Toryn: Hey when Ro gets the character sheet taken care of... Long as we're waiting let's trade character descriptions e.g.
character appearances just 'cause I'm curious about everyone else... Toryn is 6 feet tall, 200 pounds, muscular, movie star
good looks (whatever 15 Charisma will net you in that department) - black hair military haircut, blue eyes, stern looking...
banded armor sword, shield... we should all actually trade e-mail addresses I have a pic of Toryn I found online I can send
Wish (Ro):
Wish (Ro): eerrr... half-orc/half-human
Wish (Ro): kk, Ro has crimson eyes, 5.5 feet tall, 55kg = 110 pounds i think, beeing half-orc still build as a female
human. Following human anatomy she looks very good (16 charisma), for orcs she is ugly as hell
Wish (Ro): light green skin, long red hair, longer inscissors especially down, small claws (like Sigourney Weaver or how
u write that in Alien ressurection)
Wish (Ro): she is unarmed at pressent and only wearing a hide, which since she grew taller is cut in 2 covering both female
sensitive spots
Aikira: all black, big dude 1m90, scar over his left eye (not blind petra!!!!),white hair, white eyes (even the one with
the scar :))
Aikira: not a single clue, can't count in inches
Aikira: not for my height anyways :)
Wish (Ro): ain't 1 inch 2.7 cm? lol
Wish (Ro): or 1.7 cm?
Evil GM: 1m90 is getting close to 6ft
Evil GM: Ok, a few things before we start
Evil GM: First, I emailed everyone with the character progression changes. Training points will not be used. Instead you
get a feat every 3rd level and an ability point every 4th level.
Evil GM: Sleight of hand = pick pocket
Evil GM: Second, anyone that uses 133t speak will be minus 10,000 xp
Toryn: sorry! Phillip you mean that Aikira is a muscular looking guy? Also any pointy ears or anything else that hints
at a non-human ancestry?
Evil GM: He'll have snow white hair, pointy ears ;-)
Wish (Ro): and completely black skin
Aikira: yeah he's a darkelf
Aikira: so pointy ears
<b>A small squad of paladins from Freeport were sent to the descimated village of Farnaught to see about a problem
with the undead.The villagers of Farfield, a mostly militia controlled town as well as the druids of the Common Lands druid
circle had been complaining about wierd occurances going on in Farnaugt such as fire light and noise.</b>
<b>The year before the Deathfist orcs had raided and destroyed Farnaungt, the Order of Truth could do nothing to
stop it due to it's distance from Freeport. Nothing was left and due to the political situation within Freeport, the paladins
have yet to be able to say the last rites for the dead and put them to rest.</b>
<b>The small squad of paladins consist of six riders, 4 of them paladins, 1 paladin in training, and a cleric.After
12 days of riding in rainy, windy, and cold weather, they finally arrive at their destination only to find that there is no
undead, but an orc encampment.</b>
Evil GM: And btw, the paladins are approaching from the bottom of the map.
Evil GM: The purple dots are the youth, the yellow are the females
Evil GM: the orcs are the pawns
Evil GM: Now, coming from the top of the map...
<b>After travelling for several weeks from Neriak, Aikira and Vinni finally emerge into a plains land The first
night they arrive in the Common Lands, Vinni for one selfish reason or another deserts Aikira and slips away into the night.</b>
erus (Aikira): am I sleeping?
Wish (Ro): i don't mean no disrespect Mista Black... but i'm outta heeee
Evil GM: Hold on ;-)
erus (Aikira): pickpocket the door vinni
<b>Not knowing which way Freeport is, Aikira decides it's best to stick along the tree line. After several days
of nothing, he starts heading into the plains and eventually stumbles on a small encampment of greenish, muscular looking
Evil GM: Starting with Toryn, what are you going to do?
Toryn: Toryn is with his group of paladins and the orcs are in plain view?
Evil GM: Kind of. The orc camp is surrounded by trees but you are in flat plains land and you can see their camp. There's
a few youth running around in the distance.
Toryn: Toryn looks towards Captain Kal'vora and asks respectfully "Your orders sir?
<b>Captain Ka'vora sits on his horse with a thoughtful look on his face.</b>
Captain Ka'vora: Hmm, they certaintly don't look like undead, do they?
Toryn: No sir - with deference to your position as always I don't see any reason to start a fight with them unless they
don't give us a choice..."
Captain Ka'vora: True, true. We couild leave them alone, however, this could be a problem for the druids at the circle.
I'd hate to ride off only to have them raid them.
Toryn: "Perhaps we should talk to them sir? Feel them out, try to see what their intentions are... and of course
we can use the divine insight the Lightbringer and his Holy Sister has gifted us with"
Toryn: Toryn stares intently at the orcs (OOC, using Detect Evil)
Toryn: Whichever orc looks like the leader, failing that whichever orc is in front closest to the paladins
Evil GM: The youth are closest, first round...evil present.
Toryn: Toryn's face darkens... "I see darkness tainting their souls sir... " He looks at Kal'vora ... "We
should offer them a chance to surrender first... But I think your fear for the druids is well warranted"
<b>Captain Ka'vora nods</b>
Captain Ka'vora: I think you're right, lets ride into their camp.
Captain Ka'vora: Squad, we'll ride a bit closer then dismount. No need to injure our mounts in a scuffle if they become
Toryn: "Do you want me to speak to them sir or would you or one of the senior officers prefer to handle that?"
Captain Ka'vora: We'll go in togeather.
Evil GM: Ok,'re about 100m away from the camp...the orcs have yet to notice you.
Toryn: Toryn nods and follows orders - he glances behind him at Squire Lili to see how she's holding up
erus (Aikira): do I know what they are
Evil GM: no, you haven't seen an orc before
erus (Aikira): anyone told me about them
Evil GM: give me an intelligence roll
Aikira: I go forward, slowly and at guard
Aikira walking slowly and at guard
Evil GM: As you get closer you see the creatures going about day to day buisness. The young looking ones are wrestling,
clubbing each other with tree branches, or picking stuff out of each other's hair and eating it.
Aikira is walking up to one of the young ones
<b>Orc Youth looks up at the bluish black man with white hair and drools a bit.</b>
<b>Aikira is waiting for a reaction</b>
Orc female: Vla! fdjakfjdkajfkdajkfjakfjdkasjfkdja;!!!!
Orc female: One of the Orc females in the camp starts screaming in a very primative, cave man like language.
Aikira turns to the orc female
Aikira: who's your master
Orc female: The female just keeps screaming and gesturing, she then bends down to pick up a club that lay by her feat....
Aikira takes a step back, draws his katana and gets in position
Aikira turns on bloodlusting grin
Aikira makes that predator sound
Suddenly from the farside of the orc camp, there's angry screaming and shouting
Captain Ka'vora looks over at Toryn
Captain Ka'vora: You hear it too?
Toryn: "Sir!... Yes I do - could be an innocent under attack ! "
Captain Ka'vora: Lets ride!
Evil GM: must be a DM feature...Aikira, paladins, Ro, Toryn, orcs
Evil GM: Ok, Aikira first...what are you doing?
erus (Aikira): anyone attacking me?
Evil GM: Not yet, though they're all picking up their weapons and looking your way
erus (Aikira): is the little one still standing in front of me
erus (Aikira): is he holding a weapon
Evil GM: a club
Evil GM: which looks more like a big tree branch than anything
Evil GM: With one strike, the orc youth crumbles at your feet
Aikira makes a victory roar
Captain Ka'vora rides into the middle of the orc encampment
Captain Ka'vora: In the name of the Ligh......
As Captain Ka'vora rides by one of the Orc Pawns, it swipes at his leg
Orc Pawn slashes at the rider's leg with his sword
Orc Pawn: Successfully the orc pawn makes contact between the paladin's armor
The rest of the paladins ride cautiously behind the captain
Ro sees this huge black skinned man slay an orc kid, while on the otherside a group of men in armor is assaulting her
Ro scared beyong belief she runs off to behind the nearest shack. Sits down trying to hide, covers her ears and starts
mumbling her lulaby song to banish all horrible sounds out.
Toryn: Toryn glances quickly at captain Kal'vora to see how badly he's injured
Captain Ka'vora bleeds a little from his knee, but otherwise isn't badly wounded
Toryn: (OOC) does Toryn see the giant black skinned man with pointy ears cut down the orc child?
Evil GM: No, he doesn't catch that part
Toryn: "Surrender in the name of the Lightbringer and you won't be harmed!" shouts Toryn - he swipes at the
nearest orc male warrior with the flat of his blade (subdual damage, think there's a -4 on the attack roll for that)
Toryn: (also Toryn shouted the surrending comment in Common so presumably the PC's should hear and understand that - also
I'm guessing it's obvious Toryn is attacking with the flat of his blade?)
With a squeel the pawn turns around and glares at Toryn
Evil GM: Aikira hears someone shouting "Surrender in the name of the Lightbringer...blah blah blah"
A nearby orc youth runs towards Toryn and attempts to swipe at him with what looks more like a tree branch than a weapon
An Orc Youth merely brushes Toryn with the branch
Orc Pawn runs up and attempts to help the youth with Toryn
Orc Pawn clumsly hits the ground verses his opponent
The orc female that alerted the camp to the dark elf's presence runs up and wacks Aikira with her club
Orc female shouts with glee, "me get, me get!"
Orc female: Aikira gets hit for 1pt of damage
Aikira looks extremely mad
Two of the orcs that were standing near the campfire, closest to Aikira, turn around to attack the dark elf.
Orc Pawn: Aikira takes 4 damage from the first orc
Orc Pawn misses the dark elf
The rest of the orcs stand around watching the battle and wondering what to do
Orc female ciries out in pain
Captain Ka'vora reaches down and smacks the pawn that hit him
Captain Ka'vora with the flat of his blade
Captain Ka'vora isn't successful with his hit
Defender Ibraham dismounts.
Defender Hallbrid dismounts her horse
Squire Lili stares wide eyed at the combat, frozen in place
Brother Eric tries to comfort Lili
Ro sits trembling in fear behind the shack mumbling her song not daring to open her eyes
Toryn: Toryn roars a second time "Surrender and you won't be harmed! All of you!!!" and swings with the flat
of his blade again at the orc he hit before
Evil GM: Give me an attack roll
Evil GM: You hit, give me damage
Orc Pawn falls at Toryn's feet, unconcious
Evil GM: Orcs
An Orc Youth growls, and tries to hit Toryn again. Harder this time.
An Orc Youth failis again and howls in frusteration
Orc Pawn taunts the youth and tries to hit Toryn once again
Orc Pawn fails, and smacks the orc youth as if it was the youth's fault for his failure
Another pawn and youth run up to the Captain and attempt to hit him
Orc Pawn fails
An Orc Youth also fails
An Orc Youth: Another orc youth that wasn't previously part of the battle runs up and attempts to hit Lili
An Orc Youth fails
Several of the orcs run into the trees or start heading that way
Aikira: swing at the female again
An Orc Youth: Give me an attack roll
An Orc Youth: You hit, give me damage
Orc female screams a curse at the dark elf as she dies
Ro still sits there mumbling the song with eyes closed
Orc female: Paladins' turns
Captain Ka'vora swings at the pawn with the flat of his blade
Captain Ka'vora with a thud, his blade makes contact with the orc's skull
Orc Pawn falls to the ground unconcious
Toryn: (OOC Toryn tries for an Intimidate roll) - " We have no desire to harm more of you than we already have! Surrender
in the name of Mithaniel Marr!"
Orc Pawn: Go ahead and make the roll
Evil GM: which are you making it againt? the pawn or youth?
Toryn: the pawn
Orc Pawn stares at the paladin, seemingly unphased
Petra (Orc Pawn): intimidate fails
Orc Pawn: Going to attack?
Toryn: (OOC - oh! didn't know I could intimidate and attack in the same round)
Petra (Evil GM): I've been using intimidate as a free action as well as taunt
Toryn: "Very well, on your head so be it - literally!" growls Toryn and swings again with the flat of his blade
Orc Pawn ducks the blow and laughs, pointing at the paladin
Orc Pawn: Orcs turn
Orc Pawn: Me good, me no hurt!
Orc Pawn again tries to hit the paladin
Orc Pawn hits the youth instead
An Orc Youth screams and falls to the ground as the pawn's sword impales him
An Orc Youth: Near the boarder of the camp, the orc youth again tries to hit Lili
An Orc Youth misses
Another youth tries hitting the captain, again
An Orc Youth misses and stabs the ground at the horse's feet
An Orc Youth: At the north of the camp, the two orcs again try hitting Aikira
Orc Pawn misses
Orc Pawn misses
The rest of the orcs have seemingly left the camp
Orc Pawn: Top of the round, Aikira
Aikira: swings at number 7
Evil GM: Miss
Orc Pawn shouts insults at the dark elf
Ro: what can i see from where i sit?
Orc Pawn: You no hit, you no hit!
Evil GM: Paladins' turn
Captain Ka'vora smacks the youth with the flat of his blade
An Orc Youth falls down unconcious
Squire Lili takes a deep breath and draws her sword
Brother Eric draws his morning star to defend Lili
Ro is frozen of fear what is happening to her clan that other orcs did flee. She closes her eyes and covers her ears again
mumbling her song
Toryn: Toryn glares at the orc pawn who accidentally killed the orc youth... "Unbelievable!" shouts Toryn....
"You're so careless as to slaughter your own children!?!? Foul servant of evil!" Nonetheless, again swinging with
the flat of his blade...
Orc Pawn laughs
Orc Pawn: he no good, he weak. you weak.
Evil GM: Orcs
Orc Pawn laughs manically and tries hitting Toryn again, boosted with Toryn's failure to hit him.
Orc Pawn: This thing broken
Meanwhile the orc youth attempts to hit Lili again
An Orc Youth successfully smacks Lili with his club
Orc Pawn tries hitting Aikira
Orc Pawn hits succesfully
Evil GM: Aikira takes 4 more pts of damage
Orc Pawn also tries hitting Aikira
Orc Pawn: me hit to, me hit to!
Orc Pawn turns and growls at the other pawn, thinking it's his fault for the failure
Aikira: swings again at number 7
Evil GM: You hit, give me damage
Aikira: plus 6 sorry
Evil GM: still hit ;-)
Orc Pawn screams as he dies
Evil GM: Paladins
Captain Ka'vora rides into the middle of the camp to assess the situation
Squire Lili tries to hit the orc youth
An Orc Youth hits the youth, cutting his skin
Petra (An Orc Youth): er, lili hits the youth
Wish (Ro): she that ugly?
Petra (An Orc Youth): bah
An Orc Youth crumbles down to the ground in a heap
Toryn: "Surrender you fool! There's only three of you left! You're dropping like flies!" (Intimidate roll)
Orc Pawn stares dumbly, not intimidated
Toryn: Toryn sighs and swings again
Orc Pawn laughs at Toryn once again misses
Ro tries to peak at what did happens trough one eye
Ro prolly got some mud in her eyes
Evil GM: Orcs
Evil GM: everyone give me listen rolls please
Evil GM:
Orc Pawn laughing, tries to hit Toryn again
Orc Pawn only succeeds in catching his sword in the cage behind him
Evil GM: Paladins
Captain Ka'vora: No more harm will come to your clan if you desist in this combat!
The orcs seem to ignore the Captain
Orc Pawn tries to hit aikira
Orc Pawn and is successful
Orc Pawn: for 4dmg
Evil GM: how's your hit points coming Aikira??
Aikira: down 13
Evil GM: k
Evil GM: yo.....Ro!
Wish (Ro): ya?
Evil GM: your turn
Ro tries to peak trough half closed eyelids at what is happening around her
Aikira: swings at number 8 roaring
Evil GM: You hit, give me damage
Orc Pawn crumbles at your feet, dead
Evil GM: Ok, Aikira downed another orc....Toryn's turn
Toryn: (e.g. Intimdate check)
Orc Pawn laughs at Toryn
Orc Pawn jumps up and down
Orc Pawn: you no hit, you no hit, you weak, you weak!
Evil GM: Orcs
Evil GM: Toryn, give me a listen roll
Toryn: "Come out!" shouts Toryn pointing at the rustling in the trees... "Surrender!"
From behind the paladins and from behind the dark elf, several orcs jump out of the trees and attack
An Orc Youth tries to hit Lili
An Orc Youth is successful
Orc Pawn tries hitting Brother Eric
Orc Pawn fails
Orc Pawn tries hitting Defender Ibrahim
An Orc Youth fails
Orc Pawn attempts to hit Toryn
Orc Pawn fails
Orc Warrior moves up behind the dark elf and tries to hit him
Orc Warrior is met with great success
Evil GM: Aikira takes 10pts of damage from the orc warrior
Evil GM: Icons got moved around when you guys got disconnected..hehe
Aikira: moves back as far away as I can
Evil GM: Ok, as you move back the pawn and the youth get an attack of oppertunity on you
Aikira: holding my katana in a defensive position
Orc Pawn attempts to hit Aikira
Orc Pawn misses
An Orc Youth attempts his hit
An Orc Youth misses
Evil GM: Paladins
Squire Lili tries stabbing the orc youth
Squire Lili misses
Brother Eric tries swinging at the pawn
Brother Eric with a growl, the cleric connects with the orc's head
Orc Pawn falls unconcious on the ground
Brother Eric: Trying to hit a child!
Defender Ibraham tries hitting the youth with the flat of his blade
Defender Ibraham misses as his horse moves
Ro sees the orcs charge and peaks around the corner of the shack
Toryn: For once Toryn doesn't say anything - noting the reinforcements he swings grimly at the orc he's been fighting
this entire time
Defender Ibraham: You hit, give me damage
Evil GM: subdual still?
Toryn: Yes
Orc Pawn falls unconcious at Toryn's feet
Evil GM: Orcs
An Orc Youth runs past Defender Ibrihim towards Toryn, earning an attack of oppertunity.
Defender Ibraham swings
Defender Ibraham is successful
An Orc Youth falls, hitting his head on the ground and goes unconcious
An Orc Youth tries hitting Lili
An Orc Youth successfully hits Lili
The orcs on the north side of the camp move into the camp's center, towards the Captain
Aikira: takes a five foot step, screaming aloud and swings his blade with al his might at the orc
Evil GM: You hit, give me damage
An Orc Youth crumbles, dead
Ro knows she will get beaten up if the rest of the clan notices she didn't fight, so she moves after the other orcs shiver
of fright looking on the ground for something to use as a weapon
Evil GM: Paladin
Captain Ka'vora watches the big orc warrior amble up towards him
Captain Ka'vora swings at the pawn
Squire Lili tries hitting the pawn again
Squire Lili succeeds
An Orc Youth crumbles, dead
Toryn: Toryn moves towards the two remaining orc pawns shouting "Surrender!" once again as he does so
Orc Pawn doesn't look impressed
Toryn: (Is Toryn able to attack this round or did he spend his entire action closing with the orc pawn?)
Evil GM: Moving up to the orcs, over 20 ft
Toryn: (got it - that's the end of Toryn's actions this round then since he can't attack)
Evil GM: orcs
Orc Pawn attempts to strike Toryn for yelling at him
Orc Pawn fails
Orc Warrior tries hitting the captain
Orc Warrior and is successful
Orc Pawn moves up and attempts to hit the dark elf
Orc Pawn misses
Aikira: wounded and tired from battle aikira still stands, determind to kill all this foul creatures, he swings his blade
at the orc warrior in front of him, with a roar
Evil GM: Give me an attack roll
Evil GM: You hit, give me damage
Evil GM: paladins
Captain Ka'vora swings at the pawn once again
Captain Ka'vora: [1d20 = 3]
Captain Ka'vora misses, much to the pawn's delight
The other four paladins run or ride up to the final combatants
Ro picks up a club that is lying on the ground near her. She stand up and stares at the brutality of the fight with wide
Toryn: "There's only two of you left aside from the women and children!!! Surrender!
Orc Pawn cowers
Toryn: "Drop your weapon!" Toryn shouts at the cowering orc pawn
Orc Warrior turns his attention on Toryn, snarls
Orc Pawn drops his sword
Toryn: (does Toryn still get an attack?)
Evil GM: yes
Toryn: (oh hang on, the orc warrior snarling at Toryn is probably too far away for Toryn to hit with his sword anyways
Evil GM: yes, and the pawn/captain are between you and the warrior
Toryn: "On the ground! Now!" shouts Toryn at the orc pawn (that's Toryn's last action this round)
Ro cowers from Toryns shout and drops her club
One of the female orcs, wearing nothing but a few ragged pieces of hide, drops the club she picked up when Toryn started
yelling at the pawn
Evil GM: orcs
Orc Warrior swings at the Captain since the pawn is between him and Toryn
Orc Warrior hits successfully
Orc female runs up swinging at Lili
Orc female hits successfully
An Orc Youth runs up and swings at lili
An Orc Youth successful
Squire Lili falls off her horse, severely wounded
Orc Pawn attacks Toryn
Orc Pawn and is met with success
Evil GM: Toryn takes 5pts of damage
Orc Pawn swings at Aikira
Toryn: Toryn winces and staggers backwards a bit
Orc Pawn misses
Toryn: (OOC - didn't the orc pawn drop his sword?)
Evil GM: oops, you're damage....he's laying on the ground
Aikira: swings his sword at the same orc
Evil GM: Give me an attack roll
Evil GM: You hit, give me damage
Orc Pawn falls over, dead
Evil GM: paladins
Captain Ka'vora: I command you, in the name of Mithanial Marr to drop that sword! (shouting at the orc warrior)
Orc Warrior smirks at the Captain
Orc Warrior: Never. You die dead
Captain Ka'vora: So let it be.
Captain Ka'vora swings at the warrior
Captain Ka'vora misses
Brother Eric attempts to heal Lili
Defender Ibraham swings at the warrior
Defender Ibraham misses
Defender Hallbrid: You hit, give me damage
Aikira: stands still looking over the battlefield, there is no near threat
Evil GM: no, but you do see a female and youth beating on a little girl
Toryn: (Any orc women or children left?)
Evil GM: One of each
Toryn: (sorry the female, youth and little girl are all orcs?)
Aikira: I move towards the first pawn and swing my blade
Ro: /whistle
Evil GM: Give me an attack roll
Aikira: [1d20+6 = 9]
Toryn: If Toryn has a chance to react he counters the blow assuming
Evil GM: k
Toryn: that Aikira is swinging at the pawn lying down on the ground
Ro: the pink dot is an orc kid, the yellow dot an orc female
Evil GM: Aikira is swinging at the youth hitting Lili
Toryn: Oh! sorry!
An Orc Youth crumbles and dies
Ro: Aikira is the female Dark elf on the map :p
Toryn: (you said orc pawn which the evil GM has been using to refer to adults - my bad)
An Orc Youth: Ro
erus (Aikira): do I hit the pawn
Petra (An Orc Youth): the youth, and it died
Ro stand shivering frozen to the ground
Toryn: Toryn takes the orc's sword away from him (the orc pawn lying on the ground) and crosses towards the remaining
orc female shouting "Surrender! All of your allies have been defeated!"
An Orc Youth: give me an intimidate roll
Orc female ignores Toryn
Orc female: still have an attack action left
Toryn: "Very well" sighs Toryn and strides towards the orc female
Toryn: (I'm assuming Toryn can't attack the same round he strides towards her since it takes his entire action to move
Evil GM: You hit, give me damage
Toryn: (subdual damage)
Orc female falls unconcious
Toryn: Toryn looks at the last surviving orc (the cowering Ro) ...
Toryn: (OOC - has Toryn ever seen orcs before?)
Wish (Ro): the warrior
Wish (Ro): the warrior orc is still there
Orc Warrior: Oh yes, it's a schooling topic at paladin school
Evil GM: The warrior also is still there battling the captain. He's much bigger than all the other, standing over 6ft
tall and has scars and cuts all over his body
Toryn: (The orc on the ground Toryn took the sword away from - the one Toryn intimidated - is still behaving himself?
Flat on the ground?)
Evil GM: Yes
Toryn: Oh!
Orc Warrior growls and swings at the captain
Toryn: (okay - end of Toryn's actions this round anyways since he already attacked)
Evil GM: right
Orc Warrior hits successfully
Captain Ka'vora hits the warrior
Aikira: steps back from the paladins, looking what they are about to do, but still is prepared to engage them if neccasary
Ro horrified from the slaughter, she slowly moves back step by step
Toryn: Toryn moves towards the remaining orc warrior (who isn't cowering, fighting the captain) shouting out "You're
the last one standing against my party of 8 and the dark skinned man - there's no dishonor in surrendering!"
Orc Warrior laughs
Orc Warrior: no know surrender
Orc Warrior swings at the captain
Captain Ka'vora swings back at the warrior
Campaign saved.
Captain Ka'vora is successful
Orc Warrior crumbles, dead
As the Orc warrior falls, the pawn trembles on the ground. Unconcious orcs and bodies litter the ground around the camp
Evil GM: Ok, the rounds are guys are free to interact
Toryn: (would Toryn know what a dark elf looks like?)
Captain Ka'vora sighs deeply and dismounts his horse
Evil GM: Yes, they're a big threat in Freeport
Ro falls on her knees making herself as small and humble as possible
Toryn: "I'm not sure all the threats have been accounted for" says Toryn suspiciously looking at Aikira
Toryn: Toryn stares intently at the dark elf
Brother Eric kneels beside Lili, praying over her unconcious body
Toryn: (OOC - using Detect Evil)
Aikira: I agree knight, probably we should look for other creatures and kill them off too
Evil GM: First round detect evil, you detect evil presences
Toryn: (toryn keeps concentrating staring at Aikira the entire time and not saying a word)
Toryn: (e.g. continuing to round 2, 3, 4 if necessary)
Toryn: It's blatantly obvious Toryn isn't saying anything and is just starting at Aikira suspiciously
Ro: meh noo keel
Aikira: (aikira ignores the toryn and looks around to see if he can spot any other orcs)
Evil GM: Second round: detect 8 auras, none more evil than the other
erus (Aikira): does aikira see ro
Evil GM: Third round: each of the auras belong to the unconcious orcs on the ground
Evil GM: give me a spot check aikira
Ro starts to mumble her song still bending down on the floor
Toryn: "Amazing" murmurs Toryn, staring first at Aikira then at Ro
Evil GM: Yes, you see her aikira
Aikira: moves towards ro, firmly holding his sword
Toryn: "Captain!" calls out Toryn... "Neither the dark elf nor this one" Toryn points at Ro "are
allied with the forces of darkness!"
Wish (Ro): do i see Aikira closing in?
Evil GM: Yes
Toryn: "They must be rebels against their own kind!"
Toryn: Toryn steps between Ro and Aikira if he's able to
Captain Ka'vora Looks up from an orc
Ro: i try to crawl away mumbling lulaby
Toryn: and Toryn sheathes his sword
Captain Ka'vora: It's a possibility
Ro: pleeeeeeese no keeeeeel
Captain Ka'vora watches the dark elf, orc, and Toryn
Captain Ka'vora: You manage to successfully form that sentence in common
Toryn: "I don't think there's any need for that" says Toryn looking at Aikira "She clearly doesn't pose
any threat"
Toryn: "Defending yourself in the heat of battle is one thing but murdering a defenseless woman? come now!"
Toryn: "The servants of the Lightbringer can sense whether or not darkness taints one's soul"
Ro crawls sideways away from Aikira in the back of Toryn
Aikira: out of my way human, time will give her strength and a bigger club
Toryn: "You haven't heard of the Knights of Truth then?"
Ro: meeh no bad, meeh good
Toryn: "I can assure you dark skinned one, if she harbored evil intent we would know of it"
Aikira: I have no interest in your knights of truth, let's give them all the pleasure of a quick death
Toryn: "It is one of the many gifts that Mithaniel Marr has bestowed upon our order"
Toryn: "Perhaps my ability to detect darkness is malfunctioning" murmurs Toryn
Ro starts singing softly
Toryn: "then again this one could merely be thick between the ears"
Evil GM: Aikira, make a will save please
Evil GM: K, nothing happens
Evil GM: WAIT...
Toryn: " I could use some assistance my brothers and sisters !" calls out Toryn... "This one is still hostile
and seeks to slaughter the woman!"
Toryn: "Don't hurt him though - I doubt that he's evil, merely misguided"
As Ro sings, magic starts crackling in the air making Aikira feel very, very sleepy
Aikira: cowards, you should all...
Ro looks at Aikira with big eyes while singing
Evil GM: Ro is singing a lullaby, -2 on will saves....Aikira failed and is going to sleep
Captain Ka'vora starts laughing
Captain Ka'vora: Me'thinks the woman isn't so defensless
Toryn: "Well that averts one crisis" declares Toryn looking at Aikira slumbering on the ground
Toryn: Toryn smiles embarassedly