's evil taint?" Rand asks
Father Bob Bob: yes, you go
Rand: "Thank you"
Father Bob Bob holds the emerald on his palm, it somehow looks lighter than before
Rand: "We also wanted to ask you about a necromancer named Menizzia" Rand continues
Aikira looks content he doesn't has to ask the priest
Father Bob Bob: The trigger name to activate the emerald was Moltor, but I changed it to "quellious" instead.
Father Bob Bob: Hmmm...Menizzia, Menizzia, Menizzia....
Father Bob Bob: I don't believe I know of this person, I'm sorry.
Petra (Father Bob Bob): btw, it's the fourth morning in Brighthaven. Toothpick is gone, Rand and Aikira went to go see
the priest to get the emerald back
Aikira: do you know anything about a big wig necromancer that has been resurrected lately, or are there any tales going
around that it will take place
Aikira asks the priest
Father Bob Bob shakes his head no
Father Bob Bob: I apologize, in my age, these things start escaping my notice.
Aikira: is there anyone else in this town that could give us information regarding befallen
Rand: "No worries Father, we're already glad for your assistance" Rand says, "By the way, we promised a
donation to your temple"
Aikira starts to look impatience (he is not used to all this conversation that is getting no where)
Rand hands the father 50 platinum pieces
Father Bob Bob: I will fall back on my earlier suggestion, if I were looking for information like this I would go to the
great libraries in Qeynos or Freeport.
Father Bob Bob: Oh bless you my son, Quellious will surely look kindly upon you for this donation to the temple.
Father Bob Bob: Now, if you don't mind...I have things I need to take care of this fine morning.
Rand: "Of course Father" Rand says, turning around and heading back to town
Aikira simply turns around, he is not going to waste another breath to this priest
Aikira: for a wise man he knew very little rand
Aikira says to rand
Rand: "True, but the man did clean the healing gem for us and aided me in some personal troubles" Rand says
Back at the Inn, Toothpick had left a note for the group saying that he went out and will catch up later
Aikira doens't seem able to shake off his disgust
Rand: "I guess you expect easy answers too much, many things in life require a lot of studying and hard work. I bet
you this is one of those things"
Aikira: just give me a sword and a room and I'll get you answers that you need
Rand: "It is like me letting go of my calm so easily, patience is a virtue and both of will need to learn it sooner
or later" Rand says
Aikira: talking.....bah
Toryn (Toryn): evil GM probably safe to assume Toryn is out shopping for his silver dagger ?
Toryn (Toryn): and meets the others back at the inn ?
Petra (Father Bob Bob): sure ;-)
Father Bob Bob: Everyone but Ro, give me listen rolls
Rand: "You know Aikira, you should start studying about Quellious some, i think she may benefit you as much as she
may benefit me" Rand says, "If possible, you can come along when i visit their temple"
Rand: Listen [1d20+6 = 7]
Toryn (Toryn): including Toryn?
Petra (Evil GM): yes
Vincent (Rand): pfffffffffffffff
Aikira: why not... it's not like we are doing anything usefull
Toryn: Listen [1d20+2 = 3]
Vincent (Rand): we are all deaf i think
Ro opens her door a little and scream for toryn
Evil GM: Toryn give me another listen roll
Evil GM: Aikira, go ahead and give me another listen roll
Vincent (Rand): it's not like yelling for Toryn means we all go deaf :)
Evil GM: ok ;-)
erus (Aikira): I'm sorry what did you say :)
Rand: "Hmm, i think Ro is calling for Toryn" Rand laughs out
Olissa comes running up the stairs with a broom in her hand
Aikira: I don't hear anything
Ro is standing there with the door a bit open looking trough the opening
Rand: "I think you need your ears washed then, anyone could hear that yowl" Rand jokes
Olissa: What do you think you're doing you beast? You're scaring our PAYING guests.
Aikira: the three off you seem to get along quiet well
Rand walks up the stairs after Olissa, suspecting trouble
Ro throws the door closed
Olissa starts beating on the door
Rand: "Please leave Ro be, we're on our way out and she probably wants to talk to his brother and had no way to contact
him available" Rand says to Olissa
Kenny (Ro): her brother :P
Olissa: Out. I want all of you out of here now.
Toryn: Toryn walks in (unless the evil GM says otherwise ;) ) - " What's going on here ??
Olissa: All you have done is caused this inn trouble. With that, that, beast and that dark elf. It's just not right to
have the likes of them running in the streets.
Rand: Rand glares at Olissa saying "If you don't calm down you may get some heartburn in the process, i don't want
to have to cure you of that"
Toryn: Toryn's face starts to turn red ... " Beast ?!? "
Evil GM: Toryn sees Olissa beating on the door with one hand, a broom in the other, yelling at Ro and Rand
Aikira grumbles at olissa, all this time spending it with all these humans he getting an urge to kill some
Ro opens the door a little and asks,'Tooyn?'
Rand motions to Toryn to calm
Olissa: You've overstayed your welcome, go. Now.
Rand motions Olissa to go so they can do what is needed and leave
Toryn: " This " beast " and " dark elf " saved your village from a band of marauding cultists
who might very well have sacrificed you next "
Toryn: " We'll go after you apologize to my sister " Toryn gestures towards Ro " And Aikira - which is
his name by the way not the " dark elf " "
Rand: "Don't bother Toryn, some people don't know 'thank you' or don't understand danger"
Rand: "Apparently she doesn't understand either"
Olissa: Hah, right. That's but a tale to tell children at night to make them stay in their beds. Even if it's true, it's
done and you've been rewarded as my husband sees fit. Now it's time for you to leave!
Rand starts pushing Olisaa down the stairs, tired of her whining
Vincent (Rand): Olissa*
Toryn: With a disgusted look at Dame Olissa Toryn takes Ro by the arm and says gently " We should go now "
Vincent (Rand): hpoe that is my last 1 tonight
Aikira: wait a minute
Aikira: toryn, rand
Ro is standing there buttnaked
Aikira: can I talk to you in private
Aikira: It's important
Ro: 'Tooyn dwess no worrk' Ro says desperate at Toryn
Olissa takes a swing at Rand with her broom
Olissa smacks Rand solidly on the side of his head with the broom (4 dmg)
Aikira runs up to olissa grabs her by the throat and smashes her against the wall
Rand looks at Olissa, flaring with anger
Evil GM: Anyone wishing to react to this, roll init now please
Rand swings his fist and aims for Olissas gut
Toryn (Toryn): sorry evil GM was that subdual damage or actual damage to rand ?
Petra (Evil GM): that was actual damage
Evil GM: Ok, init order is Toryn, Olissa, Aikira, Rand
Evil GM: If you give me a second I'll draw a quick picture
Toryn: Toryn tries to interpose himself in between Aikira and Olissa, taking the damage himself if necessary from Aikira's
Evil GM: Ok, the part that Ro is behind is the door to her room....Olissa and ran are on the stairs.
Toryn: Toryn interposes himself in between Olissa and everyone else, in such a manner that you'd have to hit him first
(hopefully) to get to Olissa
Evil GM: Ok, she's going to get an Aoo on you ;-)
Evil GM as Toryn pushes in between her and Rand, she manages to wack Toryn also with the broom (4 dmg)
Petra (Olissa): and that should be Oliisa...but yea
Toryn: Wincing at the unexpected blow and the resulting giant bruise Toryn shouts " Everyone grab their things and
get out, it's not worth fighting her over - they'll arrest us !
Toryn (Toryn): and that's it for Toryn's actions
Olissa takes another wack at Toryn with her broom
Olissa misses, sweeping the wall
Olissa is screaming get out the whole time
A crowd is gathering down in the commons
Aikira runs up to olissa, his blood is pumping in his vains, and he hits her with the flat off his hand
Aikira: right in the kisser
Ro walks out the room wearing her dress and having her hair back in a ponytail asking,'wass haapeneeng?'
Evil GM: Roll damage...don't forget the penalty for subdual damage
Evil GM: Er, roll attack
Vincent (Rand): -4?
Petra (Evil GM): still make it even with the penalty
erus (Aikira): o ow not again
Toryn (Toryn): someone better move Aikira's picture over to the brawl ;)
erus (Aikira): there you go :)
Aikira punches Olissa and she takes a step back from the punch. A bruise starts forming on her cheek
Aikira shouts to toryn and rand
erus (Aikira): wait up sec
Aikira: now listen up! she told something about a husband, but she wasn't supposed to be married
Rand looks around himself, startled at what happened
Ro peeks around the corner
Rand: "Husband?"
Rand ignores the husband
Rand steps forward and lays his hand on Olissa's cheek softly, letting his gift heal the bruise
Vincent (Rand): i guess i healed her
Aikira: what are you doing rand? aikira almoust shouts in anger
Olissa steps back narrowing her eyes.
Olissa: Just get out...
Rand: "If you would let us, we would" Rand says shaking his head at Olissa
Aikira: are you humans born stupid or does it take some practice
Toryn: " I agree " says Toryn hurriedly ... " Let's go - Aikira we can discuss the husband thing later,
come back if need be "
Petra (Olissa): dutchmen are born stupid...but I don't think you were talking about that
Toryn (Toryn): Toryn is holding his action evil GM
Petra (Olissa): ok
Olissa turns around and runs down the stairs and out of sight
Rand ushers Olissa down stairs, softly excusing his friends to ehr and promissing they will leave soon
Rand: "Let's grab our stuff people. I want to go back to Freeport fast anyways" Rand states
Toryn: " If everyone has all their things let's leave, quickly - we don't want Mordent Fisherman and his soldiers
trying to arrest us "
Ro: loook dwess on' Ro says proudly
Aikira: no, you never know what kind off brooms they will use to attack us
Rand: "I think we are fine, as long as we leave" Rand says, "Besides, everyone in this town seems to think
she needs a good beating anyways"
Rand looks at Ro for the first time and is stunned
Toryn: " I know I know , it looks like we're running away - but despite the innkeeper's disgusting behavior they're
not the same as the evil cultists - they're not the foe here "
Evil GM: Btw, your horses have been kept for you along with their gear in the Inn stables
Toryn: As Toryn tries to rush Ro out the door he turns to Aikira " Now what's this about a husband ? "
Rand starts walking out the inn with his few belongings and goes for good old ****
Aikira: I thought she wasn't married, because in the dungeon we found a note that the wife of the major would be killed,
but he told us he wasn't married also, and the note was about olissa
Aikira: is she married to the major?
Toryn: " The mayor said no when we asked him about that earlier .... small wonder that someone wants to kill her
though " chuckles Toryn
Aikira: if she said se wasn't married then how can she have a husband
Toryn: " Normally I'd be inclined to question her further but ... we don't want to have to fight the entire village
.... "
Toryn: " To the people here it will seem like a bunch of armed adventurers against a single old woman "
Aikira: this town is build on lies toryn, I wouldn't be surprised if the priest does know anything about befallen
Toryn: " Lies? " says Toryn in surprise looking at Aikira
Toryn: " Your dress looks beautiful Ro " Toryn smiles at Ro ... " What's this about the dress not working
? "
Toryn (Toryn): Toryn continues all these conversations as they're all walking, getting saddled up, et cetera
Ro: 'coold not get dwess on' Ro says with a sad puppy face
Toryn (Toryn): but she has the dress on now ?
Ro: 'but noow okee' she explains with a shiny proud smile
Toryn (Toryn): never mind
Toryn: " Can your armor fit over it ? " asks Toryn... " You might need it if we run into any trouble on
the way "
Ro looks at Toryn shocked
Rand looks at Toryn shaking his head
Rand: "Toryn, she will be fine, besides, with those looks she can kill any man coming to us now can't she" Rand
Ro turns away from Toryn and crosses her arms while grumbling in orcish
Rand puts a hand on Ro'
Rand puts a hand on Ro's shoulder wispering not to take notice to the uptight paladin
Toryn: " Well you're a mighty warrior now too my sister " says Toryn with a smile " You need to think as
a warrior now as well as a woman - we must always be ready for danger
Rand: "I don't think she is going to be a warrior Toryn, she is too quick, lean and charming for it" Rand ponders
Rand: "I don't think she is going to be a warrior Toryn, she is too quick, lean and charming for it" Rand ponders,
"Ro, what is your actual profession, we all know you are good with an axe and have a good singing voice?"
Toryn (Toryn): by the way Toryn never even saw the note Toothpick left so this might be a good time for everyone else
to ask the dwarf what happened during his investigations
Ro: 'pwofessoon?' Ro asks Rand puzzle
Toothpick walks into the stable area and yawns.
Rand: "Your class, the skills given by your god" Rand explains
Toothpick: We are off somewhere ?
Ro: 'donno' says Ro with a puzzled look at Rand
Toryn: " Trying to leave town before we get arrested " says Toryn ruefully ... " We're fleeing an evil
inkeeper "
Toryn: " Got into a bit of a brawl with her ,she likes her money very much and felt we were overstaying our welcome
Toryn (Toryn): evil GM did she collect any money from us before we left? :P
Rand: "You know, like i am a cleric and Toryn is a paladin" Rand explains further, "Did you ever choose
something like that? maybe a bard, ranger, or something else?"
Petra (Evil GM): no
Aikira: she sure "felt" my appreciation
Aikira says with a snarl
Toryn: Toryn chuckles as he thinks of something ... " We could go back and pay her but ... who knows we might endanger
our lives by doing so ...she's very good with that broomstick " Toryn rubs the large bruise on his head again
Toothpick: Well ... I think I have some useful information for ye all ... let's talk when we are oot o' town.
Ro: 'me sing, coook, cleen, errr... (makes a humping movement with her hands) foor orcs' says Ro to Rand
Rand: "Let me walk back in and pay" Rand says "No need to break our promises"
Toothpick: I had an interesting meeting with that maessenger we mentioned.
Rand walks back into the inn
Aikira: you killed him?
Toryn (Toryn): actually I think we left the inn in a hurry a while ago :P
Aikira asks toothpick
Rand walks into the inns kitchen
Toothpick: No, he's alive.
Rand walks up to the cook and asks "Do you know where i can find Olissa?"
Aikira: you tied him up somewhere so we can kill him later
Toryn (Toryn): evil GM are we at the horses yet? Or back at the inn ?
Vincent (Rand): we were still saddling
Toothpick sighs.
Toothpick: No.
Cook: She left the inn a bit ago in quite a state, not sure where she's gone off to.
Aikira grumbles
Rand sighs
Petra (Cook): saddling the horses in the stables
Aikira: dwarves are even worse then humans
Aikira he whispers to himself
Rand: "Do you have any idea who i could pay our room rent to" Rand asks the cook
Toryn (Toryn): okay so Ro left us to go back to the cook or we all rode back to the inn ?
Toryn (Toryn): sorry, that's another evil GM question I mean
Cook: I'll make sure that it gets to the mayor if you'd like to be leaving it with me
Toothpick: And Dark Elves will never learn anything useful aboot anything apart from killing in rather unimaginative ways.
Rand: "If you know how much it is, yes please" Rand says
Rand hands the cook 20gp and tells him to thanks Olissa for her hospitality
Aikira: we are great at killing dwarves in any kind of ways
Cook: Oh sure, I'll be doing that as soon as she comes home
Rand walks back to the group at the stable, good Zedd waiting without his halters attached to anything
It's mid-morning...about 11am
Toothpick stares levelly at the drow.
Toryn: " I admire your bravery " Toryn chuckles at Rand, completely missing the Aikira-
Toryn: Toothpick exchange
Petra (Jezzabelah): BTW...for Kenny, Vince, and Aikira....Drow is the D&D term for darkelf
Rand: "She wasn't in, the cook would give our pay to her" Rand says
Toothpick: I'm getting a wee bit tired of yer threats friend. Now, we can talk to another in a civilized way or not ?
Stuart (Toothpick): Sorry ... not used to EQ.
erus (Aikira): my real name is phil pete :)
Rand: "let's get saddled and start our ride, we have a looong way to go" Rand states and he mounts his horse
Petra (Jezzabelah): sorry Phil lol
Toryn: " Agreed " says toryn... " Ro do you want to ride behind one of us or can you ride a horse ? "
Ro just stares at the horses
Toothpick: Since no one wants to listen to what I found out and you all want to charge blindly on towards the city ...
be my guest. I'll be here when you get back.
Toryn: " Oh ! Sorry ! " says Toryn blinking
Toryn: " There's something we should know before we go to Freeport ? "
Toothpick walks back into the tavern.
Toryn (Toryn): you mean the stables toothpick ? We were all saddling up I think
Aikira nods at the rest and heads back to the tavern
Toothpick's belt pouch suddenly explodes and a woman pops out and falls on her back on the ground
Toothpick: No, no ... go off to Freeport and find somthing for Aikira to kill.
Toothpick looks at the pouch in surprise.
Toothpick shrugs.
The woman sits up, rubbing her head
Toryn: " What the ??? " says Toryn staring at the new arrival
Aikira: what the...
Toothpick: Figures ... go ahead ... 'Kill Aikira, kill !'
Aikira draws his katana
Rand looks completely lost at the sight of the woman popping out
Toothpick chuckles and walks into the tavern.
Toryn: " Wait , wait ! Toothpick how do we know she's an enemy ???? "
Aikira shouts at toothpick
Aikira: what is this witchcraft dwarf
Toothpick: Well ... you don't but why let factsget in the way of bloodletting.
Rand: "My god, the mess with these folks, all i want is to go to the temple of quellious in Freeport" Rand mutters
Toryn (Toryn): evil GM what does the woman look like ?
The woman gets to her feet and brushes the dirt and straw off her dress
Evil GM: What you guys see is a woman, probably 19 or 20, with looong black hair and very fair skin. She's gorgous, a
cha 20 gorgous.
Stuart (Toothpick): Not for a dwarf.
Toryn (Toryn): any resembalance to the woman I've been dreaming about evil GM?
Stuart (Toothpick): ;-)
Evil GM: She's wearing a simple silk pink dress, bare feet, her hair loose around her shoulders, and her ears are slightly
Petra (Evil GM): give me a wis roll Toryn
Rand is still muttering, seemingly oblivious to the racket around him, it's obvious all Rand wants is to GO
Petra (Evil GM): Nope
Toryn: " Rand please, make the introductions to our new arrival " says Toryn still staring in surprise
Toryn (Toryn): evil GM, Toryn detects evil
The woman starts muttering to herself, "stupid spell
Evil GM: Nope, no evil ;-)
Rand: "Huh what" Rand says
Toryn: " Well she does not carry the taint of darkness in her soul - or so says the Sight that Mithaniel Marr has
bestowed upon our order " Toryn states loudly and authoratively
Rand: "Oh wait, sure, i am Rand, that down there is Toryn, i guess you know Toothpick and the Dark Elf is Aikira...
my personal favorite is the half orc Ro"
Toryn: " Greetings ... I am Toryn of the Knights of Order, in service to His benevolence Mithaniel Marr "
Toryn: Toryn nods at Rand as he introduces the rest
Rand smacks Toryn over the head again for being too loud
The woman scratches her head and looks at each person as Rand makes the introductions...her eyes are an unusual green
Aikira sheathens his swords and just stares at the woman
Toryn: " What ? " says Toryn blinking and wincing (going on the assumption Rand smacked the bruise Dame Olissa
left )
Vincent (Rand): nah, just on the back of your hand, soft slap
The Woman: Well, yes, nice to meet you. I think...apologies for the pouch. I thought I had more time on that spell.
Stuart (Toothpick): brb
The Woman coughs
The Woman: Well, I supose I'll be on my way..
The Woman starts walking out of the stables
Rand: "May i ask who you are" Rand says
The Woman turns around and blinks at Rand
The Woman: Jezzabelah, my name is Jezzabelah
Rand: "Nice to meat you Jezzabellah" Rand says, "I am curious, how did you end up in Toothpicks pouch?"
Jezzabelah: You know, I'm not quite moment I was working on my spell, the next I was here.
Rand: "Interesting" Rand says, clearly pondering if he has ever seen something like that
Jezzabelah (absently): I think I accidently gestured counterclockwise when I was suposed to go clockwise..
Jezzabelah looks around
Jezzabelah: Where's here, anyways?
erus (Aikira): sorry checking my arcana
Rand: "The town of Brighthaven"
Jezzabelah: Brighthaven? Is that close to Freeport?
Toryn: " Milady if we may be so bold as to offer .... we journey to Freeport, if you'd care to accompany us "
Rand: "Not really, as far as i know about a week riding away" Rand says
Rand slaps Toryn again for obviously drooling over the woman
Jezzabelah: A week! How did I get this far if it takes a week?! That spell is only suposed to last eight hours at the
Toryn: " A knight never leaves a damsel in distress ! " protests Toryn " It goes against our code ! "
Rand: "I don't know miss, but i think the offer that our Paladin here did would be a wise one to take" Rand
says smiling
Rand: "True my friend, but drooling over the woman in question is rude anyways" Rand laughs
Jezzabelah: I'll gladly take you up on it...I'm sure the college is quite worried about me!
Rand: "I don't think my horse can handle 2 people on it, not even if one is as pretty as you are, i suggest you ride
with one of the others" Rand states, smiling friendly
Toryn: " Ro's riding with me I think unless she has any objections " says Toryn matter of factly
Jezzabelah: It's about noon now
Ro shakes her head and walks closer to Toryn cautious of his horse
It's about noon now
Rand: "So, either Aikira or Toothpick"
Toryn: Toryn smiles at Ro and helps her up on the horse
Jezzabelah flashes a smile
Jezzabelah: So, whom am I riding with then?
Aikira: you can ride with the dwarf he wheighs less
Stuart (Toothpick): Toothpick is in the tavern.
Rand looks around for Toothpick
Rand: "Where did he go anyways?" Rand asks
Jezzabelah: Oh, well, I wouldn't want to burden anyone...
Toryn: " I'm sure Toothpick won't have any objections" says Toryn confidently " Let's go collect the dwarf
Jezzabelah starts gesturing and saying a few magical words and a horse appears out of thin air
Toryn: " No, no , no trouble at all " assures Toryn
Aikira: I can put him in my pouch...without a spell
Toryn: Then Toryn stops staring at the horse
Rand: "And can we please hurry up, i really want to get to Freeport sooner rather then later" Rand SHOUTS
Toryn: " Very handy " he murmurs in surprise .. " Yes, yes Freeport of course, let's go "
Jezzabelah with a bit of an effort, jumps onto the back of the horse completely bareback and without a bridle
Rand l,oooks somewhat surprised at the horse
Stuart (Toothpick): Have a nice trip ;-)
Rand: "Someone go get Toothpick you tossers... or do i need to keep my brain as only part of this team" Rand
Toryn: " Off to the tavern then to collect the dwarf" announces Toryn
Toryn: " Let's all go, no need to split up "
Rand sighs and gets off his horse
Aikira jumps onto his horse (dark beauty)
Rand: "okay, okay, let's go back in... again" Rand sighs
Jezzabelah: I'll wait here with the animals
Aikira: I'll stay with the dwarf his pony
Toryn: " We should be able to ride there on our horses " says Toryn in surprise looking at Rand
Jezzabelah starts talking softly to the horses
Toothpick comes to the door and chuckles.
Toryn: " All right then I suppose it doesn't make a difference - oh he's back !"
Rand: "why ride about 50 feet, pointless" Rand states
Toryn: " Now what was it you wanted to tell us before we left forFreeport Toothpick ?" asks Toryn
Toothpick: You'll find that the place we are looking for is south of here ... in the mountains. I'll be here when you
get back.
Rand: "And please hurry, it's past noon already, i really want to get going there" Rand says
Toryn: " What's south in the mountains ? "
Toothpick sighs.
Rand: "I really want to go to freeport first, i have immediate personal business there
Toothpick tosses the amulet and scroll onto the ground he recovered from the gnome messenger.
Rand picks up the scroll and unrolls it to read
Toothpick: Not that it is any of my business ... but I'd look for tracks arounf the Barrow ... the messenger, if you get
lucky, might just lead you back to Befallen.
Toothpick: Have a nice trip.
Rand: "Hmm, a young necromancer must have owned this, it seems like a spell their youngest in rank would use"
Rand says
Aikira: toothpick, did the messenger told you anything about a gnomish necromancer called menizzia?
Aikira asks toothpick
Toothpick: Menizzia ?
Aikira 's face darkenss despite everything, he overheared rand talking about a necromancer, he feels that there still
might be one, a powerfull one
Aikira adresses the group
Aikira: this is the last time I warn you all, there might be a powerfull foe in those dungeons, we should go prepared
if we choose to head over there
Toothpick: Sorry Aikira ... that name did not come up.... he mentioned a man called Marnek.
Ro rests her head against Toryns back closing her eyes
Toothpick: Still, as I sai ... if you can pick up his trail ... I let him go so that he could lead us to where we want
to get to ... hopefully. Or ... you can ride on to Freeport ... why, by the way ?
Aikira: no problem toothpick, you helped much allready, for now I am certain necromancer dwell there
Toryn: " We were going to do some research on our foes at Freeport but this lead looks much more promising ... good
job Toothpick ! "
Toothpick: "There" ? Befallen you mean ?
Toryn: Toryn smiles at the dwarf
Rand: "I have to meet at the quellious temple to get rid of my dreams if you want to know" Rand says, "I
haven't slept in 3 days now"
Toothpick shrugs.
Aikira: yes befallen
Toothpick: Then I suggest you go to Freeport Rand.
Toryn: " The village priest worships Quellious Rand - he was of no help? "
Rand: "No, he suggested seeing someone in Freeport" Rand says clearly disappointed
Toothpick: All I know is that the messenger ... oh, incidentally ... have any of you asked the young lady where she cast
her spell that went so wrong ?
Rand: "no, sorry"
Toryn: " In Freeport ? " says Torynmaking in a question as he looks at the new arrival
Jezzabelah is sitting on her horse, talking to all the other horses softly and they're gathered around her quite eagerly
Toothpick: Oh ... and why would a gnome carrying the amulet on the ground get ring ?
Toothpick: Personally ... and I can only speak personally ... I'd rather think some more information about yonder lassie
is needed afore ye set off to pitch camp in the wilderness with her. No offence lass but I plan tolive to a ripe old age.
Toothpick chuckles.
Vincent (Rand): did anyone pick up the amulet anyways?
Jezzabelah looks up and stops talking to the horses, which nudge at her quite dissapointed at the lack of sudden attention
Toothpick: So lassie ... where did ye cast that spell o' yours ?
Jezzabelah blinks at Toothpick
Toothpick: And I am wondering how a gnome managed to find you ?
Jezzabelah: Why, the Academy of Arcane Science in Freeport..of course.
Toothpick: Ahhh ... and how long ago was that then ?
Jezzabelah: What's today?
Toothpick tells her the day.
Jezzabelah: What! That's two weeks ago! Minor Illusion is only supposed to last eight hours at the most!!
Jezzabelah: I was at the lab, trying to perfect Minor Illusion for the upcoming exam. I was trying to make myself into
a ring like my professor wears...and that's the last thing I remember.
Rand picks up the amulet and studies it intently
Rand: "Hmm, another bertoxulous symbol on it" Rand mutters
Toothpick: OK ... so in two weeks a gnome found the ring, picked it up and rather than breakingthe spell, kept the ring
and .... came to the barrow via Befallen ... possibly.
Toothpick sniffs.
Toothpick: How far away id Freeport again ?
Toothpick: *is
Rand: "Now that i am thinking on it, it may very well be 3 weeks, not 1 week travel" Rand says
Rand: Rand looks at Jezzabelah asking "Did your professors ring look like this one?"
Toothpick: As I thought ... that gnome was either very fast or you are not telling us the whole truth lassie ? You get
my drift ?
Jezzabelah shakes her head no, horrified
Rand: "okay" Rand says, thinking on this
Jezzabelah bristles a bit
Jezzabelah: I don't lie
Toothpick: Y'see ... one week ago you were a pretty thing casting a spell ... now you are here having been recovered from
a gnome. But he is three weeks away from where you were. Bit of a three-pipe problem would'nt you say ?
Toothpick chuckles.
Toothpick: Of course not lassie ... a rare bit o' magic thats all.
Toothpick winks at the young girl.
Jezzabelah narrows her eyes at the dwarf
Jezzabelah tosses her long black mane of hair behind her
Toothpick chuckles and taps out the last tobbacco in the bowl of his old clay pipe.
Toothpick: Now then ... off to Freeport is it ?
Jezzabelah: Humph...
Aikira: brb
Toryn: " Thank you for all this information Toothpick " says Toryn humbly " It's very valuable "
Jezzabelah turns her horse away from Toothpick
Stuart (Toothpick): Can dwarves in EQ ride ?
Rand: "I wonder why you suddenly want to go to Freeport instead of Befallen" Rand says grinning at the dwarf
Toryn: " I really wish we could go investigate it right this moment ... but if Rand can't sleep ... we need our healer
with us able to fight by our side"
Petra (Jezzabelah): Yes
Stuart (Toothpick): I think a stout pony called Dobbin is called for rather than a spirited horse, sorry people.
Toothpick shrugs.
Rand: "I have a feeling you like the girl, now don't you" Rand wispers in Toothpicks ear
Toothpick: I have this rare sinus condition ... fresh air and long rides may clear it up. Besides ... I'm fascinated to
find out how gnomes can travel 3 weeks in one week ... I wish I could do that.
Toothpick (whispering): Oh aye ... a rare pretty wee thing.
Toothpick struggles into his saddle.
Jezzabelah says, without looking at Toothpick, "Gnomes are known for their wonderous gadgets that do odd things"
Toryn: " Damn ! " curses Toryn... " I'm almost tempted to have us split up ... but no, that would be too
Rand (wispering): See, i think i understand any man :)
Toothpick: Aye ... and elves have quick tongues, dwarves are greedy and darkelves love to kill things.
1 PM
Toothpick: So ... Freeport.
Jezzabelah: Oh, I hope they let me make up that exam!
Rand: "But, let's go, i agree that the travel trick of that gnome is interesting" Rand says loudly
Rand mount his horse and starts walking towards the directions to freeport
Toothpick: I think it best to stick together Rand and besides, Befallen is still going to be in the same place in three
weeks time. Well ... nearer six.
Toothpick motions Dobbin into a lurching motion.
Evil GM: Ok, I'm assuming you guys are riding off from Brighthaven?
Stuart (Toothpick): Yes ... I guess so ?
Vincent (Rand): yeah
Toryn (Toryn): anyone who has any objections speak up or forever hold your peace ;) ... Brighthaven it is !
Vincent (Rand): No, freeport
Evil GM: What kind of pace are you guys riding at?
Toryn (Toryn): Freeport , right
Toryn (Toryn): I'd say normal, if we exhaust the horses that's bad right ?
Stuart (Toothpick): Not too fast ! Toothpick is not a great rider.
Evil GM: Ok, you guys can make about 25 miles a day at a moderate pace and assuming there's no hold-ups
Toryn (Toryn): Toryn uses lay on hands to heal himself and Rand presumably does the same to bring us back up to full hit
points first nightfall
Petra (Evil GM): k
Stuart (Toothpick): Approx 2 weeks to Farfield... and two more to Freeport.
Evil GM: Are you guys going to do anything aside from riding day 1
Vincent (Rand): not me
Stuart (Toothpick): Toothpick will smoke his pipe, ruminate on the mysteries of life and pretty much keep himself to himself.
Toryn: " I'm going to sound absolutely insane even saying this " Toryn announces loudly to the group
Toryn: " but be on the lookout for a woman with butterfly wings "
Toothpick: Pleasant is she ?
Toryn: " The Lightbringer - Mithaniel Marr - has sent me a vision - I am to aid her "
Toothpick nods.
Rand nods
Toryn: " I .. would assume so ?... I couldn't tell from the vision "
Toothpick: Real wings or a tattoo ?
Toryn: " Real wings" says Toryn looking embarrassed " There were some dark elves involved too in robes,
her foes I think - no offense " says Toryn nodding a quick apology at Aikira
Evil GM: Ok, it's getting dusk on day 1
Evil GM: On the map you made it to where the black dot is
Toothpick looks for a suitable place to camp.
Evil GM: You find a big patch of grass on a little hill
Aikira: none taken toryn
Rand is so tired, he gets oif his mount and goes straigthly into his bedroll
Toothpick: I suggest we camp on the leeward side of the hill, not on the hill top ? Too visible.
Evil GM: Ok, the thing in the center is the camp fire I'm going to assume you guys make??
Jezzabelah waves her hand and her horse disappears
8 PM
Toothpick unpacks his bedroll, tethers Dobbin after rubbing the pony down and settles back against a tree.
Toryn: " Milady if I may - since you seem to know of arcane secrets "
Ro is completely awake as she slept on the back of Toryns horse most of the ride
Petra (Evil GM): Sorry, no trees out here ;-) planes land
Toryn: Toryn repeats his dreams out loud to her (and anyone else who wants to listen in )
Toothpick topples backwards.
Toryn: " This woman with the wings ... any legends of beings like that which you might be aware of ?"
Jezzabelah: Oh! I know who that is!
Toothpick listens to the young woman.
Aikira simply puts his backpack down and lies down it, he is comfortbale enough with that and his cloak
Toryn: " Really ! " says Toryn visibly brightening... "
Toryn: " Please, tell me! "
Jezzabelah: Sure! Thats...
Jezzabelah attempts to say something but nothing comes out of her mouth
Toothpick frowns.
Toryn: " Yes, you were sayiing ? " asks Toryn
Ro raises an eyebrow
Jezzabelah: Yes, yes...that's......
Jezzabelah again, as soon as she goes to say who it is, silence
Aikira lifts his head and watches jezza
Jezzabelah: Oh curses!
Toothpick: I wouldnae push the lassie .. I doubt she can say the name ?
Jezzabelah beats the ground with her fist
Toryn: " ' oh curses ' - some sort of foul enchantment prevents you from speaking the name milady ? "
Toothpick stands up and walks to the brow of the hill to scan the surrounding countryside now that the camp fire is lit.
Aikira: perhaps she can write it down on the ground
Jezzabelah (mutters): Something like that
Aikira suggests to the group
Jezzabelah shakes her head sadly
Ro grabs a flute out of the air and softly starts to play some songs
Jezzabelah: No, that won't work either...I am cursed.
Aikira: you might try it
Jezzabelah crawls over to a patch of dirt on the ground and goes to start writing...her hand freezes in place.
Jezzabelah frowns
Toryn: Toryn tries to hide his disapointment " I thank you none the less milady - do you know who might have done
this to you ? "
Jezzabelah: Oh, yes, I know...I was cursed at birth and it's a right annoying curse.
Jezzabelah: See, I instantly know anything asked but I'm not to tell the answer.
9 PM
Evil GM: Everyone awake give listen rolls
Ro stops playing her flute just long enough to say,'ledy with wingz is goddess' and starts to play her flute again
Jezzabelah looks up
Jezzabelah: What was that??
Aikira stands up suddenly
Aikira draws his sword
Aikira: everybody hold your tongues and listen
Toryn: Toryn draws his sword when he sees Aikira do so
Aikira: I hear howling, like none other I have heared before
Evil GM: A strange howl echos through the commonlands
Ro looks at Aikira, stops playing her flute, throws it up in the air where it vanishes
Evil GM: Everyone give me spot rolls
A bunny hops into the camp, twitching it's nose
Ro: 'Fresh food' ro exclaims looking at the rabbit but not getting up
Jezzabelah cocks her head to one side and stares intently at the rabbit
A bunny hops up to Rand and sniffs him
Rand (Scared): "WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA" Rand screams as he wakes up. He looks around, sees the bunny and panicks,
he runs to his horse, intending to ride off at full speed. He forgets he is in his bedroll though and falls flat to the ground
with a large thud and sickening crack. He remains motionless on the floor.
Toothpick sighs.
Ro: 'i guezz he not want fresh food'
Toothpick looks at the others and then goes to Rand's aid.
Toothpick: Are ye alright laddie ?
Rand: .....
Toryn: " By the Lightbringer, I'll never understand why he fears rabbits so " murmurs Toryn going to
Toryn: Rand as well
Toryn: Checking Rand for bruises and so forth
Before Rand can get far, the bunny gives a scream that no bunny should and pounces at Rand, turning into a mutant looking
bunny in the process with big, pointy teeth
Toryn: " Now I know why !! " shouts Toryn trying to draw his sword
Toothpick: Our knight is afeared of rabbits ?
Toryn (Toryn): evil GM does the bunny get a surprise attack?
The bunny successfully lands on Rand and bites him, sinking its teeth in Rands neck
Petra (A were bunny): Rand takes 7 dmg from the bite
Evil GM: Everyone give me init rolls please
Rand stays motionless even during the bite
Evil GM: Init order is Toryn, Aikira, Toothpick, Bunny, Ro, Rand
Toryn: " Slay the rabbit ! " shouts Toryn at the top of his lungs , lunging at the rabbit with his longsword
Toryn (Toryn): activates his haste effect from the signet
Petra (Evil GM): KK
Petra (Evil GM): free action, so you can still move/attack
Aikira screams from the top of his lungs, when he engages the mutant and swings his blade at him
A bunny: The bunny looks hideous now. It grew a bit, has big fangs, drooling, and looks rabid
Toothpick carefully loads a silvered bolt and shoots at the terrible creature.
A bunny attempts to bite Rand again
A bunny sinks it's teeth even deeper into Rands neck (8dmg)
Ro jumps swinging her axe disregarding she is wearing her dress still and runs to the Wererabbit
Toryn: " Can't even hit a rabbit - the Lightbringer curse my eyes " swears Toryn in disgust at himself, swinging
again " Hang on Rand ! "
A bunny: You hit, give me damage
Aikira ashamed by his former failure, he takes another swing, harder en faster, his anger fired up
Petra (A bunny): Anyone that got over a 10 on the spot sees that Toryn's hit didn't seem to hurt the bunny too much
Toothpick loads another silvered arrow into 'Old Faithful' and releases the tension in the bow, aiming at Grommet's head.
A bunny turns and launches itself at Toothpick
A bunny it lands on Toothpick's chest and scrapes him with it's claws
Evil GM: 11 dmg
Evil GM: Toryn sees that his damage didn't take full effect on the bunny
Toryn: Noticing that his mighty blow barely fazed the small thing - and the grevious wounds it inflicted on Rand and Toothpick
... Toryn shouts " What foul servant of evil is this thing??? "
Toryn: Dropping his sword he pulls his silver dagger and lunges at the beast
Aikira runs up to the creature, and swings again
Evil GM: You hit, give me damage
A bunny attempts to bite Toothpick
A bunny sinks it's teeth into Toothpick's arm (3dmg)
Evil GM: With a mighty blow, Ro manages to do quite a bit of damage to the rabbit
Toryn: " Milady ! " shouts Toryn desperately " Have you any spells that could enchant my sword ? "
Jezzabelah shakes her head no, her mouth open
Toryn: Toryn grimly lunges at the rabbit again with his silver dagger - this time trying to distract it
Toryn (Toryn): evil GM Toryn is performing the aid another action to give Ro a plus two on her next attack roll
Petra (Jezzabelah): k, plus you also get a +2 flanking bonus
Toryn (Toryn): damn of all people you'd think I'd remember flanking bonuses eh? :P
Toryn (Toryn): actually with aid another I don't do damage, Ro gets plus two on her next attack roll
Kenny (Ro): ur a paladin :P
Toryn (Toryn): plus another plus two it looks like if she gets flanking too
Evil GM: Whoops, you're right. Shows how much I use that ;-)
Evil GM: And don't forget the +2 flanking Aikira
erus (Aikira): with hit or katana
Kenny (Ro): attack bonus
A bunny screams and launches itself at Aikira
Toryn (Toryn): evil GM Toryn checks to see if Aikira's doing any serious damage to the rabbit
A bunny the rabbit sinks it's fangs into aikira
Petra (A bunny): about half damage
Kenny (Ro): i get flanking bonus?
Toryn (Toryn): and a plus two bonus from me too
Toryn (Toryn): aid another action
With a final wack of the axe, the bunny falls over dead
Ro looks proudly at her axe
Toryn: " What in the name of the gods WAS that thing?!? " bellows Toryn staring down at it
Toryn: toryn claps Ro on the back " Told you that you were a strong warrior - now stop arguing with me about it!
" Toryn chuckles
Ro runs to Rand throwing her axe aside
Toryn: His expression changing to a look of concern Toryn follows Ro
Ro: 'Tooyn coom look' she says with a desperate tone
Toryn (Toryn): damn - was trying to diagnose what was wrong with Rand
30 minute warning to session end
Rand looks battered, he has blood in the face and blood around the wound of the bunny, he is unconcious
Evil GM: he's injured ;-)
Vincent (Rand): oops, Sorry Andre
Vincent (Rand): erhm... bleh
Toryn: " Lightbringer, Lord of us all, Master of Valor, I beseech you to heal this kind and noble priest who has
fought so bravely by our side, in your cause, against the forces of evil " Toryn calls out to the heavens before laying
his hands on Rand
Toryn (Toryn): heals 12 hit points of damage assuming Mithaniel Marr goes along with it - paladin lay on hands
Vincent (Rand): Rand is still unconcious and his face looks ... odd
Toryn: " There's still something wrong " says Toryn desperately " Is there anyone else here who knows anything
of the healing arts ? "
Rand softly groans
Jezzabelah: going to be ok?
Toryn: " Rand? Are you awake my friend ? "
Rand: "ooh... fe pein... ma fase... oohh" Rand utters
Rand: "ohh.. ma hed... ooohhh... pwez, mak da wold stop spinin i wanna ge of" Rand utters on
Toryn (Toryn): Toryn uses the Bind Wounds function of the Heal skill, DC is 10
Petra (Jezzabelah): k
Evil GM: Barely, but barely works ;-)
Toryn (Toryn): heals another whole 1 point of damage, yay :P
Aikira: this won't do his fear for bunnies any goof
erus (Aikira): good
Rand: "ma hifpunts aw fine, my faf ifnt" Rand utters
Toryn: " No wonder he was afraid of them " mutters Toryn glaring at the bunny's carcass... " Could someone
please burn that thing before it gets up and attacks us again ?
Aikira: we could eat it, we could use some good meat
Ro takes Rands hand inbetween her hands
Rand points at his face, and mimmicks it hurts and he can't talk and thus not heal
Rand indicates he may have hit a rock on the floor when he fell, but he can't remember
Toryn: " Could be poisonous Aikira " says Toryn with a wary look at the rabbit
Aikira: maybe the dwarf can try first
Toryn: " Rand can you call on your goddess to heal your wounds" says Toryn urgently
Toothpick stares up at the dark elf darkly.
Toryn (Toryn): verbal components could be difficult if he can't speak properly :P
Rand shakes his head in denial and mimmicks he can't speak
Toryn: " We shall care for you my friend " says Toryn firmly " You've done it often enough for us, it's
time we repay the favor"
Ro: 'no speciaal drink in baakpaak?'
Toryn: Toryn gives Ro a brief hug " He'll be all right , we'll take care of him - I'm not as good as Rand but I know
a bit about healing "
Toothpick (quietly): You have threatened me three times since I joined this group and insulted me every day. Were I you
... I would sleep somewhere else tonight.
Toothpick binds his wounds, and returns to his bedroll.
Toryn (Toryn): evil GM checking to see if Toryn picks up on the dwarf-dark elf exchange
Evil GM: Yes, you hear's pretty close to you
Toryn: "
Kenny (Ro): i hear it too?
Evil GM: yes
Toryn: " Both of you that's enough ! " scolds Toryn.. " One of our number has been gravely injured, we
can put aside the fighting for later ! "
Toryn: " Needless to say we should all take turns keeping watch tonight - I'll take the first watch "
Rand indicates to Toryn that they may need help from a surgeon when they reach freeport
Ro walks over to Toryn and shakes her head,'me sleep on howse, me watch'
Toothpick (coldly): Friend Toryn, many of us have been hurt.
Toryn (Toryn): writes it in common on the dirt I expect ? :P
Rand: "i wif mag a pofion fo wull fa pein" Rand says while he walks to his horse to get his remaining herbs
Rand points Toryn to both Aikira and Toothpick and indicates they need help too
Toryn: " True, true " says Toryn " The Lightbringer only lets me heal one person at a time or else I would
have tended everyone else's wounds too - I am but a junior member of my order,my healing skills will increase in time "
Rand motions binding wounds
Toryn: " I tended to Rand first since he was the most greviously injured "
Evil GM: Toryn...give me an Int roll
Toryn (Toryn): that's a DC 10 on binding wounds by the way Rand ;)
Vincent (Rand): actually, i think Tooth was worse, i had 13 hp left, he had 6....
Aikira looks threathening at toothpick
Vincent (Rand): i motioned it too Toryn ;)
Aikira: sleep somewhere else...are you gonne bark all day little doggy, or are you gonna bit
Toothpick watches Toryn and Aikira.
Toryn (Toryn): can I count that 19 on the edge of the board evil GM ? Please pretty please? :)
Rand while Rand walks back from his horse with his herbs, he smacks both Toothpick and Aikira in the head
erus (Aikira): bite
Toothpick (muttering): I think not.
Petra (Evil GM): Toryn...yes. Was that for the Int roll?
Toryn: " For all we know we could be surrounded by evil rabbits ! " shouts Toryn - then stops looking embarassed..
mustering himself he continues " Now is not the time to quarrel among ourselves! "
Toothpick rolls up his bedroll and restows his pack.
Toryn (Toryn): yes - thank you all praise the evil gm ;)
Evil GM: Yes, praise her. ;-) Rand has the emerald that heals 3x
Toryn: " We're forgetting something " says Toryn excitedly .... " Do any of you know if the village priest
was able to remove the taint of evil from that healing emerald? "
Rand makes a think, sickeningly sweet smelling potion
15 minute Warning
Rand: Rand jumps up and yells "ooh ifuguf... hang uf"
Rand runs to his horse, grabs the stone and tells Toothpick to say "felliuf" to use it
Toryn: " It would make sense to heal the priest first " Toryn explains to everyone else, " That way he
can heal the others once he regains his ability to speak clearly "
Toothpick (muttering): Toryn, you will note that I have not threatened nor insulted yon dark elf. You will also note that
I have done my best to repay you for rescuing me from the Barrow. You can see my wounds ... these obtained in trying to help
you. I consider my debt paid and, in order to avoid incuring another debt will return to Brighthaven. I wish you luck.
Toryn: " He needs to be able to pray clearly or the goddess won't answer his prayers you see - one of those priest
things, we paladins have to follow the same restrictions "
Rand indicates that healing spells probably won't cure him
Toothpick mounts Dobbin.
Toothpick heads back to Brighthaven.
Toryn: " Wait ! " shouts Toryn
Toryn: " There's really no need for that now is there ? "
Jezzabelah looks from Toryn to Toothpick and back at Toryn
Toryn: Toryn walks over to Toothpick
Vincent (Rand): next line is OOC, checking what healing the gem did
Rand: I also got the gem in the pouch back, it has no real name, but it has an activation word that allows the speaker
and holder of the gem a 2d8+5 heal for a maximum of 3 times (it has 3 charges).
Toryn: " Now look " says Toryn softly hoping aikira won't hear ... " I know Aikira can be difficult to
deal with - he almost killed me the first time we met before Ro - the orcish woman - put him to sleep"
Toryn: Toryn chuckles at the memory while talking to Toothpick
Toryn: " I know he can be difficult to deal with but he warms up to all of us given enough time - and you have to
remember where he comes from - all dark elves are brought up to worship the Prince of Hate and - naturally enough - learn
to hate everyone else around them "
Toryn: " Most dark elves have the taint of evil in their soul - this one does not "
Toryn: " As insane as this sounds, Mithaniel Marr - the god I worship - blesses all his paladins with the ability
to peer into another being's soul "
Rand walks up to Toryn and Toothpick holding out the gem to toothpick
Toothpick nods.
Rand: "fay "felliuf" foof... if will helf" Rand utters
Toryn: " It's amazing that he doesn't serve the forces of darkness - a rare find - but you can't expect him to be
polite given his upbringing - he's used to people trying to kill him in the middle of the night ... might makes right and
all that sort of thing "
Toothpick (muttering): As I said. Good luck to ye ... but one of us will not see the morning if we remain together.
Toothpick rides off.
Toryn: Toryn sighs
Rand stands there holding the gem up which Toothpick ignores
Toryn: " At least let us heal your wounds before you ride off " Toryn calls after Toothpick
Rand slumps his shoulders as Toothpick obviously prefers to go without at least a healing.
Jezzabelah sits back down in the dirt, sighing
Aikira stares at toothpick walking off and then puts the hood from his cloak over his head and sits down to meditate
Toothpick: I'm thinking ye will need the healing, good luck !
Toryn: " Very well " sighs Toryn " good luck to you as well - you can leave us a message with the Knights
of Order in Freeport if you change your mind "
Rand walks back to the fire and continues his potion, tugging the gem in his beltpouch
Toryn: " Can you talk my friend? " Toryn asks Rand
Rand: "nof weally" Rand utters
Jezzabelah crosses her arms and pouts
Toryn: " The gem didn't work on you Rand? "
Rand sips his potion, obviously hurting when the cup touches his oddly shaped lips
Rand indicates that normal healing magic may not help his face. The wounds are healed, but the face looks oddly shaped
still. He also indicates he can't say the word needed
Toryn: " Worst case scenario the priests of my order, or sister order, will tend to you in Freeport - or your own
of course " says Toryn clapping Rand on the back
Toryn: Doing his best to hide a look of worry
Rand flinches when Toryn hits him, his face obviously hurting at such a smack
Rand finishes his potion, visibly relaxing and looking less hurt
Toryn: Toryn looks embarassed at his error " You can tell we focus more on the warrior than the healing training
at our school"
Rand tries to smile at Toryn to let him know he is okay... but his face looks even weirder when he smiles
Rand goes back into his bedroll and is soon sound asleep, helped by the numbing potion (he forgets his stuff that was
standing next to the fire)