Dungeons and Dragons - Everquest d20

4/9/06 - Session 4
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Experience Log
EQd20 Ruleset (FG2)

Exploring the tomb of the Barrow King...

Evil GM: Conrad is almost in......someone want to recap where we were last week??

Vincent (Rand): recap: we are in a forest... it's dark and you hear howling... Rand starts to look really panicked

Ro: we just killed the 4 orcs

Ro: and are standing outside the cave right now

Toryn (Toryn): ghouls ran away

Toryn (Toryn): one orc is tied up and held captive

Evil GM: KK....we can start from here then.

Toryn: " We should search the bodies " says Toryn grimly " There may be clues "

Toryn: " And we need to question this one " Toryn looks at the tied up orc

Toryn (Toryn): no big deal just glad to see you here ;)

Toryn: Toryn starts searching the orc bodies

Evil GM: You find a few rusty weapons and tidbits of armor, nothing extremely useful seems to be on their bodies.

Toryn: Toryn looks at the captive orc " You ... who sent these ghouls to accompany you ?

Aikira: does he speak common?

Toryn (Toryn): we're about to find out since Toryn addressed him in common

Petra (Evil GM): BTW....the map that popped up is "masked" so don't freak out since nothing is on it

Orc Warrior stares defiantly at Toryn

Aikira hits the orc in the stumach screaming ANSWER

Ro: Ro says 'hello' to the orc in orcish

Orc Warrior (to): Ro jadow dhneos fffius

Conroy: "Perhaps I could persuade him to answer with the blade of my rapier..." muses Conroy

Aikira: finally you say something usefull

Petra (Orc Warrior): fyi...that's supposed to be (to ro) not Ro blah blah blah

Conroy Conroy smiles at Aikira.

Toryn (Toryn): - evil GM does Aikira get an intimidate check with the punch in the stomach? Possibly with bonuses due to Aikira laying waste to more orcs than the other PC's ?

Ro: does ro understand?

-> ro: he says "travelling with stinking humans like the halfbreed you are?

Toryn (Toryn): just a thought :)

Evil GM: Sure

Ro: Ro smiles down at the tied up orc replying,' zefkl kljzenz tky rt fgijnqs, jdf fng f?'

Orc Warrior doesn't look intimidated by the dark elf

Ro: these humans are my friends, who are you?

-> conroy: fail ;-)

Orc Warrior spits on the ground towards Ro's feet

erus (Aikira): due to the bunnies I guess

Orc Warrior: grah bleh graw graw

-> ro: I don't speak to human friends

Conroy: Are we still outside where we killed the orcs?

-> conroy: yes

Tala: It doesn't even speak common....kill it and lets go inside.

Toryn (Toryn): Conroy if you have any bonuses due to Charisma (which I'm guessing you do ;) ) they apply to Intimidate rolls - click on the Skills tab of the character sheet then drag the Intimidate total modifier to the brown modifier box, lower left corner of the screen then roll the d20 ;)

Conroy: "Come now, let's not spill blood needlessly,

Tala looks sideways at Conroy

Ro laughs at the orc saying,' jklm,hgn ghd djgk rt fhjd jggf gn hs'

Ro: fine, but you will be good food to us

Aikira: perhaps you could put your sword on his throat

Tala: It's an O-R-C....they're vermin, kill it

Toryn: Toryn looks at Conroy in surprise ... " I'd have to say I agree - I don't like the idea of murdering a captive in cold blood "

Orc Warrior refuses to say anything more to Ro

Toryn: " I suppose I owe you an apology - it would appear you really were joking about slitting Rand's throat - the priest " Toryn adds in explanation

Tala (snorts): It would kill us if it had the chance

Conroy: "Exactly, who knows what other opportunities there might be to exploit our captive?" says Conroy with a wry grin.

Ro points at the orc saying,'foowd'

Toryn: " Very well then let's tie it up and bring it along " suggests Toryn.. Toryn then looks embarassed .. " Uh, I'm a bit short on rope - anyone have any ? And no Ro you can't eat the captive " chides Toryn looking at Ro

Aikira: the girl has a point, I didn't had fresh meat in days

Tala rolls her eyes and redies her bow

Toryn: Toryn points at the orc captive " no food" and looks at Ro

Conroy: Pointing at Ro, Conroy asks "Who's in charge of missy?"

Toryn: " Well I don't really like the term ' in charge ' " protest Toryn

Ro looks at Conroy threatheningly

Tala: And as to the ghouls, I can answer that question. This is a graveyard....they tend to be attracted to graveyards.

Aikira: I've got some rope

Rand: I don't think anyone is in charge of Ro... Ro seems to like Toryn though

Toryn: " Rand has done an excellent job of protecting her in combat - though she fares far better as a warrior than I expected, I didn't give her enough credit " chuckles Toryn

Aikira throws the rope at toryn

Ro tells the orc,'zerf erkzkfe ze rke zker fjksj dfj dkskdfhjgh skfdks, ksk mrk rkr?'

Rand looks at Toryn confused

Rand: Me, protect her?

Toryn: " And otherwise I try to guide her and give her advice "

Ro: last chance if you ever wanna see the sunlight again, who are you?

Conroy: "Oh Tala, so wise with the wonders of the world, aren't you, sweet?"

Conroy: *sweety

Toryn: " You healed her by the grace of your goddess in the last battle didn't you " Toryn smiles at Rand " That's protection !"

Toryn: " She might be dead if it wasn't for you ! "

Tala ignores Conroy

erus (Aikira): toryn you've got rope now

Orc Warrior spits at Ro again

Toryn: " Be proud my friend - there are many kinds of bravery and many types of valiant behavior" Toryn tells Rand as he ties the rope to the orc's existing bonds

Ro spits back

Toryn: to form a " leash "

Toryn: Toryn tugs the captive to his feet... " come on you "

Rand: that isn't protection... it's repairing afterwards... if i am too slow or don't have the energy, i cannot heal and she will be hurt

Orc Warrior growls at Toryn and attempts to slam into him

Rand: And she souldn't be dead... i healed her so you wouldn't pay too much attewntion to her :)

Aikira: are you sure it's wise to take this orc along with us " Aikra asks toryn

Ro looks at Aikira and points at the others forming the words with her lips,'bla bla bla'

Toryn: " You healed her in the middle of combat with orcs swinging their swords at you ! " laughs toryn ... " It sounds like protection to me my friend - and no offense but as a warrior I've seen enough battle to know what bravery is .. you have it ! You are far too modest ! "

Conroy: In a flash, Conroy's rapier is pressed against the Orc's throat. "Behave now, or I'll slay you."

Rand: They never swung at me, thank goodness... i would pee my pants if they did

Evil GM: The orc warrior successfully manages to slam into Toryn

Aikira: I think we'll get along just fine conroy

Aikira: at least someone who has some common sense also

Toryn: " But they easily could have - you were quite close to them my priestly friend - come I won't argue this matter any further with you, you are brave and that's the end of it - let's see what's going on in this cave "

Evil GM: Conroy...you get an AAO if you want it against the orc

Konrad (Conroy): Is the Orc gonna be able to hurt Toryn?

Konrad (Conroy): Is he attacking or just messing with him?

Rand looks at Toryn wondering if he lost his mind

Evil GM: He's growling and grunting....seemingly ready to fight to the death if he has to

erus (Aikira): can aikira smack the orc in the face

Konrad (Conroy): Nah, it's fine for now

erus (Aikira): with his fist

Evil GM: Toryn, you take 1pt of damage from the orc's slam attack

Rand casts his spell Lull on the Orc, putting into a trance of obedience

Aikira aikira smacks the orc in the face with his fist

Toryn: Toryn reels backwards in the middle of his speech to Rand not expecting the orc's cowardly attack

Ro: Ro asks Toryn ,'seeng?'

Konrad (Conroy): Okay, I changed my mind :)

Evil GM: Aikira, give me an attack roll

Konrad (Conroy): Is Rand's spell successful?

Evil GM: You hit Aikira...are you doing full damage or subdual?

Toryn: Toryn shakes his head as he recovers and forces a pained smile to his face, touching Ro on the arm .. " I'm fine young one "

erus (Aikira): full damage aikira is pissed

Evil GM: hand to hand, roll 1d3 damage

Rand starts examining the corpse, looking at the physiology with great interest]

Evil GM: The orc takes 3 dmg

Rand casts his spell Lull on the Orc, putting into a trance of obedience

Aikira: aikira looks angry at toryn "I TOLD YOU HE WOULD BE TROUBLE3

Evil GM: Conroy, were you going to take that AOO?

Konrad (Conroy): Can I still take it?

Rand: Pay attention people... i had lulled it before you guys started mucking about ;)

Evil GM: I'll allow it

Evil GM: You hit...full damage or subdual?

Conroy: full damage

Evil GM: go ahead and give dmg then

Orc Warrior stumbles in his bonds and growls, attempts to break out of the ropes

Ro: can i sing it to sleep and then make a coup de grace?

Aikira: STILL NOT HAD ENOUGH "aikira shouts"

Orc Warrior with a yell and a burst of strength, the bonds on the orc burst with a loud "pop"

Ro: can i sing it to sleep?

-> ro: can attempt

Aikira draws his sword

Vincent (Rand): he needs 11 DC

Ro: what do i need to roll?

-> ro: nothing, he failed his will roll to

Ro: lol he fell asleep?

Orc Warrior as Ro starts singing, the orc falls down sleeply

Ro draws her axe and tries to chop of the orcs head while he's harmlessly on the ground sleeping

Orc Warrior bleeds to death

Ro: no need to make a coup de grace? hehe

Toryn (Toryn): - sorry... was that you saying "orc warrior dies" evil GM?

Vincent (Rand): bah, i remembered my spell wrong... doesn't work in combat or when he has seen you :(

Aikira aikira walks up to the dead orc and retrieves his rope

Aikira: the only good orc is a dead orc

Conroy spits on the Orc.

-> ro: the orc had 1hp left....he'll die regardless

Conroy: "You're a piece of filth."

Toryn: " Not true ! " protests Toryn looking at Ro .. " Still he was far too stuborn ... we would have let him live if he had only behaved himself "

Ro: kk lol

Aikira nods to conroy

-> ro: if he had more HPs I'd have let you do it....pointless with 1 whole hp

Aikira: well spoken

Conroy: "It's not in their nature, Toryn." says Conroy with a hint of sadness in his voice.

Tala: Orcs have only deathwishes (looks towards Ro) at least full blooded ones do

Toryn: " Well perhaps in most cases but not with all orcs" smiles Toryn squeezing Ro's shoulder .. " I'm sorry you and Ro had to see that ... well I suppose we have a cave to explore "

Tala readies her bow again and walks to the enterance of the open barrow

Toryn: Toryn retrieves the rope from the dead orc and gives it to Tala ...

Wish (Ro): i was the one chopping his head off Toryn lol

Tala: Thanks

erus (Aikira): dude I allready took the rope

Toryn (Toryn): there was already rope there too though from earlier on when we first tied it up - will assume you took it all then ;) (evil GM )

Evil GM: k

Ro walks to the cave entrance also and looks in

Tala coils up the usable bits of rope and drops the rest on the ground

Ro: do i see something inside with darkvision?

Rand: Do we really have to go in there?!

Toryn: " Let's establish a marching order " states Toryn .. " It makes sense for the .. er, ranger ? " Toryn looks at Tala " to take the lead , scouts are good at that sort of thing - has anyone else had that sort of training ? "

Aikira sheathens his katana

Toryn: " And be not afraid my friend, you survived an assault by orcs without a scratch" adds Toryn clapping Rand on the back

Toryn: " And if by some odd chance we should die it will be a glorious death in the name of the Lightbringer ! "

Conroy: "I can go unseen and unheard if need be," says Conroy confidently.

Rand: But But But...... It's dark in there... I will get lost !!

Tala: Oh, well, maybe you should let Conroy go first. He's just as good of a ro...er, ranger. Maybe better (last bit sprinkled with sarcasm)

Rand faints at Toryn saying they might die

Tala looks at the passed out cleric

Tala: Oh brother..

Ro runs to Rand

Aikira: humans

Conroy: "Oh dear..."

Ro: he ded, foowd noow

Aikira sighs

Conroy: "I for one wouldn't care if Ro ate him."

Ro nods happely at Conroy

Toryn: " No ! Not food " exclaims Toryn.. " And his training has been all in books up until now you can't blame the poor man "

Aikira nods happely too

Rand slowly starts to move, still unconcious

Toryn: Toryn gently slaps Rand until he comes around using his Heal Skill if necessary

Conroy: "Your using the word 'man' too loosely, Toryn."

Rand 's eyes pop open

Conroy flexes his muscles and smiles at Tala.

Rand Yelps

Tala mutters in elvish

Rand: What happened?

Toryn: " He healed Ro in battle didn't he ? " Toryn snaps at Conroy ... " There's no need to insult him "

Ro: he no ded?

Rand looks at Ro

Tala (sarcastically): at the mention of death you passed out

Rand: No i am not dead Ro :)

Ro sighs disappointed at losing more food

Conroy: "I wasn't insulting him, it's clearly his parents' fault!" protests Conroy.

Toryn: " You passed out ... we shall put you in between myself and Aikira where you'll be safe " Toryn squeezes Rand's shoulder reassuringly

Rand: You aren't too nice now are you Ranger

Rand looks somewhat worried at the Dark Elf

Aikira tries to smile at rand

Conroy: "Actually, you're alright. I don't mind having someone around who can cook and wash up."

Tala: Let Conroy go first, I'll go last and look out from behind

Aikira: safe...

Aikira says with a smile

Conroy: Can hide be used effectively here, or just Move Silently?

Ro: fuck lol Tacvi night and i'm one of the 2 warriors online lol

Rand wonders if he can trust a Dark Elf... Toryn seems to

Toryn: " Very well - I'll take the lead after Conroy, we'll put Ro and Rand in the middle and Aikira can support us from behind following them - unless you'd rather be in front Aikira ? "

-> conroy: there's a few places it can be used effectively

Aikira: I don't mind

-> ro: lol

Conroy: What will I use for general scouting ahead?

Toryn: " All right then, now that we've established the marching order we should be off "

-> conroy: I've been using a combination of hide and sneak .... DC's against anything's listen/spot rolls

Conroy Conroy starts moving forward in the tunnel, taking care to move slowly and silently, his eyes peering ahead

Rand looks scared at the dark entrance, but follows closely behind Toryn

Evil GM: Ok, for simplicity's sake, does anyone mind if we use the marching order also as the initiative order??

erus (Aikira): nope

Konrad (Conroy): Don't mind

Toryn (Toryn): Conroy you might as well move your little circle picture guy to the entrace of the cave then eh? ;) .. Tala too ... nope don't mind the init suggestion

Ro takes Rands' hand and starts to move up relaxed and happely chatting to Rand in orcish

Vincent (Rand): nope, no prob with that

Rand looks at Ro, somewhat surprised, but follows her, trying to understand Orcish

Konrad (Conroy): We moving east or west?

A set of shallow stairs descends for about 20 feet from the opening you just entered to a corridor below. The walls are made of rough stone blocks tightly fitted togeather. Three alcoves line either side of the corridor. At the far end of the hall, , a filthy hide rug hanging from the ceiling conceals the back wall.

Evil GM: Everyone give me spot rolls please

Evil GM: Everyone sees this:

Tracks can be clearly seen in the dust on the floor leading back and forth between the hide curtain and top of the stairs where you are currently standing.

Cracked and peeling paintings of a long forgotten hero line the inside of the first four alcoves. Two rotting, wooden doors are set into the last two alcoves.

Conroy Conroy searches the paintings thoroughly

Toryn: " Let's check the doors too " whispers Toryn "

Konrad (Conroy): I keep forgetting not to put Conroy after /em

Rand tries to figure out what Ro is saying by asking her about what certain words mean

Toryn: " Don't forget to whisper" cautions Toryn to Ro and Rand, following his own advice

Rand starts wispering to Ro, hoping she understands that she needs to wisper too

Conroy: Can I roll search?

Ro tries to translate some words from Orcish to common language for Rand, softly laughing

-> conroy: yes

Conroy: :(

Aikira: it's a good thing we didn't brought the orc

Konrad (Conroy): Well, on my next action I'd like to search again, that was horrendous

Aikira whispers

-> conroy: you see exactly what's infront of you and not much special at that

Evil GM: Everyone give me sneak rolls....straight dexterity if you don't have sneak

Evil GM: Ok

Toryn (Toryn): oops hang on - there's a penalty on Toryn's roll

Wish (Ro): and Tala? :p

Toryn (Toryn): that should be a 12, -6 for armor

Evil GM: kk...nothing seemingly seems to happen

Evil GM: What are you guys going to do?

Konrad (Conroy): Ok, Conroy takes a closer look at the paintings, especially behind them and around them.

Evil GM: The paintings appear to be typical "burial" type paintings of people long past. They're cracking and much of the paint is gone...they could have value to a collector but otherwise they're just a tribute to the dead

Conroy makes a mental note to pick up painting or two if he can handle it on the way out.

Evil GM: What's everyone doing?

Konrad (Conroy): Well, doesn't look like anyone else wants to do something

Toryn: " The doors " whispers Toryn

Vincent (Rand): okay, thanks... using Notes this time to keep track, instead of the back of an envelope that is

Conroy: Conroy moves ahead and slowly tries each door to see if they're open.

Toryn: " In the alcoves - we should check them "

Aikira: can someone look for traps

Evil GM: Which side are you going to check first...facing the end of the hall, left or right?

Rand wispers to Ro, trying to work out the sentence "Hi, I am Rand" in Orcish

Ro laughs at Rand and nods replying'high, aye em Ro' in common speach

erus (Aikira): do we hear anything?

The door is unlocked and creaks open a tiny bit at the slighest touch, some bits of wood splintering off and falling like dust to the floor

Rand: @Ro: Now in Orcish?

Conroy: Conroy listents intently at the door, holding his breath.

Aikira draws his sword, prepared for anything

Evil GM: listen roll

Aikira moves along side conroy to back him up

To everyone: The halls and rooms seem very quiet

Conroy: Conroy whispers to everyone, "Should we try to go inside, or check the other door or the rug first?"

Rand wonders if he's the only one thinking it is TOO quiet in here

Aikira whispers

Toryn: " I think it would be wise to check everything we can first "

Aikira: I've got your back

Tala (whispers): this one first

Toryn: " There may be some sort of clue to the foes we face up ahead "

Tala readies her bow and points it towards the door's opening

Aikira firmly holds his katana

Aikira: want me to go inside first?

Conroy: "I have to agree with Tala. If anything's inside, it likely saw the door opening a notch.

Tala (whispering): what are you waiting for oh brave soul?

Conroy: "No, I'm going to move inside as quietly as I can."

Aikira aikira stands in front off the door and kicks it in

Evil GM: Give me a sneak roll

erus (Aikira): kicks it in silently :)

The air is thick and stale. Cobwebs dominate every corner of the room, but the doorway remains clear. Man sized footprints can also be easily seen in the dust on the floor. discolored spots on the floor reveal where chests or barrels once stood. A stone sarcophagus lies on a raised dais in the center of the room. the lid shows signs of being recently moved and lies cracked on the floor. A bas-relief of a rather plain looking woman in an unfamiliar style of dress is depicted on its worn surface.

Toryn (Toryn): sorry ! keep forgetting the armor check penalty - result of 14

Evil GM: kk ;-)

Vincent (Rand): Don't worry, was only for Conroy :)

Konrad (Conroy): Ooh, nice.

Conroy: Conroy, somewhat hestitantly, checks inside the sarcophagus.

Some ancient bones rest in the coffin, it's apparant someone or something has long ago taken bits and pieces of the corpse

Conroy: A look of disappointment crosses Conroy's face.

Wish (Ro): pottie

Aikira looks inside the room

Conroy: "Well, I say to hell with it. Let's kick in the other door."

Conroy: "Make yourself useful, dark elf."

Aikira: conroy can you find out to whom this sarcophagus belangs

Toryn: Toryn looks a bit shocked .. " that doesn't seem very subtle for a ranger "

Rand looks up and watches the ceiling, somehow having a creepy feeling

Aikira: before I start kickin in the other door

A few spiders scramble across the ceiling

Conroy: "Oh, didn't Tala tell you? I'm an *impatient* ranger" says Conroy with a broad smile.

Rand: Strange, i had a feeling something would be walking up the ceiling aside from those spiders

Tala coughs at Conroy's comment, trying not to smile

Conroy: "Well, I have no idea who the sarcophagus belongs to, dark elf."

Tala: So are we going to discuss being subtle or actually do something?

Rand returns his attention to Orcish Language with Ro

Aikira walks over to the other door

Aikira: be prepared

Aikira kicks in the door

Toryn: Toryn moves in behind Aikira

Tala points her bow at the door

Conroy: Conroy nods at Aikira. "Do it."

Aikira moves aside from the door

Rand looks up at the noise Aikira is making

Tala hurries and runs into the opened room and jumps ontop of the coffin

Ro starts to slowly talk to Rand in orcish translating what she is saying as good as she can

Tala now points her bow at the door of the closed room

Aikira aikira kicks in the door

erus (Aikira): again :)

Rand gestures to Ro that she may want to get her weapon out...

Tala: The ancient door crumbles from it's hinges

Aikira looks inside

Ro takes out her axe and looks at Rand with questioning eyes

Rand gestures at Ro to wait and see what happens

A ghast rushes out of the room, previously hearing all the noise and attacks Aikira

Evil GM: Surprise round...

Rand gestures to Ro to move in and whack it

The ghast is just able to bit Aikira on the neck

Rand grabs his mace and walks towards the door, ready to beat something, or fail to hold his mace up (he's unsure what at the moment)

Evil GM: Aikira....fort save please

Aikira screams

Evil GM: And take 6 damage

Konrad (Conroy): Does Conroy know anything about ghasts?

Evil GM: Give me an intelligence roll

Rand casts minor healing on Aikira

Evil GM: Aikira fails the fort save and is paralyzed for 5 rounds

Vincent (Rand): Aikira, you gain 8hp back

Evil GM: Yes, you know they're nasty critters that are much like ghouls. They paralize, have ghoul fever.

Toryn: Toryn swings at the ghast shouting " Back foul beast ! REturn to the grave, begone ! "

Evil GM: Ok, still surprise round....Conroy

Evil GM: yes, sorry

Conroy: Conroy springs forward and thrusts his rapier at the Ghast. "I shall not go lightly on those who injure my companions, foul demon!"

Evil GM: Give me an attack roll

Evil GM: Your attack fails....

Evil GM: Toryn next

Toryn (Toryn): my attack roll is already up there, probably missed...

Evil GM: What did you get??

Evil GM: K, 9 fails

Ro looks surprized at what is happening

Wish (Ro): i can't get in meleerange can i?

Evil GM: No, sorry

Wish (Ro): kk

Ro runs up to see what is happening and starts to jump behind Conroy to see something

erus (Aikira): not paralyzed anymore?

Evil GM: Oh, sorry....yes

Toryn (Toryn): for 5 rounds unfortunately

erus (Aikira): 4 now

Evil GM: ok, got it tracked now

Toryn (Toryn): true

Tala takes aim at the Ghast, trying to aim between everyone and hoping she doesn't hit anyone

Conroy: Secretly she wants to hit Conroy!

The arrow just misses Conroy's ear, thunking harmlessly against the far wall of the room with the ghasts

Tala: Ghast...

Conroy: Conroy looks back in shock at Tala and mouths "What are you doing, woman?"

The ghast bites aikira again

Aikira screams it out agian

Evil GM: Aikira takes 11 points of damage

Toryn (Toryn): or tries to through paralyzed lips ;)

Evil GM: Top of round...

Conroy: "Go back to the grave from whence you came, evil spirit!"

Evil GM: Hits

Aikira: get this creature away from me, kill it...KILL IT

The ghast screams in anger

Toryn (Toryn): Aikira tries to mumble through paralyzed lips :P

Toryn (Toryn): evil GM question for you - if Toryn takes a 5 foot step like this do he and Conroy get flanking bonuses on the ghast ?

Aikira: mmmmmm kimmmm mmit mmmm

Evil GM: Yes...but there's another ghast standing right beside toryn

Toryn (Toryn): noticed it :P ... Conroy add plus two to your attack rolls since we're harassing your ghast from both sides, makes it difficult for him to defend himself

Konrad (Conroy): Gotcha, nice thinking.

Evil GM: ;-)

Toryn: Toryn shouts out "Lightbringer aid us ! " activating his signet ( plus one to Toryn's AC for 3 rounds evil GM )

Toryn: and swings

Evil GM: Gotcha

Evil GM: roll

Toryn (Toryn): add two to this please, can't get the character sheet to add in the plus two adustment

Toryn (Toryn): 22 total

Evil GM: That's going to hit regardless

The ghast screams again, turning it's decaying head to look at Toryn

Toryn: " That's right I'm sending you back to the grave spawn of evil ! "

Ro tries to push her way trough between Conroy and Aikira but can't get trough

Rand casts his Minor Heal again on Aikira

Evil GM: Aikira paralyzed for 3 more rounds...

Tala attempts shooting the ghast again, muttering an apology in advance

Tala misses again, shooting some hair from the top of Conroy's head

Evil GM: Ghast...

Vincent (Rand): GM will now take over from me... gotta drop the cat off at a friend before we leave for the US

The ghast screams and tries biting Conroy

Konrad (Conroy): She's trying to kill me!

The ghast somehow being wedged between the door, fails his attack

Evil GM: Ghast 2

The second ghast takes a vicious wack at Toryn

It stumbles over the coffin, missin

Toryn: " The Lightbringer protects me from your claws evil one ! "

Toryn (Toryn): Conroy and evil GM remember he gets plus two on his attack roll

Conroy: "With your help, friend..."

Evil GM: You hit, give me damage

Toryn: Toryn gestures at the ghast he's fighting in Ro's direction, making a "chop it with your axe! " gesture before taking his own swing at the ghast shouting " Back evil beast ! "

Evil GM: You hit, give me damage

Evil GM: Nice hit

Ro gets frustrated she can't get trough and keeps on trying to push her way trough

Toryn (Toryn): you can get through like that :P

Evil GM: You'd be able to push your way through...it's a 10ft enterance

Evil GM: Aikira paralyzed for 2 more rounds...

Evil GM takes another shot, muttering in elvish

Evil GM misses again and starts cursing

Evil GM: That's suposed to be Tala, FYI....

Evil GM: Ghast 1

The ghast takes another bite at Conroy

The ghast comes very close, close enough that Conroy can feel it's stinking unbreath on his neck, but it just misses

Evil GM: Ghast 2

Tries again to bite at Toryn

Again the ghast fails

Conroy: Conroy sends his rapier at the Ghast in a series of pin-point thrusts

Evil GM: You hit, give me damage

The ghast screams in utter rage

Conroy: "Take that, doer of evil!"

-> aikira: sorry....ghouls and ghasts are nasty buisness with their paralyze

Toryn: " Doer of evil ? " mutters Toryn raising an eyebrow at Conroy... Gesturing urgently again for Ro to take her place by his side, Toryn swings again at the ghast Conroy is fighting

Evil GM: That's going to hit

Aikira: no biggie I'll start kicking ass double time when I'm unparalyzed

The ghoul crumbles to the ground with a last scream of rage

Rand cowers in fear behind everyone

Conroy: Conroy lets out a rallying cry. "Onwards, slay the other one!"

Toryn: " Agreed ! " shouts Toryn, charging

Tala holds her action since she can't see any more enemies

Evil GM: Aikira paralyzed for 1 more round

The ghast seeing it's mate crumple to the ground, tries biting Toryn again

And misses, yet again

Conroy: Conroy beckons to Tala, then moves to the other ghast and attacks.

Konrad (Conroy): Conroy hasn't missed yet, dark elf :P

erus (Aikira): right on brother ;)

Toryn (Toryn): The dark elf growls in rage behind paralyzed lips " Save some for me you bastards! You're having all the fun ! " :P

erus (Aikira): lol you guys got mindreading spells too :)

Evil GM: Ok.....toryn's turn? aye?

Toryn (Toryn): if Toryn takes a 5 foot step like this, flanking bonuses ?

Evil GM: I'll give it to you

Evil GM: You hit, give me damage

Ro rushes in and tries to hit the Ghast

Wish (Ro): can i still?

Evil GM: yup

Evil GM: not going to hit

Toryn (Toryn): even with a flanking bonus ? :)

Tala: climbs off the coffin and strolls up to the dark elf

Evil GM: don't think the +2 is going to make much of a difference. LOL

Toryn (Toryn): just checking ;)

Tala tickles his nose while he's still paralyzed

Evil GM: Aikira is free in this round

erus (Aikira): lol

Conroy: Conroy attacks the Ghast with his trusty rapier

Evil GM: You hit, give me damage

Aikira: wrhaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa freeeeeeeDOOOOOM

With a squishy noise, the ghast goes down to the ground, dead


Aikira: I wan't some too

Toryn: " Sorry we couldn't save one for you " Toryn calls out in Aikira's direction " These things are cowardly beasts hiding behind their charms of paralyzation "

A nauseating oder hangs in the air of this room. Man sized footprints can be easily seen leading through the dust on the floor. Discolored spots on the floor reveal where chests or barrels once stood. Upon a raised dais stands a stone sarcophagus. The stone lid of the sarcophagus lies shattered on the floor.

Toryn: " If it wasn't for that I'm sure you could have demolished them both yourself easily my ebon skinned friend "

Aikira: the next two are mine

Conroy: "Probably empty," is the cynical prediction from Conroy.

Evil GM Tala pats Aikira on the shoulder and says something in elvish

Toryn: " Well done " says Toryn looking at Conroy " I didn't expect such battle prowess from you ... "

Toryn: " Doer of evil ? " repeats Toryn looking at Conroy

Toryn: " I need to teach you more oaths to utter when battling the forces of evil "

Tala (mutters): oh, I think he knows enough oaths..

Aikira: what does tala tell me

Conroy: "I'm glad I could amuse you, my dear fellow," says Conroy, half-smiling.

Toryn: Toryn uses his sword to poke at the ghoul's bodies, trying to rummage through their clothes without touching their skin

-> aikira: she speaks a different type of elvish than you know (dark speech) but you think she says something like "better luck next time"

Tala: Give me a spot roll

Conroy: Conroy lazily checks the sarcophagus.

Evil GM: Er, sorry... SEARCH

Toryn (Toryn): Toryn or Conroy making the search roll ?

Evil GM: Both since you both are poking around

While Conroy finds nothing in the coffin, he sees a glint out of the corner of his eye on one of the bodies

Conroy: "Treasure!" exclaims Conroy and rushes over to the body.

Rand shuffles in and starts to examine the bodies on the ground

Toryn: " I just checked the bodies there's nothing there " protests Toryn

Toryn: " Not food - bad ! " cautions Toryn pointing at the bodies while looking at Ro

Conroy: What do I find so I can rub it in Toryn's face? :)

Conroy finds an antique looking hair comb in the shape of a gold dragon set with a red garnet clinging to one of the corpse's matted and rotting hair

Toryn: Toryn makes a pretend gesture of munching on a body, holding his neck and reeling backwards

Ro looks disgusted at Toryn,' no no baad fewd!'

Aikira: what are these creatures? aikira ask the others

Conroy: "If there was nothing there, then what do you call this??" exclaims Conroy, holding up the comb.

Toryn: " Well that's why you're a ranger" says Toryn looking embarassed, " You're the one with the sharp ee "

Tala pokes her head in the door

Toryn (Toryn): have ghasts and other undead been covered during Toryn's paladin training in Freeport ? Enemies of the faith and all that ....

Tala: Not exactly sure, but they paralyzed so might have been a ghoul?

Conroy: "This should fetch a pretty penny," says Conroy, evidently quite pleased with himself.

Evil GM: Yup...you know about zombies, ghouls, and ghasts which are the most common undead that plague the common lands

Toryn: " They are ghasts " says Toryn glancing in disgust at the bodies as he answers Aikira's question

Evil GM: Fyi....whomever picks up treasure and is holding it make sure it gets on your character sheets or it no longer exists!

Toryn: " Foul beings ripped from the grave - undead "

Aikira: foul creatures if you ask me, cowards too

Tala: Not very intelligent if you ask me

Toryn: " As you can see they can hold your body motionless with but a touch - yes definitely cowardly , they couldn't have faced you in fair combat so they hid behind their undead charms "

Toryn: " Yes that too " adds Toryn looking at Tala ...

Aikira: I wonder what others beasts we will stumble upon in these caves

Tala shudders

Toryn (Toryn): Conroy you better note the comb thing on your character sheet since you're holding it

Toryn: Toryn examines the bodies for any other clues - hints from their clothing showing anything about them

Toryn: " Hang on - Rand could you please check Aikira's scratches for any possibility of infection ? "

Aikira feels his sore neck

Evil GM: Their clothing was once fine, but now is little more than rags if that. The hair color on one of the ghasts, while matted, looks to be the same color as the picture on the coffin in the other room

Toryn: " Did the ghouls manage to lay a claw on anyone else " toryn asks looking around at the others

Aikira: lucky for them it didn't hurt much

Rand peers at Aikira's bite wound and pokes at it

Rand: That hurt?

Conroy: "One came close enough for me to smell his disgusting breath."

Toryn: " Interesting - perhaps these are the same wretched souls who were in the paintings we saw earlier " says Toryn peering at the bodies

Aikira steps back and looks surprised and in pain at rand

Aikira: off course not!

Rand: Then it must not be infected

Tala: Aren't bodies suposed to rest in peace when you bury them?

Aikira: but you do you mind healing it, filthy critters like these must spread diseases

Aikira: NO 'aikira screams at tala

Aikira: let's burn there bodies

Toryn: " The standard medical questions don't apply to dark elves " says toryn glancing at Rand .. " They are raised in a society of little mercy where the display of any weakness is tantamount to asking for death - you'll have to physically examine the wounds "

Conroy: "What worries me is all the footprints we've seen around. Could the belong to someone else? Why would someone come visit these foul creatures?"

Toryn: " I know a bit about healing too though probably not as much as you my priestly friend " smiles Toryn... " As for the footprints perhaps they belong to more ghasts ? "

Rand rummages in his packs for some purafied water and herbs and makes a poultuce and places it on the dark elf's neck

Rand: There, that should keep it from getting infected

Ro: can i try to magically pickpocket some drink out of Conroy's backpack?

-> ro: sure

Aikira grumbles at rand

Aikira: thanks

-> ro: give me a pick pocket roll

Toryn: " Perhaps we should examine the footprints, see if they match the ones made by this foul creature ? You and Tala are both rangers you shouldn't have any problem with that ! " exclaims Toryn looking at Tala and Conroy

-> conroy: give me a spot roll

Toryn: " Foul creatures I should say, the two ghasts "

Conroy: "Foul indeed."

Conroy notices the flap of his pack lift, as if by magic

erus (Aikira): brb

Conroy: "Tough choice between the orcs and the ghasts."

Conroy: "HEY!"

Conroy: "What's going on here?"

Toryn: Toryn raises his sword again looking around wildly for the threat

Ro giggles

Toryn: " What !?! "

Tala glances at Ro then at Conroy, starts laughing

Ro 's cheeks turn red from blushing

Conroy: "I thought you were supposed to look after this miserable thing, Toryn."

Tala chuckling she starts to examine the footprints

Toryn: " What ??? " says Toryn looking puzzled.. " What miserable thing ? I don't understand "

Tala: Yup, in my expert opinion the ghast things made these

Conroy points at Ro.

Toryn: " She's not a miserable thing ! " exclaims Toryn angrily ... " What's your problem with her ?? "

Tala decides to go poke her head through the curtains at the end of the hall

Conroy: "Well, perhaps the fact that she's stealing from me?"

Toryn: " Wait brave ranger you can't face danger without us ! " Toryn interrupts himself and heads off after Tala

Aikira looks at tala

Ro looks down at the ground with red burning cheeks

Tala turns around and looks at the group and coughs

Aikira walks up to tala

Toryn: " Come now " says Toryn to ro taking her gently by the arm " We don't want people thinking you're some common theif - a criminal indeed, I can't think of any worse accusation"

Conroy follows Tala obediently.

Toryn: " And I strongly doubt she's trying to steal anything from you my friend ! "

Aikira: HUSH...tala what do you see

Tala: Anyone want to know what's on the other side of this curtain?

Aikira: speak woman...more ghasts

Aikira looks eager to rush in

Tala: No, no ghasts...

Aikira: bunnies?

Tala: There's these three........things in there.

Conroy: "Tala...? Explain yourself, gal."

Tala: It looks like someone cut up a whole bunch of body parts and sewed them back togeather. *shudders*

Toryn: " Allow me " says Toryn graciously brushing past Tala into the curtained area

Tala: Their fingers are these sharp sword, razor looking things...

Pushing aside the filth-encrusted hide, you see a large, irregularly shaped room. Two corridors lead off from this room to the west and the east. Both are large enough for a man to travel through with ease. Gliding towards you are three twisted parodies of the human form, standing 6-feet tall. Steel pins and rods stretch the flesh of these creatures in horrific mockeries of their original appearance. Stitches crisscross their bodies making them look like living jigsaw puzzles. Gore smeared surgical tools extend from the stups of their arms like slender fingers. A constant gibbering caterwaul comes from their twisted mouths.

Aikira: toryn 'shout aikira' watch your steps

Aikira: they look dead to me

Toryn: " By Mithaniel Marr, they're still alive ! " exclaims Toryn, turning pale.. " Poor things ! .... Rand, please, come investigate this with me .. your medical skills may be of use here "

Conroy: "I don't think they want to get to know us better..." says a grim-faced Conroy.

Tala shudders again

Conroy: "Might want to be careful there, medicine man.

Toryn: " You can't hear them moaning my friend ? " asks Toryn, still ashen faced... " The suffering they must be going through ! "

Aikira: maybe we should just put them out off their misery

Tala: Someone has to be pretty depraved to do that to someone

Toryn: " Agreed if we can't do anything else for them but let's at least examine them - though I think you're right, some insane wizard must be experimenting on these poor things "

Aikira aikira more causious slowly walks in the room, his sword raised in front off him

Toryn: Toryn gets close enough to try to use his Heal Skill to gather info on what happened to them

Petra (Tala): For those that know the 3.5 MM, they look a lot like flesh golems but altered a bit

Tala: give me a heal roll

Evil GM: give me an intelligence roll too

Evil GM: Ok...from your heal skill you notice that they're NOT living beings...they're flesh that's merely been animated somehow

Ro scracthes her head looking at the 'things' thinking to herself why someone would waste all that good food.

Aikira pokes the first one with his sword to see what happens

Evil GM: The creatures start gliding towards those that stepped into the room, their razor claws raised and ready to kill

Evil GM: Top of the round....

Toryn: Toryn looks slightly relieved " They're not alive in the strictest sense, merely animated bodies .. wait a minute, what's this ?? They're attacking ! "

Conroy: Surprised, Conroy lashes out at the nearest one.

Evil GM: Conroy, also give me an intelligence roll

Conroy: um

Conroy: lemme try that again

Aikira: that's IT, now I'm killing everything in this cursed place!

Evil GM: Ok...the first one you can keep for your attack roll which HITS

Evil GM: From your intelligence roll you remember someone telling you about golems during your travels


Toryn: " Ro, Rand, get in here ! " shouts Toryn " Everyone else gives Tala a clear shot with her bow, stay out of her way ! " Toryn swings at the flesh golem he's next to " Let me end your misery my poor friend "

-> conroy: You remember someone telling you about golems and how when they're created they're usually given one type of task and one type only. This fits a description of a flesh type golem you've heard of.

Evil GM: You hit, give me damage

Toryn (Toryn): oops sorry forgot str bonus - that's a 5 result for damage

Evil GM: Got it

Wish (Ro): can i run in and still hit?

Ro starts to swing her axe like a maniac running in screaming and swings at the 'thing'

Rand peeks around the corner

Rand: You hit, give me damage

Aikira has a blooddursting grin on his face

Aikira: finally ' he whispers

Evil GM: You hit, give me damage

The construct goes down, body parts flying through the air

Tala takes a step into the room and fires at the middle construct

Aikira: hold on toryn 'aikira shouts' I'm coming

Tala the arrow drops from her bow to the floor with a thunk

Conroy: "Tala and I can take the middle one!"

Tala curses in elvish

The construct infront of Conroy swings it's razor sharp claws

Toryn: " Stay out of her way ! " Toryn shouts at Conroy " Give her a line of sight attack with her bow ! "

The construct manages to score a hit on an unprotected part of Conroy

Evil GM: Conroy takes 3 damage

The second construct still standing jabs it's claws at Toryn

And misses

Conroy: "You'll pay for that, you abomination!"

Toryn: " Poor thing " clucks Toryn with his tongue as he dances backwards from his opponent

Ro runs up to help Toryn swinging at the Golem

Evil GM: Hehe

Evil GM: You hit, give me damag

The construct hits the ground in a heap of parts

Rand: Heals Conroy

Evil GM: Conroy is healed for 6pts

Conroy: "Excellent! Most kind of you!"

Aikira sees that ro has helped toryn and turns against the remaining golem

Petra (Evil GM): Rand is now what we call in the online EQ game a "healer bot"

Aikira: this must be your lucky day!

Evil GM: fyi...can't crit against these

The construct goes down, a body part skittering across the floor

Tala shakes her bow

Tala: Think it's broken

Conroy: Conroy gives Aikira a pat on the back. "Most impressive."

Toryn: " We all have bad days " says Toryn reassuringly to Tala " YOu did well with the orcs earlier on, true ? "

Aikira makes a samurai move with his sword to wipe off the durt and then sheathens his sword

Toryn: " What did I tell you " crows Toryn looking at Aikira " A Born and Bred warrior !

Tala mutters something in reply

Aikira then turns to ro

Toryn: " Though you're doing pretty well yourself - you must be a warrior by trade ! " says Toryn looking at Conroy

Tala walks up and kicks one of the constructs

Aikira: we should be proud off the little girl my brother in arms

Tala: Absolutely disgusting

Aikira: she fought brave and well

Toryn: " True I didn't think she'd be such a fierce warrior ! " says Toryn

Toryn: Toryn pats her on the back then makes a muscle with his arm and points at her saying " Strong ! "

Ro looks from Aikira to Toryn and back wondering what they are talking about, as it is obvious they are talkinga bout her.

Ro nods at Toryn smiling

Aikira looks at ro with a little smile he's trying to suppres, with some content he can't deny that he's positivly supprised

Toryn: Toryn turns and checks the bodies ...

The bodies are heaps of different body parts, nothing of note or interest on them

Toryn: " Conroy some assistance - we've already established I don't have the sharpest eye " smiles Toryn ... " Perhaps we should search this room ? "

Conroy: "Agreed."

Evil GM: Neither of you find anything of note....the only items that look somewhat valuable might be the scapels that were their "claws"

Tala looks between the two tunnels and scratches her head

Toryn: " We should take one of these " says Toryn grimly looking at the scalpel " Maybe someone can identify it, if we're lucky, give us a hint as to who their creator was " .. Toryn gives the scalpel to Rand

Aikira: any ragdolls in there tala?

Tala shrugs at Aikira

Conroy: "I'm sure Rand would be able to spend an enjoyable afternoon disecting these...things."

Toryn: Toryn peers through the door closest to him

Rand takes the scapel and stares at it then puts it in his pack

Aikira: they allready look disected to me toryn

Seven beds stand along the walls of this irregularly shaped room. At the foot of each bed is a small wooden chest. There is a pool of fresh water in the center of the room. Several buckets and drinking cups lie scattered around the lip of the well. Blind cave fish can be seen swimming contentedly in the cool water.

Toryn: " Well I'm thinking the scalpel might belong to someone we meet ... long shot I know but ... "

Toryn: Toryn advances to the pond, peering inside of it ... " If there wasn't a chance they were poisonous I'd catch some for Ro "

Conroy: "I wonder what's inside the chests...?" ponders Conroy.

Aikira: let's find out what's inside the chests

Toryn: " Let's check the other entrances, make sure there aren't creatures lying in wait who are listening to us first "

Conroy: "Let's try to open some."

Evil GM: Give listen rolls everyone

Aikira: not a bad idea

Toryn: Toryn moves to an entrance and peers through it

Evil GM: Conroy and Rand can hear soft moans and sobbing coming from the northwest

Toryn: " Nothing over here ! " says Toryn confidently

Rand: Hear that??

Conroy: "Yeah..."

Toryn: " Hear what ? " asks Toryn

Conroy: "Let's find out what it is."

Rand: Those moans..

Conroy: "Sounds like someone crying"

Aikira faces the others

Rand looks like he's going to bolt

Toryn: Toryn shakes his head in disgust " A paladin who doesn't hear someone sobbing in terror - I'm ashamed of myself .. "

Toryn: " Where ? "

Toryn: " Where I'm standing or where Aikira is ? "

Rand points down the tunnel Toryn is facing'

Aikira: maybe they're not sobbing in terror

Toryn: " Let's find out " suggests Toryn heading down the tunnel

Aikira follows toryn and draws his sword

Aikira: I'm not taking any chances

Along the western wall of this square room are four sturdy wooden cages. Each cage contains a single human prisoner. All the prisoners are dressed in soiled rags and show signs of severe malnourishment. Lash marks crisscross their bodies and they moan or weep in obvious despair. Standing guard over these prisoners are three human cultists.

Evil GM: Gah...that's supposed to be in the bold black narritive text btw

Toryn (Toryn): have they seen us? Probably

Aikira: why even bother sheathening my sword the next time aikira thinks to himself

Evil GM: Give me a hide roll

Evil GM: Toryn since you're the first in line

Ro looks clearly disgusted as visions of her own encagement come to her mind

The cultists look away from their charges directly at Toryn

Toryn: Toryn's armor clanks I'm certain as he vainly tries to mask his steps

Toryn: Seeing he's been discovered Toryn brandishes his sword " Release those poor suffering peasants you vermin ! "

Toryn: " Or I shall smite thee in the name of the Lightbringer, Mithaniel Marr ! "

A cultist looks up at Toryn

Ro: whitebwiggah!

A cultist: And why would I do that?

Conroy: "If you don't, we'll have to kill you."

Aikira is anxious to get involved

Toryn: " I believe I mentioned something about smiting you if you don't " growls Toryn

A cultist: Moltor will protect me! I fear you not, human

Toryn (Toryn): was Moltor covered during paladin religious training ?

Conroy: "Unfortunately for you, I don't believe in Moltor! En-garde!"

Ro starts to sing

Aikira: maybe you'll fear a dark elf!! aikira shouts

The cultist that was talking, his eyelids begin to droop beneath his hood and his head nods forward in mid sentence

Ro growls at the cultist

The other cultists look and begin moving forward

Evil GM: Btw...the room is much bigger than it appears on the map.....

Conroy: An exclamation of "Die!" accompanies a thrust from Conroy's Rapier

Evil GM: Miss

Toryn (Toryn): Toryn closes in with the cultist he just moved next to

Wish (Ro): is the person is asleep he's harmless and the attack roll is a coup de grace, no?

Evil GM: You hit, give me damage

The cultist sinks to the ground, dead

Toryn: something visibly occurs to Toryn " Take one alive ! " he shouts " for interrogation ! "

Ro rushes up to the sleeping one trying to slay him with one hit

Evil GM: He fails his save...dies

Wish (Ro): awesome dice u have lol

Aikira runs up the one in the back and swings at him

Toryn: " Take one alive ! " roars Toryn

Aikira: fine!

Evil GM: You hit

Aikira: subdual damage

Evil GM: k

Toryn (Toryn): there's a -4 penalty on subdual damage though right ? on the attack roll ?

Evil GM tala does nothing

Toryn (Toryn): bleh ! I mean there's a -4 on the attack roll for subdual damage

Petra (A cultist): he's still going to hit with the penalty

A cultist the cultist starts drawing the morning star hanging at his waist


Toryn: " Alive ! " shouts Toryn again

Conroy: Conroy tries to whip the cultist with his blade (subdual)

A cultist sinks to the ground, unconcious

Campaign saved.

Konrad (Conroy): Are there three people in cages, or more?

Petra (Tala): Three total

Toryn: " Tie this piece of trash up someone ! " snarls Toryn looking at Tala

The prisoners start cheering

Toryn: Toryn then proceeds to smash the cages open

Conroy: "How did you get here?" Conroy asks the prisoners.

Toryn: " One moment " says Toryn, peering at the prisoners

Toryn: /ooc Detect Evil

Tala walks up to the cultist and picks a nice length of rope out of her pack and proceeds to tie him up

Evil GM: first round, you detect evil

Toryn (Toryn): Toryn keeps going till he isolates the source

Evil GM: Second round...the aura surrounds the cultist

Evil GM: er, one evil aura

Evil GM: Third round it surrounds the cultist and it's aura is of moderate evil

A cultist starts blinking his eyes

A cultist starts struggling in his bonds and the knots pop open

Tala looks down, starts shuffling her foot in the dust

Toryn: Toryn slaps him down again with the flat of his blade to his head

Toryn: " Down cur ! "

A cultist sinks back to unconciousness

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